My first YugixRyou. I always thought the pairing was cute, if not entirely plausible. And YamixBakura makes an appearance too. Mild citrus. I put the R rating because I don't want to get yelled at for putting too low a rating.

It's Not What You Say

Chapter 1: Of Fruit and Ice Cream

Ryou chewed on the end of his pencil. He and Yugi were working on some homework that Friday. It was very hot, especially for late April, and the only source of relief was Yugi's rather temperamental air conditioner. Ryou had already stripped down to his pants, throwing his usual humility out of the window, but Yugi stubbornly refused to take anything off except his school jacket. Which, Ryou supposed, was for the best, because if Yugi showed any more skin then what was already revealed by the combination of his sleeveless shirt and Ryou's imagination, his half-erection wouldn't be easy to hide.

//God, my head is going to explode if I keep any more of this heat in. I suppose modesty will have to take a back seat to comfort. Bakura-kun looks so hot without his shirt. Is he still staring at me? I guess he's not great with being subtle unless Yami-Bakura-san is involved. Does being half-dressed around me bother him? Oh well… // Yugi opened his shirt, and left his pants half-buttoned, revealing a swirl of blond hair. Ryou inwardly groaned. //This isn't fair…//

"Wanna take a break? Maybe I could mix up some lemonade?" Ryou only nodded and Yugi ran downstairs. He returned with some fruit, a pitcher full with lemonade, and two tall glasses. "You didn't have to do all this."

Yugi laughed and popped a cherry into his mouth. "I wanted to." He sucked the fruit away from the pit of the cherry and dropped the pit into the wastepaper basket, then started on a large, firm, bright red strawberry. Ryou poured himself a drink, sighing inwardly. //I really, really want to be that strawberry. // Yugi was now sipping his lemonade, making Ryou watch it slide down his throat.  // Does he know how that looks-Come on, Ryou, you're supposed to be the virginal one. You are *not* supposed to be daydreaming about Yugi-kun. Not about him eating that fruit off of your stomach. Or sucking you off, or letting you make love to him on your bed, or vice versa, or of that stupid day when you looked at his penis in gym, or even letting you stick your hand down his pants-//

"Bakura-kun? …umm…you're…" The platinum blonde looked down and cursed silently. His erection was evidently much more obvious than it had been and Yugi could certainly see it. Ryou felt the heat rising to his cheeks. "I'll just go and um-." //And um what? Go jack off in your bathroom? //

Yugi grabbed his wrist, cheeks now as pink as Ryou's. "Is that…because of me?"

Ryou looked up at the ceiling, blushed darker, and blurted out, "Can I ask you something?" Yugi blinked, confused, and then shrugged. "You know how we have gym together?" Yugi nodded, not too sure where Ryou was going with this. "Well, one day-This sounds so dumb…" Yugi was concerned now. He'd never seen Ryou like this; he certainly hadn't meant to fluster him this much. He squeezed his friend's hand tightly to reassure him. "Well, once you leaned over for some reason-you were changing, and well, I could see your, well, you know, I mean, it's not like I haven't seen something like it before, I mean, I just really looked that once and ever since, well, I've always liked you, even though I tried not to. And now, like this…Listen to me, I sound so pathetic. I'm sorry. I never should have-I bet that you don't want to talk to me anymore-"

Yugi placed his free hand over Ryou's mouth. "Never thought I'd have to say this, but: Bakura-kun, shut up. That's pretty normal." He laughed softly. "I mean, forget looking…it's supposed to be normal for guys our age to masturbate together."

Ryou flushed pink. "I've never done…that…." 

Yugi smiled, a little embarrassed. "Jounouchi-kun wanted to, once, but I didn't want to do something like that, with him." Ryou nodded. "I-I wouldn't mind touching you, though, Bakura-kun."

