Prying Eyes 03

Wow, forever huh... hehe. I'll try to be better, really. To make it worse, this chapter is short!

Shuichi grimaced and looked back over his shoulder. He supposed that K was trying to be discrete, but the sniper gun that he totted over one shoulder definitely made him stand out. As well as the rather wide berth that everyone he passed was giving him. Shuichi sweatdropped and averted his eyes. He would rather pretend not the know the blond haired man. It seemed safer that way. In the beginning he had been tempted to try and give K the slip, But when he though about the consequences that would be wrecked on him when he was caught, Shuichi discarded that idea. Quickly.

Situations such as this had extended the entire week. He would turn around and find K trailing him, or Ryuichi appearing to play some sort of game, or Hiro insisting to drive Shuichi to or from work. Even Yuki had installed a more high-tech security system, though the writer denied it whenever asked.

Usually, Shuichi would have been frightened about being essentially stalked, and enjoyed all the concern that was being showered on him, but now he justed wanted to be left alone. Even for an hour. And it's a bad sign when he, Shindou Shuichi himself, though that.

With a deep sigh, Shuichi turned around and placed his hands on his hips, eyebrows furrowing as he glared at K, looking all for the gilted lover. K looked completely unrepent.

"K, Why don't you just walk with me?" Shuichi flung his hands out in exasperation.

K arched one golden eyebrow delicately, making Shuichi feel like a dolt for asking what he still thought was a completely reasonable question.

"Because whoevers stalking you won't attack if they see me."

"Isn't that the point?" Shuichi asked, confused.

"But I want to talk to him." K smiled.

Shuichi slithered away, suddenly happy that K refused his invitation.

"Right... I gotta go." Shuichi dashed into the very closest store.

Blinking, he was shocked to find himself in a linguire shop, with a slinkily clad lady leering at him from underneath heavily masscera'd eyes. Shuichi squeaked and backed away, smiling placatingly as she advanced,

"Ah... sorry!" Letting out a nervous giggle, Shuichi whirled and dashed out the door, smacking straight into K. The taller man leaned down slowly and the corner of his mouth grew until a full grown smirk was on his face.

"Oh, shush up K!" Shuichi huffed, sticking out his tongue before turning to stalk away.

Than tripped into an elder man who gave him a weird look and, Shuichi shuttered, gropped his ass. (accidently of course)

K moved forward to saunder next to him. (Shuichi on the other hand looked mournfully at all the people who sidled away from him, though he did find it easier to walk.)

"Looks like it would be safer all around if I walk with you. You're a hot commodity." K said this in such a deadpan voice that Shuichi couldn't even try to get disgruntled. K didn't rub it in anymore, and Shuichi actually felt a lacking of conversational urge.

"Good lord, am I depressed?" he thought to himself, standing straight. 'Not wanted to talk is rare. Maybe I'm scared, but am just not admitting to it. What'd Hiro call it? Denial? Repression? I should have paid more attention when Hiro talked about his psychology class. Or is it because people have actually been listening to me lately, so I've run out of things to say? Is that even possible? Or is K just damn hard to have a regular conversation with? Shuichi cast a contemplatvie look towards his manager, and squeaked when he found K looking straight back. His head snapped away and he sweatdropped.

K's face did not change, but internally he smirked. Shuichi's face was so amusing when he was thinking. Okay, he was amusing most of the time, but watching the play of emotions when the kid was dwelling on a dilema was the best.

"We're here." He stated blandly, grinnning when Shuichi jumped and sent him a wide-eye'd, deer stuck in the headlight look. His head snapped up to the building than back again, where he sweatdropped sheepishly.

"Right." Shuichi kind of ducked his head towards the manager, than dashed inside. There were a few stars towards K and the sniper gun, but for the most part all the employees has seen this before, and therefore weren't very surprised.

Bypassing Sakano, who was calling something out, but nothing intelligable. He dashed up the stairs and into the room reserved specifically for Bad Luck and slammed the door. With a deep sigh, he leaned back against the door as scratched at his next, still tingling as if K's gaze was locked on his back.

"Geh." He shivered, walking forward and shrugging off his coat. Casually rumpling it up, it bunched it together in his right and and yanked on the lock with his left. With a final tug, it smacked open and Shuichi grinned in triumph. The grin slowly froze as his eyes locked upon the contents of his locker. Stuck solidly against a cardboard box was a large, circumsized... penis. And nibbling on that penis was a giant rat, who turned it's beaty eyes towards Shuichi when the door had opened.

Shuichi gurgled. "" He coughed out, but barely loud enough for himself to even hear. Staggering back and falling against the door, he open his mouth again.


Yech, how perverted of me. The ideas from Janet Evanovich's series on Stephanie Plum. I can't remember which book specifically. Sorry how short, will write more later (Hopefully soon, but I'm not stupid enough to promise that!)