Who is Amy, who is she?. . . Noble, fair, wise and great. . .well maybe not all of those but she certainly is something isn't she? I mean, Amy has been around for a long time, yes?

*crowd nods heads*

Well, where exactly did she come from? Very few of us even bother to know of her origins, we just know one simple fact: she's annoying. But was Amy always like that? What was it like when she first met Sonic? I've combined a few of her known origins in this songfic, Sonamy, hope ya like!


Sunlight swept in through the gigantic windows making rainbows in the air and on the walls. The air was as pure as the sun's radiance itself, and blew in fluttering the drapes. The walls were pure white with small decorations going along a painted ribbon design going along the floor. Tiled floors wall to wall in a sweet shade of lavender fading into pink. A sweet aroma wafted in from the garden below through the open window. The air was clean, yet slightly scented. The room itself seemed as bright as the sun, for light filed in everywhere and even in the unsheltered corners. The only darkness in the room was the shadows cast by objects in the room, and even they were not as dark as could be. Except for one gloomy soul.

Actually she wasn't all the gloomy really, she was just bored and over exaggerating. It was hard to believe that on such a beautiful day she couldn't find anything to do. She leaned her head on her hand rocking it back and forth to give her body some movement. The only thing that was moving was her long white dress in the wind. She sighed melodramatically making it as loud as she could to anybody who might happen by.

It's not like she was lazy or anything, she'd done something that morning. She'd eaten breakfast, bugged her parents about getting her prettier dresses, ordering around the servants to keep them active in menial labor, and primping herself. Of course those occupations only suffice for a while. She knew she needed something more productive to do, but she just couldn't think of a thing. Her mind was as clear as the sky that day. With a day so bright why couldn't she be happy? Because all her happiness had been replaced by boredom.

She could order around the servants more, but then they'd be tired and she wouldn't be able to do that again for the rest of the day. She brushed a stray hair out of her eyes.

Just a day, just an ordinary day

She sighed again, even louder hoping to attract attention this time. Nobody came. She pouted and stomped her foot on the ground. She was a princess, princess weren't supposed to be bored! She was supposed to be singing a beautiful song to lull some knight to her doorstep; she was supposed to have suitors lined up for her hand with a line stretching beyond the horizon; she was supposed to have any thing she wanted any time she wanted; she was supposed to have a boyfriend! But here she was, alone in her room with only the light to give her company and she was getting tired of the light's presence. Why couldn't she just order the light to be sent away and get a new playmate? Someone worthy of her, of course. She couldn't bear thinking about socializing with the crowd of commoners her family ruled over. Or better yet, order a boy to be sent to her to fall in love with her, and he'd better be a cute one! 

Just the thought of a handsome prince climbing up the castle wall to save her, then carrying her back down in his arms like she was a breakable gem! The dream of a stout young lad slaying every dragon in the kingdom, and then kneeling down before her. The thought of being whisked away from danger by someone who cared enough to risk their life! She swooned and felt a blush creeping up her face.

'But that would never happen,' she assured herself. 'But oh how I wish it would."

just tryin' to get by

As if answering her prayers a large machine flew right at her window, and hovered just outside it. The extra breeze nearly sent her dress flying up, but she pushed it down just in time to save an embarrassing sight. She looked at the strange thing in front of her, blocking out the light. Only then did she realize how dark her room could be. She didn't have time to admire the scary view of a place she knew so well when a claw snaked out from the underside of the machine and grabbed her around the waist. She cried out in pain, but the pressure wasn't enough to squish her to death. It was just enough to keep her in while she struggled, but she cried out nonetheless. She wanted help. She wanted to get down. She would've like staying bored compared to this. She cried for her servants. She cried for her parents. She cried for the holder to let her down!

Just what nerve did he have? He had no right to come in her presence uninvited and in such a rude manner! She was the princess, and she deserved only the best reverence; but this was nothing she was used to. Why, when she got out of this mechanical arm, she'd send him to the dungeons to rot forever!

But that wasn't about to happen because she never did get down. The arm slurped her back into the ship carrying her with it. She screamed out for help, but nobody could reach her in time. She pouted; they were so fired when she got back. She had enough defiance to cross her arms, but quickly resorted back to wailing when the pull became stronger. The last thing she saw was her room, and her ceiling to wall windows. Oh, how she hated them then. It was her parents' fault. They should've had enough common sense to say no when she asked to have them. They should've known such a thing would happen. She was just the innocent victim; they were to blame. How boredom can become fear so fast?

Darkness, all around her. She hated the dark, she wished the light was still her friend and she had not sent him away. She closed her eyes, and trembled. She wanted out, right now. "Wake up from this dream! I want to go home now, and you will send me home right this instant," she ordered as loudly as she could muster.

"I don't think that's the case, princess," a voice hissed from the darkness. She spun around expecting to see a great monster's jaws gobble her up, or an evil knight chop off her head with his sword. Instead there was a tall fat man with skinny legs and giant glasses that shed the only light in the room. She was grateful for him for his less scary appearance. If only she could comprehend the evil behind the black glasses. "You see, you're going to be my prisoner for a while."

