Author's Note: Wow... It's hard to believe that I started this fan-fiction so many years ago. So much time has passed, and yet at the same time it feels as if it were only yesterday since I created this work. It simply began as an attempt to entertain the notion of a romance between Yami/Atem and Tea/Anzu, but with the twist of having the two originally meet in the ancient past. This was partially inspired by some of their interactions in the anime and manga, as well as a vivid dream I once had. Even though I often shelve this project, only to return to it, after focusing on other things in my life, my love for this story has never faltered. And I'm quite sure that it will always be special to me, no matter what...

In recent months, I found myself rediscovering the intensity of the love that I felt for the Yu-Gi-Oh anime and manga series, and as a result I was compelled to revisit this fan-fiction, rework it, and maybe even attempt to complete it this time around! It'll be a daunting task, especially given the extent of what I would like to rewrite before I continue onward, and because despite everything that I had written previously, I had barely even begun to scratch the surface of what I'd wanted to achieve with this work. Though in essence it was meant to be a love story between Yami and Teana, I found, even originally, that the story had gradually evolved into much more; bringing in many more characters (both from the anime/manga, with a some of my own creations) as well as many of the actual manga events, which I had made an effort to tie together with my own concepts. I also realized that I would be forced to work completely around some of what actually transpired in the true story; especially given that I began this fan-fiction when the Ancient Egypt/Millennium World arc of the manga was still in its early stages. In fact, I originally borrowed elements from the Yu-Gi-Oh: Forbidden Memories video game for the Playstation at the time, and then made my own interpretations, diverting from chapter 299 of the manga.

I will say that at this point in time, I am well aware of the fact that Yami Yugi's real name is Atem or Atemu, though I decided to keep it as "Yami," for the sake of convenience and to avoid wasting time editing hundreds or thousands of key strokes. Though I will even admit that I rather prefer the Yami moniker, since I'd used it for so long, perhaps. On a related note, I also know that Akunadin (like many of the other characters, I've seen various spellings of his name) and Zorc Necrophades were key players in what transpired in Ancient Egypt during Yami/Atem's reign. However, given that I was *not* aware of this when I began this work, I instead decided to address those elements later, perhaps creating another possible scenario; an alternate universe if you will, with the aid of real story elements of course! I suppose only time will tell if I will be able to succeed in this venture, but for the time being, my initial task is to rework what I have done previously. Though I was very fond of many of my earlier ideas, and in the end I may even keep the majority of them, there were also quite a few that needed changing; particularly my rendition of Teana. It is my hope that when the revision process is complete, that she will be an even deeper character; one in which the audience may even sympathize and identify with. That is the ultimate goal, at least... And so everyone, it begins!

Chapter 1

*So... This is how it ends...* Yami thought to himself.

He could feel the energy from his body steadily fading; diminishing both slowly and painfully as he lay unmoving and severely wounded on the palace floor. Allowing his eyes to travel throughout the perimeter instead, he gazed at the once richly and intricately gilded contents of the eastern wing; which served as his throne room as well as his own personal training arena. Only days prior, he had both witnessed and participated in dueling in that very place. But now, there was only ruin; the mass destruction caused by his final confrontation with the thief Bakura.

"Bakura..." Yami mouthed slowly.

His mind was growing hazy... In his weakened state, everything that happened seemed distressingly muddled to him; becoming more and more disjointed with each passing second. The events had occurred so quickly. But now, they were just a blur; random flashes that were also losing their clarity. He could recall...his pursuit of the treacherous bandit on horseback. He could see visions of Osiris and Diabound in the sky! The slaughter of innocents, the panic and hysteria on the streets! He remembered the fate of his loyal priests, having managed to lure Bakura back to the palace, away from his remaining subjects, and then, their destined, definitive battle; a fierce and devastating collision that had seemed never-ending!

And yet, when there was no other alternative, as he considered the lives and the well-being of those that he had come to know since his brief return (if only in some small measure) Yami, who had already taken the full force of Bakura's assaults, accepted his fate. He opted to use the remainder of his Ba, his very life energy to destroy Bakura utterly! And in doing so, he could also ensure that the Millennium items, and whatever power they possessed, would be sealed away...along with him... Lowering his eyes from the ceiling, Yami could now feel the weight and intensity of his despair. He pondered what he believed to be own decision, while considering the possibility that the power to choose had been taken out of his hands completely; perhaps from the moment he arrived in this alleged time period.

*How could I not have known? That even in the act of reliving these past events, that it would ultimately conclude in this manner?* He thought again. *I have seen the future; Bakura's, as well as my own. If- If I had only known then, within my own lifetime, maybe I- But it's too late. I understand now. What I am seeing and feeling is a simulation of some sort. This, all of this, is nothing more than an illusion, recorded data no less! A world created by my subconscious.*

Despite these sound deductions, Yami still feared the outcome of where this journey into his lost memory would eventually lead him, as he looked towards the gleaming pyramid shaped pendant that rested above him; seemingly waiting for the remainder of his strength to die out. What would become of him? Where would he go? Would he simply perish here, his soul inhabiting the Millennium Puzzle, only to wait for several thousand years until Yugi awakened him once more? Would this be some sort of cruel eternal wheel that he would be forced to undergo time and time again? No, surely that would be beyond cruel, beyond pain, beyond suffering. Such a fate would be worse than hell itself!

