Author's Note: I own nothing. Nothing! I swear. No! Really! Of course,
that doesn't apply to any charactors that I might create in the
future, that don't currently belong to the /gawdess/ of tortallian
chronicles, Tamora Pierce. Please enjoy my fanfiction, though it's
probably not very good, I'm no great shakes with writing. 8D
Sarrasri's Fate
It has been a year since the fall of the stormwing Ozorne, once the famed Emporor Mage of Carthak. A year since the Veralidaine Sarrasri turned down the realm of the gods, in favor of life and love. A year since Numair Salamin proposed to the above said maiden of sixteen; his student, his long time love interest, and his younger by at least a decade.
Though she turned him down, it was apparent that both loved each other dearly. They left the battle field that evening, hand in hand, hearts intwined. It was speculated that though Arram towered over Daine, and all but doubled her age, they would be together in love for ever. This one year, three monthes, eighteen days and 23 hours later, the renound wild mage, Veralidaine Sarrasri, is dead.
Author's (Closing) Note: well . this is just a prologue . please review with what you think of this, attempt at dramatic opening. I swear this will be minimally fluffy, and will aquire a plot with the oncoming chapters. So do I swear, and so mote it be. ^_^ again puuuuuh- leez Reeeeviiiieeeew~
Sarrasri's Fate
It has been a year since the fall of the stormwing Ozorne, once the famed Emporor Mage of Carthak. A year since the Veralidaine Sarrasri turned down the realm of the gods, in favor of life and love. A year since Numair Salamin proposed to the above said maiden of sixteen; his student, his long time love interest, and his younger by at least a decade.
Though she turned him down, it was apparent that both loved each other dearly. They left the battle field that evening, hand in hand, hearts intwined. It was speculated that though Arram towered over Daine, and all but doubled her age, they would be together in love for ever. This one year, three monthes, eighteen days and 23 hours later, the renound wild mage, Veralidaine Sarrasri, is dead.
Author's (Closing) Note: well . this is just a prologue . please review with what you think of this, attempt at dramatic opening. I swear this will be minimally fluffy, and will aquire a plot with the oncoming chapters. So do I swear, and so mote it be. ^_^ again puuuuuh- leez Reeeeviiiieeeew~