She gasped. She'd only heard of prisoners in stories her mother told her, but she knew they were sent to dirty, yucky jail cells where they rotted into skeletons. She was too young and cute for that! She had so much to do, so many things she wanted to get and play with, and she wanted to conquer being bored! Just then she heard clanking footsteps behind her.

"Be gentle with her Metal, she's our hostage after all?" the man sneered in a fake polite way.

Suddenly the darkness lit up with red glowing eyes revealing a shiny blue body. The evil form glared down at her, and she was too terrified to move. He tied and gagged her easily.

All the fair princess could do was struggle against her bonds. If only she had paid more attention when they tied her, instead of focusing on the glare in that creatures eyes! She tried kicking her feet out as far as they could go, and making muffled screams for help. Now was a great time for a prince!

"Don't even try," mocked the fat man. "You'll never break out."

She struggled even harder and started making muffled screams as loud as she could. Eventually the fat man got annoyed enough to walk away from the controls and force her down. His metal partner stood next to the princess and watched. The metal one jerked up, and started pointing out over the fat man's shoulder. The fat one was shaking the princess now, and hard. Never in her life had she had such rough treatment, he'd get a good beating when she told others! Eventually the fat man saw his partner pointing, and stood up to see what he was pointing at. He was so obese he blocked out the princess's view.

'Why can't he go on a diet?' she whined to herself. She had no idea what was going on, but the fat one started shaking, trembling. What was he so scared of? Was it a big dragon that would steal her away as a new addition to his treasure?

There was the sound of breaking glass, and the fat man moved as to hide her in his shadow. Not only was he putting her in darkness, he was shoving his butt in her face. She fumed. Nobody had the right to do that to her! In a fit of rage she banged her head on the fat man's rear. The fat man was sent sprawling, and her tumbling over onto her stomach. In a flash something grabbed the ropes that tied her hands behind her back and carried her off. She could hear the sounds of the fat man struggling to get up and the metal one helping him. She could also hear an order to follow after whoever was carrying her. She was on his shoulder, so she couldn't turn over enough to see his face. There were some funny blue things sticking out of his head, some were beginning to poke at her. Her prince would never treat her this way! Whoever this man was, he certainly wasn't a prince! So much for falling into her beloved's arms. She sighed again.

"Watcha so sad about?" called a voice. She could feel her body being shifted, being pulled off the man's back and onto his chest. Only then did she look down and notice there wasn't a magic carpet or something underneath them. They were falling too. She starting screaming again, thankfully the gag restrained most of it. She clenched her eyes shut and curled up as most as she could in the man's arms.

"Calm down," the voice soothed. It was strangely calming, totally unlike the previous tone she heard. This one was more compassionate while the other was carefree. She opened her eyes and uncurled a little. Suddenly she could feel hands fumbling with something behind her head, and the gag was gone. She shook her head a few times to get used to the feeling of air on her cheeks again. Of course that only reminded her that her air was blowing upward from their fall.

"Relax, it's going to be fine," the voice said again. By now she was pretty fed up with only listening to him. She wanted to turn around and see his face plastered with fear just using his voice to calm her down when he was hysterical. She raised her shoulders and puffed her cheeks out, just waiting for that man's face to be like that. That would show how un-prince he was. She turned to see a face plastered with not fear, but trust and confidence. He was a little older than her, cute too, but he wasn't a prince since he seemed too rough. But there was a certain smoothness to that roughness, maybe a little bit of wildness. There was also a bit of innocence, hidden behind a smirk. A thrill-seeker, she could tell that right away.

"Just trust me," he smiled at her. Since they still were falling, she really didn't have a choice. Of course she took that his statement meant for her to stop screaming.

just a boy, just an ordinary boy but

He gave her a look of confidence, of easiness. It was either her knew what he was doing or he was nuts. She choose the former, or at least she hoped it was the former. He tilted his head back, staring up at the clouds. Only then did she notice that there was a ship high above them now, getting smaller every second. She assumed that was where he rescued her.

he was looking to the sky and

"They aren't following us," he murmured to himself though she heard. "Good." He put two fingers to his lips and inhaled deeply. The princess could only watch, and back away a little. Suddenly he stopped, and just forced the extra air out. He closed his eyes, in a little annoyance, but when he opened them the look was completely gone. "You might want to back up a little," he chuckled.

How anyone could remain so calm while plummeting to their death was beyond her but she took his advice. She wiggled around in his arms, making a little more distance from his face and hers. He let her pull away as well as still keeping a firm hold on the ropes around her. He was holding the ropes, making her arms burn from the irritation. She winced a little, but he didn't notice. He put two fingers to his lips and inhaled so much he closed his eyes. He then let out a shrill whistle that she thought only her voice could be so loud and high. No wonder he stopped before? Another blue shape flew out and zoomed around him. It stopped underneath him, hopefully to stop the fall. After the long time spent talking they had gained some speed. She looked down expecting to see soft pillows or a box full of feathers, but instead it looked like the top of a plane's wing. She braced herself for the hard landing.

Surprisingly there wasn't a hard bump or the sound of metal being dented. There was a soft thud, and that was it. Slowly the princess opened her eyes, carefully opening one eye first. She first saw him, looking down at her while she was still in his arms.

