This story is mostly leaning towards a boy audience, however it should be a fun read for girls as well.


Rating: PG

Song used: Boy Crazy by Newfound Glory. (Used only for story purposes)

Sonic and Knuckles are copyrighted SEGA.


"Hey Knux," Sonic greeted dryly, slumping down on the couch.

"Hey," Knuckles grunted, lifting a hand weakly in the air.

"What's got you so tuckered out?" Sonic smirked as Knuckles sat down across from him.

"Listen to your own tone," Knuckles shot back, slouching down on his own couch.

Sonic chuckled weakly. "So what happened?"

"Women," Knuckles uttered, slapping a hand on top of his face.

Some girls are crazy

"Ooh, girl problems Knux?" Sonic jeered, mustering up a tease.

"Girl problems with everything," Knuckles sighed, pulling apart two fingers to give Sonic a one-eyed glare.

Sonic sneered. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"More like all the coins in Fort Nox," Knuckles grunted.

Just listen to what I have to say about it

"Care sharing, oh wise one of the opposite sex?" Sonic remarked sardonically. "Please, bestow your great wisdom on those lesser than you."

Had Knuckles had enough strength he would've punched Sonic's nose. "Alright then," Knuckles groaned, pushing himself out of slouching position, willing to play along with Sonic out of exasperation. "First, never let looks fool you."

You've gotta watch out for the beautiful ones

"Rouge?" Sonic prodded.

"Who else?" Knuckles sighed.

"What'd she do?"

"What didn't she do?"

"Heh, so what'd she get out of you?"

"Everything. Geez, can't believe I fell for those stupid charms again. I mean, from her looks you'd expect her to be punched out easily, but no. Just when you let your guard down you get a kick in the face."

They'll twist your head right off your neck

Sonic chuckled. "Got beat up by a girl?"

"More like I was beaten by one," Knuckles sighed. "Honestly, I don't get how she does that," he complained, scratching his head in frustration. "Not even Eggman is that cunning."

"I know, by the way she told all of us about her big steal."

Knuckles looked up in surprise. "She did?"

And laugh about it with their friends

"Aw, don't feel so bad Knuxie, any one of us would've been knocked cold long enough for her to get away."

"Shut up."

Sonic grinned. "It's not like she's never done this before."

Knuckles groaned.

"What is it? The third time?"

"Fourth, but who's counting."

That's just one night for them

"Geez, you gotta stop falling for that girl."

"Yeah, like you would stand a chance against Rouge?"

"Not saying that I can, but after four times I think I would learn!"

"Phfft, you'd never last."

"Aw, c'mon, how hard can it be?"

Knuckles chuckled slightly. "You've never had her come right into your face. She bats her eyes at you and everything. You just can't turn away."

They start at you with their eyes

Sonic looked on with a widening smirk.

"Then she pushes her face right into yours, muttering some words. At that point you can't hear a thing that she's saying but you see her lips moving. She then moves in for the kill."

And move with their lips

"And after that you can't do a blasted thing but go along with her."

And it pulls you in

"Quite the charmer ain't she?"

"Tell me about it."

"Why don't you stop meeting her then?"

"I can't. Everywhere I go she's there. I think she stalks me or something."

"Ooh, creepy. So what happens next?"

"The last thing I remembered she was mocking me, telling me what a fool I am. After that she took off with the Emeralds."

She shuts you down with her voice again

"Again," Sonic added.

"Yeah, thankfully she didn't get the Master Emerald this time."

"You sure?" Sonic said skeptically, raising an eyebrow.

Knuckles gave Sonic a glare. "Of course, the island's still up there, isn't it?"

"Whatever," Sonic whistled.

And now are you listening?

"And all I have to do now is find her and steal them back."

"Again," Sonic added.

"Shut up, again!"

Sonic grinned.
This song goes out to girls
That we haven't met just yet

Rouge's heels clicked on her apartment floor, one of many she had for hiding purposes. She twirled the gem in her hands, watching the moonlight glint off of its blue glass-like surface; its many facets producing reflections of her grinning face.

Rouge smiled in satisfaction.

