Hey, this is a "cute" little (for the most part) Seto POV, I thought it might be fun to share enjoy!

I'd like to Dedicate this Fiction to Samantha, Amber, Rod, and Himi- Channnn! Cause they're so nice to me. ^^! -Currently I like Rping, wanna RP? IM me! -

[Warnings for this Chapter]: Language, Shoenen-Ai, and a little Violence.

[Extra Notes]: In order for the fic to seem, possible, you have to assume they both feel for each other, because this fiction isn't a get-to-together fiction. It's mostly after that. It will be part of an Arc; my first one in- fact.

Chapter One

-Amai Wana-

(A Sweet Trap)


Honey colored hues narrow behind a forest of golden bangs. He has that look in his eyes, he's going to take a swing at me, but I'm ready. Pretty soon his arm's twisted behind his back and I've got a gentler than normal hold on it. He's not pleased with being pinned to the wall. I let my eyes drift over that squirming form.


He pauses, before he shifts his weight to one foot, he's gonna try to kick me, I know that too. So I simply spin him around and tackle him to the floor below myself. "Get off me you sick fuck!" He's growling now. Such language. I suppose I'll have to punish him. He keeps squirming; he hates feeling weak. But I want to keep him squirming for a while, between a rock and a hard place.

I think my groin would have to be the hard place.

He looks afraid, if only for a second or two, now that he truly realizes he's stuck under me. Then those lovely honey eyes narrow and he goes from Katsuya back to Jounouchi.

"You look uncomfortable puppy." I murmur softly pinning his wrists over his head, he goes to speak, but I cut him off. "One would think you would be used to being on your back."

I can feel my lips curl up into a smirk. He's at a loss for words, good. I don't wanna hear him talk anyway. He tries to throw me off, but I only grip his wrists tighter. I might leave marks, but the puppy needs to learn who his master is. "If you ask nicely, I'll get off you."

He doesn't speak, caught between pain and pride. That's all right I'm perfectly comfortable atop of him. Something pulls at my emotions and I can't help but shift my hips a little as he bites back that faint blush as I grin, " I have forever."

"Off," He mutters, some part of me wonders why he can't meet my eyes.

"Not nice enough mutt." I grip his wrists tighter, shifting my weight again. I can't help but wonder if he's as aroused as I am. He looks around, and I can't help but do the same. We're alone, I'm not sure if that scares him.

Sometimes he's so easy to read, predictable. But other times I can't tell what he's thinking; this is one of those times.

Those honey colored eyes which usually tell me everything, tell me nothing. "Onegai off me." He whispers, I think his pride might be choking him.

"Alright." I stand swiftly, reluctantly, but pay no mind to the tightened space in my pants. I watch him stand, grumble, and then brush off his backside. Too bad I can't offer assistance.

Perhaps I should have him over. "Jerk." The comment brings me from my thoughts as he turns to walk away. Before even I know what I'm doing I've reached out and grasped his wrist yanking him back to me.

He looks surprised and scared then I'm sure it's confusion that plays next on his face as I wrap my arms around the small of his waist. "Puppy." It's a simple whisper into his ear, "D-Don't leave me-"

Gods, what have I done?! Why am I saying this?! What am I going to do when he starts screaming? I don't want to let him go. I pull my arms tighter about that angelic form. My face buried in his shoulder.

"Kaiba," He whispers, confused. His fingers lightly pat my back. I'm sure he's lost but so am I, we can be lost together.

"Seto," I correct him, "Call me Seto, Jounouchi. My name's not Kaiba." He seems confused again as I tell him that, leaning back to look at that smooth face.

"Seto." He seemed to be testing the name, occupying his mind with something other than the current situation. "Why?" One word, so many questions.

"I don't want to be alone tonight." Suddenly understanding filters over the blond boys features. He nods, and some where inside me I'm ecstatic. Something tells me he doesn't want to be alone either.


Please Review my new story, I need at least ten reviews to keep me surviving (I WILL update CBK soon too ^_~)

Another thanks to my Beta-Reader, Sam (Aftertaste of Razorblade). Go read her fictions too. They're cute (Well the Seto Jou one is ^^)