This is my first fanfic that I've tried to write, so I hope you like it. The story starts with Yuki and Kyo fighting in the forest near Sharuge's house.

"Yuki! Come back here you coward. Running away from our fight! Kusonezumi" Kyo yelled. "Calling in reinforcements huh. Afraid that you cant take me on all by yourself." "Bakaneko. I don't see any of your cat friends coming to help you out. Besides, these rats came there all on their own." Yuki said while perched on a high tree branch surrounded by rats. "I don't need any help! I can take you on all on my own!"


I can sense him, the 'wild one'. He's here! In the form of a pitiful rat!
I ran through the forest, searching with my yellow cat eyes for a glimpse of him. When I find him, he's as good as dead. He thought by turning me into a cat, he could slow me down, yeah right. There he is, in that tree.


::Kyo struggling to get up the tree:: "I'! I.don'!!!" Kyo yelled, as he clung to the trunk of the tree. Just then, a white blur went by and there was a hissing white cat, glaring at the rats around Yuki. At the sight of the hissing horror, all the rats ran away (including Yuki who joined Kyo on the ground to watch), except for one rat that just stood there staring straight back at the white cat. "Face me in your true form you cowardly bastard! I'll get you back for what you've done to me!" The cat said. 'It can talk' Yuki and Kyo thought at the same time. Next thing they know there was a big "POOF" and there was a fierce full-grown tiger slashing away at the cat. The cat hissed and dodged quickly, but then it lost its footing. This gave the tiger an opening and he slashed his paw across the cats face leaving 3 great bloody gashes in the cats face. Knocking it unconscious and plummeting to the ground.


There was a long silence between Kyo and Yuki (who had long since changed back and were now fully dressed). The tiger had hissed at them then bounded off the branch and ran away. Kyo and Yuki gave each other a sideways glance and shrugged. Kyo picked up the dieing, bleeding cat, and both ran home. On the way wondering, how did it go from a rat to a tiger, where was it now, but most of all, how could the cat talk?
When they got home Kyo told Shagure to call Hatori. "Hai, hai, you don't have to be so pushy. I never thought of you as an animal person Kyo. This is a whole new side of you." Shagure teased. "Just shup up call that damn Hatori already! And ask him what we can do to stop the bleeding." Kyo yelled. "Put the cat on your bad Kyo and I'll go get some bandages and first aid." Yuki said. "Why the hell should it be in my room!? I don't want this damn cats blood on my bed. And why the hell should I listen to you Kusonezumi!" Well after much argument, Kyo set the unconscious cat down on his bed. Five minutes later (because it took that long to resolve where the cat was going to be), Hatori came. After he finished bandaging up the three large gashes, he asked Yuki what happed. He didn't bother to ask Kyo because he knew that Kyo would just get mad and not answer him. Besides Kyo was to busy staring at the cat, and wondering how it could talk.
As for Yuki, he basically told the whole story, with a few interruptions from Kyo. Basically just to say how he was winning the fight and how he had been the hero. Yuki just ignored him and kept on telling Hatori and Shagure about the tiger, and how it changed from rat to tiger and all that. The only thing he left out was that the cat talked. Partly because it was kind of creepy to think about, and partly because he didn't really know if he really heard it or if he just imagined Kyo say it. After Yuki finished, there was a silence that was broken by Kyo saying, "It's injuries are its own damn fault. What kind of idiot would go against a full grown tiger?" "First of all," Hatori said, "this it, is a she. And second, I have to leave now, but I suggest that you not move her much and just let her rest for a few days. She was very near death, it's a very fortunate thing that you called me so fast and that I have a degree in veterinary medicine." The others sweat dropped as Hatori took this time to praise himself a bit, and waved goodbye as he went through the door. "I think Honda-san will be very happy about having a pet in the house from now on." Shagure said. "WHAT! You mean we're keeping it!" Kyo yelled, still calling it and it. "Where's it going to stay!" he continued. All of them (at this point only being Yuki and Shagure) glared at him. "Ooooooooooooooooooooooh no! No WAY! That thing is not staying with me in my room!" "Well it is a cat," Shagure started, "And what does that have to do with anything?!" "And you are the cat in the zodiac," Yuki continued. "" " stays in your room." Both Yuki and Shagure said at once and walked off to see what Tohru was making for dinner. "Bu-bu-but." Kyo stuttered. But when he saw no one was listening to him, he walked off in the direction of the dinning room.


Today is not my day. Kyo thought, as he walked into the dinning room to find that Tohru had made stewed leeks for dinner. He ate a little anyways and went back to his room to find the cat still on his bed. 'Oh yeah,' he thought, 'your still here'. He went back out and when he came back he had a small cat sized basket that had once held some fruit (FRUITS BASKET! (Sorry about that)), and put a pillow inside it to make a nice comfy cat sized bed. He picked up the cat gently and put it in its new bed.
Now, he thought, lets give you a name. I can have the author of this fanfic to keep calling you it now can I. I think I will call you.Kai. Yes Kai, that's a good name for you, starts with a "K" and everything. He walked back over to his bed; very satisfied at the name he had chosen and stood in front of the 'beautiful' cat covers of his that were now stained in blood from the cat. He pulled off the covers and asked Tohru if it would be any trouble if she washed them for him. Of course, being the overly nice person that she is, she said yes and started to clean them right away. Kyo grabbed new covers, put them on his bed and went to sleep. What he didn't notice was that a pair of big yellow eyes were looking up at him from a basket next to his bed.

Ok I know that it bad, but it's my first one that I've written. -________- Please R&R