Disclaimer: Hey guys! Well it's so sad to say but I don't own Harry Potter, so no suing!! Lol
A soft breeze was rustling through the trees of the forbidden forest in the distance. You could see little squares of light coming from a small hut right at the edge of the huge mass of trees indicating that Hagrid was still up. The great castle of Hogwarts was mostly dark, only a few lights remained on, probably the teachers trying to do last minute grading. And if you were to look up at one of the billowing towers, mainly the astronomy tower you could see a girl walking along its windowsill every so often placing one foot off, as if she were going to jump. But much to the girls pleasure no one was there on Hogwart's grounds to see any of the scene just described. This girl, was Hermione Granger 6th year prefect, top of her class, best friend of the boy-who-lived. Who would ever imagine that a girl such as her would be contemplating death?
Hermione's Pov.
I was walking along the windowsill looking up at the stars. I was kind of hoping that I would lose my balance and fall because I still didn't think that I had enough courage to go through with what I was thinking. And it made sense, I was always rational, I didn't really think I should commit suicide over something so simple as a heartbreak. I had never gotten so worked up over boys, but it did come as a shock. I thought Ron and I were fine; it had almost been a year that we'd been going out. I could still remember the day that Harry had pushed some sense into both of us. To quote him "Ya know what I think? I think the reason you two bicker so much is because you both like each other, but neither of you wants to admit it. You two argue over things sometimes that only married couples would argue about, and it's getting very annoying so can one of you please do something about it." Harry had hit it right on, and I guess Ron had thought so too, because a week later we had started going out, of course it was during summer but we still got to see eachother and such.
I still don't know how the current situation happened, I thought Ron loved me or at least respected me enough to just tell me he wanted to see other people instead of cheating on me. I had been taking a walk by myself to clear my head and then I heard some odd noise from an empty classroom, and as being prefect I went to go check it out. Well I almost wish I hadn't. I first saw Harry snogging the new Gryffindor girl that transferred this year from America, her name was Sarah and she had a twin that was in Ravenclaw named Vicky. I had no problem with that and was just leaving so I would hopefully go unnoticed, but then out of the corner of my eye I saw Ron, and I knew I couldn't have been mistaken, you could tell that hair from a mile away. Ron was rolling around on the floor with someone, snogging like there would be no tomorrow. I didn't bother to see who he was with; I stormed out of the room, tears threatening to spill down my cheeks. But no, I wouldn't let anyone see my cry, I ran up to a place I knew that would comfort me, which has left me here where I am now. Gazing up at the stars, wondering how certain things have come to be.
No one would ever guess that my life was anything less than perfect. I got all A's, I had a wonderful boyfriend, and have a wonderfully famous best friend. I was prefect, all the teachers liked me. But know one really knows. No one knows how hard I have to work to keep my grades, how much I have to suck up to make the teachers like me. It's not like a part of me doesn't enjoy it the reading and learning, but I'm starting to wonder if that's the only reason any one notices me. I've never been gorgeous, never popular, and never athletic; no I'm stuck with being the book worm. I wonder what would happen if I stopped, maybe I would disappear, just slip out of existence. I must be an amazing actress. At first I studied hard because I knew that I needed to prove myself since I wasn't of pureblood, and I know I've proved myself now. But does it matter? People like Draco Malfoy don't think so. Throwing around the word Mudblood like it's a beautiful song that everyone wants to hear. That was the thought that pushed me over board. The thought that finally convinced me that I no longer needed nor wanted to be in this world. I would surprise everybody; show them that I'm not as predictable as they all think I am.
I walked back and forth looking down at the grounds of Hogwarts for the last time. I laughed; it's funny how small everything looks from here. Like for once I wasn't the one that was small and insignificant. I was big, and I had power, I liked that idea. But I also think that my sleepiness and the lack of air up there were catching up to me. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, it felt warm against my skin, and then it flowed down into the corner of my mouth, it tasted salty. I laughed out loud, my last meal I thought, and I HATE salty things. Unfortunately this laugh had drawn attention from Professor McGonagall walking by to go to her quarters. I hadn't noticed however, until she said my name. And that was the last thing I remember because all of a sudden I was soaring, accelerating fast to the ground.
So as of this moment I have no idea how I'm sitting alive or I think I'm alive in the hospital wing. It's quite confusing, I should be dead whether I want to be or not. McGonagall had scared me when she said my name and I lost balance, and fell.
"So…. Why aren't I dead" I wondered aloud
At that moment Madam Pomphrey hurried over with a bunch of different potions in hand.
