Recap for those who's read the original: Ash Ketchum, starts his journey with a disobedient Pikachu. When being attacked by a wild Spearow flock, Pikachu abandoned Ash to only be mauled by the flock, making him lose his left eye and have scars on the half side of his body and face. But after getting a Spearow and Magikarp for his new starter Pokémon, Ash's journey you all thought it was is really different than you could imagine.

After obtaining his 8th and final Gym Badge to compete in the Pokémon League, Ash and his friends were on their way to where Ash's Pokémon Journey began, Pallet Town. Eager to be back home Ash was happy to see his mom while Tomo was a little nervous about meeting her. Ash reassured the small jungle boy that his mother was the most kindest and thoughtful woman he's ever known. As they arrived on the outskirts of Pallet they were greeted by a peculiar sight of a Mr. Mime climbing an invisible wall.

Thinking highly on getting it, Ash was about to catch until a woman stopped him and asked if she could catch the Mr. Mime instead. Turns out the woman was Stella, a circus ringmaster who was trying to catch Mr. Mime for her circus. Unfortunately the wild Mr. Mime managed to avoid her capture. When asked why did she wanted a Mr. Mime, it was revealed that she has one of her own, only problem was it was a couch potato. Mainly because of Stella overworking it and it had enough of her and quit. And it stopped listening to her. While Ash and Tomo understood why Mr. Mime was acting like that Brock jumped in and volunteered to help her get a new Mr. Mime... unfortunately he didn't mean by catching one; He made Ash become one.

Needless to say Ash hated this with every bone in his body but Brock insisted that if Stella's Mr. Mime saw him it would get jealous. However once Ash saw Stella's training ideas his attitude changed drastically. And as expected Brock's plan had failied and Stella's circus had a show that same day and no star. Soon Stella's show was about to begin but like her actual Mr. Mime Ash wasn't very eager to face the whip.

But just as things were about to go underway, Team Rocket suddenly appeared and kidnapped the "Mr. Mime".

Horrified by this Brock, Misty and Tomo were worried about what to do to get Ash back unfortunately Delia was in the audience during the whole thing. Seeing her in person Tomo was very nervous what to say not expecting to meet her under these circumstances.

She had a feeling and knew that Ash was the one in that Mr. Mime costume.

When Brock assures them that they'll get Ash back Delia states that she knows he'll be fine. Especially when Team Rocket realizes he's not a real Mr. Mime. Speaking of, Ash finally reveals himself to the trio and insults them for being so clueless and escaped, fuming them about this and wanted revenge.

Breaking out of their hold Ash further adds to their rage by stealing their Hot Air balloon. That's a Double Win for him.

Back in Pallet Town, during lunch Tomo finally meets Delia and tells him who he was.

Smiling Delia was very happy to finally meet Tomo and while she knew she wasn't his real mother she would always have room for him at her home as part of her family. Overjoyed with delight, Tomo hugged his new "Mama". Seeing this Brock and Misty decide to give Tomo some alone time with his new mom but once they leave the Mr. Mime that Stella and Ash wanted to catch earlier arrives at their house smelling Delia's cooking. Delia thought it was Ash still under disguise. However when the real Ash arrived needless to say it was weird and it was even weirder when Delia caught that wild Mr. Mime by simply offering it desert. But before the welcome home party could commence, Team Rocket appeared and tried to kidnap all of the circus Pokémon.

Delia had an idea and let's her new Mr. Mime deal with Team Rocket by building up invisible walls to block the trio.

As Mr. Mime started to box them in Stella's Mr. Mime was in awe and when the tank tries to turn around and escape her Mr. Mime made a wall blocking them. The two Mr. Mimes eventually surround Team Rocket with a tower of walls. The trio tries to blow the walls out with their missiles, but end up blasting themselves off again.

After saving the circus, Stella apologizes to Mr. Mime and agrees to give up her harsh training allowing Mr. Mime to forgive her.

And when they returned to Pallet Town, Misty and Brock joined Ash and Tomo for their first family meal.

