Chapter 1

I can't believe it. Why would he just leave me here like this? Leave me to this fate? I thought he was my friend, was I wrong?

"Alright move!" came a voice behind me.

I took a step. It was hard though. My legs were bound together so tightly I could only manage a short shuffle. But then it matched the rest of my body. My wrists were bound behind me and my tails tied together too. I couldn't do anything but accept this fate. There was no way out.


I stopped and looked down. There it was, just in front of me, a two hundred foot cliff at the edge of the island. Why had we come back here? Why had we come back to Prison Island? What had it been for? I continued to look down. The tide was out and the bare cold jagged rocks of the coastline starred back at me. That was my fate. A short plunge and then the end.

"Push him off."

I felt two hard shoves on my back and lost my footing. The air rushed past my fur making it tingle as I fell. But was it the wind making it tingle?

I was alone again, just me and the wind. But I wished it wasn't, I hated being alone. I had been alone nearly all my life. Until I met him being alone was the only thing I had known. Memories of old start to come back to me as I fell towards the inevitable…


"Get him! Get the freak!"

I continued to run, pushing my way past the undergrowth. The dense forest was hard to run through but I had to keep going. I couldn't take another session with them. I couldn't bare their taunting anymore, I'd rather die. The forest stopped and I ran out into a clearing. It was wide and clear and my pace increased as I crossed it.

"There he is!"

Fear willed me on as I made it back into the forest at the other side of the clearing. They were close, I had to loose them. Then it happened, my foot snagged on a tree root and I fell. I landed hard on my front and rolled to the side. Blowing my bangs out of my eyes I looked up and went stiff. They had caught up with me already. The group stood around me looking down at me. A grey squirrel stood at the front of the group sneering at me. It was Steven, the self appointed ring leader of the group. He had been the torment of my life for the last two years. Before that I couldn't remember too well. I knew what was coming next.

"FREAK!" cried the girls in the group.

Something hard hit me in the side and I yelped. Another hit my back and I quickly curled up. They were throwing stone again. I still had bruises from the last time making this time even more painful.

"Stop it!" I whimpered.

"Not a chance freak." replied Steven.

A stone hit me in the head just behind my ear cutting the skin slightly and I started to cry.

"Look the freak's crying again!"

"What else is new? He's a wimp!"

"Yeah wimpy freak! Wimpy freak! Wimpy freak!"

"Sto-oh-oh-oh-op it! PLEASE!" I cried.

Another few stones hit my upper legs and shoulder making me curl up even tighter. The groups chanting seemed to fade away as I retreated back into my head. My sobs deepened as time slowly passed by. I couldn't tell how long it lasted, the group never seemed to get tired of bullying me. Finally a voice cut through the chanting and beating.

"Hey everyone! He's back!"

The chanting suddenly stopped and a moment later so did the stones. I slowly opened my eyes and looked round. The group was quickly running away as if something else was more important now. My whole body ached from the pounding but I uncurled and sat up. Blood was leaking from the cut on my head and another small graze on my leg but I hardly noticed. I took a moment to recover my strength and wipe the blood away before I pulled myself to my feet. I looked back towards the clearing where the other children had run off to. Various happy and excited cry were coming from that direction along with claps and whistles. I turned away slightly and prepared to limp off but something stopped me. I was curious as to what they were cheering about. What was so important they would stop beating me to see? I turned back towards the clearing and started to limp towards it.

It took me a few minutes to make my way over to the edge of the clearing. I knelt down behind a bush and peered through it. The children stood in the middle of the clearing, grouped around a blue coloured hedgehog. He had to be about sixteen or so by his height. He was waving his hands around and talking to the others.

"Calm down everyone. Now what is it you want me to do?" he said.

"Spindash!" cried one kid.

"Speed!" cried another.

"Something cool!" cried a third.

The hedgehog smiled and then nodded.

"Ok let's see now. How's this?"

He took a step forwards and then suddenly turned into a blur. I couldn't believe how fast he was going. He was just a blue coloured blur as he ran around in circles around the children as they cheered. He skidded to a halt and looked at the group.

"Sorry kids that's all I got time for today. I got lots to do today, I'll catch you all tomorrow." he said.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" came a collective moan.

"Later kids."

