Summary: 2 years after Vivid Dreams, now Kai, Kristy and the other couples
are all 17: the story of how the next generation of Blade Breakers came to
be - before the threequel there was love, lust, sex, marriages, secrets
revealed and many surprises. NOT LEMON!!!
mystic-water: heya pplz...remeber me? look, another fic of mine...and yes its based on the same series....Vivid Innocence...only now theses ppl are older, and more secrets are revealed from everyone's past.....this is not a lemon fic by the dont get no ideas!!! this is just a short mini fic, that explains whut happened before the kids came along......this is how that all started..... ENJOY!!!
Final Dayz (chap 1)
Kai Hiwatari stared at the one he fell in love with 3 years ago, as she sat silently reading a book. The Blade Breakers were all on breaks from blading for now. Still in Canada, and now attending Queen Elizabeth Secondary, as grade twelves. This summer, they were all preparing to head to Japan, for a new start in a new tournament in Tokyo.
From the balcony window, he slowly made his way to the couch, where she sat. Her red hair rested upon her slender shoulders, and her hazel eyes, that were once scanning through the book, now stared up at Kai's auburn orbs; giving him a light smile.
Kai returned a cool smile as he sat.
"Excited about this summer?" Kristy Pryce tilted her head, "Finally the Blade Breakers get to blade again!" she exhaled.
Kai nodded, "It's been awhile hasn't it?"
"Yep!" Kristy sat up, "The last tournie was just after, Voltaire...." she trailed off suddenly, glancing away at the horrible memory, that forever left her feeling guilty. Voltaire was dead... she killed him in self defense, yet Ron and the others got away without a trace.
Kai placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I know," Kai smiled suddenly at a thought, but kept it to himself, "Besides we have 1 more day of school left, and by Tuesday, we'll be in Tokyo!"
Kristy's lips drew up in a smile, "And the tournament!"
Kai frowned slightly glancing to the clock, "We should get to White Spot!" Kai said suddenly remembering scheduled plans.
"Oh ya!" Kristy gasped standing quickly, "Leah's gunna kill me!" and with that she ran to get dressed, shutting their bedroom door behind her.
Kai longed to follow; to finally see her pure body of innocence. He wanted to take their relationship to the next level, but he knew Kristy wasn't ready yet. They were both still virgins, and neither ever recalled seeing the opposite sex fully naked before....Kai respected Kristy at any rate. He didn't want anything pressured, well, not yet.
Kristy emerged moments later wearing something more appealing. Low ride faded old jeans, and a sparkly halter top, Madison had bought her for the previous Christmas.
"Ready?" Kai growled slightly handing Kristy her black waist coat.
Kristy nodded, "Yep!"
Taking Kai's silver, convertible, Z8 BMW; both got in the car, with soft leather seats, and headed towards the restaurant. (Kristy has a car too, a sparkly blue tye-dye Bug- New Voltzwagon beetle.)
"Leah!!!" Tyson whined, "I'm hungry!!" (lol he still hadn't changed)
"I don't care!" Leah hissed back angrily, "We are waiting for Kristy and Kai!"
"But I want to order NOW!!!!" Tyson yelled back.
"I said WAIT!" Leah stood suddenly glaring down at Tyson, with the sudden raise in her voice, Tyson's glass of water was mysteriously splashed in his face, stopping his whining at once.
Everyone stopped in mid-sentence. Max uneasily glanced to his girlfriend, who's hands were clasped over her mouth.
Silver couldn't draw her eyes away from the empty glass on the floor, while Ray and Madison gasped at the stunned, soaked Tyson.
"How the-" Madison blinked a few times before gazing up at Leah.
Max held his breath- he knew something the others didn't know about Leah, but kept quiet. Not knowing what else to do, Leah quickly ran from the restaurant, outside, only to meet equally shocked and confused, Kai and Kristy, who had just parked the car, and saw the whole thing through the window.
"Leah?" Kristy frowned slightly.
'Not now Leah, they wouldn't understand!' Leah thought frantically to herself, before continuing running off to the park.
Leah sat below, Kristy's favorite oak tree, panting harshly. Her eyes closed from exhaustion, yet she did not sleep. Silent, and still, listening to her own fast breaths, in deep thought.