And boy did Tomo feel accepted into his new home while Ash gave him a smile that said, "I told you so".

When Delia brought in dinner they were surprised to see the Mr. Mime now nicknamed Mimey was now Delia's official house keeping assistant.

And he gotten along well with all of Delia's Pokémon that were staying with her.

Needless to say between Tomo and Mimey, Ash's family was really growing.

Chapter 27: Showdown at the Poke-Corral!

The sun shines bright below Pallet Town as Ash and Tomo were shown sleeping in different beds. Ebon was snoozing on his daddy's chest while Tomo was moving in his dream, moving his boomerang around acting like he was hitting something with it.

In his bed, Ash was fast asleep dreaming about finally being in the Pokemon League.

In his dream, Ash was standing in an arena ready for battle.

And the crowd was cheering him on.

"I can't believe I finally made it to the Pokémon League." He said to himself before a big confident smile appeared on his face. "And's time to win it all!"

He plucked a Pokéball form his belt. "Pokéball, Go!" He throws it as it didn't stop flying until it was shown into the sky. "What the?" He asks before the ball finally opened up revealing a high bright light that made him cringe and look away. When the light died down, Ash saw a humongous yellow figure in front of him.

"Pikachu." It bellows.

"You?!" Ash exclaimed. "I didn't choose you!"

"Pika.." The gigantic Pikachu sparked up and released a huge electric blast. "CHU!" It roared.

Ash screamed as he felt defenseless as the lightning bolt was aiming his way. Then a flash of light appeared.

"Aah!" Outside of his dream, Ash sprung up from his bed and pants heavily.

"Mime?" Mr. Mime said startled as he was inches from vacuuming his face.

"Mr. Mime? Ugh what did we talk about. If someone is still sleeping, no cleaning." Ash groans.

"Ash are you okay? You were pretty loud." Tomo said rubbing his eyes.

"Vui?" Ebon groaned with a little cry as he rubs his eye wirh his paw from being woke up.

"Sorry guys, just a bad dream." Ash said sitting up.

"What happened?" Tomo asked.

"I uh, I don't wanna talk about it." Ash said as he looks down in a thinking look. 'Pikachu. It's been almost a full year since that day happened.' He thought before his eyes narrowed. 'I hope you're happy about what you done.'

Putting Ebon down Ash made his way to the bathroom to wash up.

"Mime?" Mimey asks.

"I don't Mr. Mime, sometimes Ash likes to keep things to himself." Tomo sighs.


Half an hour, the boy's gotten dressed and headed downstairs to have breakfast.

"Morning boys." Delia said in the kitchen.

"Morning mom." Ash said.

"Morning mama." Tomo said still getting used to saying that word.

"I hope you slept well for your first night here Tomo." Delia said rubbing his head.

"It was pretty nice. I like sharing a room with Ash." Tomo said loving this feeling.

"Well you know what they say, brothers gotta stick together." Misty said with a little laugh.

"Yet apparently doesn't apply to you and your sisters." Ash smirks.

"H-hey!" She snapped. Now it was Ash's turn to laugh.

"OK guys let's relax and eat huh?" Brock said starring boiling pot of stew. "Besides we gotta go talk with Prof. Oak today remember?"

"Oh yeah you're right." Ash said. "I gotta know about the Pokémon League from him."

"What's to know? You enter, beat everyone else and walk away with the trophy." Tomo said causing Ash to smile.

"If only it was that easy Tomo." Ash said.

"The Pokémon League is said to be filled with really strong Pokémon Trainers. Only the best of the best can enter it." Misty tells Tomo.
This is not gonna be easy." Ash said.

"And they all want to win it just as bad as Ash does." Brock said handing out plates.

"Wow, so who knows what could happen?" Tomo said.

Ash feeds Ebon. "But I'll tell you this Tomo, when that day comes, I'm not leaving that place without a fight." He stated.

"You don't wanna have Ash lose in round 1 do you Tomo?" Misty asked.

"No way!" Tomo shakes his head. "I wanna see him win it all!" He said.

