The wonderful semi soap opera-ish world of Kare Kano! This is a really weird AU, which I hope you'll enjoy. It's hard to explain what goes on in this story other then like everyone is at a boarding school. (Yeah a real stretch of the imagination there.) Normally at this hour of the morning I'd tell myself to go to bed but I can just sleep in speech class. ^_^
Disclaimer: I don't own Kare Kano.
Warnings: Humor, very mild cussing mentions of shoujo-ai and shounen-ai!
Not Permitted
Chapter One
"Maho, can you help me with these?" Miyazawa Yukino smoothed her chin length orange hair as she looked over her shoulder at the taller dark haired girl.
"Hmm? I thought the almighty Yukino could do anything." Izawa Maho mocked as she picked up a suitcase. Yukino handed her another one and then put a bag around Maho's neck, weighing her down. Yukino herself was carrying a handbag. "Yukino! Carry some of this yourself!"
"Ah, rats, foiled again." Yukino scrunched up her nose before taking the larger suitcase from her.
"How can you always be so lazy?" Maho shook her head in disbelief. The two girls had grown up together; their mothers were the very best of friends or in their words 'practically sisters.' The two mothers felt that it was only right that the two girls have the exact same relationship.
At first, they hated each other. Well, Yukino didn't have any problems with Maho but Maho's mother had the unfortunate habit of pointing out Yukino's accomplishments and comparing Maho to them. Eventually they got past that and were now inseparable.
"Hey! Yukino! Maho!" Sakura Tsubaki waved them over. She was standing next to the other girls in their ring of friends, Shibahime Tsubasa, Sena Rika, and Sawada Aya. Shibahime looked around ten but was the same age as them and hated being teased about it. Her green eyes were peering at the crowd as she was obviously looking for something.
"What's going on?" Yukino came over and greeted all of them. Maho was a bit more reserved in her enthusiasm but was happy to see them none the less.
"Hi Yukino!" A group of students waved. Yukino waved like a princess and then grinned at her friends.
"Another year of Yukino worshippers?" Maho groaned.
"Well, at least Asaba helps out a little." Aya pointed out. This was true, with his long dark honey colored hair; the boy was constantly surrounded by swooning girls. He waved at them, probably trying to get to them through the swarm of girls. He was the only boy in their group.
"There's nothing wrong with being admired." Yukino gracefully pushed her chin length hair back. "Especially if you're as naturally wonderful as me." All the others groaned.
"Who is Shibahime looking for?" Rika asked Aya who shrugged.
"That would be her new stepbrother." Tsubaki grinned and wiggled her eyebrows.
"A-am not!" Shibahime immediately countered, her cheeks pinking.
"She told me all about him over the phone. 'Oh he's so wonderful and he's got the nicest ass!'" Tsubaki imitated. Shibahime glared.
"Who is that?" Maho pointed at one of the students who seemed to amassing a fan following that could rival Asaba's.
"He must be new." Yukino frowned. It was okay that some of the students were devout Asaba worshippers but she didn't need more competition to be the most admired. Admiration and praise was what she enjoyed most in life, aside from certain other activities and if someone started to steal her spotlight…
"It'll be okay Yukino." Tsubaki patted her on the shoulder. "Besides, if you get down, I'd be happy to cheer you up."
"Down Tsubaki." Yukino giggled.
"Shibahime? What does your stepbrother look like?" Aya was looking out into the crowd, obviously having spotted someone.
"Oh, well, he's got blonde hair…why? Do you see him?" Shibahime hopped on Aya's back.
"Is that him?" Aya pointed out into the crowd.
"Yes! His name is Ikeda Kazuma!" Shibahime told them all excitedly.
"He's not bad looking." Aya commented.
"Shibahime's on the prowl." Yukino nudged Tsubaki.
"I assumed as much." Tsubaki saw out of the corner of her eye, someone coming towards her. "Great, how did he find me so fast?"
"Your admirer?" Maho arched a perfect dark brow.
"Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy but he's kind of…well…desperate…it's not all that appealing…" Tsubaki explained slowly.