"Don't worry, you're safe now," he assured her in a soft voice. She looked around to see the interior of a seat of the plane. The plane didn't have a roof either, just how poor were they? Were they common folk? What was she doing with common folk? They weren't worthy to set a foot on royal grounds, but they did save her. She'd give them that much credit. Of course she really wanted to look away in disgust at the peasant that was holding her, but his voice set him apart. She wanted to hear it, and because of that she didn't look away. It was the way his eyes were too. Deep green. Of course the blue of his body and the green of his eyes clashed terribly in the grand color scheme, but it was the way they were put together that made them match. It was like matching only certain shades of purple and reds together to not make it look gaudy.

"I know you probably want to go home, but we can't do that right now," he said. She pouted, and he chuckled. "But just stay with us for a while, that way those mean guys won't get you again. We'll just lay low for a while, understand?"

She had no idea what he had just said, but it sounded like war tactics to her. She nodded her head, hopefully knowing that they knew who she was after all.

 as he asked if I would come along

"Good," he said, and he turned to the driver, or pilot was it called? "Full throttle to the hideout buddy!"

"You got it Sonic!" yelled back a voice, but it wasn't the usual bored tone the princess got out of her drivers, it was a cheery one and younger sounding too, like one younger than her!

"So I'm Sonic," said the stranger pointing to himself, "and that's Tails." The pilot turned around to reveal a young fox with aviator goggles. He gave her a smile and a wave before turning back around. The princess gawked, and Sonic laughed. "I already know you're princess what's-her-name, so what'll we be calling you?"

How dare he address her in such a crude manner? You were supposed to say 'Your highness' or 'Your royal ness' or at least 'Princess. . ." that was the way it worked. He knew who she was yet he called her like. . .like. . . a commoner like him! She was above him, out of his league, a homerun out of his ballpark. How dare he try and be nice to her now!

"You will call me Amy Rose," she huffed. "Princess Amy Rose."

Amy was expecting a decent house with thatched roves and wooden walls. What she found was a makeshift home made out of the roots of a tree using dirt for walls. How did they stay clean in that place? How did they sleep, being so close to the dirt in the floor and ceilings? How did they expect her to stay in that filthy hole?

"Well, this is the place," Sonic said happily with a bit of pride Amy couldn't trace the source to.

"Don't worry, princess, we have enough food for all of us," the young Tails chirped. Instead of hopping out of the plane he jumped and started hovering in the air. Amy saw not one, but two tails sticking to his rear; and to top it all off he was whirling them about like a helicopter and just emptying out boxes out of the back of the plane, like it was no big deal! Amy stood there dumbfounded, until she remembered it wasn't polite to leave your mouth hanging open. She quickly shut it and hoped nobody who recognized her had seen. She then felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Make yourself at home," he said cheerily to her, his arm brushing off her shoulder. For a moment it was magical, warm, and sweet. The instant she remembered who he was it instantly turned into disgust and rage. She quickly brushed her shoulder as hard as she could dusting away as many 'poor germs' she believed were there. When she was finally satisfied she put both hands on her shoulders and wrapped her arms around her chest. She let off a shudder, a shudder of thinking what she was going to be doing staying where she was. She could run away, but then they'd catch her again and 'Sonic' and 'Tails' might not be so nice the next time around. She was stranded, and she hated it. There probably weren't any proper bathrooms in that place, probably the kind with cold flushing water. Amy shivered.

"C'mon," Tails urged running toward the door. He seemed so happy to be staying in that place! Amy felt a little insult there; at least the boy should have some taste! He was obviously the smarter one! Amy's cheeks puffed out once more in frustration. She stomped her foot on the ground, and reluctantly followed after Tails. On the way all she could think about was Sonic touching her shoulder. Although it was a bit disgusting, it was still kind of sweet. She couldn't deny the warm feeling in the first moments.

After managing to get through the tour of the house, which made her want to leave more every moment though Sonic and Tails seemed quite pleased of the place, they had settled down to the food rations Sonic and Tails had brought along. Of course Sonic and Tails scared down several helpings while Amy found it hard to swallow.

'They call this food?' she asked herself using water to flush out the taste. 'Wonder what they consider to be disgusting?'

"You aren't eating," Sonic pointed out with his mouth still full of food. Amy cringed and quickly looked away from the sight of mashed up food between his teeth.

"I'm not hungry," she groaned as she pushed her plate of food away.

"Whatever, more for us then," Sonic shrugged as he took Amy's plate and scooped it onto his. Amy nearly threw up the little food she'd eaten. She managed to choke it back. Luckily Sonic and Tails ate so loudly they didn't hear her.

Amy locked herself in her room for the rest of the day, luckily the boys knew enough to leave her alone from the way she slammed the door. Amy couldn't stand the sight of her room, dusty and dirty with cheap furniture thrown in. The bed was springy and stiff, the metal bedpost that was rusting on the unseen side, and the lumpy walls made of dried earth. All she could do was sleep to put the visions out of her head, but that just reminded her of the bed compared to the one in her room. She rolled over, and eventually the tire from rolling around caused her to fall asleep. She was asleep for the rest of the day, and finally awoke at sunset. Sonic and Tails didn't seem to mind her absence, they weren't used to staying with girls anyway.