"Then we better get to Prof. Oak as soon as we finish." Brock said.

Meanwhile, the Team Rocket goofballs were moping walking in the woods. "Well, there's no use pretending anymore." Jessie moped.

"We haven't successfully stolen a single Pokémon for the boss." James whined.

"We're just victims of CFS: Chronic Failure Syndrome." Meowth sighs.

James saw a building up ahead. "Well, there's Team Rocket HQ."

Jessie stopped. "Hang on. What's the worst he can do to us?"

"Fire us?" James guesses.

"Demote us?" Meowth guesses.

"True, true..but what if we quit first before he could do those things to us?" Jessie hints.

"Not a bad idea Jessie but what other job would hire us?" James asks.

"Probably anythin' that beats getting berated from the big guy himself." Meowth said taking Jessie's side.

"So all in favor say I." Jessie said raising her arm.

"I." James and Meowth said theirs up too.

"WE QUIT!" they said in unison and were about to run away until, the building behind them exploded all of a sudden.

Confused, the three of them look to the building to see some kind of figure flying out of it.

"W-what was that thing?" Jessie asks.

"I don't know.." James answers. They all checked the burning damage of the once was building.

"D-do you think the boss is..?" Jessie asks horrified for the worst until they heard groaning from nearby.

The leader of Team Rocket and real Viridian City Gym Leader, Giovanni and his Persian were were climbing out the wreckage and was not happy. "That ungrateful thing." He growls.

"Sir! Are you ok?!" Jessie said as they walk up to them.

"Oh great more bad news.." Giovanni mutters seeing his lackeys. "What are you three doing here?!" He said in an icy tone, making them flinch. Jessie and Meowth hid behind James as Persian was eyeing them like they were its next prey.

James, trying to be the man he was trying to be, stepped up. "We were just here to say.." However his sentence was cut off when a helicopter appeared.

"Wait sir, is there anything we can do for you?" Jessie says as Giovanni boarded the helicopter.

"Just do your jobs for a change." He spat before he and his Pokémon flew off into the air.

"I...don't think we're fired." James pauses.

"Did you hear that, he wants us to just do our jobs." Meowth said.

"Then do our jobs is what we will do! And that's getting powerful Pokémon for the boss!" Jessie declares.

"And I know the perfect Pokemon to start with!" Meowth declares.

"Well what what are we waiting for?! We have a reputation to build up!" James declared.

"Team Rocket!" All three of them said more pumped up and determined than ever.

Back with the group...

They reached Professor Oak's lab. Ash rung the doorbell. "Come in!"

"Prof. Oak, hey it's us!" Ash said opening the door.

"Ash it's great to see you." Prof. Oak said walking out to greet them.

"It's been awhile Prof. Oak." Brock smiles.

"Good to see you again." Misty smiles.

"The same with you too as well. The two of you look wonderful today." Prof. Oak before looking down to Tomo, who was hiding behind Ash. "Ah so you're little Tommy? It's nice to finally meet you in person."

"Y-you too sir." He pipped out.

"It's OK Tomo. Prof. Oak is very kind like mom is." Ash reassures him.

"Yes, and I've been taking care of all of the Pokémon your brother helped you catch. And might I say, you've caught a quite handful for someone your age." Prof. Oak smiles.

"Ash taught me a few things on the road." Tomo smiles.

"My Ash, at this rate by the time he turns 10 you'll have turned him into quite the trainer." Prof. Oak smiles.

"Just 4 more years and he'll be up and running in no time." Ash grins ruffling Tomo's head.

"Eievui!" Tomo was nuzzled also by Ebon in comparison with his father.

"Aw shucks you guys." Tomo laughs.

"Oh my!" Prof. Oak gasped. "A different colored Eevee?!" He stepped back in surprised. "Where'd this come from?"

"He's mine Prof. Oak." Ash held Ebon. "Remember that Egg I showed you a couple of months back? This is him. This is Ebon, Ebon say hi to Prof. Oak."

