For years women fought to gain power, well, actually to gain equality. Liberation from man, independence, the ability to choose for oneself without a male's opinion.

Finally, after years of fighting, women gained the upper hand. They were the executives, the homeowners, the breadwinners. Men dwindled in number and women became powerful.

Yet with every shift in power comes war. Although women were becoming more powerful, they did not have control over everything and soon the men of the world came together with their armies and once again conquered woman.


For Sale

Rated PG-13

By Chibi J


"She's of fine breeding." A large greasy man with several teeth missing from his mouth spoke. He watched as another man, well dressed in a business suit, walked around the female.

"She's blonde." The well-dressed man spoke as he lifted a lock of the female's hair. Yet she said nothing.

"She's not dumb. I promise you she has a quick wit." The greasy man assured the businessman.

The female in question simply stood where she was put. She had learned several times in her life not to mess with the males of the species. Although she was proud, she could no longer stand being mercilessly beaten for speaking her mind. Yet even standing in her naked state in a small tent in the market, she still had hope that she would not become a lost soul like other females she had seen.

"What do you say female?" The businessman asked.

"My name is Usagi. I am breed of the family Tsukino. I am fertile and willing to serve. Identification number 30291a." Usagi spoke in a bland and even tone. The words stung in her ears, but her training kept her in line. Without a buyer, she would be sent to work in a clean up zone, something she would prefer not to do.

"She seems physically fit. Has she birthed yet?" The businessman asked the greasy seller.

"No sir, she is clean and ripe. Untouched by anyone. A rare find." The greasy man replied, knowing that the sale was in the bag. He knew that this girl would bring him great money. How she had remained pure for so long was beyond him, but the money he would receive was better than taking her for himself.

"Yes, she is quite the specimen. I will take her. Please deliver her to my flat." The businessman replied, handing the seller a card with his name and address.

"Thank you Mr. Chiba. I assure you that you will enjoy your purchase."


AN: Now, I would normally end something here, knowing that it was a good place to stop. However, look! It's only been one and a half pages! No way I can stop there. So consider the top the prologue and from here down chapter one.


Usagi stood on the front steps of a large brick building. On the side of the front door was a silver plaque with the name "Chiba Estates" written on it. Her new owners name was Chiba. She groaned inside at the idea of yet another wealthy owner.

Her last two owners had been wealthy. Yet 'snobs' was a better use of words. They were arrogant and power hungry. The first, who required her to call him master, was a rich man's son living off his father's money. He owned three other females and insisted that they never talk to each other. The second was a stockbroker who made it big. He insisted that she call him 'Sir Michael', although the closest he had been to royalty was the distance between him and the chessboard.

She had gotten out of both placements easily. Her "Master" was arrested when he slapped her. For, although it was legal to buy a female against her will, it was against the law to injure one in anyway. Simply provoking him when he attempted to bed her caused him to slap her. Of course she reported it right away.

Sir Michael was somehow misguided in the stock exchange. He had found a newspaper with two stocks highlighted. He had assumed that his trusted advisor had slipped the paper in his briefcase and quickly called in the request to buy. Unfortunately, he trusted the "advisor" and left for the night to go home to his newest acquisition, Usagi, whom he had purchased the evening before but was too tired to enjoy.

It was a darn shame when two bodyguards for the company he worked stopped him at the exit. His stocks had plummeted and he lost everything...including Usagi. Ah well, so she knew nothing about stocks. Apparently neither did he.

Yet here she was again. Another man's property. She had only been 18 for a week and was on her third owner. She was quite grateful that Gui, her current seller, had found her more valuable a virgin. He was disgusting and she had feared him to take her by force. Although she knew that she would be taken without choice eventually, she would prefer it not be by a man who had lost most of his teeth.

Gui had personally escorted Usagi to Mr. Chiba's, to be sure that his income did not run away. She was a slippery devil, he knew that, but he was too smart to let her get by. He brought a finger to his nose, to wipe underneath, and then used said finger to ring the buzzer of the complex.

