I know, I know, I haven't kept my promise at all. I probably won't be doing the sequels I promised, or the others. My computer decided to die on me, and with it went everything I've been working so hard on, including a novel I was completing. So, to start us off anew, I've got a brand new story here for you!

It's called Angels, Flowers, and Eyes, and for a good reason! It starts off with a sad end and off we go on the wildest adventure my mind has ever concocted! It's strange, I must admit, but here we go. The crossover of Card Captor Sakura and Vision of Escaflowne, as seen by Angel, begins!


Chapter 1: Sakura: The End

Sakura Kinomoto, 17 years old, works as a magazine model, will be graduating from Seiju High School in the Class of 2004. That's how the law sees me. My father sees me as his little angel. Kero and Yue see me as their new master, their best friend. Tomoyo-chan sees me as the best friend a girl could have. Eriol sees me as the best candidate for the Sakura Cards than he could ever have chosen as his past self, Clow Reed. Syaoran sees me as an extremely good friend.

I see me as Sakura, friend to all who ask. Only friend. At one time, I knew that I loved Yukito, Yue's temporary form. However, he loved someone else, my brother, Touya. I thought I loved Eriol for a short spell, but I find he is more like a brother to me.

So who will be my number one? Yukito once told me that I would find him, someday. Rika found that man in our teacher. Tomoyo found him in Eriol. Yukito and Yue found him in Touya. Chiyako found him in Yamazaki. I'm looking, but I don't see anyone who could be my number one.

I am on a short cruise that my father gave me for my birthday, a little late this year because of school. It's July, and a sweet day it is to be on the ocean, headed for sunny California. Eriol, Tomoyo, Yukito, Touya, Syaoran, and Kero came as well. Ruby Moon and Souppy stayed home with Dad.

The waves are so beautiful. They crash against the side of the Bonita, the cruise ship we are riding. It was a Spanish ship, but some California company bought it and refinished it. Touya is hanging over the side, slightly seasick. He has never been the same since he gave his magic to Yue. My brother is much less aggravating so much as he is annoying.

"Hey," Syaoran leaned over the side of the Bonita at my side, staring down at the lapping crystal crests and troughs. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah," I smiled at him. He gave a nervous one back. "Thanks for coming, Syaoran."
"Thank you, for inviting me."
"Do you think you're ready? English was a hard language to learn," I laughed as he blushed at the thought.

"Yes, I think it was," he smiled at last. "But you helped me learn it."
"While teaching myself," I pointed out.


We were silent a moment before he spoke again, still staring out at the distance.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing," I smiled. "Just thinking how much fun we're going to have. My father and Tomoyo's mom were so nice letting us go on this trip to America."

"Yeah, they were," he grinned and let a sudden gust of wind sweep his hair away, messing it up even worse. The wind was so cool and smooth, I couldn't help but let it carry me away to far away worlds.

Perhaps it was too far away.
When I opened my eyes, the skies, which had been clear and gorgeous only moments before, were dark and scary. Lightning flashed across the sky and I couldn't help but scream as the thunder clapped loudly afterward. Syaoran wrapped his arms around me protectively, sniffing at the arid air.

"This storm isn't normal," he muttered. A light, distant feeling tingled in my feet. I saw a bright light and felt a deep pain, as if someone had slid a knife into my chest. Syaoran held me even tighter in his arms, but suddenly they grew limp and the world around me went black.


The world came into focus again, and my eyes blinked back salty tears that had begun with the pain. Syaoran's hand was draped limply over my stomach, and I removed it carefully. The world was still dark and I noticed that the ship was gone, as well as the rest of my friends.
If there was one thing that I had learned after being the Card Captor, it was that I should never panic. A few deep breaths later, I knew only one thing. It was that I was alone with Syaoran in a world that was not my own.

A moaning alerted me to Syaoran, and I shook him lightly to help him awaken.
"Syaoran, wake up," I murmured softly. "The ship's gone."
"We're not on the ship," Syaoran sat up, rubbing his temples. "I think we're dead."
"D-Dead?" Okay, that would definitely be cause for alarm! "Then how are we here, together, still talking?"

"I think someone used the reaction of our death to replace our bodies in an alternate dimension. It would explain how we're alive, and why we're basically in a blank dark void."
"Righto, righto, righto, you are, Syaoran-san!" cried a loud, bouncy voice that was musical, yet annoying at the same time. A young woman appeared, with light blue hair and wide silver eyes. She grinned at Syaoran and I happily. "Welcome, dearies, welcome! You are in the domain of Alexis or Mother Nature, as you would say."

"You're the Mother Nature?" I asked, finding it slightly unbelievable.

"Yup, yup! My sisters and I were arguing the other day, and, well, my more strong-headed sister, Beatrix, decided to tear a hole in the time-space continuum on one of her rampages, you might say.

"Well, since the tear had been made, my other sister, Dori, decided that we should choose one child to kill and bring through the rift! I thought it was a smashing idea, so I went through with the plan, see? I suppose I did overdo it a bit, though, it was sort of obvious something like this was going to happen, wasn't it, dearies?"
Syaoran and I could only nod.

"Now, I've only got a moment more, before you're swept out of my hands. The dimension toward which you are headed is known as the Escaflowne realm, a place which might seem a bit intimidating to you. Now, I've paired you up with a lovely young lady who should be of some assistance. Her name is Angel, and she's seen this world through a cartoon show in her dimension. Now, she should be here...ah, here she is now! Angel! Over here, dearie!"

"Alexis, girl, you need to take a chill pill..." said the new girl. She seemed around my age, very fit and very thin, but not very pretty, you might say. Angel had short brown hair, darker than mine, and blue eyes. Syaoran seemed wary of her for some reason.

"She's from America, so you might want to be a little wary of her, 'kay?" Alexis grinned before fading out. "I'm gone, kids, you behave, now, Angel!"

"Alexis, you know I behave better than you!" Angel called back. I looked at her for a moment before looking around the dark area.

"Sorry about that," Angel said with a grin. "Alexis can be a bit...overwhelming, you might say."

"You're not human, are you?" Syaoran asked at last. I hit him lightly in the arm for asking such a thing.

"No, I'm not," Angel giggled lightly. "Of course, I know all about you two, Sakura, Syaoran. You might want to stick close, this dimension is rather...insane."

"How do you know us?" Syaoran asked, being a bit stiff about it, too. I elbowed him in the ribs a little.

"I've seen you guys in a manga," Angel smiled back at us. "My dimension is sort of like a nerve center for several thousand dimensions."

"You need to behave, too, Syaoran," Angel said seriously. "This dimension is not one to play around with. I'm familiar with the method with which they used to bring you here. I empathize thoroughly."
"You mean you've been killed before to be sent to another dimension, too?"

"No. I was killed to become a guide for two lost children in another dimension. I retained the duty for a thousand times over. I'm sort of rusty on the Escaflowne plotline, so I'll be learning, too," she grinned back at us, but it didn't make me feel any better.


Ieek! I wouldn't trust her either! Golly! Well, you might have noticed the strange way I have Sakura's name at the top of this. This entire story is told through point of views. It's told from different people's perspectives. It will mostly be from Angel's perspective, though. You gotta stay sharp with this one, folks!