Inuwhat: I'm sorry but there's a block against my mind and the other stories I have written. I can't think!!! And even if I do... It's always for the's the reason I've written this 'new' story. And I don't give up on the old ones okay? I just can't think...

Summary: Kagome becomes a substitute teacher for an all boys' school! But she doesn't KNOW it's an all boys' school...So what happens when the Gym teacher, InuYasha, falls in love with her? And what if a bunch of other students have a crush on her too? How will InuYasha tell her that he loves her and find out how she REALLY feels? And by the end of the month too! Or she'll leave and never know.

Chapter 1: It's an all Boys' School!

"I got the job?" Kagome squeaked out at the speakerphone.

"Yes. We know you're young and everything, but we really needed a teacher," the man said through the phone.

"When do I start?" Kagome asked.

"Tomorrow. That gives you the rest of tonight to pack up your things and hop on the next train to the school."

"D-Densha? SHIDEN?" Kagome said.

(T-Train? In other cities?)

"Yes, yes. I thought you knew that."

"H-Hai! Watashi wakari masu!" Kagome said with a look away from the phone-as if someone was watching her.

(Of-Of course! {or y-yes!} I knew that!)

"Okay then." the man said.

"You also know that you're living in a dorm at the school. Oh, and I'll apologize first-hand for anything the students might do."

"Hehehe..." Kagome laughed nervously.

"Well...see you in Nagoya!" and the man hung up.

Kagome leaned against the wall and sighed. She had to leave home for a month just to stay at a school that she didn't even know about. How the hell would this turn out?

"Damn it..." Kagome said as she kicked the wall and went off to pack up some clothes.


"*"Tokyo train station"*"4:00 AM"*"

Kagome held her trunk of things in her hand. She hated trains. (And cars.) It was all thanks to those television shows with them crashing or them crashing some animal or kid, and that dead thing would haunt the people on the train. She wanted this to be a fast trip.

As the train started, she laid back and took out a comic book from the side. "Ranma ½"

"Another Japanese comic...oh well...might as well read..." Kagome thought as she read the book.

She finished it about forty-eight times before the train stopped. She had gotten some food in a section of he train. It had had a food stand.

The train finally stopped and she took her stuff out and walked out quickly.

She stood in front of a large building with trees all around it and an over-look of the ocean. It would have been such a nice feeling to see the image while it was WARM. It was snowing in early spring and she couldn't stand the weather.

It was now 6:27 and she was a bit early.

An old man came out and gestured for her to come into the school.

"Are you Kagome Higurashi?" the man asked.

"Yes. And you are?"

"Mr. Tanaka."

"Pleased to meet you. Can I put this away first? I can't carry it everywhere..." Kagome asked, pointing to her trunk.

"Oh, of course. Go up the stairs, there's no elevators. Look for room 451. It will have a key in the side. You'll be sharing a room with Sango. Meet me at room B-12 after you put your things in the room right away okay?"


And so, Kagome trotted up the stairs with her heavy luggage and found 451. She found the key and opened it. A woman with long black hair was staring out at Kagome. She blinked a few times and then welcomed her.

"So you're the new sub right? Good luck." Sango said as she helped Kagome put her things there.

"You should change your clothes. You look like a school girl." Sango said to Kagome.

"I don't have any clothes that look like a TEACHER'S..." Kagome said, looking at her mini skirt and sailor uniform.

"Well, just put on a dark blue skirt and do you have your top in blue?" Sango said, helping her with her luggage.

"Fine, but blue isn't my color..." Kagome grumbled as she changed.

After she changed, Sango clapped silently.

"Good. Now you should hurry up." Sango said as she herself was getting up to teach whatever she was teaching.

"Why?" Kagome asked.

"School starts in 15 minutes for this school."

"I can't walk up or down any more stairs..." Kagome groaned.

"There's an elevator." Sango pointed out.

Kagome's eyes turned to dot eyes.

'He said there were no damn elevators...that bastard made me walk up like hell for....' Kagome had an image of a choking man.

'I feel better.'

"Then I should be going now! Dewa mata!" Kagome said as she closed the door.

(see you later!)

She found the elevator at a corner and it was closing.

She ran through the inch open door and saw that a man was in there.

He stared at her at the corner of his eyes.

"ehe...hi..." Kagome said quietly.

When it stopped at B-12, she got out and she saw that the class was already there.

The students stared at the corner of their eyes and then looked away with whispers.

Kagome didn't even take the time to glance at the class and just walked up towards the old man standing at the front.

When she got there, the old man introduced Kagome and Kagome was busy looking at the desk and everything except the students.

"Introduce yourself Kagome." the old man said as he backed away from the podium in front of the class."

Kagome walked in front of the podium...



"It's an all boy's school?!" Kagome said loudly and shocked.

A/N: Review okay? I'll decide whether this shall end or go on writing.