Author: Gryphnwng

Title: Gryphon Baiting

Rating: R (NC-17 at my yahoo group)

Status: One-shot PWP

Pairing: Harry/Draco, some mentions of others.

Note:  This is SLASH!  Meaning male/male pairing.  If you don't like, I'm not forcing your eyes to this page to read.  I've had enough readers ask for this pairing in my Prophesy of the Serpent story that I decided to write a short, one shot, no plot included fluff piece to appease them.  I hope you enjoy!  While this version is rated R, I will be posting the full, NC-17 version at my yahoo group.  You can find the link at my description page.

Summery:  7th year ficlet- Ron and Hermione are worried about Harry, and his still seeming innocence to the way the world works.  Worried for his safety, they follow him to a midnight rendezvous with Draco, and get an eyeful. 

The Beginning of the change

With the fall of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named at the end of Harry Potters fifth year, all seemed right with the world once more.  Fudge, on the discovery of his concealment of Voldemort's rise, was kicked out of office, and Arthur Weasley appointed by a majority vote.  His first act as Minister was to grant Sirius Black a fair trial, therefore acquitting him of all charges.  For Harry this was a lifesaver; he hadn't been looking forward to going back to the Dursley's.  Now, he wouldn't have to ever again! 

Upon the beginning of the 6th year saw a change in Harry.  Spending the entire summer with his Godfather brought a complete turn-around in his appearance.  With his restored estates and funds, Sirius took Harry on an extended vacation to several different countries.  They visited Italy, Japan, Hawaii, New Zealand, Paris, as well as other major cities and countries.  Perhaps it was all the traveling, a summer spent eating well and being in the sun, the stress of Voldemort gone, or his God-Fathers efforts to make up for the years of his absence, but Harry returned to Hogwarts in style.  It might have been a combination of all these factors, but the fact remained; Harry was HOT.

Gone was the short, somewhat scrawny boy with the oversized plastic glasses, messy hair, and ill-fitting clothes.  He had metamorphosed into a tall, lean young man.  His hair was longer, about shoulder length, and held back with a silver hair clasp.  Somewhere during his vacation with Sirius he had gotten contacts as well, and a new pair of wire-rimmed glasses.  His new clothes showed off a body with lean, well-defined muscles from years of quidditch.  Even his long time friends had a hard time recognizing their old friend in this tall Adonis. 

Though his appearance had taken a complete 180, to his friends Ron and Hermione he seemed the same Harry they had known for ages.  He seemed oblivious to the hordes of young witches (and some wizards as well) who flocked around him in hopes of a date.  It seemed incredible to them that he could be so innocent.  He still blushed and stammered when declining proposals, and when Justin Finch-Fletchley had asked him on a date, he was at a loss.  It took Ron nearly an hour to explain to him that yes, wizards can and DO go on dates, and do other, ahem, things with each other.  Apparently, Harry was amazed. 

This continued over the course of the year, though Harry grew better at deflecting the unwanted attention.  Ron, Hermione, and the other Gryffindor's grew slightly worried though, as it seemed Harry was determined to stay an innocent.  He never seemed to notice the looks on Slytherin in particular had for him. 

Though Draco Malfoy had publicly repudiated his father, and his involvement with Voldemort, and had even fought with the Light at the Last Battle, many Gryffindors still didn't trust him.  His reasons for defying his father- Malfoy Honor dictated that they be leaders, not followers- was sketchy at best to the Gryffindor house at best.  After all, the reason to fight on the light side was for honor, and to cast down evil, right?

In any case, all kept a close eye on the "Prince of Slytherin."  His fiery glances were interpreted by the Gryffindors as a plot to seduce their Golden Boy and bring him to misery.  They, being the Noble and Honorable House, decided to stop this from happening at all costs. 

Skip to beginning of 7th year.

In a secluded compartment on the Hogwarts Express, two young men sat plotting.  Silver eyes flashed in mirth over the revealing of the plan, as related by his companion.

"And you are sure they will buy this?"

"Of course.  They'll go to any costs to protect their 'Golden Boy' right?  So they will be sure to follow.  Only serves them right!"

"Heh, true.  The perfect revenge for all their interfering.  Are you sure you weren't in Slytherin?"

"Hey!"  The sounds of a slight scuffle ensue, followed by the soft smack of lips meeting in a passionate embrace.

"Mmmm, I can't wait until tonight.  Be sure to have your side ready."

"Of course.  See you later."

A door slid open, and then closed once more, letting the silver eyed young man head for the compartment reserved for the Head Boy and Girl.  Reaching the door, Draco slid in, smirking lightly at the girl already present. 

