My first long ff8 fic. More than likely a crossover with ff7. Don't own the excellent games so please don't sue. Sue squaresoft for owning them! Oh yeah, I do apologize if the writing is a bit bizarre, style wise. I let my muses inspire me!


Life wasn't always like this. Wasn't always nearly perfect. The world we came from was so much different. War was always teetering just within sight.

We had to fight for what we wanted, never did we have peace just waiting to be handed out. To get that ever elusive peace, we had to kill and destroy lives.

Nowadays, the planet, is at a relative peace. But it is still watching.

Watching what?

You think that your sorceresses are descendents from Hyne. They aren't. They are from a being far older and spiteful.

Then who?

In time, you'll find out. Unfortunately, that time is once again nearing. The blood of many innocent people are going to be spilled in order to gain the ultimate peace. That used to bother me, used to bother all of us. But…no longer.

We will have that peace.

What are you talking about? Who the hell are you?

Who I am is never important. Nothing in life really is.

That's not true.

Oh? Then, tell me. What is?

Love, hope, friends and family. There are things that are important.

No. In time, you won't be saying that.

They are important. They always will be.

Cling onto that belief. It may just be the thing that saves you from the past.


Every night was the same dream. The same voice that haunted him. He would stay awake sometimes in order not to hear the voices that flooded his mind.

Was he being threatened or being warned?

He turned over on his side to see his lover snoring peacefully and softly.

No matter how much she tried to deny it, she snored. However, he loved her for it. He loved all of her, all her faults. Her insecurities and doubts…everything that made her who she was.

He wouldn't change it for the world.

The stars shone brightly into the room, making it look brighter but still dark enough to stub your toe if you weren't careful enough.

Who was that voice? What should they be preparing for?

The questions lead to more questions. He didn't have the answers for and guessed would never have.

Gently, in a vain effort to erase his own growing doubts, he traced his lover's features. Smiling slightly as she turned over.

He sat up and rubbed his tired eyes. The digital clock on the wall read only 02.30 am. The training centre would still be open…perhaps a few battles before he fell back to sleep would sooth his soul?

Carefully, he slid out of the warm and soft double bed that had replaced his single. Being leader did have certain advantages. Bigger beds, later meals. First dabs on the ever elusive hot dogs that the Garden was famous for.

Quickly, he changed into a pair of sweatpants and pulled on a warm jumper. The Garden was currently 'parked' outside of Trabia, so it was colder than usual. He didn't even bother trying to find his boots, he didn't want to disturb the sleeping girl in his bed by turning on the harsh lights.

A thought ran into his head, making him smile. He didn't want the self appointed 'Fashion Guide' reporter catching him as he traipsed down to the battle area in his sweatpants and boots. A big old no no in any polite society.

One of his closet friends had had a brush with the witches of Fashion. All because the teen chose to wear a certain tie with a certain shirt…why were all women so picky about a colour? If he had felt happy wearing the damn things, then what was so wrong?

He shook the memory out of his head, hoping to clear it. Quietly he headed towards the door, hoping it wouldn't creak or squeak as he opened it. It didn't. It opened silently so he slid out.

No one was up. The place was deserted, he couldn't spot a lone student anywhere.

"Squall!" a voice from the darkness whispered.

"……Irvine?" he whispered back to the voice.

"Yep," the sharpshooter stepped out from the darkness, dressed in his pyjamas. His face flustered.

"What are you doing up this late?" Squall kept his weapon hidden, if Irvine saw it then the teen would want to follow him.

"……Nothing. Just..just goin to the…uh…bathroom," Irvine stuttered, he ran a shaky hand through his mousy brown long hair.

Squall raised an eyebrow, "The bathroom is the other way Irvine. This way kinda heads to the Girls Dorm."

Irvine blushed but gave Squall a sly look, "So where are you headin?"

Squall paused for a second. How was he going to answer the sharpshooter?

"…I was going to the bathroom," Squall resisted the urge to slap his forehead. He could and should of came up with something a lot more plausible than the old bathroom excuse.

Irvine nodded, the same sly smile on his face, "I won't tell if you don't."

"Agreed," Squall allowed a smile to grace his pale features, "but just watch for the Garden Faculty. I heard from Zell that their on patrol."


So they are the new warriors of the planet? They don't look at all that scary. Nothing but children playing with some very dangerous fire.

So they have a sorceress with them, good to see that our enemy has adapted a new method of self preservation.

No matter.

The stranger stayed in the shadows, watching the two teenagers. His eyes narrowed as one looked right at him. His fingers tightened around his weapon.

Far to early for battle young child. I'll allow you to at least figure out who your dealing with.

The stranger stepped back into the tear he had created in time. Never breaking eye contact with the grey eyed leader, he knew that that one would be difficult to defeat but not impossible.

He and his friends would have the peace they so desperately sought.

One way or another.
