Okay, kiddies!! Here it is!! I've made you wait forever, but I've finally written another chapter.

Yes, that chapter 5 was already posted, but I had to fix some of my Spanish. I'm sorry I confused you, Genies9!!!! I'm sorry that I haven't updated/posted in a year, but I had to read the entire series over again to get back into my story. Hopefully I'll be able to finish this story by the end of summer.

Carla insisted that I sleep in her room. I think she wanted to talk more about Luis, but she never got the chance. She practically fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. I didn't mind. Her silence gave me a chance to think about my bad situation.

Jesse's family loves him so much. After watching him play with sisters I thought about if I could even tear him away from his time. Could I possibly hurt his family like that? Maybe I could just save Jesse and stay here with him. If I could make him fall in love with me in the twenty- first century, I'm sure I could do it again....

.... Maybe.

I love Jesse. I really do, but maybe I'll just have to let him go and live his life the way he was supposed to. He didn't deserve to die and his family didn't deserve to go through that pain. I have half a mind to simply save Jesse, leave him here, and then return to the present. However it breaks my heart to know that Jesse will not be there when I get back. Maybe, by some miracle, we'll actually see one another when I die. But will he know me when we see one another on that different plane of existence; wherever it is that we go? It's possible that Jesse won't have a clue as to why I have such strong feelings for him. Technically, I've only known him for a day.

My thoughts turned to my family. They were probably worried sick about where I was. For all they know, I probably ran away. My mom is mostly likely in hysteria and Jake is probably regretting his blackmail. And Jesse... I wonder if he's trying to find me.

As I lay on my spot on the floor, all I could think about what it will be like to tell Jesse I had done all this for him. He'll probably scold me for being so reckless, and then (hopefully) he'll gather me in his arms and kiss me passionately, like they do in those old movies. Or have me convicted.

It'd be great if I could prevent Jesse's death, let's just say I do prevent it, return to my own time and then discover that something even more horrible happened to Jesse? Like he got run over by a herd of cows? Or, realistically, Diego's men return to kill him?

Thinking hurts...

I heard distant chimes going off. I listened. One, two, three... It couldn't be eleven o'clock yet... nine, ten, eleven...

Crap. I had to meet Jesse in the loft this second.

Careful not to wake Carla, I stood up and pull on my jeans and sweatshirt. I may dress weird, but I don't think anyone would really care right now.

I crept through the house, trying not to make any kind of sound. I dreaded the thought of one of the bedroom doors suddenly opening and Primotivo accusing me of acting suspicious. I don't know how I'd get out of that one.

I quietly opened and closed the front door and then swiftly bounded down the porch steps. Needless to say, I was excited. At last, I was going to spend some one on one time with Jesse.

Pushing open the huge barn door, I walked into the poorly lit barn. Even with the lanterns, I could barley see anything. I was relieved to hear rustling up from above. I knew it was Jesse.

"Susannah, up here!" he whispered.

I hurried up the wooden ladder and climbed over the hay. It was a bit hard to find Jesse: he didn't have his spectral glow. I found him when I accidentally stepped on his hand.

"Ay!" he cried out. "Nombre de Dios Susannah, sit down, please!"

Embarrassed, I sat down on a mound of hay. Thank goodness for the window, which provided some moonlight. My eyes adjusted to the dark after a minute and I could finally see Jesse. He was sitting up against the wall, right under the window.

He didn't waste any time. He said, "What have you heard about Maria and Diego?"

"They are courting," I replied, and oddly enough, I got some satisfaction out of saying this.

He didn't look hurt. He gave me that unreadable expression of his. "I thought that was so."

"When are you two supposed to wed?"

"Five days," he said softly.

I was silent. Silent and jealous. And enraged. Definitely enraged.

"But with all these rumors about them, how can I marry her? How?" Jesse asked me, certain desperation in his voice.

"Don't," I replied in a matter-of-fact way.

He looked at me confused. "Don't marry her? But that would go against my father's wishes."

"He obviously does not know of Maria and Diego, otherwise he would not be forcing you into this," I snapped, angrily.

"My father and uncle decided all this. This is what they want," Jesse argued.

"Do you want this? To be with a woman who does not love you?" I shot back. Honestly, people in the 1800's act like they don't even know what "love" means. "She is in love with Diego and it seems like he's the only person she wants to be with."

Jesse sat back on the hay, seemingly thinking about my words.

I continued: "You do not have to marry her, Hector."

"Jesse," he corrected.

I tried to fight back my smile. It didn't work. "Okay, Jesse." Don't giggle like a schoolgirl, Suze. DON'T DO IT!!!

I suppressed a giggle (whew!) and continued on, "Did you ever think about sitting down and speaking with your father about this? I think he'd be a bit understanding when he finds out the marriage he was planning isn't going to be taken place. He may even call it off."

"My father is so hard-headed. I do not believe he will take the time to hear my opinion," Jesse sighed. He looked so much older now that I looked at him. His brow was furrowed in deep concentration and he held his chin in his hand. I felt bad for him. Arranged marriages suck. I mean, look at what it does to people!!! This is why countries all across the world should just let people marry whom they want to marry. Forget dowries and inheritances and marry for LOVE!!!!

Just a thought.

I sighed. "Jesse, I've told you all I can. You're going to have to tell your father how you feel about this. I wish I could fix everything that's wrong, but I can't."

Jesse gave me a small smile. When I smiled back, his face fell for a moment and I thought maybe I had something stuck in my teeth.

But then he reached up and brushed the hair out of my face. All he did was stare into my eyes, like he was trying to figure out something. My breath caught in my throat and for one spectacular moment, I thought he was going to kiss me.

No, don't get excited. Something did happen, but nowhere near exciting as a kiss.

"Can I tell you something, even though it may sound dim-witted?" he whispered.

"Absolutely," I replied, breathless.

"You seem familiar to me, like we've met before. You just...understand me better than some of my closest friends," he said, his smile wide. He seemed incredulous. "You are quite an enigma."

I smiled shyly. "I'm just doing my part, Jesse."

Jesse shook himself from his trance and sighed, "Well, Senorita, I believe I've taken up enough of your time. Thank you for listening to a pathetic stranger like me."

Pathetic? Whatever. Try amazing.

He took my hand and planted a light kiss on it. He then looked up at me and said, "Well, you're going to need your rest. Tomorrow is the day we clean out the troughs and inspect the hack-a-mores."

The what?

A/N: I know, kinda lame, but I'm not up to my usual standard right now. I got a game plan and the good stuff's coming up. Ah, fluff... I know I promised it before, but it's really happening next chapter..... No, I'm really serious!!! And please forgive any mistakes. I wrote this when I was really tired.