::Flash Back::
"Who are you?!" young 6 year old, Leah shrieked, as tears flowed, "Get out of my head!!!" she wailed.
"Calm down little one! It's's ok!" came an echoing voice that rang in her head, a voice that no one else could hear.
"Leave me alone!! Your making me hurt people!!!" Leah yelled back angrily, in a childish voice.
"I don't mean to child! I just wanted you to know I'm here.inside of you!" the voice echoed back.
"Well get out!!!!!" Leah screamed finally, as she buried her face in her pillow.
"'s me.Charmer....I'm here!" the voice tried to reason.
"NO!! Charmer's gone! She left me! You LIE!!!" Leah wailed back, but her voice muffled by the pillow, "Charmer would never hurt anyone!"
The voice finally faded away, not returning a reply as Leah sobbed quietly to her alone...and scared.
::Flash back Ends::
Leah sighed, "I'm sorry for yelling at you Charmer....I was so young then and confused..." she whispered to her self, "Ever since that day, I've lost contact with you....I wish I could tell you how sorry I am....... for everything..."
"I'm sure she knows..." came a comforting voice, as he sat beside her.
"Max...." Leah breathed, holding her stomach. "I'm starting to lose control of it..... my telekinesis ability's (ability to move things with ur mind...) are growing stronger..... I don't know how much longer I can keep it a secret..."
Max sighed too looking down at her, he was the only one who knew of this 'ability' of hers, he remembered all too clearly how he discovered it too:
::Flash back::
It was now a week after Kristy's death, and Max was returning to his and Leah's hotel room, while he carried a few groceries. But when he opened the door, he heard horrible and painful screaming coming from the kitchen.
Max dropped everything, and ran to the Kitchen to see Leah, on her hands and knees, eyes closes, tears streaming from her cheeks, screaming loudly, holding her ears, as the kitchen cuboards, banged open and shut. Dishes fell from every direction, glasses were sent flying into walls, shattering all around her.
It was a bizarre scene, not knowing what to do; Max rushed to Leah, and held her close, protecting her from the shattering glass around her. Suddenly it all stopped.
Leah rocked in his arms and she sobbed, "Max..."
"It's ok.." he whispered back. For a long time they just sat their, rocking in their embrace, Leah too scared to move, Max in complete confusion, before finally Leah began to talk.
"I'm sorry.." she choked, "It's all my fault...I'm sorry!"
"What.what just happened?" Max asked in a low whisper.
"I'm telekinetic!" Leah sobbed (i noe its spelt wrong!)
"What?!" Max stared down at Leah.
"It's my bit beast, Charmer....When I was only 6, I lost her in a horrible battle, the shock was over whelming, all I remember was screaming loudly, before waking up in the hospital a week later, recovering from a coma...Things began to happen after I woke... I was able to move things without knowing it.....hearing voices.....Finally I yelled angrily at the voice, that claimed to be Charmer, and it never came back.... When I was about 7, I learned to control my ability, and kept it secret ever since....." Leah sighed, "I know it's Charmer....and when I get really depressed, she feels my pain, and makes me take it out on things around me....I don't mean just...happens..." Leah whispered looking around the completely destroyed kitchen.
"Kristy didn't know?" Max frowned slightly.
Leah shook her head, "No! I didn't want her, I felt guilty keeping it from her. And I don't want the others to know... They wouldn't understand.....please Max! Keep this secret!" Leah looked up at Max with teary eyes.
Max nodded, "Of course..." he whispered back, giving her a light kiss on the lips, "It's ok now...I promise..."
::Flash back ends::
"They won't understand..." Leah whispered sadly. "They'll hate me!"
"No they won't!" Max glared at Leah, "I understood...I don't hate you!"
"Max......I know Kristy will hate me for keeping it from her for so long...I'm her best friend.....They won't understand..." Leah sighed, leaning her head on Max's shoulder.
"They will......" Max promised, wrapping his arm around her, as they sat silently on the grass.
~~Monday- school ~~
School would be rather laid back, today, saying goodbye to old friends, picking up report cards, and the day would end early. On Friday, they all graduated...including Tyson. With Kristy being valedictorian, it would definitely be a day to remember.