"I must say Ash, finding a normal Eevee is rare but this is unbelievable." Prof. Oak said.

"What can I say, I'm unpredictable." Ash takes it as a compliment. "And that's Misty's Togepi." Ash points to the small egg Pokémon in Misty's arms.

"A Togepi, my it looks rather happy and healthy." Prof. Oak eyes it as the baby Pokémon chirped happily. "Misty you must've really raised it well. I hope it'll become a strong partner for you in the future."

"Thank you Professor Oak." Misty smiles.

"You kids are actually the second people to visit me today." Prof. Oak said leading them to the living room.

"Second? Who's the first?" Ash asks.

Who else, no one other than Mr. Big Shot himself, Gary Oak. "Hm, well now. I'm not surprised you showed up late, I'm just surprised you showed up at all." He began his mocking already.

"Wanna repeat that?" Ash grunts seeing the boy in front of him. Here we go again.

"Hey, come now you two. Why can't Pallet Town's Top Trainers get along?" Prof. Oak asks making Ash and Gary look in shock.

"Top Trainers? You mean HIM?!" Ash and Gary said and pointed to each other in unison.

"That's right. You're both such fine trainers that you may be able to learn a thing or 2 from each other." Prof. Oak says, blinded to see the blazing and sparking rage both rivals were putting in the others eye.

"So uh how did these two become the top trainers?" Brock asks trying to change the subject.

"4 trainers left Pallet Town at the same time but Ash and Gary were the only ones who were able to earn enough badges to enter the Pokemon League." Prof. Oak explains.

"What happened to the other two?" Ash asks.

"They both got off to a good start, but they just couldn't pull it off near the end." Prof. Oak said.

"They just whimped out." Gary scoffed.

"Gary has 10 Badges and you Ash have acquired 8, the right amount. A very impressive job." Prof. Oak said.

Ash smiles. "Thanks, but I didn't do it all on my own." He said petting Ebon, making him purr.

"And now that you're both here, the Pokémon League is just right around the corner for you to compete in." Prof. Oak said.

"That's why I'm here Prof. Oak don't suppose you know when and where it is?" Ash asks.

"Atop the Indigo Plateu exactly 2 months from today and there will be over 200 trainers competition there." Prof. Oak declares.

"Over 200?" Ash gasped before smiling and punching his palm in his fist. "Oh man, now hearing that I can hardly wait!"

"Me too! I wanna be there live to see you kick butt!" Tomo was excited for seeing his big brother battle in his first live tournament.

"You and Gary should use this time to train hard with your Pokemon and prepare yourselves." Prof. Oak suggests.

"He can try, but even if Ash had a year to train I'd beat'im with both hands tied behind my back." Gary said, causing Ash to turn with a glare.

'How about no hands at all?' He thought. "And just what do you mean by that?"

"Look I'm not saying you're a bad trainer Ash, but you just don't have what it takes to beat me." Gary said getting up from his seat.

"Hmph, Talk's cheap Oak. But sooner or later all that talk is gonna be crumbling down when you face me." Ash turned with a crossed armed scoff.

"Keep telling yourself that Ash, meanwhile I'll be walking out of there with the trophy." Gary said.

"Only if I ask you to hold it for me." Ash counters.

"You gotta stop this Professor, there's gonna be a fight." Brock whispered to Oak who was eating.

"It's quite fine Brock. These two been at it since they were young." Prof. Oak reassured him.

"That does not reassure me." Brock said.

"Gary if you knew half the things I've been through you'd shut your mouth right now." Ash said.

"Oh I know all besides this about you." Gary pointed to the scarred eye making Ash tick. "But that's not important right now. What IS important is you are a good Pokémon trainer or not."

"You bet I am." Ash said.

"Is that right? So how many Pokémon were you able to find?" Gary challenges.

"Like I need to tell you exactly how many there are. All I know is that they seem way better than yours." Ash stated. "Especially this one." He shows Ebon.

The brown haired grandson looked jealous that Ash gotten a Shiny Pokémon before him. "Hmph, y-yeah well I bet not all of are as rare as mine." He turns away.

