Title: The Lessons by Letters Series

Part title: W is for Wizard (10b/26)

Author: Azure K Mello

Fandom: For the next few chapters with is a cross over with HP but if you don't read Harry Potter you can still read easily especially as I've rewritten most of the characters anyway as sort of a joke. You'll see.

Spoilers: Non really, as this is AU of Angel this season. Spoilers for OotP (the last HP book)

Rating- R for swearing

Warning- clearly, this is in fact slash.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the ideas. Harry Potter does not belong to me either.

Archiving- the rest is here:


Rolling my eyes I took the baby from his arms. "I asked you to go find Minerva and have a chat."

He smiled clearly uneasy at the prospect of leaving the baby with Albus, he had never really liked the man. But to be honest the feeling was mutual. Albus never trusted Angel due to the soul business: he always felt that if Angel had lost it he would've become Angel. Moreover Angelus had proved him right. All this had been confided to me when I had come to Albus after I had reclaimed my soul. He had chided me off and informed me that I had always been a good man. Unlike, he had sniffed, some unnamed vampires.

Slowly it dawned on Angel that I was there and the baby was safe. As he shut the door behind him I heard the escalator like spiral staircase start to turn. Smiling I handed Moon to Albus. Dumbledore gasped as he looked at Conner. "Isn't he beautiful? So this is Angel and Darla's much prophesized son. Humm." He added the "humm" under his breath clearly thinking out loud as apposed to asking me.

"Angel sounded odd when he spoke of another dark wizard rising. He sounded like he knew something. Like he wasn't pontification but thinking ahead. He has the sight he just pretends he doesn't. He's always been able to feel out rough water, it's where Dru got it from. He ignores it, pretends it isn't there but he has prophetic moments sometimes. So tell me now, is there something coming?"

"I don't know," he sounded defeated and in awe, "There is a lot of odd power about. Some of which is radiating from this boy."

"Oh," I laughed, "It's probably the protections spells I put on him. They're still pretty fresh and I went a bit overboard."

"No, it's not your power. It's his."

"That ridiculous I saw him when he's fifteen: he *isn't* a wizard."

"From what you've said about this Holtz man and the way the boy was brought up it's more than likely that it was repressed."

"Is that possible: to repress power. I thought fear brought it to the surface more rapidly. I thought that if it was there it was there, Professor."

"Generally, no: you're right. But in rare situations it is very possible. If the man led him the dog's life you've described, in a hell dimension no less, it is very probable that the terror went straight over bringing the gift out to repressing it in fear that it would make matters worse."

I was totally aghast at the idea of what Moon had been through, "So what should I do, Professor?"

"For one thing you can stop calling me professor. I haven't taught you in forty years, I'm Albus to you. But all you can do for the boy is love him and take good care of him. And when, at age five, he sets fire to the dinner table congratulate him don't shout."

"I can't call you Albus, Professor, you're an adult." I said in a scandalized hush.

A hearty laugh met my statement in reply. "You're old enough to be my ancestor. Honestly, William, you are the oddest student I ever taught. And I mean that as a compliment."

"Oh don't worry, it was received as one." I nodded and shrugged.

"I read the biography."

"Yeah, it was written post-postmortem so I got royalties, pity. I hear it's selling rather well."

"I knew you wouldn't be gone long. Even when I read about the battle and your "final stand" I knew. You look wonderful for a dead man."

I smiled ruefully, "The last two times you saw me I was in a state. Once because I had the chip and couldn't feed and was therefore a walking skeleton. And the second time I was a raving loony with a soul."

His face darkened at the memory, "Are you going to acquire your soul again?"


The visage in front of me brightened quickly, "Sensible boy: you never did need it." He was vacantly rocking the baby. There was a lapse in conversation and then he said softly, "The offer is still on the table."

The smirk snuck onto my face, "Albus," I smirked again, "Even I am too rational to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"But you'd be so good at it, William!" he said coming as close to whining as he ever did.

I shook my head, "Angel has a whole business set up in LA. I couldn't drag him here."

Dumbledore seemed taken aback by this. "Oh," he said, "I didn't realize. I thought you were just here for the baby's sake."

"I know you don't like him," I spoke slowly trying to gage my words so as not to offend him, "but he's good for me and I love him. So I hope you won't-"

He cut me off quickly, "It's not that I don't like him: I do. It's just I'm very wary and I fear for him. I fear for you both. Anyway going back to the *important* topic you could apperate here and home. I'll give you clearance and modify the protection spell."

"Good. And nice work on those charms."

I was pleased with the compliment, "Yeah?"

Rolling his eyes he laughed and gently chided me, "After forty years I would have thought you'd be over the need for my approval."

"I didn't miss out any charms did I?" I asked anxiously.

Smiling he pulled out a well worn copy of Protection Spells, Remedies, and Antidotes. "No," he said, "but take this to ease your mind."

"Are you sure?"

"I know it by heart; I've always been a worry wart."

"Well thank you very much."

"It might come in handy next semester."

"Professor, I-"

"I thought you were past that."

I smiled, "I'm not promising anything but let me talk it over with Angel. Who's teaching it now?"

Albus sighed heavily, as though the answer pained him. "Severus Snape. He's not made for the job, but I nearly begged him. He doesn't like children. . . or people in general, he's a much better potions master. It's all too stressful for him, he is desperate to get out."

I felt my eyes widen at the thought of Snape having real interaction with his students. They must have ridden him roughshod, DAtDA? There was no way he could teach that, he could drill all the information into them but there was no way he was enjoying it or sleeping through the night. Down in his dungeons he was in complete control. He was safe and secure in the knowledge that he was the best person qualified to impart the knowledge into young minds but children frightened the otherwise laidback man, and if he didn't have a caldron between him and the class he was a mess. "I'll talk to Angel." There was silence for a moment and then, "Oh by the way, I sent a *slightly* threatening letter to Joanne Rowling, tell her to disregard it. . . not quickly mind you. Leave it until she comes to you and then tell her I have a warped sense of humor or something."

He sighed in a long suffering kind of way, "When will you grow up and make it so I don't have to bail you out?"