Hermione eyed him as Draco sat across from her and quickly absorbed himself in a potions text.  She didn't trust him one bit, especially with that smirk.  He was most definitely up to something.  She didn't even bother trying to strike up a conversation with the Slytherin.  Instead she followed his example and took out one of her own texts to reread.  She hoped Harry and Ron were getting on all right, and not being bothered by any other Slytherins.

As for those two, they were safely ensconced in their own compartment, along with Dean, Seamus, and Neville.  They were having a lively discussion of the quidditch team.  Ron had made on as keeper in 5th year, while surprisingly enough, Neville was a first rate beater.  After returning back from a brief trip to the loo to change his robes, Harry rejoined the group to referee a discussion between Seamus and Ron about tactics. 

This discussion, and related topics carried them through to the Sorting, and the feast afterwards.  The boys, now joined by the rest of their house, were happily stuffing themselves on the good food provided by the house-elves.  Ginny, Hermione, and Lavender were discussing their latest Dark Arts professor, who had made it through the last year, and was back for a second year.  Professor Williams was an accomplished teacher, and she had quite a following among the students.  Hermione especially was ecstatic; Tori Williams was the first female Dada teacher in Hogwarts history.  It was even rumored that she was Dumbledores' granddaughter. 

The gradual descent of silence was not noticed at first at the Gryffindor table was not apparent at first, but it got the attention of the Trio after a few moments.  The cause of this hush was Draco Malfoy.  He had made his way from his own table and now stood behind Harry, one hand negligently placed on his hip, head tilted to the side.  His silver eyes narrowed as he regarded the Gryffindors with scorn, their glares not affecting him one whit.  He snorted, addressing Harry in a quiet voice when he turned to face him.

"Potter.  I've something to discuss with you.  In private, if you don't mind?"  His gaze swept the watching Gryffindors with an amused smirk.  "That is, if you can bare to part with your followers?"

Ron's face turned nearly as red as his hair, and he was on the verge of jumping out of his seat to confront Malfoy when Harry's hand on his shoulder stopped him.  Harry stood as well, showing his advantage in height to Malfoy, and gave him a measuring look.  Finally nodding, he spoke.

"Fine, Malfoy.  When and where?  Mind you, this had better not be one of your tricks.  I don't think you'd like to upset me."  No idle threat was this though; Harry had defeated Voldemort after all.

Silver-gilt brows arched over pale eyes as Draco gave a sardonic grin.  "Trick? I?  Hardly.  You aren't worth it Potter.  As I said, I merely wish to speak with you on a private matter.  Alone.  Meet me at my rooms around midnight."  Smirking, he left back to Slytherin territory with an artful twirl of his robes. 

A clamor arose at Harry's table, all voicing their opinions on why Harry shouldn't go.  Shrugging them all off, he responded with a simple "I can take care of myself."  He finished with his dinner and got up to leave.  Hermione and Ron and shared a glance.  Neither trusted this one bit.

"Hey, mate, wait up!"  Grabbing Hermione's hand, Ron caught up with Harry and walked by his side.  Raking his hand through his ginger coloured hair, he threw a distraught glance at his friend.  "You can't be seriously thinking about going tonight, are you?"

"Ron, I appreciate your concern, but aren't you, and the rest of Gryffindor going just a tad bit overboard?  I can handle myself."  Ron could tell by his tone of voice Harry was starting to get a bit annoyed.  He backed off a few paces, hands held out in front of him jokingly.

"Ok, easy mate.  We're just worried, ya know?  He's a Malfoy.  There's no telling what he'd do."

Harry paused briefly in his walk back to the Tower and faced his friends, placing one hand on each shoulder.  "I know you are worried, but still.  I'll be careful, kay?  I still have my cloak, remember."  Emerald eyes sparkling, he gave them both a devilish grin.  "Besides, I want to know what he has to say!  I never back down from a challenge.  Especially not from Malfoy."  He winked and turned, heading on up to the tower.

Hermione grimaced watching him go.  Not for the first time in her life, she wished she had been placed in Ravenclaw; at least they never got into crazy schemes like this.  When Harry had walked out of site, Ron nudged her side lightly.  She looked over enquiringly, eyebrow raised.

"Yes Ron?"

"Do ya still have that formula for that invisibility potion?"

"Yes, yes I do.  Why do you….Oh!"

"Yup, you got it.  Meet me in the tower at 10pm, all right?"

"All right then.  See you then Ron."

