Troubles of Love

Chibi B: Um, hello! *nervous* This is my first fanfic ever.

Taski: Yeah! And it sucks too! Just like the title!

Chibi B: -_-;; I know it does! *cries* That's my Yami by the way, his name really isn't Taski, but he wanted a code name because it's supposedly "cool".

Taski: XP Shut up! At least I can write better than you! And what's up with YOUR code name!? That's so original!

Chibi B: *sulks* I know, but I couldn't really think of another name, so shut up.

Taski: *still laughing at her*

Chibi B: Anyways, this is my first fic, and it sucks really really bad. In fact, I don't even know why I'm posting it.I think I had way too much sugar today. I'm not quite sure what's happening in the story, or what might happen later, if there even is a later. So far it looks like it's going to be a Malik/Bakura pairing first, and then head towards a Malik/Bakura/Ryou. Or, if I get more than 2 reviews from people who want Marik in the story, I may add him to the group as well to make a Malik/Bakura/Ryou/Marik pairing.

Taski: And later she's going to put up chapters with hot boys making love!

Chibi B: *blushes hotly* I am not! Nobody is probably even going to read this anyways! And besides, I don't have a clue on how to write lemons!

Taski: *grins* But I do! And I've had personal experience!

Chibi B: I wonder what your boyfriend would say if I told him your going to write a lemon based off of your personal sex lives.

Taski: ^^; Uh, I'll behave now. Don't tell him I said that!

Chibi B: Good. Anyways, on with the horrible fic!

Disclaimer: I'm poor! I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! No sue me!

Warning: If you don't like yaoi, I suggest you leave now. For those who don't know what yaoi is, I suggest you find out before reading any further.

Chapter 1

"Come back here Bakura!" Malik shouted as he chased the white haired fiend throughout the room. "Give me back that doughnut!"

"Uh uh!" Bakura yelled back with the last chocolate donut stuffed in his mouth.

"Bakura!" Malik roared, "That was the last one you bastard!"

Bakura shrugged as he swallowed the remains of the enjoyable treat. He licked his lips and grinned savagely at his bleach blond boyfriend. Malik pouted and headed back into the kitchen, he wanted something sweet for breakfast this morning, now he was going to be stuck with two burnt pieces of toast. He sighed as he grabbed the slices of bread and stuck them in the toaster, a.k.a. one of Bakura's greatest foes.

"Aw, is Malik mad that he didn't get the last donut?" Bakura chided as he wrapped his arms around Malik. "You can still have a taste if you want." With those words said, Bakura flipped Malik around and kissed him roughly, enjoying the exotic taste of Malik's mouth. His pleasure was cut short though when Malik violently shoved Bakura off of him.

"What the fuck is your problem Malik?" Bakura shouted at him, greatly annoyed by the Egyptians actions.

"I just don't feel like playing around today Bakura, that's all." Malik calmly answered. He turned around and grabbed his two pieces of burnt toast that had just popped up and headed out of the kitchen and into the living room. He grabbed the remote and plopped down on the couch, flipping through channels as he nibbled on his scorched breakfast. He glanced over at Bakura when he felt the Egyptian spirit sit down next to him. Bakura looked over him for a second and put his hand on Malik's forehead.

"Are you sick?" He asked.

"No, I am not sick." Replied Malik as he batted the annoying hand away from him. "Go away, I'm trying to watch T.V."

Bakura frowned at him before he stood up and stalked out of the room. Malik heard the front door slam shut a few minutes later. He waited a bit before letting his face fall into his hands as he sobbed into them quietly. It wasn't fair! He wasn't supposed to have fallen in love with the white haired spirit, but it happened, and he knew that if he told Bakura, he would laugh in his face and call him a sentimental fool. Bakura might even stop seeing Malik, and that would tear the Egyptian' heart apart. He couldn't live without the psychotic fiend by his side.

Although Malik is practically as insane as Bakura is, he still had feelings; it's just that those feelings have been buried deep down inside of him. He hated knowing that he was nothing but a sex toy to Bakura, someone to just fuck whenever he wanted, and that Bakura would never care for him. With those thoughts in mind he cried harder, he sobbed until he was too tired to cry anymore, and fell asleep with one person in his mind; Bakura.

'What has been up with him lately?' Bakura thought to himself. 'He's been acting odd for the past few weeks; we've barely screwed each other in two days! I mean that's a little weird for the both of us. Usually he's the one who calls me up at 2 in the morning wanting to fuck. But lately, he hasn't called me; he rarely talks to me at all!'

He continued walking down the street, deep in thought when someone suddenly ran into him and knocked him onto the ground.