"Interesting." They hear Prof. Oak say at his PC. He takes both PokéDex's out of his hard drive. "I just finished evaluating both of your PokéDex's and the results show that Gary has seen 60 different Pokémon while Ash has seen over 100."

"Wha?" Gary sweatdropped.

"Hah!" Ash smirked.

"However, Gary own more than 200 Pokémon while Ash owns 41." Prof. Oak said making Ash almost fall over.

"More than 200?! Are you kidding me?!" Ash exclaimed.

"Heh, you only use your PokéDex every time you see a Pokémon. But I know so much about them, I capture them first and ask questions later." Gary said back to smirking.

"By that you mean you catch everything you see.." Ash muttered with a deadpan look.

"However.." Prof. Oak said again.

"However what?" Gary asked again.

"Out of all the Pokémon Trainers I've had as students, Ash's Pokémon captures are different than them." Prof. Oak says checking Ash's PokéDex numbers. "Even as to capturing Shiny Pokémon, extinct Pokémon, along with capturing Pokémon form distant regions."

"Different regions?" Gary asks.

"Hmm so how many of those 200 Pokemon are the same ones?" Ash asks causing Gary to flinch.

"He got him there." Misty giggled, seeing Ash had the upper hand.

"I bet Gary kept capturing the same Pokémon until he found a really good version of it." Brock said.

"That's something called pity right?" Tomo said.

"Vui." Ebon agreed.

"Guess I'm a little better than you thought Gary." Ash said. Gary blushed embarrassed and grumbles to himself.

"Hey Professor, where do you keep everyone's Pokéballs when they get here in Pallet Town?" Brock asks.

"Same place I keep all of Ash and Gary's Pokeballs." Prof. Oak said leading them to the room in the back of the lab closest to the back entrance.

Opening the door they saw the entire room was filled with shelves upon shelves of Pokeballs.

"These are the Pokéballs that holds all of the Pallet Town trainer's Pokémon."

"I've never been in a room like this before. It's incredible." Tomo said blown away by all of the Pokéballs in a single room.

"Yeah there's gotta hundreds of Pokémon in here." Ash agreed.

"Ash." Prof. Oak gotten his attention. "Over here is where I keep all of your Pokéballs stored." Ash sees his face over trays of over 50 Pokéballs inside.

Ash smiles at his collection. How he loved them all.

"And Tomo, I've gotten your starter set right here." Prof. Oak motions to the young boy to show him his own tray with only 5 Pokéballs inside. These were 3 Safari Balls and 2 regular Pokéballs.

"You made one for me?" Tomo said surprised.

"Of course I did. I make sure all Pallet Pokemon are looked after. And that includes you." Prof. Oak smiles. This made the young boy happy, seeing he was fitting in already. "Ash you and Gary clearly have different styles to capturing and training your Pokemon which makes you both very different trainers. And while neither of you wants to admit it, you both excel and or lack in areas the other doesn't focus much on." Prof. Oak said.

"So what are you trying to say Grandpa?" Gary asks.

"Let me put it like this." Prof. Oak said walking up to Ebon. "You two are like Pokemon, the same but different. Both of you are unique and like the Pokémon you have your own views and opinions on how to do things. In my studies I find that Pokémon and have humans have more in common than we realize and that we can often see ourselves in them and sometimes Pokémon can even surprise us."

He said while petting the baby shiny, making him purr.

"Is that why you take care of so many Pokemon?" Brock asks.

"Yes I do, and each Pokémon I watch over not only becomes part of my research but part of myself as well." Prof. Oak said.

"Apart of yourself?" Ash asked wondering about that.

On the hill on the outskirts of the lab, Team Rocket was walking down the path.

"My paws are killing me." Meowth groans.

"Who's idea was it to sneak in the back way?" James groans.

"Wasn't mine." Meowth said.

"Oh stop complaining. Prof. Oak's research area is gigantic and filled to the brim with Pokémon." Jessie said.

"But I'm exhausted." James said.