"Chiba Estates, how may I help you?" A feminine voice asked through the speaker.

"This is Gui. I have a delivery for Mr. Chiba." He answered with a snort.

"Ah yes, I will buzz you in." The female replied simply.

The sound of the buzzer sounded more like electricity and made Usagi think of the sound of the electric chair burning those females whom had refused to conform. It reminded her of a death sentence. All in all, it was not that promising.

Gui held Usagi by the wrist and dragged her behind him. He knew not to take his hand from her or she would run. He was secretly saddened not to be able to tame such a wild animal, but he hoped that this Chiba fellow would do the job.

Arriving at a small desk in the lobby, Gui found a female dressed in a simple red dress with dark black flowing hair. He seemed slightly shocked that she was working the desk, but decided that it was probably cheaper labor.

"Mr. Gui, here is your check from Mr. Chiba." The dark hair female spoke to Gui with an air of confidence he found slightly disturbing. "Usagi, you are to come with me please."

Gui was reluctant to let go of the female known as Usagi, but the check in his hand reminded him of the females he could buy with it. Many more than this one simple girl.

The dark haired female turned from guiding Usagi to look back at Gui. He seemed to be standing there, as if waiting for something more. The female sighed. "Good day Mr. Gui." She said, before reaching towards her desk and pushing a button. The door they had previously entered opened before him.

Muttering curses under his breath about blasted females, Gui left the posh estates and headed back towards town.

"I am Rei, of the house of Chiba. Mamoru, your new owner, is my brother." Rei spoke in a light and airy tone. It was as if she had no care in the world.

"I am Usagi. Formally of the house of Tsukino." Usagi replied in a monotone voice. This girl had to be at least her age, yet she was living under the care of her brother? How had she been so fortunate?

"This way please Usagi." Rei motioned Usagi towards an elevator at the end of the hall in which they had been walking. Both females entered, yet only one was startled by the number of floors and sub floors the building had. It appeared that a key was required to get to the three sub-basements and another key to get into the penthouse.

Rei entered a key for access to the penthouse and the elevator began to rise. "You will be staying with Mamoru in the penthouse. I will get you a key as soon as I can. But perhaps you would first like to dress?"

Usagi looked down at her bare figure and almost felt embarrassed enough to blush. Females were treated worse than cattle and Usagi had been glad that she was merely carted around naked. Some females had been naked and chained around the neck with a collar and leash.

"I would be grateful for that." Usagi replied in her same monotone voice. She was weary of growing attached to any female, knowing that relationships between two females were generally frowned upon (AN: I mean like friendship you hentai!).

Rei sighed at Usagi's response. Usagi seemed cold and uncaring, yet deep inside she had hope, Rei could tell.

The elevator stopped at the penthouse and the two females stepped off. The reason for a key to access the penthouse was obvious, there was no other door. The elevator opened immediately into what appeared to be a greeting room. There was a place for shoes and a closet for coats and several plush chairs. It was very formal and precise.

Rei removed her shoes and Usagi suddenly wished that she had some. It felt extremely awkward to enter another's home and not be able to remove her shoes as custom requested.

"If you'll come with me..." Rei trailed off as she walked through the greeting room. The two females walked to a hallway that led to several other rooms. Usagi took notice of a large living room, a moderate sized kitchen, a family room with a huge television and sound system, an exercise room, and a "games" room with a pool table, dartboard, and several video games.

At the end of the hall were three rooms in a cluster. Two appeared to be bedrooms and the third a grand bathroom with hot tub, sauna, and three sinks. Of course it had a toilet too.

"Your room is here." Rei pointed to the room on her left. She then pointed to the room straight ahead. "That is Mamoru's room."

She turned toward Usagi, as if to gain acknowledgement of what she had said, only to find the female with a stunned expression. "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry." Usagi said quietly, looking between the two bedroom doors. "But did you say that I have my own room?"