"Oh." After the incident, neither boy could quite remember who had moved forward first. But Ryou reached Yugi's shirt first, and Yugi went slack to allow the other boy to remove it. The bearer of the Sennen Ring discovered his friend had been hiding a little muscle from them all, and traced his discovery with a slender finger. While he tentatively explored, Yugi began discovering sensitive places on the other boy's neck. A few more minutes of soft touches followed, but soon both boys wanted more. They wrested with each other's lower layers of clothing, leaving them in a heap on the floor, now sweating from the heat that both the weather and they had produced. Ryou pressed close to Yugi, in wonder of so much skin, and felt like the two of them were stuck together by the sheer proximity and intimacy of their bodies. Ryou was so unfocused that he jumped when Yugi's fingers went to encircle him. The smaller boy stopped and looked at him. "It's okay." Yugi smiled, and reached down again, squeezing, rubbing, and experimenting with different levels of pressure and movement. Ryou couldn't help but thrust and rub against the friction. Yugi guided his friend's hand between the two of them, and Ryou wrapped his fingers around Yugi, who moaned softly, leaving his sweet little mouth open. //You're so beautiful like this. // Ryou sighed and thrust his hand upward, causing Yugi's head to fall back. He started to set a rhythm, matching Yugi's strokes. Yugi grabbed Ryou's shoulder with his idle hand, panting. "Faster-!" The two rubbed against each other with their new rhythm, Yugi moaning and Ryou gasping as the two stroked each other with a passion. "Bakura-kun-ah please -ah!" Yugi tightened his grip. "Oh-Bakura-kun-oh!"

Ryou gasped back, "I'm not-ahah…I want-!" Rocking back and forth, he moaned something too soft for Yugi to hear. No more than a few minutes later, he felt a wave pass through his stomach and then warmth splash into his hand as Yugi cried out something that could have been his name. That wave, combined with Yugi's orgasm, sent him flying to ecstasy. Then he crashed down, chest to chest with his friend on Yugi's bedroom floor. He could feel Yugi's heartbeat next to his. It fluttered madly as Yugi caressed his cheeks and ears and hair, whispering something impossible to hear. Slowly they pulled apart. Ryou had no idea what to do now, as with most boys, he hadn't exactly planned for the aftermath. But Yugi reached for a box of tissues on his bedside table, and gently cleaned each of their hands before offering a few tissues to clean the rest of the mess off. "Thank you. Yugi-kun…that was…I…"


Ryou smiled. "Yes, I believe that describes it rather nicely." Yugi grinned back, and on an impulse, kissed Ryou on the jaw. Ryou could just feel his face turning a shade of pink to match Yugi's now flushed cheeks. The sweetness of the moment was broken when a voice came up the stairs. "Yugi! I'm home!"

"Grandpa! He's not supposed to be home yet!"

Ryou blinked, mind still slightly foggy. "So?"

"What if he comes in here and finds us?" And sure enough, Sugoroku's footsteps could be heard on the stairs.

"It's hot, Yugi-kun, we'll just say that we're more comfortable like this."

"But we're all sweaty-and the air is on now."

"Say we were wrestling or something."

"In this heat? Naked?"

At that moment, Yugi's grandfather walked into the room. "Yugi…ah, Bakura-kun." He took in the sight of their sweaty, naked bodies and the clothes-strewn room. He raised an eyebrow. "What were you two doing up here?"

"Uh…wrestling!" Yugi and Ryou answered as one.

Sugoruku raised another eyebrow. "In this heat? Naked?"

"Oh, yes, Motou-san, we were doing a report on ancient Greek wrestling and Yugi-kun and I wanted to see if we could do some of the moves!" Yugi made a strange face.

"Ah…you boys want something from the kitchen?"

"No, we're fine! Thanks! See, we have fruit!"

"Does Bakura-kun want to stay for dinner?" Yugi took a quick glance at Ryou, who nodded. "Sure."

"All right, see you later." Sugoroku left, and the two boys relaxed.

Yugi whispered, "A report on Ancient Greek wrestling?" 

"It was all I could think of!"

Yugi smiled, looking embarrassed. "I suppose the truth would be a little hard to explain."

"Yes…I suppose it would." Ryou reached for his clothes and started to pull them back on in silence.

Sugoroku, downstairs in the kitchen, chuckled to himself. "Ancient Greek wrestling. That's new." Who did the two think they were fooling? The aged man thought it was rather cute that Yugi had a boyfriend, especially a sweet one like Bakura-kun. Ever since Yugi had confessed to liking boys, he'd lived in fear that he'd come home one day with some huge biker man or Jounouchi-kun, or horror upon horror, Kaiba, on his arm. Bakura-kun, at least, was a good boy, and it didn't look like they had gone past touching each other, thank goodness. He hadn't really thought of Yugi having sex, and so hadn't really talked to him about it.

