
WS: Hi ya people!! I had this idea running through my head for an extremely long time and when I finally decided to go and type it up, someone beat me to it!! **cries** But not to worry! I modified my idea so it's original!! ^- ^!!

Oliver: Mes Oui!

Amy: ZZzzZZzzZZzzZZzzZZ

WS: Oliver!! Do I own BeyBlade?

Oliver: Non! WS et Amy n'a pas own BeyBlade!

Amy: **Still Sleeping**

WS: Well, you heard Oliver! Now on with the fic!!

PS: Amy has officially quit writing sadly..... but she has agreed just to hang with me during the intros and endings of my fics and edit and help out n' stuff. We salute you Amy 4 your many fics!!

Amy: *snore*


Basically what if Oliver had a twin sister named Olivia who is a tomboy. She is exactly like Oliver, welll not EXACTLY but you get the idea. They act, talk and dress a like and are very close. So this is where our story begins...


Oliver sat reading a French magazine on the back porch of his mansion, over viewing his pool. His home was a grand, French style seven stories high estate that stretched over 5 hectares of land. As he flipped through the pages, he didn't notice a green-blond teenager behind him. Olivia muffled a snicker and a giggle. She pulled Oliver's hat off his head. "What the-?" he cried in surprise. Olivia took a glass of water and emptied its contents on her brother's head.

"Aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!" cried Oliver as the ice traveled down his shirt. Olivia held her sides as she laughed. Oliver managed to remove the ice and glared at his younger twin. Oliver grabbed the pitcher on the table and dumped it on his sister.

"Cccccoooolllllddddddddddd!!!!!!!" she squealed.

"That's revenge!" said Oliver snickering. Olivia glared at Oliver. It was more of glaring at her reflection.

They looked exactly like each. They dressed, acted and sounded like each other. They both were interested in the same things and their skills were evened. The only real difference was that Oliver was lucky enough to be male. Oliver's and Olivia's father had wanted twin boys, instead he had one son and one daughter. Most fathers would've been overjoyed but not Philip Les Demonde. He was ashamed at his daughter.

He wanted sons so badly that he came to the point of beating his daughter. Philip would often beat Olivia and if Oliver tried to stop him, Philip threatened to murder her if Oliver dared to interfere. He would net pick at everything Olivia did and discourage her. He would never approve of her. He would take Oliver around the world and leave Olivia at home. Buy him expensive toys while left Olivia with some things the servants bought for her.

Olivia then began pretending to be a boy to please her father and Philip often introduced her as his son. Oliver felt sorry for his sister and was behind her all the way. He was always favored. Oliver could just tell by the way his father would look at Olivia that he'd never love her. Olivia never had any "real" friends. Philip would always send her friends away or wouldn't allow her to go anywhere. It was then Oliver and Olivia began switching places. Of course their mother, Lillian, approved.

That was how Olivia became good friends with Enrique, Johnny and Robert. By pretending to be Oliver. It had been 6 years yet the three had no figured out that half the time, they were with a different person, not Oliver. Oliver and Olivia had a brother and sister relationship that most people did not. [WS: No! Not "that" kind of relationship PERVERTS!!] They were extremely close and always there for each other no matter what.

Oliver often wondered why his sister wasn't jealous of him, instead, she loved him and helped him whenever he needed it or not. ~I don't care about myself, except that I have a loving brother!~ she had once told him. Olivia was a great daughter but why couldn't her father see that? He blamed her for everything! It wasn't her fault that she was born a girl. She didn't choose to be born a girl. No one could!

Pierre, their butler, appeared at the door to the porch as Olivia squeezed the water out of her hair.

"Young Masters, you have guests," he announced.

"Send them to the main Living Room, I'll be there momentarily," replied Oliver as he replaced the pitcher on the table.

"No need Pierre! We can take it from here!" said Enrique. Olivia and Oliver paled. Of course everyone in France knew that Oliver had a twin sister named Olivia but Philip made it clear that he didn't want her in the media or the public to talk about it. Everyone never spoke a word of Olivia unless necessary, fearing the wrath of Philip. Oliver decided to not tell the Majestics since it would be too much complications within the friends and with his family. Olivia ran and dove into the pool, hidden from view.

"Hey there Oliver!" said Enrique, the blond Italian.

"Bonjour Enrique, Johnny et Robert!" greeted the French Boy as he offered them each a seat. "What brings you to France?"

"We were just bored and decided to stop in," answered Enrique.

"Right," replied Oliver.

"What's up with the soaked hair? Is it a new trend in France?" asked Johnny sarcastically. Oliver's face burned red and Olivia snickered.

"There was a lil accident and I knocked some water over," replied Oliver sheepishly.

"Ha ha!" laughed Johnny.

"That wasn't very nice Johnny," commented Robert.

"Well, it's his own fault for his own stupidity," retorted Johnny. Pierre appeared at the door once more. He wasn't old but wasn't young either. He was a man in his mid-thirties with graying black hair and a mustache.

