Seishiro might not like to admit it, but he wasn't a real vet. It was all just part of his disguise during the bet since Subaru liked animals . . . actually it had been hard work travelling around Tokyo to different pet shelters every week, picking up strays.

He had however picked up a few pointers. Like the difference between a suppository and repository. Seishiro considered giving Subaru both just to be on the safe side when Subaru finally lapsed into unconsciousness.

Forgetting about the pills, Seishiro went over to examine his 'patient', who had been rather industriously trying to sharpen a knife-edge into his soupspoon for the last half-hour. He was actually making progress, in two or three weeks he could probably be able to put someone's eye out with the thing. Not a laughing matter when one was down to one eye as it was.

Just to be on the safe side, Seishiro took it away.

In the silence that followed (apart from the occasional sniffle and cough from Subaru) Seishiro was left to contemplate many things. Like, would Subaru be okay? Why was he doing this? Did he really win the bet? Not being one to dwell on the depressing, this line of thought was soon replaced with thoughts such as: How will I convince Subaru to call me sensei? IT was just a thought . . . after all, Seishiro's current profession involved ripping peoples hearts out . . . not unlike a heart surgeon . . . a doctor of the heart . . .


Except . . . he didn't feel love (unless you used the previous logic, in which when he was killing, he 'felt' hearts, hearts being symbolic of 'love', thus he 'felt love'), right? Curses! Stupid bet!

Seishiro decided Subaru had been quiet too long. This was probably due to the fact Subaru was sleeping. But you could never be too careful. Besides, Seishiro was bored.

"Oi! Wake up!" Stated Seishiro giving Subaru a shake, effectively waking him up. Bedside manner isn't something you really develop working with animals.

Subaru's eyes flicked open and he looked at Seishiro uncomprehendingly for a moment before his eyes focussed and he remembered where he was. "What?" He accused darkly.

"You were having a nightmare." Replied Seishiro, thinking fast. "I thought I better wake you up. So you didn't injure yourself."

"Oh. Arigatou." Muttered Subaru, blushing furiously and feeling bad about being angry at Seishiro-san for waking . . . wait a second . . . Subaru's eye's narrowed again. "You . . . you bastard!"

"Now, now Subaru-kun, calm down. . ." Murmured Seishiro, moving over to fluff Subaru's pillows and help him sit up. Hmm . . . he was a lot weaker than before. Hardly able to fight at all. Heh. Seishiro pressed his forehead to Subaru's to test his temperature. "Subaru! You're so hot!" He exclaimed, alarmed.


In two separate locations, Hinoto and Satsuki both happened to be looking at this point in time, with very different reactions.

Hinoto, who had been asked by Kamui to find the wayward Dragon of Heaven, who had disappeared the previous day. Horrified she examined Kamui, who was sharing the vision of Seishiro lowered over a flushed and panting Subaru (who was incidentally telling him how hot he was). Quickly she ended the vision.

Satsuki broke open a bag of popcorn and continued to watch. Perhaps she had finally found something to break the boredom. It may have been a pivotal turning point - World saved by porn as Dragon of Earth reforms. Alas it soon become obvious (if one kept watching) that Seishiro was referring to a fever, as he fetched a thermometer and Satsuki decided to be evil again.


Now. Seishiro knew how this was done at the clinic was a lot different to people, but seriously considered feigning ignorance. Before he had much chance however, Subaru snatched it away, placing it in his own mouth, as if reading his thoughts.

Shortly Seishiro withdrew the thermometer, examining it closely and tutting loudly (much to Subaru's horror), "I'm afraid you'll be bedridden for a few days at least." Confirmed Seishiro, who actually had no idea if the temperature had been very high or not.

Subaru who had been hoping he would be well enough to escape within the next ten minutes was rather discouraged by this. Moving on to plan B. he hoped he was sick enough that he either died or had to be taken to hospital. Edging towards the bedside table, he hoped he'd be able to spit in Seishiro's coffee in retribution (and hopefully Seishiro would catch whatever he had and die too).

Seishiro was absently lighting up a cigarette and not really paying attention. Until he felt Subaru (who had given up on reaching the abandoned mug) and was glaring at him fiercely. What . . . what was that hungry look in his eye's?