It's Been Awhile

Hey..Long time no write for the PB section! heh.

Disclaimer: I do not own any original PB characters or storylines.

Summary: Eight years ago, after Chris gave birth to their triplets, she and T.C. vowed not to try to contact eachother, except for letters, for eighteen years so they wouldn't disrupt the children's lives. The girl and a boy went with TC, the other boy with Chris. They didn't count on Chris (unwittingly) moving into town....

**Eight years ago, 2000**

Chris and TC sat silently side-by-side. Chris had just given birth to healthy triplets-two boys, Aarick and Aarit, and a girl-Ashley. Now they had to decide what to do. Chris had been offered a job in Nevada and the divorce papers had just been finalized. They weren't sure what to do with the children.

"I think," Chris finally started, "that we need to seperate them and move on with our lives. I can only handle on child, though..." TC looked at her in shock. "I thought we were going to do joint-custody?" he demanded. "Oh be real TC!" Chris said, more snappy than she had intended to, "I can't handle three kids at one time. Even if you did had custody and they came to see me every once in awhile-I couldn't do it, and it wouldn't be fair shuffling three little kids through states."

"So we seperate them? They'll see eachother sometimes, right?" TC asked. Chris remained quiet. "It's best to just wait until they're 18." It was TC's turn to be silent. "I guess you're right..." he said quietly.

(Four days later)

TC had bought a double stroller the day before. For the first time, he would be using it. They had a hard time deciding who would go with who. They finally decided that it would be best to split the two boys up. But TC couldn't even understood the reason Chris gave. He just accpeted it. He put Ashley in the stroller and then Aarit. Chris kissed those two good-bye and TC did the same to little Aarick. Aarick was identical to Aarit-it would be a shocker..In eighteen years, TC told himself.

They decided, silently, to make this like a casual good-bye. No grief; no regrets. Chris hugged TC good-bye. "Eighteen years," CHris remarked hesitantly. "It was your decision. You make sure you tell them that," TC said stubbornly. Chris rolled her eyes, "Of course." and turned away before they had any regrets.

(Four years later)

"Daddy?" Ashley asked, with Aarit following her. That's the way it was, and had been, seen the two were just babies. Ashley was the leader and shy, tentative Aarit was the follower. Both had striking dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Aarit was like a miniature TC. Ashley looked a lot like Chris. It sometimes pained TC to look at them.

"Yes, sweetie?" TC asked, sighing as he turned from his desk. He was working on something big for the department and they had come in every 5 minutes (well, Ashley did) and asked a question. "Jamie has a mommy and a daddy. So do a lot of my friends. Why don't we?" Ashley asked, her big blues eyes staring into TC's.

TC was a little taken back, and for a minute, while he was looking between the two, almost broke down and told the whole story. Instead, he cleared his throat. "Ashi, you do have a mommy," he said slowly. "Where is she?" Ashley broke in, with a hopeful look on her face. "She lives far, far away. But...She loves you." He explained, looking away from her.

"I wanna see her. Can me and Aarit see her?" TC shook his head. "Not yet. In a few years, maybe. She's really busy." TC explained. For a kid, this was enough. "Oh, okay!" she said and grabbed Aarit's hand as she tugged him off.

TC sighed in relief.


"Mommy!!" Aarick screamed as he slammed the door from the outside. He trudged into the living room where Chris was, his jeans torn, his shoes dirty, his shirt caked with mud, and his hair a tangled, sweaty mess. "Aarick James Kelly!" She exclaimed, "What have you been doing?!" "I was playing in the sandbox with Davie and his daddy," he explained. "How'd you get so dirty in a sandbox?" She questioned, afraid to know the answer. "Oh, it rained last night." He said pointedly. "Argh!" She shrieked, throwing her hands in the air. "Come on, now, it's bathtime!"

Aarick moaned and groaned throughout the large apartment the two lived in as she practically dragged him to the bathroom. "I'll get your water started. You go run into mommy's bathroom and get your shampoo and stuff," she said. He did and she started running the bath water.

She often wondered about Ashley and Aarit. Were they as rambonxious and trouble-making as Aarick? Were they happy? What had TC told them about where their mommy was?

Aarick ran back in. As he took off his shirt he asked, "Where's my daddy? Davie has a daddy. I want a daddy," he demanded. Chris stared for a moment. "Sweetie..You have a daddy. He just lives really far away in another state." "Where? 'Ginia?" He asked. "No, California." she answered, not bothering to correct him.

"Can I see him?" he asked as he stepped into the bath. "Nope. Not yet. In a few years," she was more direct than TC. "Please?" he begged. "No!" she snapped. Seeing his eyes swell up with tears and his eyebrows furrow together, she sighed and hugged him. "I'm sorry baby." she said quickly. Aarick smiled again. "It's 'kay. What's for dinner?" he asked, forgetting about 'daddy'.