)))Hi, all! Georgia Peach here. This is my first X-Men fic, so please be nice. To prevent confusion, I have to say, this is a crossover. Wait, don't leave! hehe. Ever heard of Disney's show, Kim Possible? Hope so, because that is where this all starts. You could start reading here, but it might make more sense if you first went back and read my first fic. If you have never heard of Kim Possible, this will complicate things. If you haven't left by now, thanks! Please review on your way out. Ideas are very much appreciated and encouraged, I want to know what you want to happen! Plus I need lots of help since I am so new to x-men. Thanks! Sit back and enjoy the show! (((

"Come on, Kiiiiim," whined Ron. "X-Men is coming on soon. You're going to make me miss it again."

"Oooo, sorry, Ron," the cheerleader replied. "Wouldn't want to make you miss your show!"

"No! You wouldn't." He countered. "Middleverse is coming on tonight. I love this episode! Nightcrawler rules!" He proceeds to run around flinging his arms and shouting "bamf" and attracting the attention of several startled pedestrians.

"You're such a geek, Ron."


Meanwhile, Dr. Drakken, the worst enemy of Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable was about to try out his latest experiment on one of his least favorite people- poor Ron Stoppable. Drakken thought this had to be the best invention he had yet to create. Theoretically, if he hooked this thing up to a television, the next person to watch the TV would be sucked into a parallel universe and probably lost forever. All that evil Drakken needed was a guinea pig to test it on. Ron was sure to turn on the TV as soon as he got home. He would be the perfect test subject. All Drakken had to do was wait until Ron was home.


By the time Ron was walking up his driveway, he had imitated Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Toad, and even Jean, and Kim was extremely embarrassed. Kim by now was used to Ron's constant fun and games, but since he had met back up with his childhood friend Naddie a few days ago, he was especially giddy.

Not feeling like going home to a house full of chores yet, Kim followed Ron into his house and sat down with him on the sofa. She wasn't big on cartoons of any sort, so she pulled out her homework to do while Ron was watching his show. whatever it was called.

Ron checked his watch and hurried to turn on the TV. He pushed the power button, but the television screen was filled with snow. He couldn't see the picture, but he could partially hear the sound, and when he heard Scott and Kurt arguing, he knew he was missing it.

"Oh, come on!" he said, kicking the TV. "Hey, work, you piece of crap!" he kicked it a few more times and the picture finally came up, just as the introduction started.

"Great, I missed the first scene." He sighed.

"You've seen it before. What's the big deal?" Kim asked.

"You have to see the whole episode to get the whole experience." Ron explained simply. "Plus, Kurt dancing on the table is like, only the greatest scene of the show!" Ron yet again goes into Nightcrawler-imitation mode, reenacting the dancing-on-the-table scene. "Par-tay! Woo-hoo!"

"So this is you're special little TV show, huh?" Kim asked. "Who is that guy?"

Ron turned towards the TV to see who Kim was pointing at, but the stubborn TV picked that moment to snow up again. Ron whacked the television and it flashed momentarily. He hit it again and the picture finally came back up, but it was somehow different.

"Ron! What did you do?" Kim asked. Good question. All of a sudden, it was like they were inside the television with the x-men. Ron watched in awe as his heroes got up and left the lunch table.

Kim looked at her hands and then pinched herself. "Ouch. Hey, this isn't a dream!" she said, not that surprised. "I thought I had seen it all before this!" she mused to herself.

"So, Ron," she said, turning to him. "What did you do to us and how do we fix it?"

"Uh, what?" Ron broke his gaze at last from the x-men and turned to Kim. "I don't know what happened. . . but isn't it awesome?!" He ran towards the school building, waving his arms around over his head like a loon.

"Ron!" Kim was frustrated, but also a little scared. After all, it's not every day that she is sucked into her best friend's favorite tv show. Not just that, but she had no idea what this world was like. At least Ron watched the show, so he might know what to do. She hurried after him, trying not to bump into any of the students bustling around outside. "Maybe I should have watched more TV." She thought to herself.

))) short, I know. I'm horrible for writing such short chapters. Tell me what you think, please! More soon, but I need reviews. I am the review moocher! Beware! (((