"What're you doing?" Amy asked groggily rubbing her eye. She'd wandered out of the house, hoping the countryside would be a nice change of scenery. It was too stuffy inside to her. She found her way to the backyard, where she noticed a dark blue against the faded purple sky. It had to be Sonic, since the sky wasn't dark enough to be that shade of blue. He was sitting on top of a big rock jutting out underneath the tree. Amy could only see his quills from her angle.

"Watching the sunset, what else?" he replied. His quills shook as he spoke.

"Why?" asked Amy in a snobby way.

"You don't watch sunsets?" he replied turning around to face her, a shocked look on his face.

Amy began to feel uneasy. What was so strange about her question? What was so special about the sunset anyways?

"No," she huffed, "I just don't see the point. All you do is waste time!"

"You're one to talk, you spend so much time in the castle to notice when time actually passes!" he laughed. Amy blushed in anger. "You just don't realize, do you?"

"Realize what?" Amy screamed back. She didn't like the fact he knew something, and he wasn't going to tell her straight out.

"Sure, there're a lot of sunsets, but there's only one sunset everyday. One, only one. If you don't see that sunset you miss the feature of the entire day. Then you have to wait until tomorrow to see another one. Of course no sunset is the same. Each one has a different beauty. Each one symbolizes the passing of time. Only a sunset marks when day ends and night begins. If it weren't for sunsets, how would we know the day was about to end? Sometimes I loose total track of time, I mean, it's not like I have a watch in my head or anything. But whenever the sun goes down, I know it's getting late. It's a marker, you learn to appreciate it."

Amy stood there speechless. She never expected a commoner like Sonic to know so much, even more than her! More than that she never thought of it that way. She always thought of the sun as bothersome, since it always glared in her eyes and made her skin burn. She never really thought about time, all that really mattered to her was that she got what she wanted. She never even kept a calendar, figuring it would be no use to her. How could she not notice something so evident?

"You don't get out much, do you?" Sonic laughed. Amy's cheeks puffed out in anger. "Really, you should admire some more things. You spend so much time in your castle you never really live. Tell me, you have any friends?"

"I have the servants," Amy pouted crossing her arms. "They're much better than dirty little playmates."

Sonic laughed. Amy never realized it, but he looked a certain way when he laughed. It was like all the dirt and grime she saw on his face had faded away, and what was left was a pure soul doing a pure action. He looked. . .cute actually. The way his quills moved and his body heaved up and down. He looked like a prince. He looked like a traveler who had traveled the world and was wise beyond his years. He had seen many things, and knew just what was out there, while she only had a vague imagination from storybooks. He'd traveled beyond the horizon, and probably through walls for that matter.

I started to realize that everyday he finds just what he's lookin' for

Soon the sunset was over, but Sonic stayed on the rock where he was. Amy watched as the sky started to blend in more with Sonic's fur, until it was almost that shade. Little blips graced the sky along with a giant blip that rose from the horizon. From where Amy was standing, the moon's glow reflected off Sonic's eyes making the hedgehog seem like part of the sky with stars to blend in more.

and like a shooting star he shines,

Amy had never seen the night sky before. The servants usually closed the drapes once the sun started setting. A reason why she'd never seen the sunset either. She never really wanted to find out what was out her window at night. She just figured it was dark, and she'd never see anything. How wrong she was! Looking at the sky was an array of lights and clouds that made the sky look like churned water. It wasn't all that dark either. The moon's glow was a night version of the sun, and it was a lot less glaring. Amy turned her head up to see galaxies large and small floating in the cytoplasm of the sky.

Something interrupted her view. She heard a voice behind her. Amy turned and saw Sonic leaning down the rock towards her. He reached his hand down to her.

and he said

Sonic smiled, his teeth glowing in the night. Amy didn't know whether it was the awe of the night itself of the sound of Sonic's voice that set the mood.

"Take my hand, live while you can," Sonic said to Amy. Amy reached out her trembling fingers to touch Sonic's palm. Sonic's hand grabbed her shaking one with a firm yet soft grip. Amy was pulled up and managed to find footing on the rock. She struggled to crawl onto the top, next to Sonic. Sonic laughed, and Amy didn't get angry this time. Soon she was laughing right along side him. When Sonic's laughter tuned down, he looked to Amy with a smile on his face.

"Don't you feel dreams lie right in the palm of your hand?" Sonic said wistfully turning to gaze up at the stars again. Amy was glad he looked away, she could feel herself blushing and she didn't want him to see. She couldn't explain why.

"Do you like it, at the palace?" Sonic asked not turning from his look of the sky.

"I guess so, but you make it seem boring," Amy chuckled. Sonic joined in.

"I guess it could be."

"It can be."

Sonic grinned. "Have you ever traveled? You know, make that whole ruler trip to another place?"

"No, my parents usually do that. I never came along. I never wanted to."

"How come?"

"I didn't like 'commoners' as you would call it."

"People like me?"

"Well. . .yes, I mean no. . .I mean, you're different."

and as he spoke, he spoke, ordinary words

"You really have to get out more," Sonic chuckled. Amy could feel that anger surging up again. "See the world, I mean, you only live once. You really have to experience these things; after all, most things can only happen outside wallpapered walls. Think about it. Only outside can you run through fields of flowers, feel morning dew, hear the crickets chirping at night, climb a tree, swim, fly. . ."