"oh dear, it's a miracle that you are, Professor McGonagall somehow managed to slow you down before you hit the ground softening your fall, although for a while we thought it would have been better if you had died… We thought that you would have brain damage. But it looks like the great gods above have really saved you. You've only came out with a few broken ribs, a broken arm, a sprained ankle, and some bruises, not bad If I do say so myself."
I took a moment absorbing everything in. It seems that something wants me alive. Damn.
"Hermione, you have some visitors, I'm very reluctant to let them see you, but they've been waiting out here for a week, so I'll give 'em five minutes."
"I've been in here for a week?" I scrunched my face up and looked over to see Harry and Ron bounding towards me. I felt anger surge through me, but I put on a fake smile.
"Hello Harry, Ron"
"What the heck were you doing Hermione, you could have gotten killed, and why in the hell were you walking on a ledge of the astronomy tower" yelled Ron
"Maybe that was my point" I said icily
"What" they both interjected
"Well see, I saw something, that well… rather upset me, and I was deciding whether or not to jump, but then McGonagall startled me and I fell."
Both of them looked like fish with their mouths hanging open and I continued "And I'm actually glad that I lived because it will be rather fun, placing the guilt of my near death on the person that caused me to be up there in the first place." This caused their mouths to open even further. Neither of them moved, Ron still didn't have a clue I was talking about him.
Harry cautiously asked "What did you see?" Harry had always been the smarter of the two and seemed to be putting two and two together.
"oh, It's funny you ask Harry, because well I think you know perfectly well what I saw" I said sweetly. That seemed to push some buttons in Ron and he turned from Crimson to pale in less than a second. "I seemed to have barged in on your little make out session Harry only to find Ron on top of some other Girl" my voice raising.
Ron interrupted "Hermione I'm sor…"
"Don't say it RON, just get out of my sight."
"Hermione" Harry elbowed Ron and turned around "well bye then Hermione, I'll come and visit you later."
"Okay but I don't feel like talking, and besides I don't want you to have to choose between me and Ron. So just stay with Ron." I sighed loudly and let my head fall back onto the pillow. cruel, cruel world.
Meanwhile in another part of the castle Draco Malfoy felt as if he were sitting on top of the world. Snickering as he tripped random people in the halls. He was on his way to potions, his favorite class. He walked in and sat in his usual seat in the front.
Dracos Pov.
I watched potter and weasley walk in; and I noted Granger's absence once again. I wonder where she is. The depressed look on weasleys face, made my smirk grow even wider if possible. Potter looked sad for his friend and kept on giving him worried glances and whispering to him. Huh? What the hell happened to those two? Maybe Mudblood Granger died, but no because then Potter would be making the same screwed up faces as Weasely. Those two are fools, always wearing their heart on their sleeves; I swear it will be the downfall of the two of them. I sat through class, being the perfect little student, and scoring lots of points for Slytherin. Without Granger Longbottom's grade seemed to have slept lower, if that was even possible. After potions I went to lunch, where I unfortunately had to sit next to pansy. Ugh, that girl is so annoying I thought I was going to have to put a silencing charm on her, that plus the fact that my struggles to try and get her unattached from my arm were very frustrating. So I muttered a quick excuse to leave, something like I needed to get away from the annoying noise, and was suddenly losing the circulation in my arm. I laughed silently to myself as I watched her expression, as she quickly let go of my arm and mumbled an apology. I managed the whole rest of the week to avoid Pansy, I was having a wonderful week, but just the thought of those mere words seemed to have jinxed me when I saw Granger sitting in the library on Friday afternoon. Yay she's back I thought sarcastically. There was a nasty bruise on her arm, and I could see a recovering a black eye. Hospital wing, she must've been in the hospital wing. She probably fell down a flight of stairs.
End Dracos Pov.
"What, did you fall down the stairs Mudblood?" she looked up from her book, giving a look that could kill, and she laughed.
"Well I didn't necessarily fall, the staircase tripped me because they thought I was you…" she smiled "Pity it wasn't though" she added as an afterthought.
Draco snarled and pulled out his wand "I'd watch your behavior Mudblood, you're in no position to speak to me like that. I could kill you in an instant."
"I'd like to see you try" and just as she was about to pull out her own wand Madam Pince walked up, and gasped at the sight of Draco pointing his wand like it was a stick at Hermione.
"Mr. Malfoy" She screeched "Come with me" she dragged him by the ear "We are going to go see your head of house for pulling your wand on another student. You know that's not allowed! I would expect better behavior out of a prefect…" Past that Hermione couldn't hear anymore, because she was involved in a small fit of giggles.
Hey guys! Well what do you think? Should I continue writing this! Tell me in a review I hope you liked it!! Next chapter more Hermione Draco conflict!