A/N: Hola! How is everyone? I hope this chapter is interesting, I think it will be. I have a couple funny things to place in there, maybe a bit pervy, but can any of us help oursleves? Anyways, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I love my avid readers! Thank you! Please continue to adore my writing, even if it sucks! What is the point in this, you ask? I don't know, but I do know I don't own DBZ or any of the other things mentioned in this story. Well, maybe the plot and all, but you get my flow.

Pan knocked on the door once, twice, and was about to knock a third time when the door opened to reveal her father wearing black slacks with a light blue button-down shirt. She smiled at him when he opened the door wide in a welcoming gesture. Trunks followed as Pan walked into the door shying away from Gohan as a child would when in trouble, but Gohan only shrugged his shoulders.

A vivid woman walked from the kitchen, slightly disarrayed from the heat. Her warm smile borke the silence as Pan shouted, "Mother!" and ran towards her. She embraced her daughter warmly and then pushed her away to have a look at her.

"That dress is beautiful!" Videl said, beaming with pride. "You look so grown up. My little baby!" She pulled Pan to her once more and then let her go to swipe at her tears; Pan's smile allowed her mother to return to the kitchen.

Pan turned around to find Gohan leaning against a wall and Trunks in between Gohan and herself; she grinned foolishly and walked towards Trunks, hooking her arm into his and dragging him along as she approached her father. "So, why don't we be seated and talk a little before dinner?" Pan asked, breaking the ice.

Videl sat down as the last dish was placed on the table; although the men had set the table, she'd had to rearrange a few things to fit. The meal began with great sighs from everyone as they relaxed in their seat and shoveled food into their mouths. Pan was seated across from Gohan and beside Videl. To her dismay she realized her father would be watching every expression on her face, meaning whatever he said she'd have to take it without making a face at him that he couldn't see.

"Well, it's nice to have all of us together once again. It's almost like old times, when you kids were younger." Videl said, receiving a glare from Gohan.

"I prefer not to talk of those times." Was all Gohan said in reply, allowing someone else to start the next conversation. When noone did, for fear it would be a bad one, he spoke, turning his head to Trunks. "How is your work at Capsule Corp. going? Are you still running the business?"

Trunks smiled wryly. "Everything at work is going fine. We've started work on a new invention to increase the rate of growth, but still allow it to be good. We're hoping this will make more food to send to droughted places. There are many other projects going, but this is the main one." Trunks paused glancing at Pan. "And to your second question, yes. I'm still running the business, because there really isn't anyone to take over. We would have to give it to someone out of the family. You see, Bra is off at a modeling job and refuses to take up this job, so I'm forced to run it."

"Oh, you poor dear." Videl said, smiling. "You see Gohan, the boy works hard and still seems to have time for play."

Pan looked between her father and mother, then smiled. "I on the other hand, would like to be included in this conversation. I work hard, too, ya know. Haven't I been supporting myself all these years?" Pan asked, her lip quivering in mock hurt.

Videl laughed and turned to her daughter, "Of course, my dear. How rude of us to leave you out." She kissed her on the cheek. "By the way, is everyone enjoying the meal? I wasn't sure about the Moroccan Chicken; it's a new recipe, but it sounded good."

"Videl, you're just fishing for compliments. Tsk tsk." Gohan said, shaking his head at his wife. "Why wouldn't anything you cook be good? I mean you did learn from mom and she's the best cook around."

Videl smiled and turned to the others who nodded their heads, agreeing with Gohan. With that the tension disapdone, she snaked peared and everyone relaxed.

As Pan finished up, she began to get bored with the talk, as she always did. She snaked her leg past Gohan's and reached Trunks'. She fumbled with his slacks until her bare foot creaped up his pant leg. She saw shock written on Trunks' face, but chose to ignore it and looked at Gohan. He too seemed to be in shock. She couldn't figure out why, but guessed someone might be suspicious if she just glanced under the table. A fork clanged to the ground and Pan grinned, she bent down to pick up her fork and glanced underneath. She giggled silently. Her mother was giving Gohan the same treatment. With her fork in hand, Pan returned to the world above the table.

Trunks glared at Pan the moment she returned, yet, all she did was give him a giant smile and excused herself from the table.

After her return from the bathroom, dinner ended and Pan helped her mother clear the table. Trunks and Gohan headed from the room, Trunks sporting a nervous look and Gohan a smirk.

Soon the dishes were done and Pan was able to follow Videl into the living room to join Trunks and Gohan, who were deep in conversation. The two girls slipped right in and watched the polite conversation, both men trying not to offend the other.

"Yes, I've been busy with this new research. Videl's been complaining that I spend too much time with that, seeing as to how old I am." Gohan said, laughing.

Videl interrupted the conversation, "Now wait, I never said you were old, well I guess you are, but I'm the old one."

That brought laughs from everyone and allowed conversation to go on with a cheery flow that relaxed them all.

As Trunks shook Gohan's hand and then hugged Videl, Gohan cleared his throat. "Trunks I give you my blessing. You've proven to me tonight that you can take care of my daughter and hopefullly won't leave her in a desperate moment. I bid you two farewell and await good news from the two of you."

After Pan got past his formality and her shock at his words, she leaped at him and hugged him tight. "Thank you, daddy!" She kissed him on the forehead and then turned to Trunks.

At a nudge from Pan, Trunks closed his mouth and straightened up, put his hand back out and thanked Gohan.

After Gohan and Videl had recieved several hugs and kisses, Pan and Trunks left to begin their new, in-the-open, love life.

the end

A/N: Well, I hope you enjoyed that story. I really don't think the ending was that great, but I wasnted to end all my stories and just read others. So, it's been fun! Maybe one day I'll write again. Love y'all!

Forgotten Beauty