"Master Oliver, Master Philip will be arriving at the estate in a few moments from his business trip," he announced.

"Thank you Pierre," thanked Oliver. Pierre bowed and left.

"I have to go and meet my father," said Oliver as he got up.

"We'll come with you," insisted Robert. The four got up and entered the lounging room, over viewing the porch, pool and most of the yard. Oliver disappeared to his room. Enrique glanced toward the porch when he saw a French girl climb out of Oliver's pool.

"Hey! What's up with the hot chick?" asked Enrique.

"Have you been rubbing off on Oliver?" questioned Johnny raising an eyebrow.

"If I was, I'd want it back!" replied Enrique as they all headed toward the pool.


Olivia saw the three heading back outside. "Curses!" She took off into the garden.


"She's getting away!" cried Robert as the girl disappeared.


Olivia climbed through a window, ran up stairs, changed, found out that Oliver had to make an emergency run to their restaurant due to the fact they had too many customers and the chiefs couldn't handle it on their own, ran back downstairs to find the Majestics all in five minutes. When she reached the porch, she saw her father was already there.

"Bonjour father!" greeted Olivia, whom looked like Oliver. Philip looked at her right hand and knew it was Olivia. Oliver and Olivia were given identical bracelets made of silver. Oliver's was on his left hand and Olivia's on the right.

"Bonjour -Oliver-," he replied.

"How was your trip father?" she asked.

"Fine," he replied meeting Olivia's eyes. The tension was growing between them. It was clear that Philip did not want to see his daughter. Enrique and the others realized this also.

"Oh! Mr. Les Demonde, just a couple minutes ago, we saw a girl that looked similar to Oliver here! But Oliver just went up stairs to change so we knew it couldn't have been him!" exclaimed Enrique. Philip glared at his daughter. ~Thanks a lot Enrique!~ thought Olivia bitterly.

"Oliver my -son-. We won't be seeing this "girl" around here any more will we?" asked Philip using a low voice.

"Oui pére," [Yes father,] replied Olivia quietly. Oh how she wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

"I'll be in my office if anyone needs me. Good day -boys-," he said before he left. As soon as Philip was out of ear shot, Enrique spoke.

"Whoa! What's up with your dad and this "girl" business?" asked Enrique. Olivia just shook her head.

"It's a long story! Hey! You guys want to come to my restaurant for lunch?" asked Olivia.

"Sure. Why not? As long as you're not going to poison us," joked Johnny. Olivia glared at Johnny.

"That's not a bad idea. Maybe it'll close your mouth."


At the restaurant...

Olivia made her way into the kitchen.

"Hello Miss Olivia," greeted one of the chiefs.

"Hello. Do you know where I can find Oliver?" she asked. The chief pointed to his right.

"Keep going straight. He's cooking up a storm," replied the chief.

"Merci!" Olivia made her way threw the huge kitchen. She finally found her brother.

"Hey Oliver! The guys are out there waiting for dinner! Nothing else happened except I almost got caught, almost!" explained Olivia.

"What did father say?" asked Oliver concerned.

"He just glared at me and told me to make sure that the "girl" didn't appear anymore," sighed Olivia.

"Hey! Cheer up! Tell ya what, you help me out with the cooking and I'll make you one of my éclairs," bargained Oliver. His sister needed some cheering up and Oliver was going to do that.

"Oui!" replied Olivia as she grabbed her brother's chief hat and place it on her head.


The next day, Enrique invited them all to his mansion. Of course Olivia snuck along with the help of Oliver. When they arrived, the were informed that a team was their to challenge them to a Beybattle. Of course they agreed. No one would defeat The Majestics! Olivia, wearing a wig and dressed as an Italian boy, stood in the crowd watching.

The team was known as the "Dismantlers". They would terrorized any beyblader that came across their path. It was time that they was taught a lesson. Olivia stepped through the crowd.

"Alright! It'll be a four on four, one round beybattle! Last team's beyblades standing wins!" she declared. Oliver saw right threw her disguise. She was purposely doing this so they'd -have- to work as a team.

"All sides agreed to these terms?" she asked.

"Agreed," the team captains replied.

She held up her hand.

"3.....2.....1....... LET IT RIP!!" Eight beyblades were launched into the beydish.

"Alright! We'll work all together to take one out at a time!" commanded Robert, creating their strategy.

"Fine!" replied Johnny. "Salamonlyon! Attack!"


"Unicolyon! Earth Shake!!"

"Amphiliylon! Hear my command! Seek and destroy!"

It was a fierce battle but in the end, The Majestics came out as the winners, leaving the losers to scramble. Their were cheers among the crowd that had gathered to watch. "Go Oliver!" yelled Olivia. Oliver gave her a thumbs up sign.


WS: That's the end of this chappie!!

Amy: [finally awake] So review and tell her what you think of her fic. Personally, it's not very good.

WS: *hurt* I'm hurt!!

Amy: I was joking so shut up and let them review already!!


Amy: *rolls her eyes* Immature baka.