(Lilo: all right! This is my yugioh/hp crossover,

Marikue: this fict. will be somewhat serious and everything, not the kinds that she has produced before. It will be something like an actual book! Oh, and Yu-Gi-Oh people will be speaking both, English and Japanese so bare with it! 

Lilo: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or Harry Potter. Hope that you will like this fict. anyways, Enjoy!)

~Lets Dance~

Yugi was looking around his new house, taking in the surroundings. He, Marik and Ryou were punished by his grandpa and sent to finish their last year of high school in Britain. It wasn't fair that Yugi had to suffer because it wasn't his fault but Yami, Bakura and Marik's. They were never the same after their encounter in Egypt and it was a bit disturbing. Those three thought it was funny to burn down Yugi's school building because they were bored. Yugi and Ryou blocked their yamis from the actual world, locking them in their soul rooms and as for Marik, well, he didn't have a yami since Battle City and it was him who had actually put up the idea of burning buildings and was punished severely by Isis, who came along with the boys to monitor their behaviors. Yugi had nothing against her and he suspected that his Yami liked her a bit too. Now, he could hear a continues whining from his yami's soul room but choose to ignore it and by they looks of it, Ryou was going through the same procedure.

"Well," Isis said looking around their new house, "this isn't too bad for a punishment!" at that, Marik growled and she shot him a death glare while proceeding to look around.

Yugi, Ryou and Marik had to share a room, and Isis would be having a room of her own. Marik thought that it wasn't very fair but abandoned the topic once Isis pointed out that she was a girl and that it won't be very logical for her to share a room with one of them, to which, everyone agreed. She decided to go to the nearest market place to buy them some food and other things, leaving the boys to unpack their stuff and getting used to the place.

"Behave yourselves!" she said and left, leaving three boys alone.

"Gone." Marik said under his breath, a huge smile forming on his face as he plopped down onto the couch.

//YUGI! Why are you so mean to me?// Yami broke down his aboui's barrier and was looking at his light with his piercing eyes.

/because you've turned my previous school into ashes!/ Yugi screamed at the top of his voice inside of his head.

//but, but, but you didn't have to go to school after that!// Yami reasoned, trying to prove that he was right.

/and that is EXACTLY why we are in Britain now!// Yugi was loosing his patience, which was a bad thing.

//but it wasn't me!!!!!! It was the grave keeper and the tomb robber! All I did was watch! Please forgive me for watching!// he knew that it would work and Yugi would give in.


//can I take over while Isis is gone?//


//pretty please//

/fine!/ Yugi snapped and retreated to his soul room while Yami smirked and took control, shutting his light from view.

" well, well, well, Yami is back?" Marik said playfully but stopped after he received a cold glare from Yami.

"you have no idea what you've got us into!" he snapped while looking at now standing tomb robber who appeared next to him, clearly winning over Ryou's body.

"oh shut up Yami! It was fun! You even enjoyed it yourself!" Bakura exclaimed, looking happy for the first time which was very disturbing.

"don't shush me tomb robber!"

"oh, is that so?" Bakura enjoyed getting on Yami's nerves and today was no exception.

In a flash, both yamis were at each other's throats and were yelling out a lot of random Egyptian curses. While doing so, something caught Marik's eye and he came closer to the window. He looked as five grown up men surrounded a boy of Marik's age and were pointing sticks at him. That boy was pale and looked like he was saying goodbye to his life. "help" he managed to say quietly though Marik heard it and the men around his started laughing. They were wearing exactly the same robes as the GHOULS wore and Marik didn't like that. Deciding that he would have to teach GHOULS another lesson, he grabbed both of yamis' hands and pulled them outside.

"what the hell?" Yami said, not liking the fact that he was being pulled by somebody. Mairk, though, said nothing but simply pointed at the terrified boy and the hooded figures.

"should we help?" he said, eyeing the other two.

"sure. It will give us a little bit of entertainment" Yami said, the eye of darkness forming on his head. He didn't like GHOULS and even though Mairk was still their boss, he didn't mind crushing one or two of their minds. Bakura, on the other hand, agreed to help only because he thought it would be funny to kill them and he liked killing though he promised Ryou that he wouldn't do it without his permission and to his surprise, Ryou agreed to give him the opportunity to kill right now, which was very, VERY rare.

"RUN!" the boy screamed to the trio but the reaction he got was different from what he had expected. Harry looked in amazement as the boy with white hair and brown eyes began to laugh maniacally. He knew that the boy had no idea who the Death Eaters were or why they were after him but Harry knew for sure that they wouldn't stand a chance since they were muggles.

"Mortal" Bakura said, "I run from nothing! Anibus runs from me!"

'Anibus?' Harry asked himself. 'who the heck was that?'

"we will help you" Yami said and the hooded figures turned around to face them.

Marik's eyes widened. "These are no GHOULS! The last time I've checked, GHOULS didn't wear any masks, except for those two who you, Yami, and Kaiba beat in Battle City. They will pay!"

