A Different World

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of its characters so leave me the hell alone! A/N: Thanks for reading! Now go on with the story and REVIEW!!!

Chapter One The Unpredictable

Ages: Trunks- 17 Goten- 16 Jess- 15 Marron- 15

"That's it for Justice League. DragonBallZ is up next."

"Yes!" A girl with dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and creamy soft skin was sitting on her bed, watching her 32" TV in her room. She turned up the volume and the show started.

"Finally! The last episode! I've been waiting for this episode for a long time now! Go on Mr. Narrator person." The girl was watching intently as all of her favorite characters came on her favorite show. She has been watching this show for about 3 years now and she has always kept it in interest! After thirty minutes, the show was over and she turned off the TV.

"Man, that was a good one! Now it's back to re-runs." She bounced off of her bed and ran downstairs to her kitchen. There, she saw her little 11- year-old sister getting a snack.

"Hey Becca! What's up?" The elder girl said emphasizing her sister's name.

"Oh nothing Jess." The little girl said, also emphasizing the name.

"Haha! Real funny. But thanks for calling me by my name instead of loser or weirdo or something."

"Your Welcome. Is there any food in this house?" Becca said while slamming the refrigerator door shut. Jess sighed and looked in the cupboards.

"Where's mom? She should make you some dinner."

"Mom's at her boss's house, remember? He had a dinner party there and mom had to attend."

"Oh yea! Well, I can make you some french toast."

"Ok!" Becca chimed very happily. She loved french toast. Even for dinner. Jess got out all of the ingredients and turned on the stove. She put the coated bread on the pan and flipped them. After 5 minutes they were done and being served on the kitchen table. She made enough for her and her little sister. After ten minutes, they were done eating and they sat in the living room and watched TV. Four hours later, Becca was tucked away in bed and Jess was sitting on her deck clad in only a tank top and spandex shorts. During those four hours, Jess and her sister decided to have a pillow fight, a karaoke contest, and filming some cool music videos. You know, like Hillary Duff's "Why Not" song. They were totally grooving and making fun of her. That is mostly the whole part of making the music video. You dress up all funny and put heavy amounts of make-up on your face. You can also add in some fake teeth if you want. Then you dance like a goofball and lip the words of the song. That was pretty funny. As I was saying, Jess was on her deck looking up into the starry sky. It was a full moon tonight with a blood ring around it. Usually that means something bad is going to happen, but to Jess, that means something unpredictable will happen. The stars were glistening brightly and a cold breeze was in the air. Jess shivered and rubbed her hands over her bare arms.

"Man, the sky is beautiful tonight. I wish that I could share this moment with someone. Like Goten, definitely. He is the cutest guy I have ever seen, plus he is my favorite character in DBZ." Jess just had an idea pop in her head. Maybe if she wished for something, it would come true. She was just about to make the wish when the phone rang. Jess ran to get it so it wouldn't disturb her slumbering sister.


"Hi sweetie. It's your mother. Is everything alright?"

"Yea mom. I was just about to go to bed. And Becca is already in bed."

"Good. Ok well, I'll be there in like an hour or so. Ok?"


"Well I'll see you tomorrow. Love you."

"Me too."

"Haha. I'm laughing hysterically."

"Me too. Bye mom."

"Bye." Jess hung up the phone and rolled her eyes. She ran back out onto her deck and sat on the railing.

"Ok. Now I've got to get this right. Forget about that dumb I wish I may stuff, I'm going right for the kill." She sat in an upright position and clasped her hands together.

"Hmm. maybe I'll wish for something else. I wish that all of the Z warriors except for Yamucha, Tien, and Chaiztou (is that how you spell it?) would come to my world and meet me personally." Jess looked up into the sky once more and turned to leave. As soon as she turned away from the scene, a shooting star shot across the dark midnight sky. Jess walked into her house and locked the back door. She sprinted into her room and shut the door. She looked at her room, which was full of posters and pictures of DragonBallZ characters and smiled genuinely. She snapped off her light and went fell into a fitful sleep.