"Yeah, Tsubaki only likes what she can't have." Yukino winked. Tsubaki suddenly pinched the orange-haired girl's bottom and Yukino jumped up in the air in surprise.
"Hi Tsubaki! I wrote you during the summer but you didn't write me back. Did you get any of my letters?" The group was suddenly joined by Takefumi Tonami.
"Oh, hey Tonami." Tsubaki put on a pained grin. "Uh, no I didn't get any letters."
"Oh…" Tonami looked a little put out. "Well, that's okay. I've got so much to tell you about! We can go get the room assignments and then we could probably hang out until the banquet."
"Later Takefumi." Hideaki Asaba finally joined their group and put his arm around Tsubaki's shoulders. "Tsubaki and I have a lot of… catching up to do." He emphasized the phrase.
"Sure, later." Tonami backed away from the group. Tsubaki and Asaba collapsed in laughter.
"Asaba! Are you going to say hi?" Yukino grinned at him.
"To one of my favorite little sheep?" Asaba ignored everyone who rolled their eyes at him referring to all girls as sheep. "Of course! Hello Yukino." Then he turned towards the others. "You're all looking better then ever. Oh! Is that Shibahime's new stepbrother?" Asaba pointed at the blonde haired young man approaching them. "Lucky girl!"
"Hi Shibahime." Kazuma greeted her. "I thought I had lost you in that crowd."
"Let's go get our room assignments." Shibahime suggested and the two walked off, Shibahime completely forgetting to introduce him to the others.
"That was nice." Aya crossed her arms dejectedly. "Is Shibahime going to ditch us?"
"No way! We're un-ditchable." Yukino posed.
"Hey! Is that one of the new kids?" Asaba pointed to the same boy that Maho had pointed to. "Good-bye ladies!"
"Sheesh, that guy is such a lech sometimes." Tsubaki shook her head.
"Kind of like you Tsubaki." Yukino grinned at the short-haired girl.
"Or like you Yukino." Maho teased.
"I'm not nearly as bad as those two." Yukino sniffed primly.
"Suuuuuuuuuuure." Tsubaki joined in the teasing.
"Let's go get room assignments! I don't want to stand by our luggage all day." Aya suggested. Her and Rika grabbed each other's hands and ran off towards the table with their luggage.
"Did those two have another good summer?" Yukino asked Tsubaki.
"It would appear so." Tsubaki waved a hand in the air. "They live down the street from each other so probably."
"We might as well get in line." Maho and the other two girls started to head off towards the table to wait in line.
* * *
"Both of you?" Maho whined as she looked at her room assignment card.
"Lucky!" Yukino exclaimed as she looked down at her card. "You, me, and Asaba! Tsubaki will so be hanging out in our room all the time! Who's Souchirou Arima?"
"Hmm…I don't recognize the name." Maho shrugged. "Besides, I thought you knew everyone in the school."
"It must be that boy we saw earlier…" Yukino once more frowned. She thought back to the boy with his black hair sexily arranged in an almost messy style. And those eyes…
"I think Asaba's got dibs on him." Maho commented as if she could read Yukino's thoughts.
"Asaba's not the sex god of the universe." Yukino sniffed. "He can't just get anyone into bed. You're living proof."
"And you're not." Maho smiled in a mocking manner.
"Hey, we all have our days." Yukino shrugged as if it were no big deal. "Besides, who said I wanted this…Arima guy anyways? I do have studies to tend to."
"Oh who cares about that?" Maho began walking towards the rooms.
"This year is going to suck!" Tsubaki came up behind them. "You won't believe who I have to room with!"
"Tonami?" Yukino guessed from the look on Tsubaki's face.
"Yeah! And Shibahime and her stepbrother!" Tsubaki sighed. "At least we're only two rooms away."
"I'll get way more studying done this year." Yukino reminded her. "Last year I'm lucky I passed."
"That's probably why you two aren't in a room together anymore." Maho tossed her long black hair over her shoulder.
