Scythe: you know what? Someone told me that I have bad writing. You know how upset that makes me? I mean, I get friggin A's on all my English papers, I think I'm fine, but noooo my writings not good enough for him... AND he thinks he's all better than I am. I'm like: .. screw you.. *sniff* meanies. .. anyways, next chapter.

Chapter Ten.


"He's just messing with us. He's acting, is all!"

"R-Right, acting." But this other had a feeling that he wasn't acting, and that they could be in danger, despite the fact that there were so many of them, and only one of him.


The trial for Kenshin's punishment was hard and it certainly didn't look good for the poor wanderer. He told them all that he could remember, all that he knew he did, and that he would accept whatever punishment came to him, yet, on the other hand, someone else inside of his mind didn't want that. The Battousai and Shinta had shown themselves more than a few times while Kenshin was being questioned. At first, everyone thought he was acting, trying to get out of it, but then when he passed out from the mental distress, people began to worry that he might actually have two other personalities. But as it went on, Kaoru, feeling much better, but still slightly sick, was questioned, and she told them of what she knew of Kenshin's past. It wasn't that much, really, but it explained his three personalities.

As it was, the trial went well, and he was dismissed for temporary insanity. The crowd of people seemed to be satisfied, except a few who were still angry, their husbands or wives or children killed in the midst of his insanity.

In truth, Kenshin thought he should have been punished. He felt so horrible for what he had done to those poor families. He had vowed to protect the lives of other people, but ended up slaughtering them in the end. The thought sickened him and he suddenly felt ill. He finally reached outside of the police station and leaned heavily against the wall, tears coming to his eyes as he tried to take in as much oxygen as he could. And Saitou... gods what had he done to him!? He wasn't even sure if he was alright; no one had let him see him or anything.

"You look a little sick." Yahiko said, coming up beside him.

"I think I'm going to be." Kenshin said softly, closing his eyes and tilting his head up towards the sky. Exhaling deeply he tilted his head down again and slowly opened his eyes.

There, in front of him, was Saitou, in his police uniform, and looking very well.

"S-Saitou?" Kenshin asked in disbelief, at first he was too paralyzed to move, but then he took a few steps forward, reaching out and touching his face gently. The tears that had been in his eyes had begun sliding down his cheeks.

Yahiko smiled, knowing that he had done a good deed. When he heard of the day Kenshin was finally getting out of prison, he had rushed to find Saitou and bring him here. Kaoru was also on her way, he noted.

He grinned and looked over at the two, and his jaw dropped. They were looking at each other, and being drawn closer and closer together...

"Saitou I'm so glad you're alright... I'm so sorry."

"Shh." Saitou hushed, pressing their lips together firmly, pulling him against his body, with his arm. Kenshin's arms were braced against the wolf's chest as he was pulled closer and he kissed back, emotion flooding through him. It felt so good to be in his arms, to kiss him like this. He felt something warm run along his lips and he realized that it was Saitou's tongue, which he opened his mouth to willingly. When he felt that wet muscle slip into his mouth he had to blush. He'd never been kissed like this by someone he loved, and it sent butterflies flitting through his stomach.

Yahiko had to look away, but he found himself staring. Knowing it was rude, he cleared his throat a little and turned his head away, swallowing hard. Didn't Kenshin like... Kaoru? Wasn't he straight? He worried his lip a little, wondering what he should think of all this. Of course, he would support them, but what about Kaoru? As if on cue, she arrived, smiling that bright smile of hers. Not knowing what to do, and mouth agape, he just stood there, trying his best to smile back, but slightly overwhelmed by all that had happened. He, himself, had just gotten out of prison when they found evidence of fraud, thanks to Saitou.

"Hello, Yahiko! So where's Kenshin, has he gotten out yet?"

"Um... yes, but he needs some time."

"What for?"

"Well, he needs to do a little catching up with Saitou."

"Good, I can be with them!"

Yahiko winced a little. "Mm, no I don't think you should."

"Yahiko, you're being rude! I want to see him just as much as anyone else," said Kaoru, hands going to her hips in a defensive posture. The young samurai descendent rolled his eyes.

"You don't understand, Kaoru."

"And how would I not?"

Giving up, Yahiko pointed over in the direction of her desired swordsman. As he watched her expression, he saw it turn from complete shock, to anger, and then to hurt. Well, she couldn't say he didn't warn her, although he wondered what was going through her mind right now.

Kaoru slowly closed her eyes and turned away, taking in a deep breath and then opening them again. She didn't say anything at first, unsure of how to put it, but then she smiled warmly at Yahiko. "Come on, lets go home and let them have some time to themselves."

"You're not angry?"

She shook her head. "I suppose I'm not. I think, deep down, I knew that Kenshin was out of my reach and that he only looked upon me as a very close friend," she started as they began to walk. "But I think I've always, somehow known that he would fall for Saitou. It's not really that much of a shock. I remember when Kenshin opened up to me and told me a little bit about the people in his past. I was surprised at how respectful he was when he spoke of Saitou, but it seemed like he didn't notice. I thought it was some sort of warrior thing, but I really think they've had feelings for each other for a long time, they just didn't notice."


