These are some ideas of what Dumbledore will say to Harry in the fifth book. My friend prongs and I wrote these. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I did not make up the characters, or the phrase, "It is time for me to tell you something I should have told you five years ago." That was taken from the fifth book.

" It is time for me to tell you something that I should have told you 5 years ago. Please sit down."

" What?"

"You are a muggle. We made a mistake, but were too lazy to send you back. We charmed your wand so a muggle could use it."

" Really? And all this time I thought I was a wizard." He went back to Privet Drive.


" It is time for me to tell you something I should have told you 5 years ago. Harry, I belong to the Smile Gay Teletubby club. And we want you to join."

" Are you kidding? All my life, I have wanted to join the SGT club! It was my idol."

" Harry, can I have a hug?"



" It is time for me to tell you what I should have told you 5 years ago."

What could it be? Harry thought.

" Harry… I know this might be a shock to you, but… Elvis is dead."

" NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Harry owned all of the King's records.

" Voldemort killed him when he wouldn't perform without hair gel."

" Darn you, Voldie! I never should have bought you that new car!"


" It is time that I tell you something I should have told you 5 years ago."

" Is it good news or bad news?"

" What would you do if I said good?"

" I would most likely be happy."

" And if I said bad?"

" I would…er… run and scream in horror?"

"I guess I should put a silencing charm on the room, then, shouldn't I?"


" It is time for me to tell you something I should have told you 5 years ago."

" Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why haven't you told me yet?"

" Told you what?"

" What ever you were about to tell me?"

" Do you know what I was about to tell you?"

" How would I know?"

" How would you know?"

" Can you just get on with what you were going to say?"

" I don't know, can I?"

" Can you?"

" Can I?"

" Can you?"

" Can I?"

" Do you realize we've been speaking in questions?"

" How stupid do you think I am?"

" Should I really answer that?"

" Ever heard of a rhetorical question?"


" Do you have a problem with the way I run my school?"

" Where did that come from?"

(Whispers) * No, didn't you know you were supposed to say, " I don't know, do you?"? *

* Oh, was I? * (Out loud) " I don't know, do you?"

" Do you?"

" Do you?"

" Do you?"

" OH, SHUT UP!" Harry stormed out of the office.

Dumbledore blinked. " Was that a question?"


" It is time for me to tell you something I should have told you 5 years ago."

" I'm ready for it."

" Harry, you are Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty."

" I'm who? Why am I in a male body?"

" Er… well… how about I answer that question in another 5 years?"

" No, now!"

" Because… because… Isn't it time for lunch? I'm starved!" Dumbledore rushed out, leaving a very confused Harry sitting in front of his desk.


" It is time for me to tell you what I should have told you 5 years ago."

" What?"

" Michael Jackson is in love with you."



" It is time for me to tell you something I should have told you 5 years ago. Please sit down."

Harry was a little scared. What was Albus Dumbledore going to say?

" Harry… Professor Snape is your birth mother."

" What?!?" Harry stood up. " But… everyone says I've got my mother's eyes!"

" If everyone said you should jump off a bridge, would you?"

" Er… what?"


" It is time for me to tell you something I should have told you 5 years ago. Sit down."

Harry sat down, feeling nervous.

" Stand up." He stood.

" Sit down." Harry sat.

" Stand up." He stood again.

" Sit down." Harry looked at Dumbledore.

" Why?"

Dumbledore laughed. " I love doing that!" Then he said, " Stand up!"

" I am already standing!" Harry was getting annoyed.

" Oh. Then sit down."

" No!"

" Imperio!" Dumbledore cursed Harry. A small voice in Harry's head said,

" Sit down!" Harry sat.

" Stand up!" Harry stood.

" Go tell Snape you love him and then do a hula dance!" Harry went to find his Potions teacher.

When Harry proclaimed his everlasting love and started to dance, Snape shot him to put him out of his misery.


" It is time for me to tell you something I should have told you 5 years ago. Please sit down."

Harry sat. (A/N: No, not this again!)

" Harry, you are allergic to nuts."

 Harry was stunned. He never knew this.

" Which kind?"


" Harry, it is time for me to tell you something I should have told you 5 years ago."

" W-What is it?"

" Can I call you Luke?"

" Um… sure."

" Luke, I am your father."

" Really?"

" No, I just always wanted to say that."


" Harry, It is time for me to tell you something I should have told you 5 years ago."

" What?"

" You know you are a Parcelmouth?"

" Yes…"

" Well, you are also a DungoToung."

" Which means…?"

" You can talk to Dung Beetles."

" What? No!"


" I am going to tell you something I should have told you 5 years ago."

" Why? What is it?"

" Harry, you have diarrhea"

Harry's stomach grumbled. " Oh, 'scuse me a second…"

He rushed to the bathroom. 


" It is time for me to tell you something I should have told you 5 years ago."

" What is it?" Harry asked? " I've been waiting for five years for this! What could be so important that you had to wait till I was fifteen to tell me?"

" You have an overdue library book"


" Harry, it is time for me to tell you what I should have told you 5 years ago."

" Well tell me!"

" I want you to go find Severus Snape and-"

" DON'T FINISH THAT THOUGHT!" Harry yelled and sprinted out of the room.


" It is time for me to tell you something I should have told you five years ago."

" What is it?"

" Never eat raspberries."


" It is time for me to tell you what I should-"

" Look, we all know where this is going! You say your little speech, I ask what, and then you say something stupid. Why don't you just tell me something that Rowling would really write?" Harry said, exasperated.

" Hmm… how about… NO!" Dumbledore laughed. " Now, I have to tell you that… you are a wizard!"

Harry got up and went to the door. Just before he slammed the door, he yelled, " I ALREADY KNOW!"

" It is time for me to tell you what I should have five years ago."

" What is it? Is it why Voldemort wanted to kill me?"

" Yes. Here it is: you are Voldemort's father!"

" What!? Then how… but why… AAAAAAHHHH!"


" I'm gonna tell you something I should have told you five years ago."

" What is it?"

" Your fly's open."


"… should have told you five years ago."

" Ok, tell me."

" No, Harry, you're supposed to say, 'oh, no! What if it's something horrible? What if it ruins my life?'. Aren't you scared?"

" Um… no."

*Dumbledore puts on a scary mask*

" Does this scare you?"

" Er, no."

* sneaks up behind Harry*

" Boo! Are you scared now?"

" No."

* puts on a dress and a blond wig *

" Like, I'm a cheerleader!"  he batted his eyelashes.



" Harry, it is time for me to tell you something I should have five years ago."

" ok, shoot." Harry said, so Dumbledore pulled out a .44 pistol…


" Harry, it's time for me to tell you something I should have told you five years ago."

" Ok" said Harry. Dumbledore sang:

" In days of old

When men were bold

And paper wasn't invented,

They wiped their a**

With broken glass

And walked away contented."

Harry stared at him. " Why did you sing that?"

" No reason," Dumbledore shrugged. " I just made it up and had to tell someone."

If you have any suggestions, even if you think that they are stupid, pleeze pleeze review and tell me! I might use them in the next chapter. But, I'm gonna try to finish these before June 21.

Or I might continue after the book, even though she already wrote it. I'll write could-be's.

Anyway, pleeze review! With suggestions!