Okay this is my very first fanfic and I hope you all like it, (so be nice) The first chapter concentrates more on introducing Faith (the main character) and her past which is why this is a bit of a sad chappie, but chapter two will involve all the favourite beyblade characters including Kai and Tala and some others and will be more of a happier chapter Enjoy…^__^


            Faith looked beside her as a weight hit her shoulder. Her brother Callum had drifted into one of his usual slumbers. He looked peaceful in his own heaven, with his uncut hair roughly covering his closed eyes.

She was so jealous of him, the way he was care free and happy, always making friends and full of confidence. One of the many things she lacked.

            Outside, the rain pattered and the trees and fields they passed were a blur. They were on their way to some unknown part of Canada, to live with their Aunt Jude, for the summer. It was all her blasted dad's fault. If he had just stayed and not accepted the job in Japan, they wouldn't have to go to a town so detached it could have been outer space for all she knew. Already there were signs of no visible civilisation- unless you counted the sheep.

            She hated her dad. And she was already starting to miss Kingston Avenue. If it wasn't for her dad she could have been where she always was, sat on her bed. Alone. Away from the world with only her CD collection, comforted by the four blue walls that surrounded her.

            She remembered how she had stormed off after her dad had told her where they were spending summer.

            "It's only for the summer Faith, and it will be good for you. Make some new friends. It's really unhealthy the way you sit in your room all day. You're a Teenager. Be normal and socialise a little! You need to move on from your mother's death Fai…"

            "Don't you dare bring up mum!" She had screamed out, shaking with anger and frustration, her grey eyes darkening in rage. The same eyes that now closed shut as a tear escaped and trickled down her pale cheek.

            Her mum, Faith thought, she had been the world to her and then she had passed away. Almost a year now, when she had been fifteen. She could remember that day like no other. Her dad was shattered. The death had come so suddenly, and only in the report after her death had they realised she had died from a cancer in the stomach.

            It was no use now, she was gone. But Faith knew, what made it worse was her mum had taken a part of Faith with her that would never return. She had taken her happiness and her love, but she had also taken away her security and confidence. Nobody seemed to understand that and everybody had moved on.

            She sighed and thought back. After her mums death the family was different. Callum, who was a year older than her didn't really show how hurt he was and just carried on as though their mum had only gone on a vacation. Her dad on the other hand had drowned his sorrows in a bottle of whisky, or rather a few dozen bottles of whisky. That led to him losing his job and they had eventually ended up completely broke. Faith however had retreated to her own private space which before used to be the back of the dumpster but now was her familiar four walls of her bedroom. She closed up to everyone, including her friends. And of course like everything else in her life they had moved on.  Even her dad was no longer an alcoholic anymore. He was a responsible, normal dad. Sure he wasn't exactly the same as before, but things had gotten back to normal, especially after the move. That was for them, not for her.

            One day while they were still stuck in the gutter smelling motel, completely broke her dad had come home with a wide grin and a new high paid job. He had managed to pull them out of the debt and she should have been happy because they could eat something other than mashed potatoes, but the thought of moving sickened her stomach.

The day had come, and they had left the roach filled motel behind and moved to the up part of town. New school. New home. New friends. She mentally laughed at that. What friends? Coville High might as well have been named Bitch High.

            The first day, she could still remember the sweet smell of the school, unusual really. But the sickly smile of the pink haired girl in the front row. Mariah Dawson. Pink haired, preppy and popular. One of those really pretty girls who knew they were better than anyone.

            "So you must be from the farm, judging by your clothes, right?"

insult after insult, had forced her to lay awake each night, tears pouring from her eyes until there were no more tears left. It wasn't just the constant insults from the bitches at Coville High spreading rumours about her and it wasn't entirely about her mother's death either. She had just been so long without anyone that she felt insecure. She knew that was why Mariah picked on her. Mariah knew she was a loser, and she was a loser.

Faith pushed at her piercing in her tongue at the memories. It was a habit now. A habit to stop herself from breaking down in front of people. She would just take the insults, if she was anyone else they would have stood up for themselves, but not her. She would just swallow them. The day she had got her tongue pierced her dad had blown a hole in the roof. She didn't know why she had done it, it had just felt right. The same way she had dyed her hair black. She had thought maybe it might have changed her. But she knew she was a loser, no hair dye would change that. No hair dye would bring her confidence back.

            The screech of the train wheels snapped Faith out of thought. They had arrived in Brunei, and were pulling up into the station.

Callem jumped out of the train, wide awake now, head up, bright eyed and ready for action. Faith stood head down shuffling her feet silently watching him from afar and already Callem had begun talking to a few teenage boys on the platform, one a red head and the other a bluenette. They were all laughing and joking as though they had known each other for ages. Why couldn't she be like Callem? The problem, which Faith realised, was she was afraid of meeting new people, she was incapable of making friends. The proof was there she had already been to Coville High for 6 months and still remained with no friends. She could feel the dark shadow of insecurity creeping up on her again. The same shadow that had possessed her for the past year binding her to her bedroom. Faith stood thinking about what suffering this new town would have in store for her, when her thoughts were broken by the red head "Callem who's the freak then?"

It was starting all over again…


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Read and review and NO FLAMES. Be nice this is my first ever fic. And like I said the next chapter is going to be less angsty and more with the beyblade characters. I will be happy to hear any ideas for this story. Review! Review review!