"I, never considered those things important. I mean, I thought all I ever needed were the things my parents gave me, which were always the things I wanted."

"As living creatures we all desire contact with nature. Maybe that's why you kept asking for more things, you were unhappy."

Amy was taken back. She'd never thought about it being that way.

thought they did not feel

"You ok?" he consoled putting his hand on her shoulder a second time.

"Yea, it's just, my life seems lonely all of a sudden."

"Maybe that's what it was, you just never felt it that way."

Amy sighed and her ears drooped.

for I felt what I had not felt before

"I'm sorry," Sonic said taking his hand off her shoulder. Amy felt a little guilt, and turned to face him edging her way on the rock.

"It's not your fault, it's mine for realizing just now," Amy said trying to make Sonic look up. Thankfully he did.

"I never expected you to be the selfless type," Sonic said with a smile. Amy blushed.

and you'd swear those words could heal and

"It's alright, I know! Tails and I are going to put a stop to Metal Sonic and Robbotnik once and for all! How'd you like to come?"

Amy's eyes flickered. Thoughts of peril, explosions, and danger whirled through her mind like a storybook. The kind of dangers the heroes always had to face to get to the big leader. How she wanted to be those heroines, but how could she possibly keep up? After what she had seen Sonic done, falling down so coolly, she was sure she'd never be able to cope.

"I think I'd only hold you back," she mumbled. Sonic smirked, and put a finger to her chin tilting it up to meet his.

"You really are selfless, aren't you?" he remarked. Amy blushed again, but didn't brush off Sonic's finger. "I can't stand people who lock themselves all up."

Amy was forced to see Sonic's face. He was serious, but didn't have a stern face. It was his same carefree look, but he meant his words. His eyes seemed to glow in the dark, mostly because his fur color was dark enough to blend in completely now with the sky. They mesmerized Amy, and she couldn't find the will or need to look away. They were a deep green, like the colors of leaves in summer she'd heard of in a story told about a hermit who first came out of his hole to see the sun. It was like a revelation to her too. The eyes glowed on their own; they didn't need to be reflected off of by another light source. But it was more than their light; it was the stare in them. Trust, confidence, and a need for fun. Amy could see those emotions swirling in the green mists of his eyes. He wasn't afraid of showing his emotions, wasn't afraid to hide. He showed no fear, and Amy longed for that trait. That need only kept her more captivated.  

as I looked up into those eyes, his vision borrows mine

Sonic beamed, and pulled his finger off her chin. Amy could feel that need arising again, but for a different thing. She wanted that moment to last longer. The feeling she got from looking in those eyes was like sleeping after staying up for four nights in a row. It was a strange emotion she only got when the prince rescued the princess at the end.

Sonic turned back to the stars, as did Amy. Amy could see why Sonic choose this particular rock for his viewing spot. If she leaned her head back all the way the sky stretched before her as if she were staring up into a dome. After a while and twinkling of the stars hypnotized her, and she could feel the time spent outside really elapsing since her eyelids were drooping. She pressed her palms harder on the rock, but her body wouldn't stop swaying. Her body dipped to one side, though she was too drowsy to notice. She did see a lot of blue, but she wasn't sure if it was the sky or not.

She then felt whatever she was leaning on shift. At first she thought it was going to shove her off, but instead it tilted a bit more so her head fell in a comfortable crevice of warmth. Amy rubbed her head against that crevice, to test that it was real. It was soft and held her, but wasn't too hard. For some reason Amy felt the securer than she did at the castle, in a thing she couldn't even see. Yet she knew what it was, and she trusted it.

"I want to see the world," Amy mumbled.

"Goodnight Amy," an echoing voice whispered. Amy snuggled against that entity and smiled.

and I know he's no stranger for I feel I've held him for all of time,

Amy slept, more comfortably than in her plush feather bed. She usually dreamt about being Rapunzel or Sleeping Beauty, but it was different this time. She was floating. . . in space. Around her were stars of every color and shape. She could fly. She flew past the stars watching them wiz past her, like she was a shooting star herself. She laughed, for the stars' warmth could reach her no matter how far they were.

Suddenly, she fell. She screamed, and reached out hoping some being would emerge and grab her hand. Amy was afraid that her happy dream would turn into a nightmare, for she wanted to remember soaring through the stars without the scary parts popping into her mind.

She stopped suddenly, but there was no aftershock or pain. Carefully opening her eyes Amy saw stars hovering in a ring around her. She watched as they circled around her, and then looked down to see a big star underneath her feet. A voice called out to her, and Amy knew it all too well.

and he said, "take my hand, live while you can,

don't you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand? In the palm of your hand?"

A blue figure materialized against the background of the stars. The blue began to get lighter, until it contrasted space. She saw long quills sticking out, but she longed for the face. The figure turned a little, its face showing over his shoulder. Sonic smiled, and made a gun out his hand and pretended to cock it towards space. The lightness of his skin was the best contrast Amy could see, and the contrast made his face glow as if the stars weren't enough. Even though the stars were closer to her, Sonic seemed to glow more.