"Hey! Watch where your going bastard!" He shouted at the person who unfortunately got in his way.

"Oh my! I'm terribly sorry!" The young boy said scrambling to his feet. "Are you alri-.Yami?"

"Ryou?" Bakura blinked in astonishment. He hadn't seen his hikari for a while, ever since he hooked up with Malik, which was about six or seven months ago. "What are you doing here?" He replaced his shocked face with his usual scowl as he stared into warm chocolate brown eyes.

"Oh, I came to visit Malik." Ryou smiled softly up at the taller boy who looked almost exactly like him. "I haven't had the chance to talk to him for some time, and I was just heading over to your apartment."

Ryou was 17 now, and was currently living alone. He was very much in love with his yami, but Bakura was with Malik. In other situations, a person in his shoes would probably hate Malik right now. But, his feelings were quite the opposite of hate. Ryou loved both Malik and Bakura. He would never tell anyone though, he didn't want to mess things up for his yami and Malik. They both seemed so happy, and Ryou wasn't about to ruin their relationship because of his selfishness.

That was only one of the reasons though; the other was because he feared rejection. Already his yami didn't seem to like him very much and Ryou wouldn't be able to live with himself if Bakura hated him more. So, Ryou never told a soul that he loved the white haired fiend and the sexy Egyptian, preferring to stay out of their business.

"Well, are you going to keep staring at me or go visit Malik?" Questioned a very annoyed spirit whose arms were crossed and was tapping his foot impatiently.

Ryou blushed and mumbled something that sounded like a "sorry" as he continued on his way.

Bakura watched his hikari go; smirking at the way Ryou was blushing. The truth was that he was very attracted to his light, just as he was attracted to Malik. He knew the said hikari would never accept his invitation though. Plus, he himself didn't want to taint the innocent boy. He frowned and shook his head. 'When did I become so weak?' he asked himself as he continued with his walk. His train of thought trailed back to why he was strolling around in the first place. 'What is wrong with Malik?'

Malik was sleeping soundly with tear trails still visible on his face when he heard a soft knocking at the door. He shot up in surprise. 'Who could it be? It can't be Bakura, he wouldn't have knocked and he shouldn't be back until later. Maybe it's a salesman, I should just ignore it.' He lay back down on the couch; intent on getting some more sleep when he heard a soft British accent float through the door.

"Malik? Malik are you there?"

Malik quickly sat up and ran to the door, forgetting about his tear- tracked face, and threw it open .

"Ryou!" He shouted as he glomped the other hikari. "I haven't seen you in so long! I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too Malik!" Laughed Ryou as he pulled out of the Egyptians embrace. "How are y-? Malik? Are you okay? Ryou asked, noticing his red eyes and the tear trails.

"Me? Yes, I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?" Malik said with a fake smile plastered on his face. Ryou was unconvinced, he stepped all the way into the apartment and shut the door behind him.

"Malik?" He asked again, concerned for his friend, "I know something's wrong."

Pieces of Malik's mask fell away as he stared into Ryou's eyes. Then, he couldn't take it anymore and fell into Ryou's chest sobbing.

Ryou, caught off guard, steadied Malik and led him to the couch. He comfortingly patted his back and murmured reassuring words into his ear. He waited until Malik calmed down before asking him any questions.

"Feel any better?" He asked soothingly, still rubbing small circles on Malik's back.

Malik sniffled and nodded, his head buried in Ryou's chest.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

Malik shook his head no and curled himself into a ball on Ryou's lap, who blushed as Malik moved.

"Alright," Ryou spoke to him softly, still blushing, "You don't have to tell me now, but later alright?" He felt Malik nod his head and started petting the platinum blond locks of his secret crush. Ryou waited until he heard Malik's breathing slow down and his body relaxed before sliding out from under him and placing him on the couch. He continued to sit by Malik and stroke his hair while watching him sleep. 'He's so adorable while sleeping,' Ryou thought to himself, 'I wonder what's wrong, I hope he'll tell me once he wakes up.'

While Ryou sat there and waited for Malik to wake back up, Bakura was across town in a bar, getting piss ass drunk while still trying to figure out what was wrong with his once playful and psychotic boyfriend.

Chibi B: I told you it sucked! .

Taski: Yes it does! *laughing at hikari again*

Chibi B: Oh! You're so mean! I'm telling your boyfriend! *stomps off*

Taski: *panicking* No! Don't tell him! I'll be good now! I promise! *runs after her*

Chibi B: Read and Review please! Please don't flame me, constructive criticism is very much appreciated though. If I get at least 3 reviews, I'll get working on another chapter. I may just take the whole thing down though because I think it sucks terribly.