OK we're back for another rendition of this little comedy of horrors! I know the last one was a little short, but I can assure you that!!!.... this one will be shorter. ;) Ha ha!


Naruto picks up the dusty pen from the chalk board ledge and scanned his eyes over the white sheet taped up in front of him. All the lines and squiggles made his eyes go funny if he looked at it too long, so he merely picked a blank space and signed his life away. He placed the pen back down and turned to go back to his seat overhearing part of a conversation on the way.

"I wonder who's gonna be Romeo?"

"Don't know. But if its' Sasuke I wanna be Juliet."

"I don't think I would have the nerve to kiss him on stage in front of all those people. But I wouldn't mind the late night practice sessions. Hehehehe.."

Naruto grimaced at the thought of kissing that stuck-up, pompous brat. He sat down in his seat and eyed the room around him. Most of the people were from his graduating class from academy, but there were others here from lower grades and even some that had graduated the year before him.

"Romeo and Juliet eh?" he said to himself. He couldn't really remember why he was there. Something about a mission and a public service to the community. He shrugged and watched Sakura and Ino argue over to his left. They were most likely arguing about who was going to be playing the female lead role if Sasuke were to get the male role. 'I wouldn't mind being Romeo if Sakura was Juliet.' Naruto smiled thinking of all the kissing scenes he would have to practice with her. He imagined himself being such a good kisser that he would maker Sakura drop all thoughts of his rival instantly.

He could see himself standing before a dimly lit balcony, amidst a bed of wild roses which cover a garden. A sword in one hand and a tunic of crimson and gold adorning his sculpted figure. A half moon hung low in the sky casting him in shadows and light.

The french doors to the marble balcony opened up above him and out steeped a slim shadowed figure in a flowing white nightdress. The delicate fabric left little to the imagination.

Iruka's voice drifted to his ears from somewhere on the wind. "The part of Romeo will be performed by Naruto."

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, 'I'm half way there!' he thought as the figure on the balcony steeped to up to the railing. It whispered his name seductively into the cool night air. The moonlight shifted and began reveal the face of his Juliet. A soft round cheekbone; followed by luscious soft lips whispered his name again.

"And the part of Juliet will be played by..."

'Sakura! Sakura! Sakura! Sakura! Sakura! Sakura! Sakura!!' Naruto prayed. Seconds became minutes as everything became silent.

"Rock Lee!"

"NANI!!!!" Naruto's desk fell with a thud onto the floor. "NO! I quit! I won't do it!!"

The entire class no longer able to contain their silent giggling, erupted with laughter. Lee who had been sitting further back with his team, stood up and addressed the room.

"Hai! Hai! I will do you proud Gai-sensei! I will shine like the heavens in a dress of white gold!" He held out his fist with an air of dramatic determination and great joy. Between Naruto's screams of protest and Lee's poetics, many of the students found themselves on the floor, holding their sides and crying with elated amusement.

"Iruka-sensei that's not fair!"

"We all picked at random, its totally fair."

"But Juliet's a girl!!"

"He can wear a wig and I'm sure Anko will do fine with the costume adjustments." Naruto sagged his red face, no longer able to think of a excuses. Iruka calmly called the classroom back to order and continued announcing the cast.

He cast a sidelong glance at Sakura, all those wonderful dreams erased. But instead of catching her sympathetic eyes, he caught Sasuke's mocking grin. 'Damn that bastard. This is all his fault!' Naruto nodded to himself seemly trying to convince his brain of the lie. 'If only I could make him embarrass himself, then he wouldn't look at me that way!'

The Gods above seemed to take some pity on him that day, for no sooner had the thought entered his mind that Iruka announced:

"Sasuke, you'll be playing Juliet's Nurse."