The hedgehog suddenly took off. He wasn't running as fast as before but it was still impressive. The other children started to run after him cheering and crying. I still hid in the bushes. Who was this hedgehog? I'd never seen him on Western Isle before. How was he so popular? Why did people like him so much? I had to find out, I had to ask him how. I slipped from the bushes and started to walk after the running group. I found myself dropping behind. I couldn't loose him! I just couldn't! I had to catch him up, I had to ask him how.

I started to jog, trying to ignore the pain of my beatings. I was keeping pace now but I was still far behind. I needed to go faster however much it hurt. I picked up the pace again going into a run. The group of children had stopped now and as I ran onwards some turned to look at me.

"Hey it's the freak!"

The whole group turned as I ran right through the middle of them. Various shouts went up immediately and several stones flew at me but I ignored them and carried on. My run turned to a sprint as the group stared to follow me. The hedgehog ran along ahead. He wasn't going to fast and I found myself gaining on him as I ran. It only took a few more moments before I arrived at his side. I looked up at him and we ran side by side for a short time before he looked back down at me. He seemed surprised to see me but then smiled at me. I blinked in surprise. Nobody had ever truly smiled at me before. The hedgehog winked and then looked away before pouring on the speed. No he can't do this! He can't run away from me, he just can't! I had to keep up with him but how? I needed something extra. Something else to boost my speed. My tails! What if I? I knew a bit about mechanics fore I had read a few books. After all it was all I could do when I was hiding. What if I spun them like a propeller? That might work.

I didn't wait a moment longer and quickly spun my tails like a propeller. The instant burst of speed literally lifted my feet from the ground. I was shocked but continued to chase the hedgehog. I drew alongside again and the hedgehog glanced at me. If he had been surprised before he was totally shocked now. It was then that I tripped and fell with a sickening thud to the ground. I rolled several times and then came to a sliding halt on my front. My entire body ached with pain now but there was worst to come. The chasing group caught up with me and soon after I felt the familiar feeling of stones hitting my person. I started to whimper as I lay there. I didn't even have the strength to curl up. I hadn't caught him, maybe it was my fate to be tormented like this? Maybe I was never meant to have friends.

"Yeah dumb freak fell over."

"Stupid freak."

"Hey what are you doing?"

That voice! It was the hedgehog! I looked up slightly to see him standing nearby with his arms crossed.

"What ya doin'?" he asked again.

"He's a freak." said Steven.

"A freak? Says who? He's just a kid." replied the hedgehog.

"But he has two tails!"

"So? Why does that make him a freak? Just because he has two tails doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings."

I suddenly felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. They took a firm grip and slowly pulled me to my feet. I looked up to see the hedgehog standing over me. He ran his gloved hands over my fur dusting off the dirt and mud that I had gained from my fall.

"You ok?" he asked.

"I…I…think so." I replied quietly.

"That's good kid. Come on, I'll take you to my place. I'll rustle you up a chilli dog."

"Chilli dog?"

"You never had a chilli dog?!"

The hedgehog seemed totally shocked by my statement.

"Oh boy are you missing out!" he said, "Come on lets go kid."

He placed a hand on my back and guided me away. I glanced over my shoulder to see Steven and the other looking completely shocked. I looked back at the hedgehog.

"You're pretty fast kid. I don't know of anyone who has been able to keep up with me as much as you. What's your name?" he asked.

"My name? I'm Miles." I replied slowly with a bit of resentment.

"Miles eh? Sounds like you don't like it."

"Well I don't really."

"Oh well we all have our crosses to bare as they say."

He gave a small chuckle and I smiled slightly.

"Tell ya what Miles." he continued looking behind me, "How's about I call you Tails? You like?"

I blinked. It was different and certainly better than Miles. I looked up at him nervously. He rubbed a hand through my bangs and laughed slightly.

"Well you think about it." he said, "Does that happen a lot?"

He motioned backwards towards the group of children with his head. I nodded slowly.

"Sorry to hear that kid. It can't be easy but you're a tough kid to survive this long."

"Thank…thank you." I replied slowly.

"Think nothing of it. And you don't have to sound so nervous. I'm not gonna hurt you or anything."

"Ok. Um…..can….can I ask who you are?"

The hedgehog stopped and looked at me. He looked shocked again.

"You don't know who I am?" he asked stunned.

I shook my head slowly.