"You're mine again," she cooed to the gem. "I'll make sure that dumb echidna doesn't steal you back this time. Besides, even if he does, I'll just steal you right back. The echidna makes stealing you too easy."

This song is for stupid girls
Who think that every boy is all about them


"So, anything happen to you?" Knuckles gestured his hand in the air.

"You're just saying that so I'll leave you alone," Sonic remarked.

"'Course, besides you're just as tired as I am. It does say something."

Sonic blew a few stray quills out of his face. "Like you, I have my own share of girl troubles."

These girls are crazy...

Knuckles stared with mock and interest. "Really? Anyone I know?"

"Let me put it this way, fangirls are nothing but trouble."

Just listen to what I have to say about it

Knuckles snickered. "Amy got you this tired? She beat you up?"

"Please," Sonic narrowed his eyes at Knuckles. "Besides, Amy's a handful; a lot more trouble than Rouge."

"Really? Prove it."

"Fine. You have no idea what it's like to have a girl—that might as well have a battery stuck to her—chase you around town."

You've gotta watch out for the younger ones

"All around town?"

"All around town, as in, even around the land fills."

Knuckles shook his head in mock pity.

"I mean, at one point Rouge is going to have to leave because of loss of interest, Amy's never going to get over me."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because who could get over me," Sonic remarked suavely, thumping himself on the chest. Knuckles rolled his eyes. "Besides, you could hit Rouge if you wanted to."

"Sounds like you're whipped," Knuckles smirked. Sonic narrowed his eyes and frowned.

 They'll tightly wrap you around their fingers

"I mean, it's bad enough she has to follow me everywhere, but she always has to get in my way!"

Knuckles nodded.

"Also, she goes on spreading rumors about everything! She's the head of my fan club; she nearly started a scandal that would've ruined my reputation! Not only that, but she goes around pretending she's my girlfriend. She nearly got killed because of that lie!"

And brag to all their friends

"I wish once, just once, she'd take me seriously."

It's nothing but a game to them

Knuckles nodded.

"Today, get this, she literally begged me to let her come along a scouting mission with me and Tails! It was right in public and everything! She stared at me with those puppy-dog eyes, and tears on the brink of spilling out and everything."

They target you with their eyes

"Then, then comes the sobbing when I tell her no. She begs and pleads, and cries right out in the middle of public."

And move with their lips

"So I had to shut her up some way. I just barely agreed to let her go."

And it pulls you in

"The next thing I know she's dancing about hugging me and, get this, squealing. I thought only pigs made that noise. But hers is louder, and she does it right in my ear. It's a wonder she hasn't made me deaf, or driven me insane!"

She shuts you down with her voice again

Knuckles nodded his head, closing his eyes. Sonic shot Knuckles a narrow-eyed glare.

"And now are you listening?"  Sonic nearly screamed. Knuckles calmly opened his eyes, seeing Sonic all worked up, panting with shoulders heaving. Knuckles then uncrossed his arms, stuck his pinky finger in his ear, twisted it, and pulled it out.

"Not really," he answered. Sonic's cheeks puffed out in anger.

"What's the matter, the world hero can't handle one fangirl?" Knuckles sneered.

"At least I have one, and not some vixen that stalks me," Sonic huffed. Knuckles frowned.

"I may be beaten, but I'm not whipped."

"I am not whipped," Sonic quipped back. Knuckles's slyly narrowed his eyes.

The pink hedgehog fell from the robot's arms, rubbing her arms at her new sense of freedom. She shuddered slightly from the change, but then embraced it.

Looking up she met an organic version of the robot.

"You. . .saved me?" she choked out incredulously.

"Yeah, the name's Sonic," he answered casually, helping her up.

This song goes out to girls that we haven't met just yet

"Wow," she breathed, squeezing the hedgehog's arm in admiration and awe. "You must be really strong."

"Uh, yeah, I guess I am," the blue hedgehog replied, scratching the back of his head while trying to yank his hand from the pink hedgehog's grasp. She continued to stare at him star-struck while he yanked his hand back and forth between them like a yoyo.