"Yeah can't we take a break?" Meowth asks.

"Oh shut up." Jessie said kicking a rock into a tree. Unfortunately that tree was full of Kakuna.

Making the three flinch in flinch. "K-Kakuna.." James gulped.

"Where there's Kakuna then that means.." Jessie gulps.

"Beedrill are nearby!" Meowth panics as Beedrill came out of the trees.

The trio screamed as they were being chased by the Beedrill. "Great plan Jessie!" James screamed.

"How was I supposed to know?!" Jessie asks.

"He's a Pokemon Researcher! He must have a ton of Pokemon!" Meowth screams when they found the path was blocked by a sleeping Snorlax.

"Not a Snorlax!" They shouted before seeing the Beedrill caught up to them. All could they do was scream as their fates was not to be seen..

Back at the lab, Prof. Oak leads them out back.

"Now everyday I start by checking up on all the Pokemon and then I let them out of their Pokeballs so they can move around and get exercise in the special habitats I've made for them. Of course I never know when a trainer might request a Pokemon to be switched out so I need to make sure all of them are ready and taken care of for when they do." Prof. Oak explains.

"Wow Professor Oak, all that sounds like too much to handle." Tomo said.

"Not at all Tomo, in fact doing this every single day fills me with excitement because I never know what interesting new things I might learn about the Pokemon." Prof. Oak smiles.

A Doduo walks by and meets everyone. "Hey there Doduo, good to see you." Gary smiles, revealing it was a his Pokémon.

"Nice Doduo you got there." Ash said before feeling something around his legs. "Huh?" Looking down he saw a his small little Ralts. "Rune!" He smiles picking him up. "How are you little guy?"

"Ralts!" He said happy to see him and he greets Ebon. "RaltsRalts!"

"VuiVui!" Ebon greets the little psychic type with a smile.

"That Pokémon again." Gary remembering Rune from the Giva Dam and Diglett incident. He pulls his PokéDex out.

"Ralts, the Feeling Pokémon. Ralts senses the emotions of people using the horns on its head. This Pokémon rarely appears before people. But when it does, it draws closer if it senses that the person has a positive disposition."

"It doesn't matter how many new ones he has if they can't battle." Gary mumbles.

"Prof. Oak all the Pokemon look so happy here." Brock said.

"I know they do Brock. I designed this place so I can study Pokémon the proper way, in their natural habitats, living free. When they live in an environment like the one they were born in, it's easy to observe on how they are affected to their trainers." Prof. Oak said. "I even found an interesting discovery as of now: Pokémon frequently take on the characteristics of the trainers who capture them."

"I can believe that." Ash smiles looking at Rune and Ebon.

"So do I!" Brock said having his Vulpix out in his arms. "Suzy loved her Vulpix and gave her to me. Now if Vulpix is like me, and she still loves her then that means she loves me.." Brock said having a goofy smile and a blush on his face.

"What's up with this guy?" Gary asked weirdly.

"He's off on a trip to fantasy land." Misty rolls her eyes.

"It's easier if you just don't pay much attention." Ash said. Tomo clonked Brock on his head to bring him back to earth.

"And what about that?" Gary points.

"Sometimes I do it." Misty said casually.

Later, Team Rocket, having escaped the Beedrill, climbs rocks to get to Oak's lab.

"We can't go through the forest so this we'll have to go the hard way." Jessie said.

"Define hard way, for all I know this could be a detour to a cliff." James pants.

"Yeah why couldn't we have just gone around it?" Meowth asks.

"Stop whining and keep climbing! We have to get those Pokémon!" Jessie said when she grabbed something. "Huh?"

Turning around Jessie saw she had grabbed onto a Geodude. Geodude blushes, making her creeped out. "Beat it stone head!" Jessie chucks it away, before feeling something and pulls out a Sandshrew.

"Sandshrew!" Sandshrew started scratching Jessie's face and kicked her backwards.

"My face!" Jessie screams in pain when an Onix burst out of the ground nearby.

"RUN FOR IT!" They yelled running for their lives again.

