Chapter Three

Prowling in his office like a caged animal, Snape uneasily contemplated what the hell was wrong with him. Obviously, admiring his students' assets were not a favorite past time. Looking for every possible distraction that was now his first priority seemed to be easy. After all, he was a Potions Master of an esteemed institution. He had a lot of papers to grade. But after sitting down to grade Malcolm Hitchcock's fifth year essay on the effects on using potions with charms, he realized that staring down at the imbecile's paper was not worth his time. He succeeded more on blotting red ink on the parchment than reading the illegible script of that year's Neville Longbottom. A jade glint caught his eye as he was considering to Incendio the stack of papers he was about to check. It was his family heirloom. It was a beautiful mirror that has been passed down for generations. With a requirement of course of being part of the family, it allowed you to see whatever you want to see.

Thankful that he did not have class, he sat as relaxed as he can be at his chair and commanded the mirror to show him every Slytherin that was making trouble at that particular moment. He thought he might as well do his job after he'd been neglecting it whenever a certain Gryffindor came to mind.

The mirror showed a tall dark-haired Slytherin at what was recognizably the Arithmancy corridor. By the look of it, he was a seventh year. Pinned against him was a girl who appeared to be struggling. They shifted a little and what Severus saw in his little mirror was something that made his heart skip a beat. Without a second thought he ran out of the dungeons.


Draco was on his way to Arithmancy when he heard a shuffled scream. Now the old Draco would probably just walk on by without batting an eye forgetting he even heard a scream. But this Draco didn't know what possessed him to go check it out. He blamed his Head Boy badge for manipulating him. But once he checked, he was grateful he did.

Pinned on the wall against whom he recognized as Blaise Zabini was Hermione Granger. His blood boiled. He had no right to touch her! No right at all! How could that filth touch someone as pure as Hermione Granger? He did not care that barely a month ago, he would have thought otherwise.

He did not stop to think as he yelled the disarming curse towards Blaise with so much force that he flew backwards hitting the wall with his wand in Draco's hand.

"What the hell was that for?" Blaise yelled, annoyed and angry that his fun had been cut short by one most of the Slytherins considered their leader. "Gods, Draco! You've turned into a Muggle-lover."

Draco sneered at him, wanting to beat him into a bloody pulp but he held back, knowing that it could do a great damage to his reputation. He settled with his usual sneering malice and directed it full force towards Blaise.

"I suggest you shut up and go to your next class, Blaise. You forget who I am. I am Draco Malfoy, Head Boy of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Emphasizing on his name, he glared at Blaise. "Furthermore, I believe that the Headmaster would look upon it unkindly if I were to let my co-head assaulted in my watch. Don't you think? You don't want Snape to hear about this, believe me." He threatened Blaise with a look.

Blaise was not stupid though his recent actions might prove otherwise. It was not prudent to invoke the wrath of a Malfoy. His family learned that firsthand. He did not want to have a fight with the Head Boy. It would just make his existence at the Slytherin house less than pleasurable. He resorted to a glare and left.

Draco turned towards Hermione who as sitting on the floor curled up with her knees up to her chest. He looked so pitiful and cursed Zabini for the damage he may have inflicted on her, physically or emotionally. He hesitantly tapped her shoulder, knowing that his usual caustic remarks would cause her further distress.

Hermione flinched when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She looked up and saw Malfoy. Tensed, she expectantly turned her face to him. "M-Malfoy." she breathed.

He was glad that Granger, being the strong person that she was, was not whimpering like what Pansy would have done. "Granger, I know I'm not exactly the person you would want to see and I know it's not exactly right to ask this but," he hesitated as he thought of his question. "Are you alright?"

Despite her conflicting emotions, Hermione could not help but give a little smirk. "That was a stupid question." She tried to stand but her legs gave out. Fortunately, Draco was there to catch her. Her walls fell with that small action. Her emotions gave out and let the tears fall.

Draco didn't know what to do so he just held her. She just cried quietly against his chest, letting the tears flow. She did not cling to him, nor did she sob hysterically. Hermione truly is a Gryffindor.

Then suddenly she spoke up. "I never thought I would see the day when Draco Malfoy asks me if I am alright. I mean, that is just absurd!" Then she started giggling.

Draco grew amazed of her every minute he was with her. She was just physically assaulted and here she was teasing him. "Well, that just goes to show that you haven't seen everything yet." He smirked. Then Hermione looked to him with those glorious eyes of hers and he lifted her face to look at him in the eye. "Now tell, are you okay?"

Hermione tried to look away but Draco caught her chin and tilted her face upwards again. Hermione tried to come up with an answer. "I- I think I could get over it." Her breath hitched then leaned on Draco's chest once again. "Oh, Draco. Regardless of what you said, I am glad you came. He touched me! I did not like the way he was touching me! "

Her voice was muffled but Draco heard her clearly. His eyes widened. As that remark caused his heart to pound, knowing that Hermione probably felt it. If he weren't so angry with Zabini, he would have realized that called out his given name.

He clenched his fists tightly and said, "I'll make sure no one will touch you that way again Hermione. Trust me, it was not your fault. He was just some idiot who thought he could have anything he wants. He will not touch you again."

Hermione had to look up after hearing the intensity in his voice. He was amazed that he would care for her that much when he was just calling her mudblood this morning. I guess my attempts for friendship paid off.

"Thank you, Draco. I needed to hear that." Hermione sincerely tried to send a smile to him and Draco appreciated the little gesture.

He did not know what to do next. It was not a hobby of his to rescue former enemies so he did not know how to comfort her. He reluctantly started to ask, "Do you want to… um… talk about it?"

Hermione knew how hard this must be for him. It was a rather quick transition from archenemies to knight-with-shining-hair.

"Well, I was walking to Arithman---" Hermione stopped as she realized something. "Oh Gods, we are late for class!"

Suddenly, a dark figure closed in on the crouched couple. "Indeed, I believe you both have classes to go to." Both teenagers jumped at the sound of their Potions Professor. "Miss Granger, Mister Malfoy, are you aware that you are cutting classes?" Snape knew that he was a bit too harsh but it was a small price to pay for their safety.

To their surprise, it was Draco who stood up to Professor Snape. "Sir, Hermione has been through an ordeal and I would like to escort her to the Hospital Wing."

It was the first time Hermione realized that he called her Hermione. If she wasn't caught up in the exchange, she would have smiled.

Without sparing a Hermione a glance, he said with a voice so soft they had to crane their necks to hear him, "Yes, I do believe so. Please button your robes, Miss Granger. I shall be giving an excuse slip to Professor Vector. Good day."

It surprised Hermione more that Professor Snape had actually acknowledged the facts and had been considerate. It took her awhile to remember what he said and with a start, she realized that her robes were open; and not only that but her blouse was undone. She blushed. She hurriedly closed her robes and followed Draco to the Hospital Wing.

Draco wondered why he didn't realize that Hermione was almost bare when he held her. Normally, he would have realized this at once and took advantage of the situation. Why did he care so much for her? She was of inferior birth. He should not be feeling this. If his father got wind of this, they are both dead. It would be better if these feelings were forgotten.

Thy were too intent in their thoughts that no one bothered to ask themselves what the Potions Master would be doing in the Fourth Floor Arithmancy corridor when he practically lived in the Dungeons.