Suddenly Sonic turned and started running away. Amy called after him, but he was running too fast and she wasn't sure how she was supposed to fly now. The star beneath her hummed and started moving, but it wasn't enough to keep up with Sonic. The blue hedgehog she could see so clearly was now a fleeting figure with blue mixing into peach. Amy soon lost sight of in the vortex that had formed from Sonic's speed. She was sure he had left her behind, but the stars kept speeding along. Amy sighed in defeat. A hand grasped her hand. Amy gasped and turned to see Sonic flying right beside her, the stars circling around him too. Amy smiled, and Sonic gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. He led her right to the end, where a bright light awaited them. Amy felt like she could see anything. . .in Sonic.

Birds chirped softly, but that was enough to wake Amy. She groggily opened her eyes, blinking a few times, before groaning and sitting up. She brushed some hair behind her ears and rubbed her eyes. A dream, but why'd I have to wake up so soon?

"Morning princess!" Tails called poking a head into Amy's room. "Breakfast's out, hungry today?"

"Yeah, I think I might have some more appetite today," Amy nodded. Tails beamed, and ran off leaving the door open. Amy smiled and shook her head. Appetite? Am I just delusional today?

Breakfast consisted of the same thing they had for dinner, only warmer. Sonic and Tails ate in smaller proportions, though only a bit smaller. There was a lot more friendly conversation between bites, including Amy. She smiled and mentioned a few words here and there, Sonic and Tails even laughed a few times. Amy was putting food in her mouth without even realizing, and it was better since she didn't taste the food at all.

"What're we going to do today, Sonic?" asked Tails gathering up the food. Amy picked up her plate, took the rest from the fox and put them in the sink. She turned the taps, making cold water shake and rattle up the faucet. Amy took one plate, and plunged her hands into the ice-cold water. She quickly yanked them out, giving a bit of a yelp. Tails trotted over to help her out, but Amy politely shooed him away with a smile. She then plunged her hands into the water again, rinsing off the dishes while her teeth chattered. Amy didn't notice the hot water tap, or the fact she had never washed dishes before.

"How 'bout we give Metal and Robuttnik a show?" Sonic said snapping his fingers. "Show them not to mess with Little Planet!"

"I'll juice up the Tornado!" Tails chirped. Sonic smiled and watched the little fox run out slamming the door behind him. Sonic turned to see Amy quietly washing the dishes, though he could see the three plates set aside on the sink rim and Amy's idle hands moving around in the water.

"Ready to go Sonic!" Tails yelled slamming the door once again.

"Not quite," said Sonic dimming Tails's eagerness. "We have one more passenger."

Amy gasped at the sound of Sonic's statement. She could feel the numbness in her hands creeping up the rest of her body. She pulled her hands out of the water and set them on the sink rim, though they were a little limp. She turned to Sonic, blinking a few times. Of course the blue hedgehog's confidence shadowed her disbelief and insecurity.

"Y-y-you mean it?" she stuttered out, whether it was the shock or the cold getting to her.

"You said you wanted to see the world, might as well start here, huh?" Sonic shrugged.

Amy could feel the tears coming to the corners of her eyes. Somebody wanted her around; somebody cared about her; somebody wanted to grant her wish, and that person wasn't her fairy godmother. Amy threw herself into Sonic's arms, grasping him for another reality check.

"Uh, are we going?" asked Tails. He never had that much experience with girls.

"Sure," Amy blushed, tearing away from Sonic rubbing her nose sheepishly.


"Why what?"

"Why did, or what made you, decide to take me with you?"

"Why not?"

"Well, I could be a bother to you. I mean, after all, you are going to fight some bad guys. I told you that before."

"Robotnik's not that hard, besides, it's one thing you should see when you see the world."

Amy fidgeted. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Sonic remained silent for a moment. "Because, you sounded honest. You wanted to do something, and I could arrange that. You might like the rest of the world. My life's pretty exciting let me tell you. Who knows? Come with me and you might see the world, I have many times and even some on accident."


please come with me, see what I see

Amy sighed, dreaming of Sonic's adventures.

"You've never. . .run through a field of flowers, tripped over a root in a forest, windsurfed over the ocean, felt a butterfly on your nose, eaten a chilidog. . . it sounds horrible to me. I always was one to lift those out of misery," Sonic chuckled.

touch the stars for time will not flee

"You make it sound like I wasted my life."

"It's not that! You have plenty of time; you just have to use it. Think of all the things you'll do and see. All you needed was a push in the right direction, and I don't mind lending a hand."

time will not flee, can't you see...

Amy blushed, and tilted her chin to her chest. "Thank you Sonic," she whispered.

"The blimp again?" Amy asked looking at the same one she had been kidnapped in. The window was still broken too.

"Old Robotnik hasn't flown the coop yet, especially with his busted up vehicle," chuckled Sonic.

"Flying in, Sonic," reported Tails dipping on the control stick.

"Alright, here's the plan Amy," said Sonic turning around in his seat to face her. "I go in and take care of Butt-nik and Metal, you go and smash up the control panel. Or you could just mess it up in any way you can."

Amy fretfully nodded, not taking her eyes from Sonic's face.

"You understand?" asked Sonic.

Amy kept nodding her head. The blue hedgehog smiled and turned back around, so he didn't notice that Amy was still nodding her head even when he turned around. Amy bit her finger. 'How am I going to do this?'