Rei grinned broadly at this new Usagi. The female was practically stuttering and seemed to be completely confused. It was quite amusing to the raven-haired female. "Yes. You have your own room. You will find some things here in Chiba Estates are not as you would find them in the "real" world."

Usagi turned to Rei's smiling face and smiled in return. She stuck her hand out in front of herself in greeting. "I'm Usagi." She said cheerfully.

Rei took the offered hand and gave it a shake. "I'm Rei. Welcome to your new home."


Rei had been a great help in getting Usagi settled into her new home, her new life. She spoke nothing of her brother, or of the other occupants of the building. She did, however, say that dinner was promptly at 6:00 and that it was on the third floor.

Evidently, meals in this large manner were served "family style" and all of the residents' attended. No one was exempt from this policy, Usagi included.

Rei had also informed Usagi that all of the clothing in the closet was now hers and that she had no need to walk around naked anymore. Usagi had finally felt able to blush about her nakedness, knowing that Rei would not use it against her in anyway.

But in her heart, Usagi feared that Mr. Chiba would not allow her to be friends with his sister. That was also still a mystery. How was it that Rei was not sold to another male? But with the day going as it was, she didn't want to put stress onto her new...friend? Was it legal for a female to refer to another female as a friend anymore?

With the multitude of thoughts racing through her head, Usagi decided to take a bath before dressing for dinner. It had been several years since she had gotten to take a bath and looked forward to it. After all, in the training grounds, you were only allowed to shower once a week and there were no baths, not even for females who were crippled in some form.

She sighed as she sunk into her bath. Thinking of the five years in that dreaded place did nothing to help her spirit. Her spirit was all she had and she had never let them break it. Her hope was to someday see females be free again. When and how evaded her, but she knew that if she continued to hope, it would come true, someday.

Standing from the tub, Usagi dried herself off as thoroughly as possible, before stepping out and walking towards her bedroom. "Her" bedroom had such a wonderful ring to it. Even as a child she had shared a bedroom with her sister. Minako was a year younger than Usagi, yet the two were often mistook for twins.

Their father had died when Usagi was five, a victim of the war. A war that her family had no part in. Her mother never tried to rule the family, nor did her father wish that women were subservient. And although the family mourned the loss, they were also in celebration that he had left their mother with child. A boy.

They had been very lucky that their mother's reputation of being a devoted wife and mother preceded her, or they may have been torn apart like many of the families of powerful women. Women who were hung or electrocuted.

That was when women became "females". No longer were humans to look upon the different sexes as men and women, but males and females. Such as animals were referred to as. Of course the men weren't originally called males. Only the females were referred to in such a way. But in the next years, they had been reduced to being called males, just another member of the species.

The dresses in the closet were all white or a very light grey. There were several different styles, yet they were all simple and modest. There was one that was identical to Rei's dress in all but color. It seemed strange, but she picked a different dress than that and donned it in appreciation. It had been a week since Usagi's clothes from the training center had been stripped from her.

After dressing, she realized that it was near time for dinner and headed towards the elevator. It was odd that Mr. Chiba had never come home, but she shrugged it off as she made her way down to the third floor.

The door opened and she stepped out to once again find herself in a large room. Much like the penthouse, the greeting room was immediately off the elevator and decorated in the same fashion. But what surprised her were the number of shoes at the entrance and the few females that were littered about the greeting room.

Taking a shy step forward, Usagi nearly jumped when the elevator doors closed behind her.

She took a step forward, but did not remove her shoes nor enter the room. A female with long brunette hair looked at her strangely before yelling. "Rei! Usagi is here!"

Usagi's heart was beating a mile a minute at the shout, but relief flooded her when Rei entered the room. "Sorry I wasn't here to meet you Usagi. Please, take your shoes off and come and meet everyone."

By everyone, Rei had been referring to the insane amount of females that were scattered throughout the third floor. The female who had yelled for Rei was Makoto. She was the cook and promised that dinner would be delicious.

