hehe yaaay ^___^ yes i read the note from the last chapter..i am referring
to you on the bottom..thanks, i don't know ^___^ enjoy!
Shadow's Life chap. 7
Weeee...hehe YAY!! Thanks to you (few) reviewers! *grin* Yay for hikaris!
Aku: weirdo.
So are you, spawn of Yami Malik!
"Hey watch it-oh hi Shadow."
"Why do you always end up in my way?! WHY?!"
"No idea."
"I hate you."
"That's...nice...well I'm going back to sleep now."
"Good. I'll be on my way to...uhh..hmm.." What could I do for fun...hmm....
"I'll be....uhh.....swimming."
"You swim?"
"Can I come?"
"Pwease?"...and she uses the most deadly weapon known in the universe-the
Puppy Eyes.
"Ok fine, just don't kill me with those eyes."
"YAAAAY!!!!"..and so, we start on the most exciting adventure we've ever
had...not. We come to a clearing; it was a small pond and trees surrounding
it. There's so many trees and other stuff you couldn't see outside this
place..or in for that matter. There was also a small cliff. I climbed up to
the top. It was small, but you could see almost everything from up there. I
scanned the landscape. Trees for miles and a few mountains far away. I
sigh. 'I wish I could have a normal life..' I think to my self.
"Something wrong Shadow?" I turned around and saw Cairo standing there with
a worried look on her face.
"No, just...thinking." I looked at the darkened sky. The stars, the moon,
everything was out tonight. I sighed; this was just like a certain night..I
can't remember...it was so long ago. I look at Cairo. With the moonlight
shining on her face she looks like an angel..I shake the thoughts out of my
head. What I was thinking I don't know. I come back to reality to find
Cairo staring at me. I snort and she looks away. I smile; she isn't as
annoying as I thought she was. We stand on the cliff for a while longer,
then jump into the water.
"Oh man this water's freezing!" I look at Cairo. She climbs out of the
water and sits on the banks, shivering.
"C'mon, it isn't that cold, is it?" She looks at me and nods. "Weakling..."
I climb out of the water and look for something to warm her up. Nothing. I
growl and turn to the only thing I can do-share body heat. "Well, we might
as well find a place to sleep for tonight." We walk around until we
discover an abandoned den. It was pretty big; big enough to fit both of us
and a few other wolves. She walks in and I follow her. I catch a scent
that's familiar but slightly different-blood. If I remember correctly,
females go-oh no...no..I remember a few thousand years ago-my gender,
everything-and realize I was a very 'crazed' male. She lays down, and
rather reluctantly, I curl up around her. She squeaks and I grin.
~*In the Morning*~
I groan at the loss of warmth that was beside me. I open my eyes and look
around. Cairo's not here. I stretch out and yawn. I decide to go out and
search for Cairo. I leave the den and look around. No one here. I walk
forward, right into a bush. I let out a small yelp as I feel something
sharp cutting into my skin. I look down and realize I'm bleeding.
Bleeding? Immortals down bleed....I thought. This was weird. How could I
bleed? I was shaken out of my thought by a shrill yelp that I recognized as
Cairo. Before I could even react, there was another yelp. I took off
running toward the sound. As I came closer, I heard low, demonic growling
and a few whimpers. I stop and find Cairo , leaning up against a tree with
a deer-in-the-headlights look. I snarl and look around to find another
wolf; growling and biting at the air. I sense something in the air-a
sickness. I stare at the wolf, thinking the scent is coming from it. It
looked at me then broke into a staggering run, tripping on the air. I ran
toward it, charging. We collide, head-first, and the impact sends the other
wolf back a little. I grab its neck, but it grabs mine and sinks its teeth
in, easily tearing the skin. I snarl and try to throw it off, but it has a
death grip. I grab its shoulder, sinking my own teeth into its flesh. As
the blood seeps out, I realize something's wrong. There's a strange scent
coming from the air, and this wolf's blood tastes strange. I finally manage
to throw it off, and go for its throat. I crush its neck and let go. The
wolf lays there, bleeding, not moving. Satisfied with my work, I walk over
to Cairo.
"What happened?"
"Th-the wolf..I came out here to get some food for us, but it
just..attacked me."
"...let me hunt from now on."
"Let's get out of here; something about that wolf wasn't right..." We went
back to the den. She went to sleep and I watched her.
Why did you save her, idiot?! You wanted to live alone! That little voice
nagged at me all night. She's asleep now, kill her! After I thought about
it, killing her wasn't a bad idea. But something was holding me back. What
was it.....?
Ha. Hoped you people liked. MAY US PSYCHOS RULE THE WORLD!!!
MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! And She-who-put-a-note-on-the-last-
chapter,........uhh...thanks? I dunno. Don't do it again, it made me feel