Kristy and Leah got A's in everything.well except Math, they managed to pull of a B. As did Ray, Max and Kai, only their B was in English. Tyson was a different story; C+ in P.E, and A in Drama, and everything else, B's. While Silver, and Madison pulled off straight B's for the year.
As for Ephram, he never really did see Julia again, but he did end up being Prom King, with his girlfriend Naomi Summers, his Prom Queen, a girl more worthy of the title than Julia.
The 8 teens sat quietly in the cafeteria, talking about random topics. So far, no one had brought up the events of yesterday afternoon, and for that Leah was grateful, and completely relieved.
"Ok, so we board the plane at 11:30 tonight?" Ray reconfirmed with his friends.
"That's what our ticket's say!" Kai growled, as he looked around the cafeteria, while his left arm was wrapped comfortably around Kristy's slender waist. Who was in, an in-depth conversation with Leah about...girl stuff.
"Will you two shut up about your bleeding every month?" Tyson whined, "It's making me sick....Ok we get the fact, that you get it once a month, but must you get into so much detail?!?!"
Kristy and Leah laughed.
"Tyson if only you knew..." Kristy shook her head.
"I'd like to see Tyson on his period.... you know how bitchy and emotional he would be?" Leah smirked playfully.
"I bet he would brag how big his tampon was..." Silver chimed in, causing to Madison to choke on her pop she was sipping in laughter.
Even Ray and Max had to chuckle. While Kai, as usual rolled his eyes.
Madison coughed, as Ray gently patted her back.
"Sorry Maddy..." Silver smirked, as she turned to Tyson giving him a peck on the cheek, "We love you any way's Tyse..."
Kristy then smirked, "Tyson wouldn't have much to brag about if that's the case..." this comment let everyone burst out in laughter, even Kai had to chuckle, as he held Kristy closer.
Tyson just grumbled as he hid his face in his hands, causing the girls to have another giggle fit.
~~Plane~~ (l8ter that night- 11:30pm)
Kai sighed heavily as he glanced down to the sleeping angel in his arms, he wondered how she could even sleep with Tyson's, loud snoring from behind. Kai looked out into the clear sky, the plane clear above the clouds, they seemed closer to the star's now than ever.
It was too bad Tyson's loud snorts and little shouts were ruining the breathtaking moment. He could hear Silver shuffle in her seat, then a loud WHOMP was heard, and Tyson's little whimper.
"Silver!!!" he moaned as he turned over to go back to sleep, "I won't snore, just let me sleep!" he whined, causing Silver to sigh heavily.
Kai just shook his head, as he glanced forward, he could see Ray's reflection in the airplane window. His head leaning on the cool glass, while Madison snuggled up in his arms. Neither were asleep, yet both were remaining quiet. Just enjoying every moment of silence.
And then there was giddy Max and Leah, in the back of the plane, though they were two seats behind Kai, he could still hear occasional whispers or giggles. They SO suited each other well. Yet he couldn't fully understand what had happened yesterday afternoon, at the restaurant, no one dared to bring it up either. What was Leah keeping from them? Max must know, he seemed relatively calm when he went in search for her. Max knew something the others didn't about Leah. They may have fooled the other idiots, but they couldn't fool him.
Kristy stirred slightly, before she forced her eyes to flutter open. She moaned, as she stretched. Kristy smiled up at Kai before yawning, causing Kai to fight off his own yawn, danm those things are contagious. Kristy gave a meek apologetic smile as she sat up.
Kai gently kissed her nose just as a voice came over the plane announcing they would be landing in Tokyo airport in 5 minutes.
Kai glanced out the window, to see the sun just setting, damn that jetlag, with the stupid time zone changes. He and Kristy would now be wide awake tonight. Kristy didn't seem to notice the time as she buckled her seat belt, as the plane lowered it's landing gear.
Kai couldn't help but laugh at Kristy's hair.
Kristy scowled, "What's so funny??" she growled.
Kai smirked, "You hair. it's a complete mess!" he snorted.
"Look's like Sex Hair to me!" Leah tease from the back, as Kristy fought off a blush and sent her friend the ususal death glare, earning a burst of laughter from the others.
Kristy could only mumble a few words under her breath. Baka immature Team Mates!!