"We're close Sonic, ready to go in?" asked Tails blinking through his aviator goggles. Sonic confidently nodded his head. Amy was hidden behind Sonic, so Tails never saw the sweat trickling down her face. The plane dipped suddenly, making Amy almost scream. Realizing how close they were, Amy clamped a hand over her mouth and screamed her brains out. With her eyes shut tight she didn't see Sonic grab her hand, or jump off the plane and through the broken window.

"Stop right there!" Sonic declared landing on his feet and pointing a finger at Eggman. Amy cowered behind Sonic, happy that she had made it through the window without being scratched. "Robbot. . .nik?" Sonic's confident outlook faded when Amy peeked over Sonic's side to see the tall fat man and the blue robot ready with guns aimed at Sonic. In a flash, quicker than Sonic could run in a year, Sonic grabbed Amy's arm and yanked her out of the line of fire.

"Darn it!" Sonic cursed. Amy trembled.

"It's my fault," she said looking away while lasers were fired at the table they were hiding behind. "If it weren't for me you'd be faster."

"Not true!" said Sonic putting his hand on her shoulder. Amy looked up to see sympathy and concern on Sonic's face. It amazed her how different he could act at times, from carefree to deep to sympathetic. It was as if those eyes were made just for her. "It's because of you that I jumped out of the way faster. I would never have reacted as fast if I didn't think of you first!"

Amy blushed and turned away. But she was smiling, on the inside as well.

"Get to the controls, I'll distract 'em," Sonic said still in his soft sympathetic voice. With that he jumped right into the line of fire and dodged shots left and right. Amy had no chance to react and was still staring at the spot his entrancing eyes had been while he led the shots away from the control panel. Amy shook it off and dashed to the panel. Casting a glance over her shoulder she saw the two shooters were soon overwhelming Sonic. Amy clenched her fingers into fists and shut her eyes as tightly as she could. Amy didn't remember what happened next, but she remembered the sound of metal crunching and the pain going through her fists. The only thing Amy remembered was falling through the air with Sonic again, while fires' heat blew at her dress.

'Just like the first time we met' Amy thought. 'Only, I know he'll catch me.'

Amy awoke in her plush bed again. She looked down at the slightly ruffled covers, and quickly cast them off to reveal her feet. She remembered the panting in her chest, and quickly put a hand to it to calm it down. Her breathing finally back to normal, Amy put a hand on her forehead running the fingers through her hair. A faint chirp of a bird awoke her again. She turned to see the window right where it had always been, and her friend the light shining on the wall. There were no remnants that could be seen, and Amy had just woken up. Did that mean. . .

just a dream, just an ordinary dream

Amy hopped out of bed and walked over to the window. Glancing out she saw the castle courtyard, which she had never taken special notice before.

as I wake in bed

Amy could point out every flower apart from the green of their leaves. She could see the designs printed especially on every petal and the dew dripping off for it was still morning. She could see the designs of the hedges made around the walkway, but more than that she could see every branch on that hedge. She could see the castle gardener making his rounds. How he could tend to such beautiful things and keep them beautiful was beyond her. She tried keeping a goldfish once, but it stopped swimming and floated upside down so she got bored with it. The gardener looked up and smiled at her, one hand resting under the leaf of a flower. The gardener waved up to her, eyes hidden behind the sun hat. Amy smiled and waved back. It then occurred to her she had never met or seen the gardener in her life. That did explain how the flowers kept in such great condition, since Amy found it hard to believe that the weather took care of them so well.

Looking up Amy saw the sun gradually rising from the horizon, reds joining blues to form purples. Blues?

"Sure, there're a lot of sunsets, but there's only one sunset everyday. One, only one."

Where was Sonic?

And that boy, that ordinary boy

Where was the tornado? Where was Tails? Where was that shack in the forest? Where was the blimp? Where were the funny man and his robot? Where was she?

Was it all in my head?

"I was with Sonic," Amy told herself. "Then we jumped out of the blimp and were falling through the air. Did I land in my bed? Was it just another story from reading fairy tales again?"

Did he ask if I would come along?

"He asked me to destroy the controls. I did that. Was it really all a dream? It couldn't be, it hurt when I punched that thing. Things don't hurt in dreams."

it all seemed so real

"That's true," came a lighthearted voice behind her. Amy whirled around to see Sonic leaning on the doorframe. Not once had she bothered to look there, so had he been watching and listening to her the entire time? He probably thought she was nuts for talking to herself.

 but as I looked to the door I saw that boy

"Touch your hands," Sonic instructed. Amy was too shocked to oppose. With the slightest touch her hands swelled in pain. She had never noticed how tender they were. Again Sonic had noticed something so obvious she neglected it. "You really gave that thing a punch."

Amy smiled and blushed. In doing so she crossed her hands behind her back and the soreness came back at her. She flinched in pain. Sonic chuckled, and Amy wasn't mad for once.

"The blimp blew up, taking Robotnik and Metal with it. Or so we hope. Knowing Robuttnik he'll be back soon enough. . .And I have to be there when he comes back," Sonic added remorsefully.

standing there with a deal, and he said

"You're going to leave?" Amy cried.