"You never heard of Sonic the Hedgehog?! Defender of good and banisher of evil? The Blur Blur?"

I shook my head again. The hedgehog laughed hard and slapped me on the back.

"Damn kid do you need some information. Nearly everyone has heard of me. Anyway the names Sonic."

"Pleased to meet you Mr Sonic."

"It's just Sonic. You can drop the titles kid."

"How….why do people like you?"

"You're talking about how the children acted when I was around eh? Well it's nothing really. I go around helping people and stopping the evil people of this world doing stuff. I guess people like me because I do that. Although I'm just pleased to help people out. Why'd you ask?"

"Nobody likes me."

"I saw. You got a family Tails?"

"No…..well I guess I did once."

I sniffed and a tear leaked from my eye. Sonic quickly wiped it away.

"Hey kid no need for the waterworks! Tell you what. Come on back to my place and you can stay a while. I'll see if I can hook you up with someone."


I looked up at him my eyes watering slightly. He looked back and smiled. That did it. I fell on him and wrapped my arms round his waist before bursting into tears.

"Hey kid! Tails! It's ok man! Jeez!" cringed Sonic as I clung to him.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I whimpered as I rubbed my nose into his side.

"Ah man!"

A short while later we had arrived at Sonic's house. It wasn't that big, only a storey high. It had a thatched room and a small chimney sticking out the top. To one side was a large building separate to the house. Sonic stepped forwards and pushed the door open, it wasn't even locked. I followed him in slowly still slightly nervous. He led me to the kitchen, which was fairly small but it was well equipped. He sat me down on a chair at the table and started messing around. I watched him work his way round the kitchen. He had been fast outside but now he worked slow and carefully. It was only a few minutes before he set a large mug of something down in front of me. I sniffed it cautiously before sipping it slowly. The taste was new to me, sweet and creamy. Sonic watched me closely.

"You like?" he asked.

"Um….yes it's nice." I replied taking another sip.

"Never known anyone who didn't like hot chocolate. Careful you don't burn your mouth."

Hot chocolate? I'd heard people talking about chocolate but I'd never had any myself before. I could see why people liked it so much now, it was delicious. I continued to sip my drink watching Sonic working his way round the kitchen again. Presently he sat down in another chair and put a plate down in front of me. He had one in front of himself too. On the plate was a long bread bun with sausage in it and some sort of sauce on top. Sonic picked up his and took a bite, leaning back in his chair as he did. I picked mine up and sniffed it. I hadn't had anything like this before. Most of my meals to date had been either the watery soup they served at the orphanage or anything I could scavenge from the trash. I slowly took a bite and instantly my mouth erupted into flames. It felt like my tongue was on fire. I quickly dropped whatever it was he had given me and took a long drink from my mug. I gasped a few times as the burning faded away. Sonic was looking at me slightly concerned.

"Damn sorry about that Tails. I forgot this is your first chilli dog. Guess I shouldn't have made the sauce so strong. Do you want me to make you another?" he asked.

"No…no it's ok." I replied picking up the chilli dog again.

I took another bite and braced my mouth for the heat. It came again as I chewed but it wasn't as bad this time. In fact it was a nice flavor now that I let it sit. The hot spicy taste mingled with the meaty taste of the sausage and counteracted it. I swallowed and looked at Sonic. He was looking at me with his head cocked to one side slightly and a concerned face. I smiled at him and took another bite. He smiled in return and relaxed, taking another bite of his own dog as he leaned back. It was now that I realized I hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning. It didn't take me much longer to finish the chilli dog and I started licking my fingers.

"Guess you were really hungry." said Sonic.

I just nodded quickly at him making him laugh.

"Well I guess a growing lad like you will have a big appetite. Now what to do next eh? Want me to show you round?"

"Um…..well ok then." I replied.

"Well the house isn't too big. You've seen most of it. Come on I'll show you what's next door."

Sonic quickly got up and walked back over to the door. I finished my hot chocolate and followed him. We walked outside again into the sunshine and Sonic led me round to the building I had seen earlier. He walked up to the doors and flung them open. Light flooded into the building glinting off what was inside. I stood and gazed in amazement. Inside was a large red and white coloured bi-plane. It was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I turned to Sonic.

"Did you…?" I started.