The three climbed the stairs with their luggage and found their respective rooms. Asaba was already in Yukino and Maho's room, bouncing around happily. He flopped down on the sofa and stretched out.
"Can you believe our good luck?" Asaba sighed. "All together in a room with that hot new boy…"
"Tsubaki's only two rooms down." Yukino pointed a finger in the direction of Tsubaki's room. Asaba leapt off the couch and went out the door before they could say anything else.
"Oh Tsubaki!" They heard him singing as he pranced into her room.
"Those two…" Maho shook her head. They started to go towards their room when a voice stopped them.
"Excuse me." A male voice caused them to turn. It seemed that Souchirou Arima was indeed who they thought he was. He was giving them a friendly smile.
"Hello!" Yukino gave him a sunny look. "Are you Souchirou Arima?"
"Yes." Arima began to wheel his luggage into the room. "These dorms are a lot bigger then my last school so I kind of got lost. Luckily I got a map."
"Hmm, well I'm Miyazawa Yukino and this is Izawa Maho." Yukino gestured towards Maho who was studying him with her usual ice-like expression.
"And we've already met." Asaba was leaning against the doorframe with a seductive air. He lifted his eyes to Arima's face. "Haven't we?" He went flying forward as Tsubaki tackled him from behind unexpectedly. He was sprawled out on the ground with Tsubaki sitting on top of him on her knees.
"Haha, sucker!" Tsubaki told Asaba triumphantly.
"Hey, Tsubaki, Shibahime said that there's a scrunchy rule." Tonami came into view. "What does that mean?" Arima and Tonami were the only ones who didn't start cracking up immediately. Yukino and Tsubaki ran towards the doorframe to yell towards the other dorm room.
"Are you testing out the rule already Shibahime?" Yukino called out.
"Careful Ikeda, she's a real animal!" Tsubaki commenced making cat noises.
"You two probably are!" Shibahime's voice called back. A few moments she and Kazuma had come out of their rooms and proceeded to the room with everyone else in it. "Your rooms are bigger!" Shibahime complained.
"We need more room." Yukino and Asaba cracked at the same time. Shibahime groaned.
"You should have known better then to say anything." Maho rolled her eyes.
"Are you all friends?" Arima asked curiously, obviously a bit lost by what they were talking about.
"Yes we are." Tonami began to walk into the room but Asaba stopped him.
"Oh, Tonami, it's so crowded in here. Come back later, it's boring in here anyways." Asaba shut the door before Tonami could begin to protest.
"That was mean." Yukino faked a shocked and hurt look.
"We're all friends." Maho turned towards Arima. "On varying levels."
"Varying levels? What does that mean?" Shibahime blinked her large green eyes. "Are you referring to-"
"Oh bad Shibahime! What would your mother say?" Tsubaki patted Shibahime on the head. Shibahime kicked Tsubaki in the shins. "Ow! I'm sorry!"
"Serves you right." Shibahime told her sternly.
"Can I just live in your guys' room?" Tsubaki jumped into her pleading. Asaba put his arms around her.
"Love to; really I would, but…" Asaba trailed off. "How would I get any work done?"
"Are you two going out?" Arima asked, still completely lost. Asaba and Tsubaki both began laughing again.
"Sorry…Asaba in a relationship…" Tsubaki shook her head. "No we aren't. We're just kind of…" She trailed off in her explanation.
"Screwing?" Shibahime supplied. Arima's eyes widened.
"At such a young age, you shouldn't be talking about such things." Asaba wagged a finger at her. Shibahime jumped on Tsubaki's back and pretended to try to attack him when he got close.
"Hey, you guys?" Tonami's voice came through the door. "The banquet is in half an hour." They all went quiet, pretending there was no one there.
"You know, maybe you should just um, spend some 'quality time' with Tonami." Yukino whispered to Tsubaki. "It's kind of obvious that he wants to."
"Eh, I don't know." Tsubaki shrugged. "It's like I said, he's kind of desperate and it's not all that appealing. Maybe, he's got a nice body."