Bakura chucked. //So, Ryou finally enacted a fantasy. Took him long enough.// *Oy!*

**'Kura! **

*So, you and Yugi finally decided to act your ages, hmm?*

Bakura could feel Ryou's blush. **You saw? **

*Mmm-hmm. So, does the Pharaoh know?*

**No. Yugi blocked him out, and no one except Yugi-kun's grandpa knows he's gay. **

*And you and me.*

**Please, Bakura, don't tell anyone! Yugi-kun said I could tell *you* but not other people! **

*Nah. I won't tell those idiots. But the Pharaoh is a different story. How could he not notice?*

**But don't you think Yugi should tell him?**

*That's no fun! Then I won't get to see his head hitting the floor in shock.* With that, Bakura dropped the link and went in search of the Pharaoh. He found him, with a little help from the Ring, at an ice cream parlor not far from Yugi's house. "Hello, Pharaoh."

"Leave. I wish to enjoy my ice cream, tomb robber."

"But I wanted to ask you something." Bakura made himself comfortable at Yami's table. Checking his fingernails, he asked, "Did you know that your little aibou is gay?"

Yami blinked, confused. "Did I know that Yugi is what?"

Bakura snorted. "Is your knowledge of modern language that bad? Gay means homosexual. Meaning liking to have sexual relations with someone of the same sex. Yugi is gay. Get it?"

Yami stared at Bakura, ice cream completely forgotten, and lost his cherry along with a spoonful of vanilla. Bakura had taken the opportunity to steal it. "You're making that up. He likes Anzu."

"Did. Until he figured he liked Ryou's figure better than hers."

Yami's eyes were now, roughly, the size of his aibou's. "What? There is no way that he is…that he is…"

"Oh, Ra, what's wrong with you? Yugi is still the same shrimp he always was, no matter who he wants to fuck." Bakura had expected surprise and big fish eyes from the former ruler of Egypt, not disgust. "It's the twenty-first century, get a grip! Men kiss other men in public now. It's no longer something that desperate men do in clubs. Normal people can do it now."

"But the idea of Yugi having sex with Bakura-kun is just…strange." Bakura rolled his eyes. "Oh, and Yugi having sex with Anzu or the blonde tramp would be so much better?"


"What, you want him?"

Yami's ears turned pink. "No!"

"You sure? He's got a pretty nice ass, come to think of it."

"Don't you even think that!"

Bakura chuckled. "He's not really my type." The thief laced his fingers together and propped his head up on them. Meeting Yami's eye, he said, "You, on the other hand," he rubbed his foot on the inside of Yami's lower leg, "are."

"Stop that!"

A wolf grin spread over Bakura's face and he ever so casually moved his foot out of its sandal and into Yami's crotch. Yami made no sound, but Bakura saw his lips part a little, and felt the former Pharaoh push his hips up slightly before shoving away from the table and out of reach of Bakura's foot. Yami glared at him, but said nothing. He stormed out, leaving Bakura alone with the remains of the sundae. The 'former' thief gave Yami's retreating back a twisted smile. "You're so cute when you're angry."

Dinner was a rather quiet affair in the Motou household that evening. Yami had come to join them, but he hardly spoke, and Ryou and Yugi certainly didn't say anything. Sugoroku sighed to himself. It seemed that Yugi and his friend's experience together was causing some tension, and Yami's bad mood wasn't helping. "So, Yami, what did you do today?"

"I went to get ice cream."

"That's…very nice. I think I might get some starter sets for that new game that Otogi-kun is making." Yami nodded politely, and the silence settled over the table again until Ryou gently pushed away his plate. "Thank you very much for dinner, Motou-san, Yugi-kun, Yami-san. I'd best be getting home. Thanks for having me."

"Yugi, walk your guest to the door." Sugoroku watched his grandson and his friend leave the table, about a foot apart, and sighed.

"Well, I'll-I'll see you in school tomorrow, right?"

"Ye-yeah." Ryou looked down, uncertainty written on his face. "Um, Yugi-kun, about-about this afternoon-"

"It didn't happen, okay?"

Ryou nodded quickly. "Fine. I'll see you in school." He stepped down to the sidewalk, walked to the corner, and turned towards his house. He didn't let any emotion cross his face-but he felt like he could start crying.

Let me know what you thought. I'd like to continue this; it was actually fun to write.