"Make this myself?" finished Sonic, "Sure did, mind you it's not finished yet. Still get a few bugs to iron out."

"I could help."

Sonic gave a chuckle.

"I dunno kid. It's pretty tricky."

"Bet I could!"

"Whatever kid. Come take a look if you like."

I didn't need to be asked twice. I liked machines. They couldn't be nasty to you. I walked up to the plane and touched it lightly. It was incredible, I hadn't seen anything like this before. I walked all the way round the plane and then stopped. I looked back at Sonic as if to say what next.

"Well then" he said, "I don't know about you but I feel like a nap."

Just the mention of sleep set me off yawning. I was tired from the chase and my body ached. I nodded at him and he led me back to the house. We walked through the kitchen and into a rather small but cozy looking living room.

"I'm sorry kid but I only got one bed room in this place. Never expected to have guests you see." he said slightly awkwardly.

"It's…it's alright." I replied.

"Well the couch is nice and comfy anyway. I'm gonna catch a shower and then take a few z's."



Sonic for the third time in less than hour looked shocked.

"Tails you don't know what a shower is? How'd you clean yourself?" he asked.

"Well most of the time I use the rain or I use I just brushed it out." I replied.

"Jeez kid! I never knew you were having such a hard time."

Sonic walked over to me and patted me on the back.

"Tell you what. You take a shower first. There's probably only enough hot water for one anyway. Come on."

I followed him from the room and into another room. The orphanage wasn't too bad. It did have toilets and stuff but I had never been able to use the wash facilities much. I had managed to snag a sink once but I had been found quickly by the other kids and they soon drove me off. They teased me just like the kids out here. The next room was smaller than the kitchen and in a way alien. I hadn't been in bathrooms that much. Sonic walked over to a cubicle in one corner and turned a knob. Water started to pour out of a nozzle high up on the wall.

"Alright there kid. There you go, soap and sponge is on that shelf. Stay in as long as you like. I don't mind." he said.

Sonic stepped towards the door and winked at me as he left. For a moment I stood in the room just watching the water fall. I slowly shut the door and stepped towards the falling water. I slowly reached out my hand and felt the warm water against my fur. It was a strange feeling. I couldn't remember the last time I had felt hot water. I withdrew my hand and took my shoes off before stepping into the stream of water. It was relaxing and soothed my bruises and cuts brilliantly. I started to drift feeling myself almost fall asleep. I lost track of time passing but I didn't care, I just wanted to enjoy each and every moment of this as it happened. After a time I reached for the soap and sponge Sonic had pointed out. I spent a moment just looking at it wondering what to do. What were you supposed to do with these things again? Rub them together or something wasn't it? I did and watched as a soapy lather formed on the sponge. It was actually fun watching it appear. The masses of suds foamed on the sponge only to be washed off by the water. Just then a cry came from the living room.

"Hey kid! Tails kid! You been in their over an hour! What happen? You die or something?" called Sonic before he started chuckling.

I was shocked by his sudden cry and dropped the soap and sponge and almost fell over myself.

"I….erm….no…I…" I replied.

"Hey it's ok kid. Stay in as long as you like."


I quickly decided to stay in for just a little bit more. I didn't want Sonic to think I was hogging the shower. Picking up the soap and sponge again I made a few more suds and started rubbing them over my fur. I couldn't help but stare as the true orange colour of my fur came to light. Before it had been a dirty rust colour but now it was a bright vibrant orange. I felt the water starting to get colder as I finished up washing myself off. I stepped out and twisted the knob Sonic had turned earlier. The water stopped and I walked over to the door but not before giving myself a good shake to get the water out of my fur. I opened the door and walked into the next room to find that Sonic wasn't there. Instead a large fire was roaring in the lounge and a blanket had been laid out on the couch. I walked over to the couch and sat down. All I wanted was to have a bit of rest now. The shower and now the heat from the fire was making me feel slightly drowsy. I lay down on the couch and wrapped the blanket around me. I watched the fire playing across the burning logs for a while before I slowly fell asleep.

I awoke to an incredible smell. It snapped me awake in a second and I sat up. The fire was out but the room was still warm. How long had I slept? I walked out of the room following the smell into the kitchen. Sonic stood cooking again.

"Morning there." he said cheerfully.

"Morning?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah. You slept the whole afternoon and all the way through the night. I've never seen someone sleep so much."