Mystic: eeehee lookie lookie! Kinda short.. but I think u'll all like the next chappie.. which shud be up in a couple days!!! As well as the prequel! R+R
L8ter Dayz
Ja Ne
mystic-water: heya pplz...remeber me? look, another fic of mine...and yes its based on the same series....Vivid Innocence...only now theses ppl are older, and more secrets are revealed from everyone's past.....this is not a lemon fic by the dont get no ideas!!! this is just a short mini fic, that explains whut happened before the kids came along......this is how that all started..... ENJOY!!!
Final Dayz (chap 1)
Kai Hiwatari stared at the one he fell in love with 3 years ago, as she sat silently reading a book. The Blade Breakers were all on breaks from blading for now. Still in Canada, and now attending Queen Elizabeth Secondary, as grade twelves. This summer, they were all preparing to head to Japan, for a new start in a new tournament in Tokyo.
From the balcony window, he slowly made his way to the couch, where she sat. Her red hair rested upon her slender shoulders, and her hazel eyes, that were once scanning through the book, now stared up at Kai's auburn orbs; giving him a light smile.
Kai returned a cool smile as he sat.
"Excited about this summer?" Kristy Pryce tilted her head, "Finally the Blade Breakers get to blade again!" she exhaled.
Kai nodded, "It's been awhile hasn't it?"
"Yep!" Kristy sat up, "The last tournie was just after, Voltaire...." she trailed off suddenly, glancing away at the horrible memory, that forever left her feeling guilty. Voltaire was dead... she killed him in self defense, yet Ron and the others got away without a trace.
Kai placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I know," Kai smiled suddenly at a thought, but kept it to himself, "Besides we have 1 more day of school left, and by Tuesday, we'll be in Tokyo!"
Kristy's lips drew up in a smile, "And the tournament!"
Kai frowned slightly glancing to the clock, "We should get to White Spot!" Kai said suddenly remembering scheduled plans.
"Oh ya!" Kristy gasped standing quickly, "Leah's gunna kill me!" and with that she ran to get dressed, shutting their bedroom door behind her.
Kai longed to follow; to finally see her pure body of innocence. He wanted to take their relationship to the next level, but he knew Kristy wasn't ready yet. They were both still virgins, and neither ever recalled seeing the opposite sex fully naked before....Kai respected Kristy at any rate. He didn't want anything pressured, well, not yet.
Kristy emerged moments later wearing something more appealing. Low ride faded old jeans, and a sparkly halter top, Madison had bought her for the previous Christmas.
"Ready?" Kai growled slightly handing Kristy her black waist coat.
Kristy nodded, "Yep!"
Taking Kai's silver, convertible, Z8 BMW; both got in the car, with soft leather seats, and headed towards the restaurant. (Kristy has a car too, a sparkly blue tye-dye Bug- New Voltzwagon beetle.)
"Leah!!!" Tyson whined, "I'm hungry!!" (lol he still hadn't changed)
"I don't care!" Leah hissed back angrily, "We are waiting for Kristy and Kai!"
"But I want to order NOW!!!!" Tyson yelled back.
"I said WAIT!" Leah stood suddenly glaring down at Tyson, with the sudden raise in her voice, Tyson's glass of water was mysteriously splashed in his face, stopping his whining at once.
Everyone stopped in mid-sentence. Max uneasily glanced to his girlfriend, who's hands were clasped over her mouth.
Silver couldn't draw her eyes away from the empty glass on the floor, while Ray and Madison gasped at the stunned, soaked Tyson.
"How the-" Madison blinked a few times before gazing up at Leah.
Max held his breath- he knew something the others didn't know about Leah, but kept quiet. Not knowing what else to do, Leah quickly ran from the restaurant, outside, only to meet equally shocked and confused, Kai and Kristy, who had just parked the car, and saw the whole thing through the window.
"Leah?" Kristy frowned slightly.
'Not now Leah, they wouldn't understand!' Leah thought frantically to herself, before continuing running off to the park.
Leah sat below, Kristy's favorite oak tree, panting harshly. Her eyes closed from exhaustion, yet she did not sleep. Silent, and still, listening to her own fast breaths, in deep thought.
::Flash Back::
"Who are you?!" young 6 year old, Leah shrieked, as tears flowed, "Get out of my head!!!" she wailed.
