Sheero: must think of what to do now...

Heero: -.- kill everyone?

Sheero: no... that happens later...


Zechs: more yaoi?

Sheero: ^^ sounds good!

Duo: more me? *puppy eyes*

Sheero: ^^ even better!

Pyro: -.-;;; *sits in corner and types her own fics*

~chapter 7~

~Heero's POV~

"Zechs!" I say happily. I really seem to be getting attached to him. I know that it's not good, we're still enemies after all, that means I'm going to have to kill him later ... right?

He smiles at me as he walks back into the room, seemingly very pleased with my response to his return.

"Well Heero, do you think you're feeling well enough to leave this room?" Zechs asks me, still smiling.

I thought he was never going to ask... ((A/N: -.- yea... you've been in the same room for god knows how long... )) He tosses me some clothes.

Upon catching them I look them over. Simple clothes really ... jeans, a black long sleeve shirt and a matching jacket.

((A/N: okay... -.- I'm not good with clothes... ... now that I think about it ... I don't know what Hee-chan is supposed to be wearing....o.O; ))

Before I could do anything else, Zechs tells me that he is going to wait outside until I'm done changing. I smirk at his back while he left. Personally I wouldn't have minded to much if he stayed...

After changing into the outfit I look myself over. Its not the same as my spandex, but I wont freeze. I glance once again to the window, remembering what happened last time I tried to go out there. It really is deadly out there, looking at the door that Zechs is waiting behind I realize that I wouldn't do anything that would make him worry over me.

I open the door and smirk at him, he was leaning against the door when it opened and was startled when it opened.

~Zechs POV~

"Do you want to have a tour of the place, Heero?" I ask him sweetly. I'm surprised that he isn't too suspicious of me, I have been acting way to kind to him. It would be better for him not to know about my mission, ever. He would never trust me again if he knew that I was only doing this because it was an order. But it really would be fun to have this kid fighting along side me.

Heero looks up at me still smirking and nods in response to my question.


I briefly show him around the base, it isn't that large compared to some of OZ's other bases, but it's only because of its location. Not many people are needed to maintain a base in Antarctica.

I was watching Heero intensely throughout the 'tour'. He seemed to be taking in every detail of the place, almost like he was doing a mental evaluation. That thought is kind of unnerving; knowing that as a terrorist he is looking for all of the weak points and now could probably do a devastating attack that would annihilated everything that was here. Well I would just have to complete my mission and make sure he wouldn't do anything of the sort.

~Heero's POV~

Hnn... For an OZ base it's really small. While Zechs was showing me around I noticed basic things; air duct locations, control room, sleeping quarters for the solider, and of course all the dirty glares that the Leo and Aeries pilots where giving me.

Finally we ended up in the mobile suit hanger. The room, naturally, was huge. There where technicians running around, parts lying on the ground, soldiers fixing their suits, and the suit that Zechs used in our last battle. Upon hearing one of the maintenance technicians calling out for Zechs I looked over to my right and gasped at what I saw. There in front of me was my Wing Gundam. Millions of questions ran through my mind, but the loudest one was; What. The. Fuck?!

I looked questioningly at Zechs for some sort of answer to why my Gundam was here. The last time I saw it, it was being blown to tiny bits, and now it looked like it didn't even have a scratch.

He just smiled back at me and turned to yell back at the maintenance technician, his long white hair swaying with him.

"Sir, we still can't fix the buster rifle. I've never seen anything like it. We just don't have the right parts." The technician yelled.

"Use some off of the Talguise." Zechs yelled back. The technician nodded in response and some of the men started moving over to the large white suit that Zechs fought me in previously. So... That thing is called 'Talguise'.

"Zechs, what happened? Why is my Gundam here?" I questioned him. It made no sense. Why would he do something like that?

Shifting he attention back to me he smiled again, "I find your Gundam amusing and wanted to analyze it's data. I also thought you might want to have your Wing back."

After listening to his response I told him that after his men were done working on it that I wanted to look it over. I really don't like people touching my suit, but it is nice to see Wing again.

While I continued to stare in awe at my Gundam I was caught completely off guard when Zechs came over and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me lightly against him, and I couldn't help but blush slightly. He really shouldn't be doing this to me in front of all these soldiers...

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, his hot breath causing me to shiver. "You like your present? "

"Yes." I stammered out through my embarrassment. It's not every day that someone shows affection towards me. But from the limited time that I have spent with Zechs, I think that might change. I'm never going to be able to face Dr. J again, I thought, I've broken to many of my orders.

"I hoped that you would like it." Zechs purred, and bit my earlobe softly.

I shivered again and suppressed a moan.

However, in a flash his arms left me and he started walking in the other direction. Having no other choice I followed him.

Maybe self detonating did something to me? Never have I shown so much emotion before. It doesn't make sense.


Sheero: Woah! What the hell was I thinking while writing this? O.O; it makes no sense! But the plot bunnies returned so its okay...

Heero: are you calling me a bunny? *glare*

Sheero: ^^ ;; maybe?

Heero: *twitch* DIE! *mauls Sheero*

Pyro: *glares at both of them, and stops typing for a minute* okay in the next fic there will be more shounen-ai (possibly) and Duo and Wufie will have some gory scenes. *sighs and goes back to typing*

Sheero: AGHHH!!!!!! *dies*

Heero: *wipes blood off of his sword* review and I wont be forced to kill you.... *glares*