Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or his pals and I am not making any money for this fic. Its purely for fun. I also don't want to take credit for the quiz, I just got e-mailed it and I wanted to use it for this fic.
Chapter 19: Molly Weasley
Molly Weasley was in the Burrow, housekeeping as usual. While she worked, she always had her children and husband on her mind, she wondered what they were doing at the moment. Hearing a sharp tapping on the window, Molly turned to see Bill's owl waiting there. Always excited to receive mail from her son, she quickly gave the owl a treat and quickly opened the letter.
Along with a short note, was the most unusual parchment. She quickly, looked at it and laughed seeing what it was. Amused and having nothing better to do, she filled out the form.
Are you left handed or right handed: Right
Are you smart: You'd have to be to outsmart MY seven children.
What's your middle name: Grace
How many personalities do you have: Just one, I should think.
How many piercings do you have: None, and I certainly wouldn't want to. After all I wouldn't want Bill to think I approve of piercings.
Tattoos: Foul things those are.
Can you do a cartwheel: No, and why would I want to?
Do you have bangs: Yes
Do you have contact lenses: No. And I only know what that is because of my husband.
Can you drive: Certainly not! And nobody in my family is about to get another one of those Muggle contraptions anytime soon. You hear that Ron?
What do you drive: Unfortunately we had a dreadful Ford Anglia. Thank goodness we don't have it anymore.
Do you snore: ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Do you drool in your sleep: Look above...
Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge: A sponge, licking them isn't dignified.
What languages do you know: English and French.
What's the best awards show: The best what?
Do you like onions: But of course. They are wonderful with stew.
Do you like cotton candy: Why whatever in the world is Cotton Candy.
What instruments can you play: I play piano
What words/sayings do you overuse: Anyone of my children's names. Especially the twins.
What do you sleep in: An overly worn nightgown.
What's your bedtime: About 10 o'clock or so.
How many pillows do you have: I have 1. Arthur has the other.
Do you like to dance: Not around my children, they'd laugh.
Do you like to sing: Actually yes, and quite well thank you very much.
Are you any good at it: Well, I should hope so, otherwise Arthur is a liar, and a very good husband, for putting up with it.
How many cds do you have: Is that a cauldron dispenser?
How many times have you moved houses: Only three times, my parents home then Arthur and my first apartment and finally the Burrow.
Do you like where you live: Of course I do! I live in it, don't I?
Do you like to finger-paint: No, but my children all used to love it. I had to stop it though, the twins ended up painting their brother.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No, but I sleep with my husband.
Do you sleep with socks on: Yes, it gets quite cold at night.
Are you ticklish: Why would I tell you that?
Are you shy: My children wouldn't say so. They always hear me loud and clear.
Are you a morning person: Yes. I get up early to start breakfast.
What is your favorite outfit: All my robes, they are quite comfortable.
Do you believe in ghosts: Who would ask such a stupid question? Is this a muggle survey?
Do you believe in Bigfoot: No, Bigfoot is just something that the Quibbler made up.
What's your favorite feature: Feature of what? Myself? Well…Arthur says I have lovely eyes.
What do you do when you are nervous: It depends on the situation.
Who's your role model: Probably Minerva McGonagall. Such a strong woman and able to put up with all my children.
What celebrities do you act like: I don't act like any one of those superficial celebrities. And then I really liked that Lockhart fellow as well, the poor man.
Called You: Arthur, when he was at the Ministry working.
Slept In Your Bed: Arthur, of course.
Saw You Cry: Arthur
Made You Cry: I really do not feel like sharing this.
Spent The Night: Harry and Hermione, they spent the night with Ron and Ginny.
At Your House: Hagrid. He came to retrieve the children.
Shared A Drink With: Arthur
Went To The Movies with: What in Great Merlin's name is a movie? This MUST be a muggle survey!
Went To The Mall With: Look above.
Sent You An Owl: Professer Dumbledore.
Said They Were Gonna Kill You: You-Know-Who's Death-Eaters.
Molly finally finished the little survey and had to admit it had amused her. And she knew that her husband would appreciate it even more, being a muggle survey and all. She made dinner and then at Arthur's place she set the survey.
He arrived home and sitting down he noticed the parchment right away.
"Molly, what is this?" he asked.
Molly smiled at her husband. "Oh… You'll see."
AN: Well there you have it, the 19th chapter. I didn't forget it though most of you probably thought I did. I'm so sorry it took so long for me to update, but I promise that someday it will be completed. I need to give a BIG thanks to Sailor-Song731 for helping me write this story and bugging me to work on it. This chapter wouldn't be up I'm sure if she didn't help. I also want to thank my wonderful reviewers: Sailor-Song731, mrmistoffelees, Serena, Igpay Atinlay irlygay ersonpay, Mebear, xxooEriklovesChristinexxoo, Prince Street, YamiRose DarkElementalWingedGo..., anonymous, AngelFYI13, Cromi, Freak in Corner, R2-D2106, and ronweasleyismyking.