A/N: Hey everyone! Long time no see, ne? Wow, I posted this fic in the fall...and I don't even post the final chapter until AFTER Christmas...wow, how ironic.

But with this final chapter, I'm going to announce my "retirement" to the Hamtaro section of ff.net. Quite honestly, I'm starting to lose interest in Hamtaro. I still enjoy reading fics, but the episodes all seem to just focus on Hamtaro, Hamtaro, Hamtaro! @_@;; And I guess I'm kinda "outgrowing" the show. Not that I'm getting too old for it, God knows you're never too old for cartoons. ^^ But it just doesn't interest me quite so much anymore, and I guess that kinda makes me lose interest in writing Hamtaro fics, too. So, unless I suddenly come up with an idea that I feel I CAN'T turn down, this is my last Hamtaro fanfic. If, though, you wanna keep reading my work, then you should check out the Sandy/Maxwell fanfic, "Aishiteru". I do quite a bit of co-authoring on that one. So, okay, I guess technically, THAT'S my last piece of Hamtaro work. This is the last one that was completely written by me. Aishiteru is a group fic, though, so I don't claim it completely to be mine. But if you wanna find out who else writes it, go read it, along with the author's notes. I'm the one known as "Ravens"; I prefer to be called that rather than WannaKnownLee.

Anyway, this chapter is short, but I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 14: Be With You Forever... Hamtaro's Confession: Finale

"Hm? Hey, isn't that Hamtaro over there?" Panda said, pointing.

"Hmm... Yeah! And there's Pashmina and Penelope behind him! And...Sandy?!" Maxwell said.

"What are they going backstage for?" Panda wondered.

"Hey, that's Hamtaro over there!" Cappy yelled.

"What's goin' on here?!" Howdy yelled.

"Yeah, why's the show takin' so long?" Boss said.

The ham-hams sat for ten minutes, waiting for the show and wondering why Sandy, Hamtaro, Pashmina, and Penelope were all backstage. They waited in the enormous crowd of anxious, noisy hamsters. Some of the hamsters started forming chanting mobs, and yelled "Merryhamuzu! Merryhamuzu!" over and over again.

"Ohh, I'm so hungry...I haven't had anything to eat in almost forty-five minutes..." Oxnard moaned.

"Oh dear! I hope that Pashmina comes back soon..." Dexter whimpered.

Suddenly, the lamps on the theater walls dimmed, and the ones on the stage blinked on.

"Oh goodness... Where in the world could he be?" Bijou wondered, wanting to cry. She and Stan had been late after picking up her coat and ribbons, which she was now wearing. She looked around frantically.

"Don't worry, Bijou, he's probably with the rest of the ham-hams! Now let's go look for 'em." Stan said.

"But it is so dark, I cannot see any--" Bijou cut herself off when she looked at the stage.

There, standing right there...

...in the center of the stage...

...was none other than...


He was sweating nervously, and shaking a bit. Then, he put the microphone closer to his lips.

"H-Hamha...and Merry Christmas, e-everyone. I know you all came to see the Miniha--uh, 'scuse me... the MERRYhamuzu perform tonight, right? Well, uh, y'see..."

What was he doing? Where were the performers? Why was he on stage? Bijou couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"They have been...kind enough to...let me do a very special introduction just before midnight. I don't know if many of you have heard, but... It's rumored that an angel of love has descended and is granting wishes to anyone who confesses their love on Christmas Eve this year. A very good friend of mine told me that."

Boss looked down in embarrassment, but looked back up and smiled.

"And a very nice hamgirl I know had a terrible accident a few days ago... And when I went to visit her, she told me that...she loved me."

The ham-hams gasped and whispered a bit, but continued listening to Hamtaro.

"When she told me that, I was really surprised... I-I didn't know what to do! I started thinking about all our memories together...The very first day I saw her... The first day she came to visit us at the clubhouse...And...the first time we...held hands... I thought to myself, 'Those memories are really special to me. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Bijou in my life!' So I wondered if...this was love? These feelings...The ones that all the other ham-hams seemed to have, but...I've somehow missed... I thought about what would happen if I told her that I loved her, and I imagined that we were very happy together. Then I tried to think about what would happen if I told her that I didn't love her...but... I ended up wanting to be with her anyway."

Bijou limped through the crowd on her walking stick. "E-excuse me... Pardone moi, please!" She soon made her way to the front of the stage.

Hamtaro looked down and saw her. He reached his paw out and pulled her onto the stage.

"Everyone..." Hamtaro said, blushing deeply and holding Bijou on his shoulder. "This is Bijou. And I'm gonna make my confession now!" he exclaimed. Bijou blushed even deeper as tears began to fill her eyes.

"Bijou... I want to be with you forever. I want to...walk with you to the clubhouse every day... Share all my sunflower seeds with you... take care of you..."

The crowd set their eyes on the lovestruck couple upon the stage.

"I...I love you, Bijou." Hamtaro said softly into the microphone.

The crowd cheered and clapped. Some hamsters' eyes filled with tears of joy. Some cuddled up to their own lovers and quickly confessed love to them. Boss, who was still standing next to Howdy, began crying loudly, but it wasn't heard by many. Howdy patted Boss on the back, knowing how painful it must have been for him to sit there and watch. Suddenly, Boss threw his head onto Howdy's shoulder, crying into it. Howdy stumbled a bit, but somehow managed to support the weight on his shoulder.

Then, suddenly, the Minihamuzu charged out in precious Santa outfits, dancing and twirling onstage, as they threw glitter-covered paper snowflakes around Bijou and Hamtaro. The two of them smiled at each other, blushed, firmly clutched one another's hands, and began dancing onstage and singing along, while the audience clapped to the beat of the song.

Later, when the ham-hams had all gone home that night, Bijou, Hamtaro, and Boss shared a dream once more...


Bijou and Hamtaro giggled as they built a beautiful sand castle together. "Schmubby-wubby!" They laughed as they nuzzled each other and continued building.

Little Boss sat alone, patting at a bucket-shaped pile of sand. He sniffed a bit and wailed softly, then heard a noise.

"Howdy-ho!" An obnoxious and yet cute voice called out.

"Heke?" Boss said, a bit muffled. He turned around, and there was a chibi-sized Howdy with an apron that looked big enough for using as a superhero cape.

"Howdy-ho!" He repeated.

"H-howdy..." Boss tried to say. He shook his head. "H-h-hamha!" he said instead, smiling slightly.

Howdy suddenly jumped onto the edge of the sand box and turned around. "Ham-Ham!" he called out.

Boss looked curiously at the young Howdy. "Ham...ham?" he said.

Suddenly, a group of tiny friends, from Cappy to Snoozer, charged over behind Howdy.

"Ham-Ham!" They all exclaimed.


Boss watched as they all began to make a gigantic castle. They finished in no time, and were all sitting on the top.

"C'mon Boss-man!" Howdy called out.

"C'mon Boss-man!" The others followed.

Boss looked up and a bright, cheery smile covered his face as he ran over to the castle and began to climb to the top.

"Heke?" Hamtaro and Bijou squeaked in unison as they watched Boss climb the castle.


They both ran over to the side of the castle.

"C'mon, hammos!" Boss yelled out.

"C'mon, hammos!" the rest of the ham-hams repeated.

Hamtaro and Bijou smiled at Boss and the ham-hams, then at each other. Then they ran up the castle to join their friends, holding on to one another's paw...



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