Part VI: The Mansion, around 3:30 a.m…

"So whatcha wanna do?"

"I dunno, dude, whaddaya wanna do?"

"Dude, hahahahaha!"

"SSh! It's not that funny, Rogue!"

"Yes it is, Dude!" Rogue was laughing and pointing helplessly at Bobby.

"Jeez, Rogue doesn't need beer, caffeine makes her crazy enough!" John commented.


"Let's have a sing-along!"

"That'd be too loud, Charlotte."

"Question: Kitty?"

"What, Jube?"

"Who's cuter, Logan or Mr. Summers?"


"Ssh!" (giggle, rustle, crunch) "Pass the cheetohs."

"Who's cuter?"

"Oh hell, Mr. Summers is, hands down!" Charlotte said.

"What?! You're outta your mind!" Rogue exclaimed.

"Well, what would we expect from someone who's literally got Logan on the brain?" (Grooooaaaaaan) "Okay, did that qualify me as the King of Corny, Nadine?"

"That made you the God of Corny, John, and I think it's Mr. Summers!"

"No, I like Logan," Jubilee argued.

"Okay, we got two for Logan, two for Mr. Summers, what about you, Kitty?"

"Well…I don't know…Mr. Summers is, like, the poster boy for the word 'fine,' but Logan's just so damn sexy…it's apples and oranges, they're too different!"

"Mr. Summers has wonderful lips!" Nadine commented.

"Logan has such a great—"

"—WAIT a minute, this conversation has gone far enough!" Bobby exclaimed, throwing out his hands. "We don't wanna hear your opinion of his, um…"

Jubilee glared at Bobby, "I was going to say his nose, but now that you mention it, THAT isn't too bad either!"

"No, Logan is, um, very nice in that department. Not that Mr. Summers doesn't have a gorgeous bod, either," Rogue conceded. "Oh, and that jaw! When Cyclops grits his teeth and his jaw squares up, I just wanna—"

"CHANGE the subject!"

"Shut up, John, we're trying to drool!"

"When the hell have you ever seen Cyclops grit his teeth?" Andy demanded.

"Whenever Logan's in the room with Jean?" Allen suggested wickedly.


"Actually, when he broke his arm during that mission last fall. It must've hurt everytime he took a step, but all he did was grit his teeth and walk down to the infirmary!" Kitty recalled. "I hope I'm half that brave!"

"Oh, that wasn't bravery; he only grits his teeth when he's mad," Jubilee said, then spilled a bottle of Sprite. "Crap."

"Do you girls just spend all your time checking out Mr. Summers' jaw?" John demanded.

"When he's teaching class, I do," Nadine replied, waggling her eyebrows at the other girls. "When he's not facing us, I'm lookin' at somethin' else!"

"Oooh yes!" Jubilee exclaimed.

"I'm going to be sick."

"Shut up, Bobby," Kitty said.

"Whaddaya mean, shut up? You're supposed to be saying which one of US is the hottest!" Bobby exclaimed, a wounded expression on his face.

Jubilee snorted, "Oh, puh-leeze."

"And how the hell do you know Mr. Summers grits his teeth when he's mad?"

"He does it at you a lot," Kitty replied. "Oh, and when Logan does that thing he does with his—"

"'You'" (clap-clap, clap) "'Doin' that thing you do. Breakin' my heart into a million pieces, like you always doooo!'" Andy rarely resisted the chance to break into song.

(Giggle, giggle, squeal!)

"'Cause it hurts me so just to see you go, around with someone new! And if I know you—'"

"Hey, do one we all know!" exclaimed Kitty.

Charlotte grinned and began, "'I'm a genie in a bottle, baby, ya gotta rub me the—"


"Shh!" (Giggle!) "No screaming, no matter how much…whats-her-name annoys you!" Jubilee said, shoving John.

"She sucks!" John exclaimed, making a loud gagging sound.

"Ssh! Someone'll hear us! Sing something else!"

"OH! I got it! Row-row-row your—"

"You've GOT to be kidding!" Kitty exclaimed.

(Giggle! SHRIEK!) "HEY! How about…"


As Scott Summers slowly fought back to consciousness, his first thought was that something had caused the bed to shake again. What appeared at first to be a low, distant rumble turned out to be a rhythmic pounding. He sat up and listened. Jean stirred, then sat up beside him. "What on Earth are they doing?" he muttered to her.

Scott and Jean got up and headed down the hall to meet Storm and Logan coming from the opposite direction. They followed the increasingly loud pounding until they wound up outside Jubilee, Kitty, and Rogue's room. They stared at each other in confused surprise at the racket from inside.

Stomp-stomp, CLAP!! Stomp-stomp, CLAP!! "We will, we will ROCK YOU!!!" THUD!! Stomp-stomp, CLAP!! "WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU!!!"

Jean rubbed her eyes frantically, wondering if this was still a dream. In disbelief, Scott turned to Ororo, "What time is it?"

She glanced at her watch, "Four a.m."

Logan gaped for a moment, glanced at his own watch, then slowly began to grin.

Stomp-stomp, CLAP!! Stomp-stomp, CLAP!! "WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU!!!" THUD!! Stomp-stomp-shriek! "WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU!!!" THUD!!

Scott finally managed to shake his brain out of the fog it was in, and, gritting his teeth, he reached for the door. Storm's hand stopped him. He opened his mouth but she frantically put a finger to her lips. He stared in confusion and she grinned, then stepped back. Scott watched as her eyes turned white, and, slowly, he too began to grin.

Inside the room, the party was in full swing. Stomp-stomp, CLAP!! Stomp-stomp, CLAP!! "WEEEE WILLLL, WEEE WILLL ROCK YOU!!!" THUD!!! Stomp-stomp, CLAP!! "WEEEEE WILLLLL, WEEEEE WILLLL ROCK YOU!!—

—CRACK!! BOOM-BOOM, CRASH!! A surprisingly rhythmic and loud rumble of thunder crashed directly over the mansion, bringing the sing-along to an abrupt halt.

BOOM-BOOM, CRASH!! "Whoa! Holy shit! What the hell was that?" Bobby exclaimed.

Remy glanced out the window and broke a sweat, "Uh, mes amis, it is perfectly clear out there!"

"Oh my God," Kitty gasped.

"I, uh, think that's Ms. Monroe's way of telling us to shut the hell up and go to bed right now," Nadine murmured.

"Let's do that," John suggested.

"Yes," Allen agreed.

"Okay," Rogue added.

The illegal guests made a dash for the door, throwing it open only to discover…"OOH!! Uh, hi, Mr. Summers!" Bobby squeaked.

Kitty, standing next to Jubilee inside their room, glanced around at the purloined food and melting ice that littered the floor. Then she looked at Mr. Summers. "Is he gritting his teeth?" Jubilee whispered.



Author's Note: If you wish it, there are more stories concerning the Slumber Party Crowd that I would be delighted to post. Please feel free to express your opinion on the subject in reviews. Every vote counts!