10pm, Gryffindor Tower

Head Girl Hermione Granger entered the common room, loaded down with books as usual.  Several of kids present looked up, murmuring greetings, or nodding to her.  Smiling back, she headed to a small corner where Ron and Harry where playing a game of wizards chess, with Ron winning.  She plopped herself down next to Ron, letting her bag down gently to the floor.  Ron gave her a quick one-armed hug and peck on the cheek while Harry nodded and said hi.  She yawned delicately while watching play for a few minutes, then spoke up.

"You both really should be getting to bed, you know.  Even though we don't have class tomorrow, we do have…"

"…our N.E.W.T.s this end of term and we want to do well."  The boys finished her sentence for her in chorus, grinning innocently up at her flustered expression.

"Hmph.  Well, it is true, you know.  I really just came in to deliver these books for the common room.  Professor McGonagall suggested that they would be helpful to have right on hand in the common room."  She started pulling out some books as she spoke.  Most had to do with 5th and 7th year subjects.  "Harry, I really do wish you'd reconsider about tonight…"  She trailed off helplessly; sighing as she saw her words had no effect on his decision.  Well, it didn't hurt to try one last time, right?

Ron nodded, and then gave a huge yawn.  In the middle he moved his pawn to take Harry's Queen.  "Yea-a-a-ahh Hawwy, checkmate.  We're yer best friends, can't we even come along?"

"Nope, sorry Ron.  Don't worry, I'll wake you when I get back, ok?  'Night you both."  Harry got up and left for the 7th year dorms, leaving Hermione and Ron behind.  Making sure Harry was out of earshot, he turned to his girlfriend. 

"Do you have it?"

She nodded slightly, pulling out two vials of a clear liquid.  "Right here.  It lasts for four hours.  I'll take mine about 11:45, you should too.  Follow Harry when he leaves; make sure he doesn't know though.  I'll stay in this chair, and you can grab me when he goes out.  Did you get the map?"

"Yup, right here."  Ron patted his pocket where the Marauders Map was hidden.

"Good, we can follow him easier then.  I'll see you soon then, or not."  She giggled slightly, handing Ron his portion of the potion.  (AN: heh heh heh, portion of the potion, I like that!)

"Yes ma'am!"  Ron saluted her with mock fierceness, earning himself a swat on the head.  "Night, luv, take care."

"You too, Ron.  Good night."

They parted ways, Ron to his bed, and Hermione stayed put in her chair.

11:45 pm

In the dark seclusion provided by his bed curtains Harry pulled on his robes over his clothes.  As stealthily as he could he slipped from the bed and snagged his invisibility cloak, making his way to the door of the 7th year doors.  Pausing by it, he surveyed the room one last time.  Everything was still, only Neville's quiet snores breaking up the silence.  He quickly exited, not noticing the curtains on Ron's bed billow for a moment, then fall still.

Harry crept down the stairs and headed for the exit, swirling his cloak about his shoulder as he went.  By the time he had reached the portrait, he had completely disappeared.  Not knowing he was in close pursuit by two invisible stalkers. 

Now, the problem with an invisibility potion is that it only turns a person invisible.  Not there clothes.  Both Ron and Hermione made this unfortunate discovery thankfully before they left, but it caused for no little embarrassment, even though no one could see their nakedness.  Hermione could've smacked herself for not realizing this before hand, but they had no time.  Right after Harry Ron came down the stairs, bare feet padding against the stone.  He made his way to Hermione's chair and tried to find her as the portrait swung closed.  He was momentarily startled by the sight of the map floating in air and Hermione's voice coming from thin air.

"Ron," she whispered, "we can't use the map!  It'll be seen.  Here, take my hand, and we'll go."

"Right then.  We'll just have to keep an ear out then.  And um…er…don't walk to close, k?"  Even though she couldn't see him, 'Mione could practically feel the heat of his blush.  Her own probably rivaled it.

"Here, let's go."  She offered up her hand, still holding the map.  With a little fumbling, Ron grasped it and she let go of the map, the little dot that was Harry heading to the Head Boy's quarters.  (AN: In this, the Head Boy and Girl don't share a common room.  Just the way it works, so don't flay me over it.)  Quickly whispering the code to wipe it clean then headed to the portrait and left as well.

The Fat Lady shook her head as for the second time she was opened by invisible forces then closed.  She grumbled to herself over lost sleep and settled back down again, hoping that was it for the night. 

Because of his invisibility cloak, Harry felt no true need to be deathly silent as he made his way to Draco's rooms.  Consequently, he made just enough noise that those following him were able to keep up without overtaking him.  In no time at all, all had arrived at the Portrait guarding Draco's room.  A large golden dragon was the occupant of this portrait.  It blinked sleepily as Harry softly knocked on his frame.  Ron and 'Mione stayed as close as they dared to the portrait, not knowing exactly where Harry was.