"Calm down little one! It's's ok!" came an echoing voice that rang in her head, a voice that no one else could hear.
"Leave me alone!! Your making me hurt people!!!" Leah yelled back angrily, in a childish voice.
"I don't mean to child! I just wanted you to know I'm here.inside of you!" the voice echoed back.
"Well get out!!!!!" Leah screamed finally, as she buried her face in her pillow.
"'s me.Charmer....I'm here!" the voice tried to reason.
"NO!! Charmer's gone! She left me! You LIE!!!" Leah wailed back, but her voice muffled by the pillow, "Charmer would never hurt anyone!"
The voice finally faded away, not returning a reply as Leah sobbed quietly to her alone...and scared.
::Flash back Ends::
Leah sighed, "I'm sorry for yelling at you Charmer....I was so young then and confused..." she whispered to her self, "Ever since that day, I've lost contact with you....I wish I could tell you how sorry I am....... for everything..."
"I'm sure she knows..." came a comforting voice, as he sat beside her.
"Max...." Leah breathed, holding her stomach. "I'm starting to lose control of it..... my telekinesis ability's (ability to move things with ur mind...) are growing stronger..... I don't know how much longer I can keep it a secret..."
Max sighed too looking down at her, he was the only one who knew of this 'ability' of hers, he remembered all too clearly how he discovered it too:
::Flash back::
It was now a week after Kristy's death, and Max was returning to his and Leah's hotel room, while he carried a few groceries. But when he opened the door, he heard horrible and painful screaming coming from the kitchen.
Max dropped everything, and ran to the Kitchen to see Leah, on her hands and knees, eyes closes, tears streaming from her cheeks, screaming loudly, holding her ears, as the kitchen cuboards, banged open and shut. Dishes fell from every direction, glasses were sent flying into walls, shattering all around her.
It was a bizarre scene, not knowing what to do; Max rushed to Leah, and held her close, protecting her from the shattering glass around her. Suddenly it all stopped.
Leah rocked in his arms and she sobbed, "Max..."
"It's ok.." he whispered back. For a long time they just sat their, rocking in their embrace, Leah too scared to move, Max in complete confusion, before finally Leah began to talk.
"I'm sorry.." she choked, "It's all my fault...I'm sorry!"
"What.what just happened?" Max asked in a low whisper.
"I'm telekinetic!" Leah sobbed (i noe its spelt wrong!)
"What?!" Max stared down at Leah.
"It's my bit beast, Charmer....When I was only 6, I lost her in a horrible battle, the shock was over whelming, all I remember was screaming loudly, before waking up in the hospital a week later, recovering from a coma...Things began to happen after I woke... I was able to move things without knowing it.....hearing voices.....Finally I yelled angrily at the voice, that claimed to be Charmer, and it never came back.... When I was about 7, I learned to control my ability, and kept it secret ever since....." Leah sighed, "I know it's Charmer....and when I get really depressed, she feels my pain, and makes me take it out on things around me....I don't mean just...happens..." Leah whispered looking around the completely destroyed kitchen.
"Kristy didn't know?" Max frowned slightly.
Leah shook her head, "No! I didn't want her, I felt guilty keeping it from her. And I don't want the others to know... They wouldn't understand.....please Max! Keep this secret!" Leah looked up at Max with teary eyes.
Max nodded, "Of course..." he whispered back, giving her a light kiss on the lips, "It's ok now...I promise..."
::Flash back ends::
"They won't understand..." Leah whispered sadly. "They'll hate me!"
"No they won't!" Max glared at Leah, "I understood...I don't hate you!"
"Max......I know Kristy will hate me for keeping it from her for so long...I'm her best friend.....They won't understand..." Leah sighed, leaning her head on Max's shoulder.
"They will......" Max promised, wrapping his arm around her, as they sat silently on the grass.
~~Monday- school ~~
School would be rather laid back, today, saying goodbye to old friends, picking up report cards, and the day would end early. On Friday, they all graduated...including Tyson. With Kristy being valedictorian, it would definitely be a day to remember.
Kristy and Leah got A's in everything.well except Math, they managed to pull of a B. As did Ray, Max and Kai, only their B was in English. Tyson was a different story; C+ in P.E, and A in Drama, and everything else, B's. While Silver, and Madison pulled off straight B's for the year.
