A/N: Allrighty!! Here is my first Rurouni Kenshin piece that has somehow found itself a way out of my overactive mind and onto my computer. It's pure romance, though probably not what one would consider a waff (though I may be wrong, who knows.) I myself would call it a sap (seductive, alluring prose. ^_^) Anyways, do enjoy it and keep in mind the warning posted below (though I'm already sure you'll pay little to know attention to it and probably be more than happy to breeze right by it and get to reading ^_^)

** Warning ** I suppose you saw this coming, but here it is nonetheless: This fan fiction contains sexual situations both mild and graphic, and I will not be held responsible for any damage done by any overexerted minds of my readers (who are all very dear to me, mind you. ^_^) That said, enjoy!!!


"When that dam broke, they went breathlessly into each others arms,
embracing in the fields, under the stars."

Excerpt from "The Red Tent", a novel by Anita Diamant

She had dreamt the dream so many times that it seemed routine now to fall asleep and find herself in that dark world of nothingness, with only him in her view. Him, and the sword that swayed like a leaf in the wind behind him. No hand commanded its movements, and his obliviousness made her blood run cold each and every time she found herself standing helplessly in front of him. Being forced to watch his kind, youthful face, with his deep lavender eyes looking at her so serenely was beyond what she could take when she saw the blade lift itself high into the air and sail smoothly into his back. Sometimes, if she stayed in the world of dreams long enough, she could see the tip of the blade protruding from his chest, in the angle made from where his gi opened to reveal his skin. Most often than not, seeing that would rouse her from the horrific nightmare, her mouth opened in a shrill cry, tears trailing down her face and soaking into her futon. But sometimes, she would remain on even after watching him being stabbed through, and watch his eyes die first. Like the sun sinking behind the horizon, the life behind his strange purple irises would seem to simply sink into the darkness around him, causing his ethereal gaze to fade away. Then he would collapse, his body crumpling in on itself, and she would watch him disappear into the darkness that had stolen away the life in his eyes. She did not know what happened after she saw him fall, for she always woke up after that if not sometime before.

The dream was draining her, it seemed. She could tell it. When she glanced in her mirror each morning to pull her hair up into its high ponytail, she could see the unbecoming dark circles beneath her dark blue eyes. Her face seemed so ghostly compared to the vibrant colors of her kimonos, and coupled with the dark circles, made her appear ill.

He asked about her often, his voice laden with concern for her. "Miss Kaoru, would you like me to call Miss Megumi to come see you?" She would smile at seeing him so worried for her, but would decline nonetheless, knowing that Megumi would say it was all in her head. Or perhaps the attentive lady doctor would notice the ghastly dark circles and demand that she get more sleep.

But more sleep was simply impossible. The dream would never allow her more than a few hours at a time before creeping its way into her head yet again and terrifying her into consciousness. She could actually care less about herself and her lack of sleep; it was the man in the dream who worried her beyond comprehension. The man who continuously glanced over his shoulder at her as he crouched by the washbasin, scrubbing clothes as if it were the most important job a man could ever do. His dark lavender eyes always reflected her sapphire ones-with nothing but worry set in their depths, as if he too were plagued with horrifying dreams late in the night. Not his occasional nightmares of his days as a manslayer, but nightmares that made his face mirror hers so strangely.

She began noticing the dark circles beneath his eyes as well her own, but they seemed darker and larger than the ones blemishing hers. His eyelids drooped throughout the entire day, giving him the appearance of a man with nothing left in the world. She soon found herself glancing at him just as much as he glanced at her, her eyes searching for a clue as to what ailed him. But just as her nighttime horrors eluded him, his did the same with her. Both of them suffered from the same thing, but neither of them knew it.

His dream was so much different than hers, and yet so similar. He stood in the middle of emptiness, his eyes locked on her silhouette far away in the distance. She seemed to look straight at him, her eyebrows furrowed as if in fear, her mouth open as if ready to call out a warning. He would smile for her, trying to tell her that all was well, that he was here. But his smile faded when he saw bodiless arms reach out from the blackness that surrounded her and close around her chest like a vice. The disembodied arms drew her back, farther and farther away from him as her eyes remained locked on him, worried for him even though she was being carried away into the darkness. Her mouth closed as if in defeat, and the last thing he would do before being forced awake was yell at her, telling her to use the strength he knew she possessed and save herself. Because no matter how hard he ran, no matter how much he willed himself to chase after her and her abductor, he could never move from the place he was in.