Somewhere Else

A woman with bluish colored hair and blue eyes was getting her invention ready to show to the whole Z senshi. She built a small device that would help them defeat villains that came into Earth's atmosphere and tried to take over the world. She dusted it off and brought it over to her huge house that had a big sign on the roof that read: Capsule Corporation. She heard a noise come from the garden and she spun her head in that direction.

"Hmm. Must be a squirrel." She continued walking to her front door and heard another noise. She shook her head and strolled into her house.

"Man, that was close. I told you to stop moving you klutz! Next time listen."

"Well, you were practically sitting on me. How could I not move? Who cares? We completed our mission, now let's go." The two mysterious creatures slithered off of Capsule Corporation property and into the unknown. The woman set the contraption on the counter and put a white blanket on top of it. Just then a very muscular man with spandex clothes appeared in the doorway. He had his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing woman?" The woman jumped and turned around quickly. She saw her husband in the doorway making his usual pose. She put her hands on her chest and took a deep breath.

"Vegeta! You scared the shit out of me! Don't do that anymore! And stop calling me woman!" Vegeta raised his eyebrows in amusement and pondered over to where the woman was standing.

"Woman, what is under that white cloth?" Vegeta said, raising his voice when saying her name.

"My name is Bulma, Bul-ma! Come on you've known me for like fifteen years. The least you can do is say my name." Vegeta just smirked and glanced over at the white 'cloth'.

"Don't worry, you'll see when everyone else does. Which is like now." Vegeta's eyes widened and he starred at her like she was crazy.

"Oh yea, I forgot to tell you. This new invention of mine will help you guys fight against anybody that threatens the Earth so I called everyone and they are coming down to see it. We're going to try it out later today, so be ready. The doorbell rang and Bulma dusted herself off.

"And don't even think about looking under there. You can wait till later." She sprinted to the door and opened it up. Goku, Chi-Chi, and Goten were standing in the doorway.

"Hey Goku! Chi! Goten! You guys look great. Come on in." She gestured for them to enter and they walked inside of the big yellow mansion. A lavender haired teenager came jogging down the stairs and ran to where everyone was standing.

"Hey Goten! I need to show you something! Come on!"

"Trunks! You can at least say hi to everyone else."

"Sorry mom. Hi Goku, Chi-Chi." Trunks waved to them and grabbed Goten's arm. He dragged him upstairs to his room where his TV was on and a paused sign was showing on it. Bulma looked at her two guests and smiled.

"Sorry about that. Well, you can go outside to the back deck where hamburgers and hot dogs are being cooked. Then I have something special to show you later on today." Goku darted for the back porch and Chi-Chi ran after him with an annoyed look on her face. The doorbell rang again and Bulma opened the door. Standing there was Krillin, 18, Marron, Yamucha, Piccolo, and Master Roshi. She smiled and led them inside.

"Hey Bulma. Nice to see you again." Krillin smiled and hugged his daughter to him.

"Hi Bulma." Marron smiled nervously. She always was a little frightened about this woman. Probably just cause she has a bad temper. But who doesn't?

"Hi Marron. My, you turned into a nice young lady." Marron smiled proudly and looked around the house.

"There's hamburgers and hotdogs out back on the grill. Goku and Chi-Chi are already there and Goten and Trunks are upstairs doing who knows what." Everyone went outside and started talking. After 20 minutes, the doorbell rang again and Bulma ran to the door. Videl and Gohan who was holding a baby Pan were standing there.

"Hi Gohan, Videl. Hi Pan!" Bulma greeted in a high pitched voice. Gohan handed Pan over to Bulma and she welcomed her with open arms.

"Trunks, Goten time to eat! Get Bra up and wash her up a bit!" They all walked outside and started eating while talking. Goten and Trunks tip toed into Bra's room and woke her up. They gave her a bath, which was really a messy situation since Bra would not cooperate, and got her dressed. They changed their drenched clothes and got in some comfortable dry ones. Trunks picked Bra up and the three of them skipped down the stairs. They wondered to the back porch where everyone was and put Bra in the pen with Pan. The two girls giggled and played with each other. Trunks and Goten got some food and sat down on a blanket in the grass. Two and half-hours later, Bulma got everyone's attention and they quieted down.