"I have to. I came here to stop Robbotnik, which I did. There's no reason for me to stay anymore." Amy was a bit taken back that she wasn't considered a reason.

take my hand, live while you can,

"So, I'll never see you again," Amy trailed off turning to the window and her back to Sonic. She ran her hand over the sill, luckily her palms weren't tender.

"I think your parents wouldn't want you to leave. You are a princess after all. I'm a sort of wanderer upholding justice wherever I go you could say." Sonic turned to leave.

don't you feel dreams lie right in the palm of your hand?

"Thank you," Amy added after some silence.

"No need for thanks princess. Your safety was all I had in mind. I gotta go help Tails now. We're loading up the Tornado with all the supplies we need. Fortunately the trip back isn't long at all and we need little supplies. We got a lot of extra room, actually. Good thing too. Now there's an empty space for me to stretch my legs!" Sonic waved and walked off.

Amy sighed in defeat. She traced the cracks in the sill again. Just then Sonic's words sunk in, and bore holes in her skull. What had been passed to her was a hidden message, a secret thing that thrilled her. Amy perked up and stared at the doorway where Sonic once stood. A plan formed in her mind, over the little detail Sonic had slipped in that she could use to her advantage. She smiled an open smile, and hurried off to meet Sonic.

"You ready Tails?" Sonic asked hopping in the back seat.

just a day, just an ordinary day

"Ready to take off Sonic. Cargo's secure in the back and all systems' go!" Tails said happily pulling down his aviator goggles.

just tryin' to get by

"Ready princess?" Sonic called to the end of the plane. Sheepishly a pink head of fur poked its way out among the boxes tied down. Amy whirled around, and blushed at Sonic while rubbing the back of her head. She tried her best to hide her red-violet face. Surprisingly all Sonic did was laugh. Amy looked up questioningly at the laughing blue hedgehog, but he only continued to laugh harder. Amy blinked a few times, trying to register why he was laughing. Sonic had always confused her before, but here she was going to stowaway on his plane and he was happy about that? When the laughter died down Sonic motioned for her to come up in the 2nd seat, right next to him. Amy dumbly pointed to herself, making sure there wasn't a person behind her he was focusing on. Sonic nodded and gestured to the space beside him more obviously. Amy snapped out of her daze, not wanting to seem stupid, and hopped into the seat. Sonic leaned back easily, and the propeller of the plane started up. Amy's ears whizzed from the noise, but the noise faded once Sonic put his arm around her shoulder. Amy wasn't sure if it was an accident or on purpose, for when she looked up Sonic was gazing out of the plane completely unaware of the pass he gave her.

just a boy, just an ordinary boy, but

Amy looked at Sonic more closely, trying to analyze him with her eyes. It didn't work though. What she saw was a carefree hedgehog, but she couldn't see the other sides of him. The comforting, sensitive, deep and caring sides she had seen before. How could one hedgehog be so many faced? Sonic's head turned slightly, so he faced more into the wind. Amy saw a wild and untamed creature with long, unruly quills flapping around behind him. It reminded her of the streamers on a bicycle she had once when she rode it. Sonic's eyes narrowed from the wind thrown in his face, but Amy could see his eyes now. Though his body and face portrayed one thing, his eyes portrayed another. In them she could see he was in one of his thoughtful moods. He was concentrating on something, though Amy was too entranced by the gaze to look away to see what it was. A grunt from Sonic was the small thing that tore her eyes away. Amy dodged eye contact thinking that Sonic had caught her staring and was now annoyed. When she finally mustered up enough courage she saw he was still in the same pose, the same look. This time Amy looked off to see what Sonic was staring so intently at. She quickly caught a glare, and had to shield her eyes. When she finally adjusted to the bright light, she saw the sun sinking down. Only then did she realize the darkness starting to settle over them as they traveled.

he was looking to the sky

"Well, princess. . ." Sonic said in a carefree manner. Amy could see the change in his eyes. "Guess you're ready to see the world, huh?"

"Amy, call me Amy," she replied with a smile as warm as the sun. Sonic smiled back, and laughed. Amy laughed along with him. She tired of him calling her 'princess' all the time. The title was so vague, like it could've been anybody who fit the mold. Her name was a lot more personal, after all only she could have it. She wanted to be more personal with him.

Amy looked back to see her grand castle fading into the distance. It was as if her old life was fading before her eyes, and she could feel that tinge of remorse and longing for home. But one look at Sonic against quenched those feelings. One look brought up feelings of adventure and freedom. Amy didn't know what it was like to feel free before, only then was she aware of it. The freedom, and being alive.

Why did she come with Sonic? Was it something he had that she yearned for? His wisdom and drifting spirit, not to mention the cool attitude he showed. Maybe she had a chance to be like that. She could see the world, fly high. . .she could live. All she had to do was follow Sonic, and she knew he would show her the way. She couldn't deny she'd enjoy following him, after all he showed her everything she'd taken for granted. He had shown a loyalty to her, as if it was his duty to show her. And she would show him that same loyalty. She'd follow him to the end of time. She'd catch her prince.


Makes you see Amy in a whole new light, eh? It's a different style and format from my usual sonfics, so any feedback on this and I'll continue writing this way. I just think it was a bit too long for a songfic. Anyway comments on the new style will be very much appreciated. I am still continuing 'The Star Guardian' just the chapter's taking a long time to write.