At the sound of the soft knock, Draco smiled and went to open it.  Looking out, he saw nothing.


"Here."  Harry lifted the cloak from his head, so that he could be identified. 

"Nobody under that with you then?"  Draco stepped out slightly, and looked up and down the hall.

"No, just me, like you asked."  Harry stripped the cloak from his shoulders, making his way into the room.  Ron and 'Mione were quick to follow behind him before he could close the door.  They breathed a silent sigh of relief, as they were not caught.  Harry turned to face Draco.  "So, what did you want to see me about anyways?"

A suggestive smile quirked on the shorter boys lips as he used his wand to put a locking charm on the door, and a silencing spell on the room.  "I think you already know what I want, Harry."  He stalked gracefully over to the dark haired boy, one slim pale hand reaching up to cup his cheek before sliding down to his shoulder, tugging him closer.  He leaned forward, pink lips ghosting near Harry's ear.  "Did they follow?"

Imperceptibly Harry nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips.  His own strong hand came up to tangle in Draco's fine hair, pulling his head from his ear so he could capture those lips in a kiss of his own.

Now, when Ron and 'Mione followed Harry, they had expected anything but this.  To say they were surprised was an understatement.  They were astonished.  Their innocent Harry, came here to SNOG MALFOY?  And he knew about it in advance?  Their world had been turned upside down, and there was no way they could get out of this, without announcing their presence to the kissing couple.  Both of them desperately prayed that it would go no further then a simple snog.  They were to be disappointed. 

Harry caressed those warm silken lips with his own, swiping the tip of his tongue across their seam, begging entrance.  Draco complied, deepening the kiss, both dueling for dominance with caress of tongue or nibble of teeth.  Harry sighed as he tasted the spice of Draco's mouth; he had missed this over the summer.  Wandering hands crossed over the plains of both young men, eliciting gasps from both, Draco arching up into the inviting warmth in front of him, surrounding him.  His movement brought an answering groan from Harry, his aching arousal grinding into his lovers.

If the ground had opened before them and swallowed them whole, Ron and 'Mione couldn't have been more grateful.  More then ever, as they watched the clothes coming off, they wished they had never decided to follow their friend.  Some things are just not worth knowing.  Both slid to the floor, hiding flaming faces in their knees, but nothing could block out the passionate moans from their ears.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~(NC-17 part her will be posted at my yahoo group. ^_^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Harry and Draco lay entwined together, sated and sleepy in the afterglow of their exertions.  Smirking slightly at his lover, the dark haired young man propped himself up on an elbow.  Emerald eyes twinkling, he scanned the room.  Both Ron and Hermione were getting desperate- they wanted out, and now.  Both were suffering from the after-affects of the passionate display they had seen.  But they way Harry was looking around did not bode well for either of them, no indeed.

Clearing his throat delicately, Harry spoke as if to the empty air.  "Now do you see why I asked you not to follow me?"

Strangled squeaks were his only answer.

"I only hope that we taught you two a lesson.  As I told you before, I think I can handle myself well enough."  He was interrupted by Draco's chuckles.

"You can handle more then just yourself, luv."  He suffered himself a poke in the ribs.  "Hey!  Might as well let 'em go, I'm sure they won't be following you anymore…"  He winked at where he supposed the two eavesdroppers were, unmindful of the sheets that had dropped down to his waist.

Sounds of frantic scuffling could be heard heading towards the rooms only exit, which was unlocked by a wave of Harry's wand.  It was opened, then slammed closed, and running feet could be heard echoing down the hallway, and perhaps, a scream?  The two young men took one look at each other and collapsed into helpless laughter.

Leaning against his lover's chest as they lay back down again Draco wiped the tears from his eyes.  "You know, Harry, they aren't going to believe that innocent act of yours anymore."

"Eh.  As if I could be that innocent after living with Sirius.  So what.  It was worth it.  Too bad we couldn't see their faces."

"I'm sure you will tomorrow.  And don't forget, the rest of the schools too."

"So we're going to do it then?"

"Oh yeah.  Just imagine the reaction when the schools greatest rivals come waltzing into the great hall, arm in arm."

"I can't wait to see Snape.  That alone will be worth it."  Harry let out a jaw-cracking yawn as he finished, and pulled Draco in close to his chest, spooning the smaller blonde close to him.  Draco snuggled back into the proffered warmth and sighed.

"Night, love."

"Love you too, Drac.  Night."

And so the castle slept in peaceful dreams, unaware of the shock that would greet it on the morrow, that would make women swoon, and great men tremble.