"I did?"

Sonic laughed lightly.

"Yeah you did. Now sit down and have some food. I'll take you back into town later today."

I suddenly felt my heart drop. He was going to take me back. Back to the orphanage, back to the torment. I closed my eyes and dropped my head.

"What's wrong kid?" asked Sonic.

"I…I don't want to go back. I hate it. I don't like it." I replied.

"Hey I know life is hard for you kid and I sympathize but I can't do anything about it. It's not like you can live with me…"

My head snapped up and I looked at him.

"I could! I could stay with you! Please let me stay with you! Please I could help out and do stuff! Please!" I pleaded.

"Woah there kid! You don't even know what I do. My life isn't all running around in clearings entertaining kids you know. I have seen some pretty dark time you know and been in some pretty nasty situation. I've nearly died a few times."

"I don't care! I can't go back to my life! I want to start a new one! I want to be like you and do what you do. "

I flung myself at Sonic and wrapped my arms round him. I looked up at him whimpering slightly.

"Please let me stay with you. Please?" I said slowly.

Sonic just spluttered a bit and looked back down at me. I could see the emotions mixing on his face. Sympathy, fear, amazement and shock shifted around his eyes as he looked back at me. He slowly pulled me off himself and knelt down to my eye level. He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked me directly in the eyes. I looked back at him.

"You really mean that?" he asked.

"Uh huh." I whimpered back at him as I slowly nodded my head.

Sonic took a hand off my shoulder and touched his chin. He turned away slightly before looking back.

"Do you really understand what you're asking? You could die." he said slowly.

"I'd rather spend a day here than a lifetime out there alone." replied slowly, "Please can I stay with you. Please."

Tears were starting to form in my eyes now as I looked at him. Sonic seemed to be mulling the entire thing over in his head. Please say yes, please. Presently Sonic looked back at me and smiled slightly.

"Kid. Miles. Tails. If you live with me you must understand that it won't be all long showers and cozy fires. I go out into the wilderness in my tasks and spend days sometimes weeks living in the cold outdoors. I only get home once in a while and even when I get home it's still hard. I mean I have to fix the Tornado…"


"The plane in the hanger. As I was saying, I have to fix it up and make it airworthy soon. Then I'll be off again and you'd have to come with me. Do you understand what you're life would be like?"

I thought for a moment. What Sonic had described didn't sound peachy but then neither was my life now. What would I rather do? I looked back at him and nodded.

"I understand Sonic. But if I was with you it wouldn't matter. I want to stay with you."

Sonic sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. He finally opened them and smiled slightly at me.

"I've never had a traveling buddy Miles but maybe it's something I should try out. If you really want to stay with me I guess there is nothing I can do to stop you."

Had I just heard him correctly? Sonic had just said yes! I leaped at him knocking us both to the floor. I started to hug him tightly and rub my muzzle against the side of his face.

"Woah there Miles. Hey take it easy!" cried Sonic from underneath me.

"Call me Tails, I like that." I replied pulling back slightly.

"Ok you got it Tails."

I let go of Sonic and he got up. We looked at each other for a moment and then smiled.

"Come on, let's get you some breakfast." said Sonic.

"Thank you." I replied nearly crying, "Thank you so much!"


Had it all been for nothing? Had Sonic's words been nothing but fake truths? It didn't matter now anyway. Sonic was gone and soon so would he. Spread across the rocks along the coastline like jam on bread. I looked down to see the rocks mere meters away. I closed my eyes tight waiting for the moment. A sudden loud boom filled my ears and I felt something touch my skin. I still waited for the end but it didn't come. I was still aware, why? Was I a ghost now? I slowly opened my eyes. What greeted me has since filled me with such joy and happiness it has never been rivaled. I was staring up at the face of a blue hedgehog. A fast blue hedgehog. Sonic the Hedgehog. He sped along the coastline with me in his arms.

"Though I was almost too late." he said looking down at me, "You ok Tails?"

"Never better Sonic." I replied slowly, "Thank you."

"Think nothing of it. Sorry for leaving you earlier but I had no choice. If we'd both been caught I wouldn't have been able to rescue you."

"Thanks for coming back for me Sonic."

"Tails you're my friend, how could I not come back for you?"

I closed my eyes slowly. Yes friends. Friends to the end…