"Well he needs to get it out of his system." Yukino told her dryly. "I'm going to go change into my uniform."
"I'll help anyone change who can't do it themselves!" Asaba volunteered. He nudged Maho suggestively.
"No thanks." Maho spoke coldly. "Go help Arima." Asaba grinned.
"There's a banquet?" Arima said questioningly, obviously having given up on figuring out the group of friends. "I think I read about that in the brochure…"
"Oh yeah it's great!" Asaba began to lead Arima away into their room.
"I guess I'll go back to my room now." Tsubaki cast a spare glance in Asaba's direction before opening the door. Tonami was gone and the three headed back to join him in their room.
"Hey, Maho, you don't have to be so cold." Yukino grabbed her arm. "It's okay."
"I'm not trying to." Maho sighed. "It's just…"
"I know; it's weird for me sometimes too. To jump right back into this routine." Yukino shrugged. "So, wanna take bets on how much time it takes for Aya to get caught with cigarettes?"
"Two days." Maho guessed in a way that made it seem like she knew.
"I give her a week." Yukino pronounced. "After all, she's getting sneakier."
* * *
The banquet was an elaborate affair; some parents who couldn't bear to part with their children were attending it, plus the teachers, and lots of administrators. The students were supposed to be on their very best behavior.
"This food sure is good." Tonami exclaimed to Tsubaki, whom he had claimed the seat right next to.
"Yeah, Tonami." Tsubaki looked across the table at Yukino and licked her lips slowly. Yukino started to laugh.
"So, are the classes here hard?" Arima inquired.
"Asaba is." Tsubaki cracked quietly but Arima didn't hear her.
"A little." Yukino shrugged. "As long as you stay caught up in your studies, you'll do fine."
"That's good…um, Yukino was it?" Arima smiled at her. Yukino found herself smiling back in a way she knew wasn't exactly friendly. Maybe she spent too much time with Asaba and Tsubaki.
"Yeah." Yukino breathed. "Where are you from?"
"Tokyo." Arima told her.
"So am I!" Yukino exclaimed. Tsubaki took the opportunity while Yukino was distracted to hit her with a carrot stick.
"Oh you are so going down!" Yukino fired a forkful of mashed potatoes at Tsubaki.
"You guys have a weird food fetish." Asaba said with a weird tone. Then his eyes lit up. "That could be really interesting."
"You pervert!" Shibahime stood up and poured her glass of water on the guy sitting next to her.
"Hey! Did you just grab her?" Kazuma grabbed the collar of the guy.
"Uh, uh no." The guy was obviously lying. Kazuma let go of him.
"Get out of here now before I decide to get violent." Kazuma told him. The guy scrambled off. Shibahime sat back down huffily. "Don't worry about it, Shibahime."
"Dare I ask why Asaba and Tsubaki just ducked under the table?" Aya asked from where she was sitting next to Rika.
"I dropped my napkin!" Tsubaki's hand shot up from under the table and she waved a napkin around.
"Yeah, I was just helping her." Asaba and Tsubaki got back into their chairs.
"Gee, Asaba is such a gentleman." Yukino teased them. "Not many guys are chivalrous enough to help a girl get a napkin."
"I try to be." Asaba put on a noble face.
"You two could at least wait until after the banquet." Maho daintily drank from her glass.
"Yeah, we have to get some dessert." Tsubaki's double meaning was not lost on anyone.
"Don't forget the scrunchy rule." Yukino quipped.
"What is the scrunchy rule?" Tonami asked them curiously. After the laughter subsided, amazingly, Maho was the one who answered his question.
"If there's a scrunchy on a doorknob, there's more then one person inside and they do not want to be disturbed." Maho explained.
"You people need to settle down." A teacher reprimanded them.
"Okay!" They all went quietly back to their dinner for the rest of the time. Yukino knew that this year was going to be the very best one that they ever had.
* * *
The end. I mean of this chapter. Sheesh. That would be a weird story. I know I'm breaching into slightly uncharted territory with this but um, ya' know. Why not? When inspiration strikes! Please read and review. ^_^.