Ah yes, something else from me. Amazed? Never heard of me before? You will. This poem reflect my fanfiction, my everlasting story, I'll Never Tell! It holds secrets and a past unknown, in this harmony are the answers shown? Secrets reviled, but if you're new, I won't uncover a thing for you. Read I'll Never Tell! You might be surprised at what you find. 559 reviews and counting! At least 12 loyal fans. This poem will give answers to those who know the story. Note. This is Zidane speaking, and he is talking about 2 different people at different times, oh and Garnet is mentioned. Those who know the "Plot" will know who, when.




You created me to destroy

I was to be your puppet, your toy.

You see me as some simple boy.

The worlds end would be your joy.

But this puppet broke his strings

And I fight back, though my heart stings.

You were my real Father. That I will always know

It's what makes all my pain and anger continue to grow.

You created Demons masquerading as Angels

Our soul purpose was to fight your endless battles

This is what hurts me, haunts me, scares me, angers me!

I am afraid you have already chosen my destiny.

As I age, I change inside

My mind reeling like the ocean tide

My power grows faster then I do

Can this be real? Can this be true?

Angel of death, number two

My life was to be ruled by you.

It seems that you will win in the end

As my comrades cast one last look at their forgotten friend

I choose to run because it's too hard to hide

I'll keep the pain I feel inside.

I'm all alone and I just can't take it.

If this is my heart then I beg you, break it!

All the wrong acts I'll ever commit

If this is truly my life then I beg you, end it!

End this misery; I know you can

You always were the stronger man.

I see my death every night

But I won't let my friends know this fright

Even when my chest gets tight

As I fight this battle every night

They don't know what they don't think is real

And I don't feel what I don't want to feel!

They already know the blood that runs through me

Before we were friends, am I now your enemy?

Dagger, dearest, our love so true

Was it you who left me? Or I who left you?

I can keep it all within

Hidden, buried, beneath my skin

No one has to know what I fear

No one has to know "What happened here?"

"Who have you become? Where is our Hero?"

Are these the questions you want to know?

Will I give the answers willingly?

Or for them will you have to fight me?

You see the scars, the burns and bruises.

You ask me why "you" deserve this…

And for the answers you may scream and yell

But here the truth, I'll Never Tell!