A/N: Here's a new story. Okay? It might be a little weird, but Trunks and Pan will be together in the end. I love T/P stories! Anyways, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I wished upon a star that I owned it, but it hasn't come true, yet.

Pan stared out the window as she left Trunks house, little did she know this would be the last time she would see Trunks smiling face. She passed her hand by the window one last time before Trunks' face disappeared. The five year old girl dropped her hand into her lap with the other one and listened to the music blare into the car. She always felt depressed whenever he wasn't near her, yet, she was briming with joy when she was with him. Why did she always feel this way?

They finally arrived at their house and Pan jumped out of the car, running up the stairs and into her bedroom. She sat down on the bed and pulled out a photo of Trunks from her pillow. She looked at his light eyes and stared into the paper. Her door creaked and she shoved the picture into her pocket. She saw Videl's head pop in and say, "Hunny, pack your stuff. We're moving."

"Why?" Pan asked in utter confusion, not knowing it was because of how she and Trunks felt about eachother.

"Daddy got a new job." Videl lied, looking at the floor boards. "Hurry up, we gotta catch the plane. Just get your clothes and a couple of other things."

Pan started to cry the second her mother shut her door, but she got off of her bed and threw her clothes into a suitcase. When that one was full she pulle out another one and put the last of her clothes into it. She went over to her favorite stuffed animal, a hideous gorilla Trunks' had given her, but because it was from him, she never thought of it as hideous, it gave her a special feeling everytime she held it. She placed it into the half full suitcase and then headed over to her closet and grabbed her electronic stuff, gameboy, cd player, etec. and put them in, filling up that suitcase. She drug the two suitcases down the stairs and placed them by the door, not even caring about the playstation 2 and X Box, that lay stranded infront of the television.

Pan trudged back up the stairs and into her bedroom, locking her door before plopping down onto her bed. She pulled out the picture of Trunks and stared at it, tears dropping onto it. She would never see this man again.

Her head shot up as a shadow covered her, it was him. She cried harder, from the pain of having to see him again. Did he not understand how hard this was? She came back from her thoughts.

"I heard." Was all Trunks said.

He bent down and wrapped his arms around the young girl. How could Gohan do this to them? Trunks knew about his feelings and Pan's, but he was sure she didn't know what it was. He placed his lips upon hers. His pleasure was taken away as he heard the door being broken down. He even knew who it was.

"I'll find you again, Pan. I promise. Then we can be together." Trunks said, ending their connection.

He kissed her one last time and then headed out the window as Gohan appeared. She stared after his retreating form.

She heard one last utterance from him, a shout, "I love you, Pan!"

She spoke the words back to him, even though he would never hear them. Pan turned to her father and followed down the steps. She treaded past the nintendo lying where the t.v. once was and through the front door. She stepped into the car and awaited as she heard the soft hum of the car and her dad drove towards the airport. She stared out the window, watching the trees fly by as she imagined those trees to be her life, passing by her. The few memories she had, passing by her. She started to cry, but quickly wiped away the burning liquid and shut her eyes, hoping it was just a horrible nightmare.

She stepped into the cool enviroment and looked around. Her mom grabbed ahold of her hand and practically dragged her along with them up to the check in and then to the waiting area. They were soon boarded on the plane as they had arrived late and there wasn't that much waiting left by the time they had arrived. She stepped onto the cool plane and followed her parents to their seats. They sat down in their seats and quickly buckled up. Her mom looked over at her and handed her a small bracelet.

"It's a present from Bulma." Videl lied to her daughter.

Pan slipped it on as she saw her mom slip on a necklace and then hand her dad a wrist watch. He also put it on. She watched as a stewardess came around and started asking if people would like anything after the plane took off. She listened to the replies, but soon became bored of it and stared out her window, rememebering again the short life she had lived in this large yet comfortable place.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Trunks landed in his room and faked sleep as he heard his dad walk up to his room and open the door. Vegeta looked at Trunks and then exited the room again and headed downstairs for a snack. Trunks arose from his fake sleep and looked at his watch. I have enough time to make it to the airport to see her one last time. He jumped out his window and, supressing his ki, took off for the airport.

He quickly jumped behind a tree and made sure his ki was barely there. Hopefully Gohan wouldn't be looking for him, or sense him. He saw his prey, Pan and waved quickly at the small girl. He saw her speak to Videl and then start walking in the direction of him. She made a motion to signal that she was headed towards a bathroom and he followed her. As he stepped up to where the bathrooms were, he saw the young raven haired girl standing there a longing look in her eyes. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her protectively. She turned around in hsi hug and stared into his deep blue eyes. He leaned down and kissed her again, feeling a certain rush through his body. Did she feel this, too? Or was this one sided. He looked into her eyes as he broke the kiss and knew she had felt the weird feeling, he smiled inspite of himself and kissed her again. She hugged him quickly. He used this short amount of time to reach into his pocket and pull out the picture of himself, he wanted no sorrow on her part. His he could live with, but he wasn't sure about her.

He gripped her and gave her one last tight squeeze before releasing her, allowing her to return to her parents. She gave him a longing look, but he ignored it as he shoed her off. He then ran out of the airport and back to his room, falling into a deep tormented sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

She reached into her pocket as the plane steadied in the air, trying to find the picture of the man she loved, but it wasn't there. She checked in all her pockets and then her carry on bag. Where was it? SHe thought frantically as she recived weird looks from her parents. She gave up on it when her mother placed her legant hand ontop of hers and held them there. She looked out her window again and suddenly was drawn into a flashback.


She hugged him quickly one last time and was drawn into a warmth all theirs. She felt something slide into her pocket, but ignored it. She had figured he had accidently put it there. To confirm her suspicion, she felt the thing removed quickly and placed on her back. SHe relaxed into his hold as he squeezed her tightly. Embracing her with his might. She inhaled his wondeful scent and soon was dissapointed as she felt him release her. He told her to go back to her parents. She did as told, but turned to look at him once more, pleading for him to not let her go, but he shoed her off. She had then walked slowly back to her parents and they boarded the plane.


She came back to the plane as she felt her mother shaking her awake, "Hunny, do you want food?"

"No." Was Pan's weak reply as she snuggled back into the pillow and fell into a peaceful dream to most, but a tortureous dream to her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

A/N: HI! HOW WAS THAT?! Don't ask. I felt like doing that. Anyways, please review! Thanks alot!

Forgotten Beauty