Note: Some people don't like original characters but she only helps to move the story along. So don't worry, none of the real Yu Yu Hakusho characters are going to fall in love with some random character out of nowhere that I made up, promise.
Tall and lithe, yet with incredible strength concealed within, the young man made his way down the sidewalk after a day at school. His striking green eyes focused on the slightly cracked and weather damaged pavement beneath him, and a few strands of his long, red hair blew gently in the breeze.
Winter was over and the sakura were beginning to come into full bloom. The temperature was slightly chilly, but he did not seem to mind. Whatever thoughts were running through his mind at that moment are probably beyond any of us, for though his appearance may fool the passerby into thinking he is a mere teenage boy, behind the pretty face is the mind of a several hundred year old demon.
Known in his previous life as Youko, by his closest friends as Kurama, and by his family and everyone else as Minamino Shuuichi, he was born into this red haired form when his spirit entered the body of a human woman after being mortally wounded. He now manages to juggle doing his homework and saving the living world as an assistant to Spirit Detective Urameshi Yusuke everyday.
Enough about his history though, let me continue with the tale...
'Why are you telling me all this, don't you think I already knew that!?'
'Hush, you asked what happened and I'm telling you!'
'Do you have to tell their entire life stories?'
'Yes, now sit back down and listen.'
'I should fire you...'
'EHEM! As I was saying...'
Kurama sighed deeply as he strolled down the sidewalk, and admired the signs of spring blooming all around him. He felt a special connection to the buds of flowers that were poking up above the surface of the damp earth to greet the sun. His specialty in battle was controlling plant life, his favorite weapon being the lovely but deadly rose whip. Lovely but deadly, like himself.
He rounded the corner slowly but was startled by another figure bumping into him. She had been walking briskly, also on her way home from school, and now her books and papers were scattered on the ground.
"I'm terribly sorry, please excuse me."
"It's alright! It was my fault anyway, I should have been watching where I was going," she replied skittishly, grabbing for her books.
"Here, let me help you with that."
Kurama bent down to assist her in gathering her things, and stood to face her when everything had been retrieved from the sidewalk.
"Forgive me for knocking your things to the ground," he said, his silky voice rolling off his tongue.
"It's ok, I'm sorry for bumping into you," she replied. This young girl was tall, but not quite eye to eye with the former fox spirit. Her brown hair tied in two braids fell to her waist, and her eyes reflected a kind heart, but were plain and grey. She was dressed in the normal girl's uniform of Sarayashiki Junior High school.
"Would you happen to know Urameshi Yusuke?" he asked, noting the uniform.
"Yes! He's the strongest boy at my school. I've never actually talked to him though..."
Kurama smiled gently.
"He is not as frightening as his reputation makes him out to be. He is a rather close acquaintance of mine."
"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you, eh..."
He paused for a moment when probed for his name. Though he normally would have said Shuuichi to one he did not know, something inside of him was urging to be more sincere to this stranger.
"Kurama," he replied, "and you?"
"My name is Yorokonde Kyo." She smiled and bowed politely to him.
"Would you like me to walk you the rest of the way home, Kyo?"
"Sure! Thank you very much, by the way, for helping me pick up my books."
"With pleasure."
They proceeded to her home and Kurama bid farewell at the front door. They had chatted endlessly on the way there about whatever came to mind, and seemed to have a strong connection almost immediately. As Kurama continued his journey home he felt a friendship beginning to bloom, just the same as the baby flowers of spring.
'What does that have to do with ANYTHING!?'
'It'll make sense later on, be patient! Every good story has a beginning, a middle and an end, and this is the beginning.'
'I should dock your pay for making me wait.'
'But you DON'T pay me at all!'
'Whatever... OGRE! Get me a sandwich, I think I'm going to be here a while...'
In the weeks following, Kurama and Kyo became closer friends, walking home together after school and spending time with each other on the weekends. Kurama began to feel slightly guilty, that he would let this girl enter his life and tell her his name, but still keep so much of his past from her.
Kurama's responsibilities as an assistant Spirit Detective still kept him away from his human life often, as they had before. One day he entered the office of the pompous, self centered, overbearing...
...handsome, generous, brilliant prince of Spirit World, Koenma. Gone were his magenta school clothes, they had been replaced by white with purple trim. Stepping through the door for his briefing, he saw that Koenma was not there as he had informed all that he would be.
"You're late..." Said a figure sitting on the desk.
"Forgive me, I was spending time with Kyo. Where is Koenma?" Kurama asked.
"That moronic Ogre told me he's taking a short nap, and that I shouldn't disturb him if I value my life. That was nearly three hours ago..." He blew black bangs out of his eyes and continued, "and who is Kyo anyway?"
"A friend of mine, a human girl that attends Yusuke and Kuwabara's school," he replied, sitting beside the man perched on Koenma's desk.
"You've been neglecting your duties, Kurama. You know that you and I will both be sent back to prison if we don't follow orders."
"Of course I know that."
"You may look sixteen but you can't forget you're a centuries old demon. You shouldn't be wasting your time hanging around with a foolish human girl."
The red haired boy smiled slightly and glanced over at his company.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were jealous, Hiei."