"Uh, you wanna go now?" he asked uneasily, the strange situation making him nervous. The pink hedgehog smiled, snapping out of her fantasy daze. She nodded enthusiastically, the glitter still dancing in her eyes. Sonic picked her up in his arms, running out the hole he'd made earlier, and onto a grassy plain on the now natural, Little Planet. The pink hedgehog blushed madly, gripping onto Sonic's neck for dear life and affection.

When far enough away Sonic put her down.

"I guess we'd better go home them," he sighed in a refreshed way, looking back at Eggman's latest base. "So. . .what're you going to do now that you're free?" he asked, hoping she wouldn't grab him again.

"I'm. . ." she replied nervously, casting her eyes down. ". . .going to start my own fanclub!"

Sonic nearly fell backwards, though cringing, from her sudden loudness. "Oh, that's. . .nice. For who?"

She gave him a sly smile. Sonic then felt more scared than when he faced Metal Sonic.

"Sonic the Hedgehog," she answered with a grin.

This song is for stupid girls
Who think that every boy is all about them

"You are so whipped."

"Says who? You? Like you're at the liberty to call me that."

"It's just my opinion ya know," Knuckles edged off. The conversation paused. "But you are."

"I do not let anyone push me around!"

"Now let's see about that," Knuckles remarked, holding up a hand and counting off his fingers. "Amy, the media, the public. . ."

"Well, that's the price for being a hero ya know!"

Knuckles edged off, knowing well he had hit a soft spot from Sonic's twitching left eye. "Besides the fan-girls?" he asked casually, hoping it would calm the hedgehog down.

"You like annoying me through Amy, doncha?" Sonic sighed, falling back on the couch.

Knuckles chuckled at Sonic's expense.

"You think you're on top of the world, when all the eyes are on you,"
Sonic sighed, rubbing his head and smoothing his quills back. The stress had made his fur stand on end.

"Just wait until your heart breaks, and you'll know how I felt,"
Knuckles motioned with his hand, while his eyes became half-lidded and dispassionate. Sonic could see some sort of exhaustion in the echidna's words, or maybe some kind of hidden hurt? Knuckles never did reveal anything.

"Yeah," Sonic nodded, his words hoping to break the tension. It was like ending the conversation when you ran out of things to talk about.

Silence followed.

"Who needs girls?"

"Here here."

When I wrote this song goes out to girls

"Still. . .it makes you wonder."

"Wonder what?"

"Well. . .if the girls we know are this psycho. . .wonder what others girls could be like?"

Knuckles visibly cringed, his upper lip moving up enough to show teeth.

That we haven't met just yet

"Yeah, thought so."

"Well, hardly anybody knows me. You're the one who has to worry."

"What?! Why me?"

"You're nationally known. Do you know how many other fan-clubs you could possibly have, let alone how many possible fan-club presidents?"

Now it was Sonic's turn to visibly cringe.

"Thought so, blue boy."

"Man, I was beginning to think there was hope too. Why'd you have to ruin it?"

"It's called being realistic."

"More like pessimistic!"

Knuckles couldn't help but smirk. Sonic was very close to jumping to his feet and spitting right in the echidna's face. The hedgehog was twitching with agitation, just waiting for a provocation to strike.

From Sonic's open expression Knuckles could also see just that. The hedgehog sent him a half snarl.

Knuckles wondered if Sonic was the kind of guy girls liked. After all, God knew how many admirers and obsessers he had. But that did lead to wonder, if Sonic had all these girls all over him why was Knuckles getting his heart twisted?

"Makes you wonder why you can't just get rid of them when you don't want them."

"Yeah, if only things could work that way."

"You think Amy and Rouge ever want to get rid of us sometimes?"

The hedgehog and the echidna turned and stared at each other across the couches. Sonic blinked. Knuckles blinked.

Then came the unanimous, "NAH!"

This song is for stupid girls
Who think that every boy is all about them. . .about them.


Yes I do know that the majority of the story is dialogue, but I just wanted to try things from a different perspective.

I'm sure all of you know how hard it is to write things from the angle of the opposite sex.

Personally, I'm not a boy nor will I ever understand them. But I liked the song and thought of it as an attempt at humor. It's supposed to have a casual feel to it, two guys, close friends, discussing girl troubles.

It's nothing serious at all, nor will it be the base of anything in the future.

SEGA girls rock, no one can tell you otherwise.
