Babysitting Blue Part 5


NoV: I'd like to make something very clear. ^_^ A.S.A.P. Does anyone know what that means? Anyone? Anyone?

Gourry: I do!! (raises his hand)

NoV: Yes, Gourry?

Gourry: As scrumptious as pie!!

Minna: ......-.-0

Nov: No. It means As soon as POSSIBLE. Possible is a word that means something that I can physically do. I can physically write a fanfic if I have my computer, which I do not have when I am a) at work, b) at school, or c) dead asleep or tired. I understand that people like my fanfics, and want to read them, but please don't e-mail me and pester me about it every five minutes, people!! (huffs)

Xelloss: This rant has been brought to you by all the impatient people who read Nova-chan's fanfics.

NoV: Indeed. Now, enjoy the fic!


Before anyone noticed his lack of clothing, Xelloss mysteriously poofed his normal outfit back on and stood up out of the bath tub, soaking wet.

Before he could retreat upstairs, Filia grabbed his arm, and said, "You're not going anywhere until you clean up this mess!!"

"I already fixed the ceiling once today!!" he whined. "Not to mention Gourry and the bathtub! There's no way I'm going to clean all of this up!"


"I cannot believe that I'm cleaning all of this up," Xelloss grumbled, sweeping the floor where the tub had fallen.

Lina and the others laughed happily in the kitchen, much to Xelloss' displeasure.

"They're trying to kill me," he decided. "They want me to tire myself to the point that they can destroy me with a feather!!! They'll never get away with this!!" He looked around nervously and zapped the ceiling back into position. "I'll just have to beat them at their own game....."


"So, I said, grapefruit, not mate-fruit!" Lina exclaimed, as the room burst into laughter once again.

"Once I was trying my best to serve Justice," Amelia said, seriously, "and all of a sudden, I was attacked by the evil bearers of in-Justice!! And, as always, Justice won and all was restored to the way it was meant to be."

"You need to get out more, Amelia," Zelgadis told her, sweatdropping.

"Xelloss is awfully quiet in there," Filia mentioned, suspiciously.

Gourry looked up from raiding the fridge. "Quiet as a locomotive!!"

The group stared at him, facefaulting.

"Maybe I'd better go check on-" Filia began, standing up from the table.

"Don't bother!!" Xelloss' voice exclaimed from behind them all. They turned around to see Xelloss sitting on top of the refrigerator, wearing camouflage. His face was painted and he held a small dagger in his hand. "I figured out your plan all too long ago!!" he told them, decidedly. "But I was just too smart to fall for it!!"

"What are you talking about?" Lina asked, flatly.

"Don't play dumb with me!" the priest yelled, waving the dagger around. "You can't fool me, no way, no how!!"

Filia sighed. "Sleep," she commanded, casting the sleep spell.

Xelloss immediately slid down on his stomach on top of the refrigerator, snoring away.


Beastmaster Xelas curled her legs together on the beach chair beside the pool. She snickered to herself as a bus boy walked by, enamored by her tanned legs, and walked right into another boy who was carrying towels. She watched, delightedly as the two began to argue, and eventually fell into the pool.

"Silly humans," she murmured. "Well," she stood up, grabbing her towel, "it's about time I got back to check on Xelly. He's probably killed that nanny by now." She phased out-


--and back in at her castle on Wolfpack Island. She found Filia sitting comfortably in the den, sipping a cup of tea.

"Hello, you're back soon," Filia said, surprised.

"Yes, I was a bit worried," Xelas replied, looking around for her lackey.

"Oh, well, you shouldn't have been," the priestess exclaimed. "I hardly knew he was here-especially for the last three or four hours."

"Well, you've done a great job......and the money has just been added to your account," the dark lord said with a smile. "You're free to go now."

"All right. If you ever need me again, you know where to reach me!" Filia told her, going out the door, waving.

"Thanks again." Xelas walked upstairs to Xelloss' bedroom. She grinned when she opened the door. Xelloss lay in a crib, wearing a baby bonnet and pajamas with footies. "Good night, baby Xelloss."


Xelloss: That was.....

Zelgadis: Humiliating?

Xelloss: Well, yes. I liked it!!

NoV: -.-0 You really are some kind of a masochist, aren't you, Xelloss?

Xelloss: ^_^ Indeed!

Lina: Oh-kay, that's enough 'indeeds' for one lifetime, thank-you!!

NoV: Anyway, for my next fic (odd wording)