Or, would reliving his death simply return him to the modern world where Yugi and his friends waited; almost as if he had never left them? Would he then receive the answers that he had come for? He now knew the circumstances of the last days that he had lived. Fragments of his life with his father, King Akunamukanon, the truth about Priest Seto and his faithful magicians Mahado and Mana, and most importantly the full extent of Bakura's hatred! A hatred so great that it would follow them both far beyond death, time, and space! But, as for his existence before that... It was still so unclear to him! What if he never regained his full memory? What if he was doomed to wander the earth, never attaining the peace and closure that he longed to find? What if-

Moaning in agony, the young man ceased his musings. Though he had concluded that this world was, in fact, a recreation of the past, regrettably the same could not be said for the physical pain that he was now experiencing. His entire body throbbed relentlessly! He could almost pinpoint every gash, every injury that had been inflicted upon him; wounds worsened when he had used his own powers at the battle's end. Barely able to lift a hand, he then saw that his palm and the tips of his fingers were completely covered with blood. Though as he continued to stare, this vision too began to grow dim. It would not be long now... It was only a matter of time before-

*I have already died once.* He reassured himself. Closing his eyes, he then placed his opposite hand gently upon the Millennium Puzzle. *Soon, very soon, none of this will matter to me, or anyone else in this world...*

In the streets of the village beyond, Teana had finally managed to emerge from the crowd, the countless individuals screaming in sheer terror over what they witnessed! Though many now doubted what they saw with their own eyes, others were adamant that it did indeed happen! Two enormous beasts had appeared without warning, clashing ferociously within the midnight sky!

Uninterested in such idle chatter, Teana thought back to the moment before she had been overwhelmed by the fleeing mob. She could remember seeing him, the man with ghostly white hair on horseback, who had been wearing an object emitting a familiar, unearthly glow around his neck! Laughing maniacally, he quickly sped past her, for he was being pursued by the pharaoh...

"Yami..." Teana whispered, her sense of panic escalating.

It was then that she felt a pain in her chest, a sharp, startling jolt, followed by a strenuous intake of breath! She could sense it... Her heart was telling her something! She knew that something had happened, something terrible!

*No!* She screamed inwardly.

She wouldn't, couldn't allow herself to think that way!

"I have to see him! I have to get to him now!"

Disregarded by the other villagers, or even the guards attempting to maintain order among them, Teana ran towards the palace as fast as her legs could carry her. In the back of her mind, she noticed that no one was blocking her path! But then, she also knew that if Yami had indeed returned to the palace, to deal with that monster Bakura, she reasoned that he would have ordered everyone to evacuate the area, fearing for their safety.

*That's just like him...* She thought fondly, allowing herself a slight smile as she continued onward.

Finally arriving at her destination, Teana gave herself a brief moment to catch her breath; her sides aching from her incessant run! Gazing forward, she could see nothing at first... Nothing but dust, smoke, and sand accompanied by a thunderous rumbling, sounding from all directions! And yet, as it began to clear, she found herself completely taken aback; utterly stunned by the horrific sight before her eyes!

"Oh no! The palace!" She cried, cupping her hands to her mouth.

The once glorious palace, which had shone brightly as a beacon of light and hope, was now partially destroyed.

Visible even in that dark, moonless night, Teana could see the sheer magnitude of the surrounding rubble, fragments of the neighboring buildings, as well as shattered representations of the once mighty rulers that had preceded Yami's reign. And, in spite of the battle's presumable conclusion, a number of obelisks and balconies continued to rupture to the ground; even as Teana stood staring in disbelief!

Taking her first uneasy steps towards the entrance, she could now see that amongst the devastation, were the bodies of the guards that had served on duty that very evening; guards that had dared to stand in Bakura's way during his earlier escape! Pressing her hand against her chest, her heart went out to those lost souls, as she prayed that Osiris would take pity on them, granting them each a new existence in the after life; a reward for their courage and bravery perhaps... And yet, seeing the vicious slaughter of these men only increased the terror within her. Her breathing grew heavy and ragged; as her body quivered uncontrollably! She was so afraid, afraid of what she would discover...inside... But she took hold of herself; making an effort to repress those debilitating thoughts! No, she simply had to find Yami! For that was all that mattered to her!

And so, Teana began her search, running from room, to room, to room amidst the palace grounds! Despite the vastness of the area, or even the daunting task of exploring every one of the massive structures, she allowed her instincts, the bond she shared with Yami to guide her way... Though panic and fear were ever present, she remembered how she once felt... How she longed to explore those beautiful buildings like an innocent child; with Yami at her side. Her heart began to ache at that thought, struggling to hold back the river of tears that were just waiting to be shed! In truth that was all she had ever wanted from life, to be with him, to live there happily, together. Only days, hours before, she had finally begun to believe that her dream might even be possible... But now...

Suddenly, Teana felt a strange, indescribable sensation within her! She had never felt anything like it! It was almost as if- Something had actually passed through her! No! It wasn't possible! But even so, she stopped momentarily to glance behind... And yet, there was nothing and no one but an eerie silence; penetrated only by the flickering of torches that faintly lit her surroundings. Puzzled, and even disturbed by the occurrence, Teana dismissively resumed her search; her mind calling for Yami the entire way.

At long last, she had arrived; as a massive doorway loomed over her! Still struggling to remain calm, she lightly touched that door, almost as if she was trying to sense something from within. Yes... This was the right place. She could feel it! Somehow, she just knew that Yami was there! But, was she prepared to see him? Knowing that maybe, he- She had to go inside! She had to know that he was all right! For what felt like an eternity, Teana slowly pushed the gates open; their loud creaking rivaling the sound of her racing heart beat! Frantically, her eyes scanned the entire area, until finally they fixed upon a figure lying on the ground... As if something had struck her, Teana leaned against the threshold, feebly attempting to maintain her balance. Unable to cross it, she could only stand there, helplessly; gasping in horror...