Two crimson eyes widened momentarily and then glared back at Kurama. Hiei, the demon who possessed the mysterious Jagan eye and used its powers to aid him in battle, was the figure who sat beside Kurama. Though they were both master strategists in battle, convicted criminals, ruthless killers and thieves, Hiei lacked the kind and caring nature Kurama had developed during his life as a human. This was the biggest difference between them. When it came to combat, this was Kurama's only flaw, and when it came to life, it was Hiei's.
"Your sense of humor is another thing I fail to understand..." the black haired demon grumbled, and turned away.
"Perhaps you would like to meet her?" Kurama asked, leaning closer.
"Why would I want to do that?"
"Well, you do have a liking for young girls, you adore Yukina, after all."
Hiei turned and glared again. "I don't ADORE anyone, she's my sister, It's my job to protect her from harm."
"I think I might be able to change your mind about humans eventually, they aren't as bad as you think."
"Well, it's nice to see you two finally here," a small voice interrupted.
"What do you mean finally? I've been waiting for you all day," Hiei said rather menacingly.
Though he had a pacifier in his mouth at all times and resembled a baby, Koenma was very old and the son of the Lord of Spirit World, King Enma. As they say, looks can be deceiving.
"Never mind that, I have the information concerning your next mission," he said, hopping into his chair.
Kurama and Hiei stood to face Koenma, now settled in his oversized throne.
"An ice demon has somehow escaped from prison in Demon World. His name is Tsumetai and is relatively powerful but also very stupid. Normally we could retrieve him easily, but he has a special technique called the Bakuhatsubutsu Kori Missiles."
"That's a mouthful..." Hiei mumbled.
"As I was saying before you so rudely interrupted.... The Bakuhatsubutsu Kori Missiles are ice crystals that are completely invisible and undetectable until they hit their target. They explode on contact, and it's nearly impossible to avoid them. It is now the responsibility of the two of you, Yusuke, and Kuwabara to stop this demon before he harms any innocent humans and deliver him back to Spirit World, dead or alive."
"This will be a challenge..." Kurama said softly.
"Nothing that we can't handle, I'll burn him alive," Hiei said smugly.
Koenma then handed them a large envelope.
"These are directions to the area where Tsumetai was last sighted. There are no roads and it's a two day journey, so we've arranged some accommodations for the four of you in a small cabin. Botan will be meeting you there. Any questions?"
The duo shook their heads and were dismissed.
Later that day, back in the Human Realm, Hiei and Kurama were walking to Yusuke's home to brief him on their newest mission.
"It seems I will have to cancel the plans I had made with Kyo this weekend," Kurama said not directly to Hiei, but more to the air.
"Hn..." was Hiei's response, as it often was.
Glancing up, Kurama spotted a young girl approaching from the opposite direction. A small smile spread across Kurama's lips.
"Well, I suggested you meet her and now it appears you'll have the chance to, Hiei."
"That's Kyo?" He asked, looking over the human girl who was nearly closer.
"Hello, Kurama!" she called, waving. She then began hurrying towards them.
"You told her your real name?" The fire demon remarked, slightly surprised.
"I believe she can be trusted," he answered.
Kyo stopped when she reached them, panting a bit but the look of happiness could not be erased from her face.
"How are you today Kurama!" She inquired cheerfully.
"I'm quite well, thank you," he replied.
Hiei eyed her cautiously, not used to being in the presence of such a bubbly personality, excluding the ever joyful Botan. Even then, he tried to keep his distance.
"Kyo," Kurama continued, "This is Hiei, he's a close friend of mine."
"Hello, Hiei," she said, bending down until they were face to face, "and how old are you?"
Hiei's eyes opened wide and just when it looked as if he were about to bite Kyo's entire face off Kurama frantically interjected.
"Hiei and I are the same age!" he said quickly. "He's... foreign." Kurama sweatdropped and hoped the lie would at least be somewhat believable. Though he was extremely powerful and talented when it came to fighting, Hiei was, for lack of a better word, short.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, please forgive me if I offended you!" She apologized. "You just look young for your age."
"Apology accepted..." he growled, glaring up at her and speaking in anything but a forgiving tone.
"Kyo," Kurama broke in again, hoping to ease the tension hanging in the air, "I'm afraid we're in a bit of a hurry and I won't be able to see you tomorrow."
"Oh, what's the matter?" She asked with concern.
"A... family emergency. I'll contact you as soon as I get home, though."
"Alright," she said, taking his hand momentarily, fully trusting this kind friend of hers, "I'll see you soon then."
She then shifted her gaze to Hiei, a bit more wary of him than before.
"It was nice meeting you, Hiei."
He sneered so his fangs were showing the tiniest bit and glared at her with contempt, before managing to force out his most polite sounding, "Goodbye..."
As Kyo walked off in one direction and the two demons in the other, Hiei crossed his arms and 'hmphed' back at the girl.
"She can be trusted, hm? Then when did this family emergency suddenly come up?"
"Trust is one thing, but shocking her with the truth that I'm off to kill a rampaging Ice Demon is not necessary."
"Hn..." came the foolproof answer.