"Ok. Thanks everyone for being here. The reason you're all here is to see my new invention that will help you all when you guys go into battle. It takes an object that has ki and moves it at a rate as fast as Goku can move with his Instant Transmission. Ok let's try it out." Bulma grabbed one of her dad's cats and placed it on a table. She punched a few buttons and moved a few levers.

"Alright. Now with this machine I'll make this cat move from here to there." Bulma said as she pointed to the table and then the other side of the deck. She pushed a button and the cat disappeared. Everyone's mouths opened and they turned around to see the cat on the other side of the deck unharmed.

"Wow Bulma! That was. amazing!"

"I know! Now would anyone like to try it?" Know one raised their hand or stepped up to try it out. Vegeta looked at everyone and snorted.

"Wimps. I will." Bulma smiled faintly and Vegeta walked up to her.

"Stand over there." Bulma pointed to the tree out in the lawn. Vegeta sighed and stalked over to the tree. Bulma pushed some buttons and moved a few levers again. She pushed the button that activates the machine and Vegeta disappeared. Everyone's eyes widened and wondered where he was. They looked all over the place and saw no sign of him.

"I'm up here you idiots." They all looked up and saw Vegeta on the roof. He flew down to the crowd and landed right next to Bulma.

"Do you feel ok?"

"Yea. I didn't even feel it." They all stared in wonder. Who would've known that people could be transported from one place to another with a machine.

"I'll try it!" Trunks jumped up and over to his mother.

"I'll do it too." Goten stepped up beside Trunks.

"Me too! Come on Piccolo!" Piccolo raised his head and narrowed his eyes at Goku.

"Fine." He got up and they pondered over to the two boys.

"Me and Gohan will too!" Krillin squeaked. "What? I mean yea, we will too!" Gohan nervously added. He didn't think this was such a good idea.

"Anyone else?" Know one said anything so, Bulma turned to the group and told them to stand to over at steps. She pushed some buttons and moved a few levers and pushed the big button. They all disappeared and reappeared over at the other side of the deck.

"Cool! That was awesome!"

"Yea! Let's do it again! Please mom!" Bulma shook her head and pushed some buttons.

"I'm going to make you guys travel a farther distance now, ok?"

"Yup. Let's go already!" Bulma pushed the button to activate it and the group disappeared once again. Then the most unexpected thing happened. The machine started rumbling and sparks started to fly from it. Bulma dropped it on the ground and stepped back while covering her face. Everyone else who was still there took cover and ran over to the two little girls in the pen. The machine blew up and pieces went flying everywhere. They all uncovered their faces and stared in horror at what they saw. They didn't see anything! The machine was completely ruined and none of the 'volunteers' were anywhere to be seen. The girls and Yamucha and Master Roshi went looking for them all over the place, but there was no luck. Bulma fell down on her knees and looked at her destroyed invention. A few tears escaped her eyes and she squeezed them shut.

"They're gone. All of them are gone and they have no way to get back."

Planet Earth (The one with Jess)

Jess woke up to the sun shining through her window and birds chirping happily outside of her window. She groggily looked at her alarm clock and it read 9:47. She pushed her head back into her pillow and turned her body towards her door. She yawned and stretched out her whole body from head to toe. She sat in an upright position and threw her arms into the air. She lazily walked over to her door and swung it open. She dragged her feet down her stairs and into her kitchen. She saw a note on the counter and picked it up.

Dear Jess,

Sorry, I guess I lied. I took Becca to the mall and then she is going to sleep over at a friend's house. And then, I will be going on a business trip after I drop her off for a week. I know you can take care of yourself, but I have the neighbor to watch over you He is going to drop by a couple times during the week and such. Have fun and I have money in the jar for you to order pizza or some trips to the mall. I'm so sorry sweetie, but being a police detective is not easy. Well, I'll see you in a week. Love you. Bye.

Love, mom

"Love my ass." Jess crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash. She clenched her fists at her sides and squealed out of anger. She stomped over to the table and made herself a bowl of cereal. She was just about to take another bite when. THUD!!!

A/N: Hey thanks for reading! Please review and tell me how it is! If you like highschool fics, read my other story WHO WOULD"VE KNOWN by PRINCESSBV! Also known as me! I'll update soon! Later Days!!