To her Usagi's delight, she met a female with short blue hair named Ami, who seemed terribly intelligent, a female with short blonde hair named Haruka, and another with shoulder length aqua hair named Michiru. Continuing out of the greeting room into what appeared a large dining room, she met many more females.

There were three tables, with at least twelve place settings each, set up in the dinning room. All of the females began to take their seats and Rei had insisted that Usagi sit next to her. They sat at the middle table, which was the only one to have a head chair, slightly larger than the other chairs.

Introductions were made around the area where Usagi was sitting with Rei and she met a mysterious looking female named Setsuna and a young female that couldn't have been more than 15 named Hotaru. Both had dark hair similar to Rei.

Everyone in the room grew silent as many more females, dressed in serving attire (aprons and such) entered the room carrying large trays full of food. Each table received several large trays. As the servers placed down the trays and headed back towards the kitchen, the females sitting around the table broke into applause.

Noticing the questioning look on Usagi's face, Rei decided to clear up the confusion. "I said before that you notice things are different in here than in the outside world. Here we still appreciate the work one woman does for another."

Shocked at the word woman, especially used so loosely, Usagi paled. It was worse than the curse words her mother had washed her mouth out with soap for when she was three.

"Usagi, calm your fears. We are a family here. There is no one to report you." Rei assured her.

Usagi, however, was unable to calm herself. For as soon as Rei finished speaking, another voice floated from the entrance of the dining room.

"Hi honey! I'm home!" was shouted in a joyful voice that was the very definition of a male. The females, nearly all, burst out in laughter. It was as if this was a comedy club of old more than, well, whatever it was.

It was Mr. Chiba. He escorted a blonde at his side that looked very familiar. She, however, took a seat at the far end of the first table, well out of Usagi's sight. It was then that she realized whom the chair at the head of the table was for.

He made his way to his seat and sat down with a slight sigh. As if a cue, the females around her began to feast on the meal before them. Except for Rei, Setsuna, and Hotaru, who were simply smiling at Mr. Chiba.

"And how are my girls today?" He asked, his attention on the three females, not noticing the blonde just two chairs away. She sighed in relief.

"Good. I beat Setsuna in a race today." The young Hotaru smiled happily.

"I never was good at swimming." Setsuna replied with an awkward smile. Mr. Chiba just laughed at the pair. It seemed that the slightly older Setsuna must bearer of Hotaru, who had to be his daughter.

"What about you Rei?" he asked. He seemed to genuinely care what the females were saying.

"Nothing much. Except that hateful Mr. Gui came by. Of course, he brought us Usagi, so it wasn't to bad," Rei said gesturing to Usagi.

"Ah yes, Usagi." He said, directing his attention to her. She sat up straight, as if prepared for any inspection. "I hope you found your room to your liking."

Usagi nodded her head lightly before speaking. "Yes, Mr. Chiba, sir. It is very pleasant," she said, once again, with her monotone voice.

However, the elusive Mr. Chiba began to laugh. Horror crept into Usagi's bones, although she did not show it outwardly. "Please, Usagi, just call me Mamoru. All the ladies here do."

Usagi simply nodded her head, this time not speaking.

Taking in her silence, Mamoru decided that it was time to introduce the shy rabbit. Standing up and gently tapping his spoon against his glass to gain the attention of the room, Mamoru began his announcement.

"Ladies, as some of you know and some of you have only been informed, I feel that I must introduce you to the newest member of our family." He gestured for Usagi to stand, which she did obediently. "She will be staying in the penthouse," here he had to pause for several catcalls from the other females, "Okay, okay. Anyhow, this is our newest addition, Tsukino Usagi."

Usagi, knowing proper protocol in such a situation, bowed her head lightly. However, her head jerked up quickly as a small scream erupted from one of the other tables.

"USAGI!!" A young voice screamed. The voice sounded in Usagi's head and was very familiar. Turning slowly, Usagi saw the body of the voice rushing around the other table to run up to her.

"Minako?" Usagi whispered, unable to believe her eyes.