Back with the others...

"Wow! Look at all the Water Pokémon!" Misty was in delight in seeing alot of them in the water area.

"You put a lot of effort into your habitats, Prof. Oak." Tomo said.

"Well Tomo, different Pokémon have different needs and I need to be prepared for all types." Prof. Oak said.

Looking ahead to see if any of his water Pokémon were anywhere, Ash saw his two Gyarados swimming near the other, his Krabby scuttling nearby, his Slowpoke was resting on a bolder above the water, his Cloyster was put into the deep blue sea, his Poliwrath was sitting on a lilypad looking to the Tomo's Poliwag who was playing around, his Kingdra was speeding through the rapid waters with his Golduck, looking like they were racing. And his Kabutops and Omastar was resting near the sea stone area with Tomo's Kabuto and Omanyte.

"Hey you guys!" Ash waved to them all.

All of Ash's Pokémon smiled and waved back to him.

"All of those are yours too?" Gary said astonished from the Water Pokémon Ash obtained, 2 freaking Gyarados? One of the most dangerous Pokémon to man?! And a Kabutops and Omastar? Those are one of the most rarest Pokémon that to be living to this day!

"Mystic I got when she was just a Magikarp as for Triton well I got him after he evolved." Ash explained.

Gary was undeniably surprised from his rival.

"You two have indeed gathered many Pokémon but after seeing the kind of Pokemon Ash found from out of region I realize that there are still so many out there that haven't been fully discovered yet." Prof. Oak said.

"Yeah we all thought there were only 150 Pokémon. Then we discovered Eevee had another evolution, Espeon." Brock recalls Evlon's evolving.

"And then we learned that Magmar had a pre-evolution, Onix could evolve into Steelix, Seadra into Kingdra, Tangela into Tangrowth, saw a Ralts for the first time and then we got to meet you Togepi." Misty said to the little baby.

"So that means there are more ways I can get ahead of you Ashy boy." Gary smirks.

"In your dreams Gare-bare." Ash smirks back, using his own pet name on him.

As the two of them face off eager to prove the other wrong Prof. Oak smiles at this.

Suddenly an explosion went off snapping all of them out of it.

"Woah what's that over there?!" Misty gasped seeing smoke off in the distance.

"That smoke is coming from the Electric Pokémon preserve!" Prof. Oak gasps.

From a giant crater filled with Voltorb and Electrode Team Rocket pop their heads out.

"Who's..(zzt) dumb..(zzt)..idea was it to go through..(zzt)" Jessie stutters feeling the aftershocks.

"Yours..(zzt) I wanna go home." James groans.

"VolEctrode.." Meowth groaned.

"HEY!" They snapped out of their shock to see the group. "I had a feeling it was you 3 again!" Ash's eyes narrowed. "Now what are you doing here?!"

The Trio jumped out of the hole. "Ha! What does it look like?!" Jessie said.

"We followed you here to get all of your Pokémon!" James said.

"No quit pussy-footin' around and hand'em over!" Meowth said pointing to Rune and Ebon.

Gary and Prof. Oak jumped. "It's that talking Meowth!"

"A talking Meowth? Do you think you could say a few more words please?" Prof. Oak asked curious.

"Certainly, so dig the wax out of your ears and listen up pops." Meowth said.

(Cue Team Rocket Motto)

"Meowth that's right! Now hand over all the Pokémon you got in this dump or we'll just take'im!" Meowth ordered as well as his comrades.

"You won't be getting anything from us!" Ash glares as both and Gary stood against them.

"You want these Pokémon, you gotta get through us!" Gary challenges bringing a Pokéball out. The 4 were gonna have a big battle, but before anyone could do anything, Rune suddenly jumps out of Ash's arms and his eyes glowed blue and his horns glowed red before, as it made Team Rocket freeze from moving.

"Hey I can't move!" Jessie said.

"My body is frozen in place!" James said.

"Hey isn't that Disable?" Gary said looking at Rune.

