SUMMARY: He never expected that there would be a time when he would envy the poorest wizard of all time. He had everything, everything he wanted… except her.





She could have been his.

She should have been his.

But she wasn't.

And here he was, hiding behind some trees, watching her talk with someone else. Jealousy was surging through his veins, and he would have paid any amount of money to be the one she was with at the moment.

Draco Malfoy watched her from the corner of his eye, studying her every move. From a young, bookish, bushy-haired girl, the woman he had come to love grew into a fine, young beautiful adolescent.

It was killing him by the second as he watched Hermione Granger snuggle closer to Ron Weasley. He felt like his heart was thrashed into pieces, and if it were allowed, he would have cried out of sorrow and pain.

He never expected that there would be a time when he would envy the poorest wizard of all time. He had everything, everything he wanted…

Except her.

The girl he loved was with him, and Draco's chest felt heavy when that realization hit him. He tried convincing himself that that thought was all a lie… but he failed. He knew very well that that was the truth… that Hermione was with Ron…

And that Hermione would never be his to keep and love for himself.

Draco stood there, still peering through the trees, observing the lovely couple. He had done this for the past several months, watching the two lovers. He felt jealous, and angry at Ron Weasley… for taking the only girl he had ever truly loved.

With that, Draco stepped back and turned around. Hermione would never love him… To her, he was just some any other boy who annoyed her and teased her every time he could. He was just some frustrating prick in her point of view.

Draco scowled. That thought deeply saddened him as he walked through the corridors of the castle. He knew it was hopeless and impossible…

However, a happy, optimistic idea cheered him up as it suddenly crossed his mind.

Someday, he thought, she'll realize that I'm the one for her.

Draco smiled, and finally headed off to the Slytherin dungeons.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Did you like it? This is just a trial fic, and I hope that I get reviews… I'll appreciate them very much!

I do hope I can reach about 5 or more reviews!

Thanks a bunch!