"...Is that all you can say?!"

"Well, what am I supposed to say?"

"Never mind, it doesn't matter."


Kenshin and Saitou had also begun to walk away from the city, heading for Saitou's home unintentionally. The trip home was quiet and pleasant. The red-headed swordsman had his arm wrapped around one of Saitou's, walking along with him. They were talking quietly amongst themselves, and suddenly Saitou brought up something unexpected.

"I heard you went a little crazy when they were questioning you..."

The smile that was on his face dropped a little as he recalled the specific incident. "Um... yeah I guess. I don't really know what happened with me. Saitou I think there's something wrong." He blurted, stopping in front of house, still holding onto his new found love's arm.

"How so?"

"Well..." he started. "I'm hearing voices in my head..."

The police man looked at him in disbelief.

"I know it sounds crazy, but that's what happened in the police station. I heard them and they suddenly took over. It was so strange. I was looking out of my body, but it was like it was from a window, because I wasn't in control of my actions or words." His tone had dropped a little more, as if he were ashamed of what he spoke of.

"Don't worry about it right now, you need to relax, you just got out of prison," replied the wolf, gesturing towards the door. The red-head took his advice, nodded curtly, and slipped inside, the taller man close behind.

Saitou offered to make a bath for the exhausted warrior, the other gratefully accepting much to his satisfaction. He strongly believed the other needed a little rest, mentally and physically. But now that he thought of it as he warmed up the bath, the possibility that Kenshin could have more than one personality. He had just been the Battousai only a month before. Considering that Yuuki had used some sort of poison or potion on him, it wasn't too far fetched the strange liquid could have done something to his mentality. But didn't Kenshin say 'voices', not just 'voice'? Perhaps there was more than one? However, he couldn't think of any other place or time he might have taken up a different personality other than Wanderer, in which he was at this moment.

He vaguely heard something in the other room, it sounded like arguing, but how could that be when Kenshin was the only one there? Dusting his hands off, he stood and wandered over to the door, opening it and looking at the other with a raised brow. The arguing immediately stopped and a narrow eyed gaze pierced his own.

Slightly shocked to find this gaze directed at him, he didn't know what to do, but instincts kicked in and he narrowed his eyes back. The red-head slowly stood, hand on his sword, eyeing him cautiously. "What?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing..."

"Why are you being so mean?" A strangely, slightly higher voice interjected.

"I'm not, stay out of this."

Saitou just stared at Kenshin for a moment, dumbfounded to see he was... arguing with himself. Although, what he really thought, was that the Battousai and someone else were fighting, not Kenshin himself.

There was suddenly recognition in the narrowed eyes and they went wide with shock. "You're alive?"

This caught him off guard again, and he just stared at him for a second. "Yes..."

Kenshin suddenly held his head, crying out, "Stop it! Stop talking!"

The other was instantaneously at his side, supporting him and sighing softly, leading him to the bathing room. "Come on, maybe a bath will help you concentrate on something else."

He nodded.

When he was finally settled into the steaming bath, head tilted back over the side, his hair dangling, he let out a long sigh. The water sloshed around him with every little move he made, but it calmed him. He had asked Saitou to stay by the side of the tub with him instead of leaving him by his self because he wanted to talk with him more and those voices had just dulled. He wanted to keep it that way.

He licked his lips slightly, nervousness washing over him a little when he thought of asking Saitou to join him. It wasn't like he was ashamed of his body, or afraid something might happen, because he wasn't. He was just a little anxious since he'd never done something like this with someone he cared for. He pushed the thought away, thinking it wouldn't be any different, and took the initiative.

"Would you like to join me? I'm sure there's enough room."

If he hadn't been looking directly at his face, he might have missed the slight tint of red that flushed across the normally collected man's face. He agreed softly, undressed, and slipped in with him, the water turning and sloshing as they made themselves comfortable. Kenshin, smiling, playfully pushed himself up on all fours and leaned forward, kissing Saitou softly on the lips, long hair falling down over his back, tips wet from when he had first slipped into the water.

He ended up in the taller man's lap, arms wrapped around his waist and head on his chest. He felt so relaxed in his arms; he never wanted to leave their safety. It comforted him and quieted his fiery, restless spirit. He looked up slowly, feeling the weight of sleep on his eyelids, forcing them to stay half closed. "I love you, Saitou."

A smile graced the wolf's lips. "And I love you, Kenshin."


Scythe: Oh my GOD I finished a story! Oo It's a miracle. I know this was supposed to be better but there is a sequel coming up, and yes, for those of you who have been waiting, it will have lemon in it. I'm sorry I just couldn't fit it into this particular story line. The next Sequel, which I have no name for yet, will be dealing with Kenshin's personalities, and his and Saitou's relationship because of those personalities. I'm not sure when I will undertake that part, so please review or e-mail me and tell me what you think. Should I continue it? Got something interesting to add? Again, I was having problems with the responding to the reviewer thing and I'm REALLY sorry . And I'm also sorry this took so long to get up o.o; Anywho, I hope you enjoyed =D