As for Ephram, he never really did see Julia again, but he did end up being Prom King, with his girlfriend Naomi Summers, his Prom Queen, a girl more worthy of the title than Julia.
The 8 teens sat quietly in the cafeteria, talking about random topics. So far, no one had brought up the events of yesterday afternoon, and for that Leah was grateful, and completely relieved.
"Ok, so we board the plane at 11:30 tonight?" Ray reconfirmed with his friends.
"That's what our ticket's say!" Kai growled, as he looked around the cafeteria, while his left arm was wrapped comfortably around Kristy's slender waist. Who was in, an in-depth conversation with Leah about...girl stuff.
"Will you two shut up about your bleeding every month?" Tyson whined, "It's making me sick....Ok we get the fact, that you get it once a month, but must you get into so much detail?!?!"
Kristy and Leah laughed.
"Tyson if only you knew..." Kristy shook her head.
"I'd like to see Tyson on his period.... you know how bitchy and emotional he would be?" Leah smirked playfully.
"I bet he would brag how big his tampon was..." Silver chimed in, causing to Madison to choke on her pop she was sipping in laughter.
Even Ray and Max had to chuckle. While Kai, as usual rolled his eyes.
Madison coughed, as Ray gently patted her back.
"Sorry Maddy..." Silver smirked, as she turned to Tyson giving him a peck on the cheek, "We love you any way's Tyse..."
Kristy then smirked, "Tyson wouldn't have much to brag about if that's the case..." this comment let everyone burst out in laughter, even Kai had to chuckle, as he held Kristy closer.
Tyson just grumbled as he hid his face in his hands, causing the girls to have another giggle fit.
~~Plane~~ (l8ter that night- 11:30pm)
Kai sighed heavily as he glanced down to the sleeping angel in his arms, he wondered how she could even sleep with Tyson's, loud snoring from behind. Kai looked out into the clear sky, the plane clear above the clouds, they seemed closer to the star's now than ever.
It was too bad Tyson's loud snorts and little shouts were ruining the breathtaking moment. He could hear Silver shuffle in her seat, then a loud WHOMP was heard, and Tyson's little whimper.
"Silver!!!" he moaned as he turned over to go back to sleep, "I won't snore, just let me sleep!" he whined, causing Silver to sigh heavily.
Kai just shook his head, as he glanced forward, he could see Ray's reflection in the airplane window. His head leaning on the cool glass, while Madison snuggled up in his arms. Neither were asleep, yet both were remaining quiet. Just enjoying every moment of silence.
And then there was giddy Max and Leah, in the back of the plane, though they were two seats behind Kai, he could still hear occasional whispers or giggles. They SO suited each other well. Yet he couldn't fully understand what had happened yesterday afternoon, at the restaurant, no one dared to bring it up either. What was Leah keeping from them? Max must know, he seemed relatively calm when he went in search for her. Max knew something the others didn't about Leah. They may have fooled the other idiots, but they couldn't fool him.
Kristy stirred slightly, before she forced her eyes to flutter open. She moaned, as she stretched. Kristy smiled up at Kai before yawning, causing Kai to fight off his own yawn, danm those things are contagious. Kristy gave a meek apologetic smile as she sat up.
Kai gently kissed her nose just as a voice came over the plane announcing they would be landing in Tokyo airport in 5 minutes.
Kai glanced out the window, to see the sun just setting, damn that jetlag, with the stupid time zone changes. He and Kristy would now be wide awake tonight. Kristy didn't seem to notice the time as she buckled her seat belt, as the plane lowered it's landing gear.
Kai couldn't help but laugh at Kristy's hair.
Kristy scowled, "What's so funny??" she growled.
Kai smirked, "You hair. it's a complete mess!" he snorted.
"Look's like Sex Hair to me!" Leah tease from the back, as Kristy fought off a blush and sent her friend the ususal death glare, earning a burst of laughter from the others.
Kristy could only mumble a few words under her breath. Baka immature Team Mates!!
Mystic: eeehee lookie lookie! Kinda short.. but I think u'll all like the next chappie.. which shud be up in a couple days!!! As well as the prequel! R+R
L8ter Dayz
Ja Ne