"Yes it is. Well Gary you're always bragging about how much stronger you are than me. Here's your chance to put your money where your mouth is." Ash challenges.

"Hmph, ask and you shall receive." Gary said. "I Choose You, Alakazam!" Throwing the ball, what appeared was the an even bigger and mightier version of Kadabra, only it didn't had a tail, it had 2 spoons and a larger facial expression.


"Alakazam, the Psi Pokémon and the evolved form of Kadarba. It wields a silver spoon in each hand, which act as amplifiers for its psychic abilities. The spoons are created using its psychic powers and it may give one to someone it trusts." Ash's PokéDex beeped from his pocket.

"Alakazam, use Psywave!" Gary pointed. Alakazam spun its two spoons before his eyes glowed. "Ala!" Alakazam holds them out and thanks to Rune's Disable, he controls Team Rocket by bringing them up and slamming to the floor again and again.

"Not bad Gary." Ash said.

"What? You thought I got my 10 badges just by walking through the door? Hardly." Gary scoffs.

Rune looks to Ash, saying he's gotten a new move up his sleeve.

"You do?" Ash checks his PokéDex again and grins. "That's my boy. OK Rune, use Psybeam!"

As Alakazam pins Team Rocket in place Rune blasts them with a multi colored beam.

Causing an explosion, making the 3 fly into the sky. "Oh why can't good things happen to bad guys?!" Jessie exclaimed.

"Who knows?" James groaned.

"Hey at least we didn't get fired." Meowth said looking in the bright side.

"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" They screamed disappearing into the distance.

"You see Brock, this is why." Prof. Oak said confusing him.

"Why what?" Brock asks.

"Why I never stop Ash and Gary when they fight." Prof. Oak said looking at the two of them and their Pokemon. "You see the reason Ash and Gary were able to come so far is because they both had something the other two Pallet Trainers didn't have."

"And what's that?" Misty asked.

"Ash and Gary had been rivals since they were little boys. I may have told Ash all of Gary's progress but I also told Gary about Ash. Hearing how much progress the other was making gave the two of them the drive to push themsevles as hard as they could. These boys may sound like they hate each other but in reality they couldn't be where they are now if they didn't give each other the drive to wanna beat the other." Prof. Oak explains.

"Woah, I didn't think about it that way." Brock said surpised by the answer.

"Me neither.." Tomo said blown away.

"Both getting better by just butting heads with each other? If that was the case, I kinda wished I had a rival." Misty said.

"So Gary up for that battle?" Ash asks.

"Not here, I have some training to do. We'll settle this at the Pokemon League." Gary smiles.

Ash smiles too. "Sounds good to me. You're in for a big surprise on what I got in store for you and everyone there."

"Heh you just better make sure you train as hard as I am. See you in 2 months Ash." Gary said his goodbyes and departs.

"They may not want to admit it but those two are the best of friends." Prof. Oak smiles.

"Can rivals like them be friends?" Tomo asked.

"In a way.." Brock said.

Ash picks up Rune. "Rune that was incredible. You learned those two attacks all be yourself?"

"Ralts Ralts." Rune smiles.

"Just 2 months until the Pokémon League. If you're this strong as you are now and with a little more training, you could be ready to take everyone on there." Ash smiles.

"Ralts." Rune smiles.

"We're here to help too." Misty said.

"We may not be League trainers but we can still help you guys train." Brock said.

"Don't forget about me." Tomo said. "I'm ready to help you win the whole league Big Bro."

Ash turns them and smiles. 'Two months. Let's see how much we can do in that amount of time.'

Home once again, Ash prepares for the hardship of 2 months of training his Pokémon for the upcoming Pokémon League event. What could happen in that timeframe? Well, we'll just have to wait and see. But what was that flying figure Team Rocket saw earlier?

To be continued...

Well here it is, the perfected reboot has begun. I'm doing this to fix the forced and rushed plots of each chapter while also deleting unneeded episodes.

Next part is going to be a real shocker for you all, and I say you all might like it.

Next Time: The Monster of Cerulean Cave (Part 1)