"I don't care who they are but they will surely pay …… for what?" Yami asked, not sure of what Marik was talking about.

"for stealing the design of GHOULS you baka!" Bakura said, looking at the Death Eaters like they were his dinner.

"RUN!" Harry screamed again. "You don't know who you are dealing with! Save yourself!"

"they can't hide, those foolish muggles! They don't realize it but the darkness will rule and all of them will die!" one of the Death Eaters screamed.

Bakura raised an eyebrow. "what was that mortal? I am the darkness but I don't feel like ruling. Is this another fanclub?" Yami choose to ignore his 'friend's' last comment and turned his attention to Harry instead  "did they hurt you?"

"they are going to kill me and you! Run! Save yourselves!" Harry yelled in reply.

"we'll see about that!" Marik said calmly, gripping the rod tightly under his jacket.

Harry gasped at what he saw next. The Death Eater raised their wands but then, they threw them away, took off their hoods and masks, and bowed before the three muggle boys in front of him.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING TO US?" on of the Death Eaters screamed, "I CAN'T CONTROLL MY BODY!" the other yelled, his voice very panicky.

Suddenly one of the Death Eaters rose and turned around to face his gang. "that is because I am in control now." His voice was distant and he looked like was under an imperial curse. "you mortals know nothing of our society but you must know that you broke GHOULS' rules." At that, Bakura started to laugh maniacally again.

"mortal, you only have a few more minutes to leave!" he yelled turning to Yami who was looking at the boy that was shivering on the ground, the one that those people tried to attack in the first place.

"do you want them to live?" he asked in his calm voice.

Harry had no idea what he meant by want and live but he said the first thing that came into his head. "I want them DEAD!" he yelled at the top of his lungs not sure what is going to happen next. Now he watched as the boy with the tri colored hair turned to the boy with the whit hair and brown eyes whose laugh made Voldemort look like a joke.

"Well, should we call upon a monster or should we mind crush them?" he asked.

"shit! Isis will be home soon! If she sees blood, she will suspect something!" the Death Eater that was under Marik's control said.

Harry was totally confused. How could those three know one of the followers of Voldemort and have him on their side? It was all very confusing but then the Death Eater started holding his head and yelling nonsense like "free me" or "no" but then fell quiet and the boy with lavender eyes smiled. "one down, four more to go" he said as if it was nothing.

 "the rest are mine" Yami slowly raised his hand and pointed it at the Death Eaters' heads. "you try to harm those who have no defense against you, therefore you should suffer! MIND CRUSH!"

The bodies fell to the ground in a heap, dead. Bakura's millennium ring began to glow and the bodies disappeared.

The three smirked and then turned their attention to the stunned boy. Suddenly, there was flash of light and Isis appeared right in front of their noses.

" I LEAVE YOU FOR ONE SECOND AND YOU START KILLING EVERYBODY? MARIK! I THINK THAT I'VE TALKED TO YOU ABOUT THAT ALREDY! IT IS NOT FUNNY TO KILL! DO YOU UNDERSTAND??????????????????????" her eyes were popping out and smoke was coming out of her ears. Only now Harry realized that the Dursleys were looking at everything that was happening and their faces were filled with fear. Harry expected he ministry appear in any moment but they didn't. Now he looked as his three saviors backed away from a girl that apparated right in front of him and was looking like she was going to kill them. He thought that he had to repay the three somehow and spoke up.

"uh, excuse me miss, but, uh, if it weren't for those three, I would've been dead by now." He felt a shiver running down his spine as the girl spun around and glared at him.

"Ya Isis," Marik seized the opportunity and decided to get all of them out of trouble. "we saw this five corner him and we decided to help. They attacked us and we simply defended ourselves. It was an accident that they died and then, well, we hid their bodies." However Isis was still looking like she was going to spit venom and turned her attention to the three again.

"do you realize," she said threw tightly clenched teeth, "that you've just committed a crime and  how would you explain what you did to this boy? Hmmm?" but before any could answer, Harry spoke again.

"Uh, miss, I came from the same world as you did, I mean, wizard's world, so you don't have to worry about explaining what just happened. Voldemort attacked me, oh, and my name is Harry Potter, and everything is natural to me since I attend Hogwarts, though I do not understand the spell that you've used to kill the Death Eaters without using a wand.……." he looked at them expecting them to look at his scar or say anything that other wizards would usually do. He also have guessed that those four were from some foreign school and hope maybe a little bit, that they would be attending Hogwarts after he say the way they've killed all of those five with one spell. However, his thoughts were abruptly broken by another flash of light and turning to his left, he saw a very confused Dumbledore with an extremely worried MacGonagall. 'what is going on?' he asked himself.            

(Lilo: done! The first chapter is done! Yay! Oh, and I am going to update my other story tomorrow, and put up yet another story ……….I dunno when. Anyways, tell me what you think, all right?

Marikue: R&R!)