And so he watched her constantly, wondering if his dream would become a reality, and he would have to watch her being taken from him. She always looked so sad, so alone. He wanted to draw her into a room with him, look her in the eyes, and beg to her to tell him what was wrong. He wanted to comfort her, to console her. He also wanted to just touch her, to run his hands down the length of her arms, feeling the smooth, slightly-defined muscles beneath the sleeves of her kimono. He wanted to rest his fingers in the slope of flesh where her neck joined with her shoulder. He wanted to loosen her obi to press his hand into the erotic curve at the small of her back. And he was ashamed of himself for wanting these things-for wanting her.

But what he didn't know was that she wanted the same from him. She watched him idly as he bent over the washbasin day after day, then stood to hang the wet clothes to dry in the light breezes that passed through their yard. She would follow the movements of his lean arms, and wish for his gi to slip from his shoulders as he raised and lowered his hands to hang the clothes. She wanted to touch his face, where his scar marked his otherwise smooth and flawless skin, to trace its cross-like shape with her fingertip. She wanted to hook her fingers in the opening of his gi and pull it down until she grazed the skin of his abdomen with her knuckles. She wanted to sit behind him and tell him to lean back into her so that she could feel the gentle movements of his fiery hair across her naked breasts. She wanted all this and more from him.

She simply wanted to speak to him, to ask him why he seemed so sad all the time, and why he watched her as if she could disappear into the breezes of the morning air. But she was afraid that he would only smile at her and tell her he was just fine. He was just fine, that he was.

So she remained silent and only watched him, and wanted him.

And he watched her continue to simply look at him from time to time. Her eyes remained so worried, but every once in a while he could make out something else trapped inside them. It seemed to try to hide itself, just as he tried to hide his yearning for her. It ducked behind the concern in her lovely eyes and almost seemed to watch him just as closely as she did. But instead of being disturbed by this strange thing that hid in her eyes, he was fascinated by it. So he tried to catch her eye more often, to try to study it, to try to figure out where it came from and exactly what it was.

This thing, whatever it was, made her appear so exotic. It made the sad dark circles beneath her sad dark eyes fade until her cheeks were glowing like the horizon at sun down. It made her face come alive again by driving away the flushed tinge of her skin. It made him long for her even more.

His gaze had changed. In only one single day she had watched his eyes, so strangely melancholy and distanced, light up with something so oddly attractive that she soon found herself gazing back at him with more curiosity than concern. If she caught his eye at the right time of time of day, when the bright springtime sun was just overhead, she swore that she could see him looking at her almost drunkenly-almost lustfully. A coy smile graced her pretty face, and she gave a small laugh at his strange expression even though the look in his amethyst-colored eyes made her abdomen suddenly grow tight. He saw her smile and heard her slight laugh, and he grinned at the enchanting sound of it. He had heard her laugh many times before, but the delicate sound that came from her gentle lips just now was so unbelievably alluring that he forgot himself and stared at her, transfixed by her slight smile.

She wondered why he stared at her, why his gaze suddenly transformed from longing to amazement. She wanted to revert to her usual defensive behavior and demand to know what he was staring so intently at, but she soon realized how strangely captivating he was. His eyes were so vivid, so beguiling, that she found herself lost in them.

And so they stared, their eyes fixed on each other's, both of them innocently enchanting and seducing the other without truly realizing it. But it would come to them soon; it would revel itself on a strange night, with nothing between them but air, and nothing above them but the stars.

A/N: Ok, well, this is my first Rurouni Kenshin piece, and I hope to make it a decent one. Be warned that no upcoming chapters will be so mild as this one (but I think you've figured that out). Please do leave me a review to tell me your thoughts, critiques, or ideas on this, and I will be much obliged. ^_^ Thanks for reading!!