Chibi Okami ~ Ok, just popped into my mind, I have to go write it now before I forget it!

Disclaimer ~ I must not forget story idea! I own nothing but this story idea I gotta type before I forget it and weather it has been done before I dunno, I have never read anything like it, though, so in the end I might not even own the idea!

Blinding Pain

"Come on, Kag. Don't cry, there's nothing to cry about, it's okay." Inu-Yasha looked at the small girl in his arms. She was about seven and he was three years older. She had been crying for what seemed like hours in his arms. He hated it when she was like this, it hurt him. He didn't know why he cared about this girl; he never cared about anyone else like this. It hurt him to think about what happened to her this time. He had a hard life, his parents had died when he was six, and that still hurt, but Kagome had it worse than he did, and she had her mother, well, sort of. She was treated do badly that he couldn't call her a mother. Before he met Kagome he wished he had a mother, someone to care for him, to protect him, and even make sure that he ate his veggies, but since he met Kagome, he was secretly glad he didn't have a mother.

They were sitting in a small alleyway where Inu-Yasha stayed without anyone but Kagome knowing, she had found him, and even then she was crying. Her tears never stopped, they came nearly everyday, and had been coming more often as time went by. She ran to his side whenever her mother had hurt her again. He didn't even want to know what it was this time. Her mother just couldn't be happy. He had went and stole a bouquet of flowers from the flower shop that was down the street and gave them to Kagome, he had told her to give them to her mother and tell her she had been saving to buy her it, he thought that it would make her mother happy and then maybe Kagome could go a day without being beaten, but he had only made things worse.

"Kagome, I am sorry." It was the first time in years Inu-Yasha had said sorry, but he would say anything to stop her tears. "Kag, it was all my fault. I shouldn't have gotten the flowers."

"No." The seven year old Kagome looked up with puffy red eyes and a pink nose. "It's not your fault, it's mine, for being a miko. I am a mess- up. I should have never been born. I could never be as good as Kikyou, I am just a bad memory. If only I didn't look like her, or have the powers, maybe I wouldn't be such a mess-up!" With this she bent her head down into his chest and cried again. She had soaked his shirt by now, but he ignored it, the cry of a friend was much more important.

He wrapped his arms around his crushed friend and brought her into a tight hug. Seeing her cry nearly brought tears to his eyes. He rocked her back and forth in a soothing manner. This had become a normal routine for him, he had to comfort her and this was the only thing a ten year old kid could do. "No, Kag. You're wrong. You aren't a mess-up. You could never be. Now quiet, just don't think about it. It'll be okay . . ." That was a lie. He didn't know if it was going to be okay, if anything was going to be okay. It just sounded good, and he was a good liar, he hoped she believed him when he said it, it was a lie, but it gave her hope. If she was living on a lie, she would be okay, the truth could kill.

He sighed as he looked down at her, asleep in his arms. She had a sad expression on her face. People when they sleep are supposed to look relaxed or even like a baby, Kagome wasn't one who did. When she slept it was always light and she looked afraid, she may only be seven, but she was afraid and even her sleeping face showed it. He face didn't show the fear of a normal seven year old, something as simple as afraid of the dark or of the monster under the bed, it was something deeper. She was afraid of her mother, and Inu-Yasha knew why.

His hand glazed over her skin. A shiver was sent up her spine as he caressed a bruise under her eye. Her mother had given it to her moments ago, he knew it because he memorized every bruise she got. There were three on her right let, two on the left, one big one on her left arm, and four on her right arm. He was surprised it was on her face this time, though, normally she was hit somewhere clothes could cover it up, but this time her mother must have really been going off, she hit her on the face.

He felt sorry for her, and before he met her he had been moping about how bad his life was, he was a street rat. He stayed on the streets, out of sight so that child securities wouldn't get him. He was a hanyou, no one wanted him with his ears, claws and super human strength. He looked at her sleeping form and knew that she was having yet another nightmare - most likely about her mother.


"Mother! Mother! Guess what! I got a surprise for you!" Kagome called as she walked through the door, she held something behind her back. She hopped through the hall calling for her mother every inch of the way. She held the bouquet that Inu-Yasha had given to her; he said it might make her mother be nicer.

"Yes, honey?" Her mother walked out of her room where she spent most of her days. She was a mess, her hair thrown this way and that, her clothes didn't even match and mascara ran down under her eyes where she had been crying, mother cried a lot. "Where have you been?"

"I got you a bouquet!" She cried out happily and held the pink roses in front of her. She grabbed out and reached out for the bouquet, she held them tight as she looked them over. She watched her mother's face expectantly. She grinned as a faint smile reached across her mother's face.

"They are lovely, yes, they are. Pink, why pink, though? It is such an ugly color, the color of miko magic, is it not?" Instantly Kagome's smile faded. "miko magic." She tossed the word around and fiddled with the flowers in her hands. Suddenly two fingers darted up to a flower petal, in one swift motion the petal was ripped off of the flower and torn to shreds in her fingers. Her mother continued for a while, pulling the petals off one by one. The smile on her face grew as the number of petals faded. Just then her mother's hand darted out from the flowers to her daughter. She smacked her across the face with enough force to toss Kagome to the ground.

Kagome stayed on the ground a hand covering her red cheek. She looked up in fear as her mother brought her foot up and kicked her daughter. Kagome cried out in pain and stayed on the ground, shaking for a few seconds. "Why don't you use your magic to save yourself?" her mother asked. "It saved Kikyou, for a while. But she died, just like all witches should!" Another slap hit Kagome's face in the same spot causing her eyes to tear up. Kagome stayed on the ground and accepted her beating. She shed tears, no matter how hard she tried not to, they still came.

"Mommy?" A cry came from the other side of the room. Souta stood in the doorway, looking at his mother and sister in confusion. Her mother's interest quickly changed from her daughter to her son. She ran up to him and wrapped him in her arms. "Mommy loves you Souta, Mommy loves you." And with that she walked out of the room and Kagome got up and raced out the door. She ran down the alley and to Inu-Yasha. She flung herself into his arms and cried.

Kagome woke up breathing hard. She looked up at Inu-Yasha, she was still curled in is arms. She saw that he had fallen asleep, too. She reached up and tugged on his ear. "Hey, Inu-Yasha?" Inu-Yasha groaned and looked at her with tired eyes. "Will you promise me something?"

"What?" He looked down at her confused.

"Stay with me forever. You are the only family I have, I don't want to loose you, too. Like I did my dad." She looked down at the pavement. "If he was here, mom wouldn't be this way."

"Yeah, sure. I'll stay." And with that he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, Kagome following him to dream world.

The End!

Chibi Okami ~ Should I continue this? I could, but should I? And even if I did, should I have them as little kid throughout the fic or make them grow? I never really thought about it. So whatever just please review! Sorry, typo, REVIEW!