1Chapter 8
Everett looked back at his assembled team with hooded eyes, "you all have things to do, lets get to it." his voice was deep and harsh, leaving no questioning or contradictions.
Someone, however, had to speak up, "Actually I really don't have anything to do."
"I told you to go with the Headmaster, must I tell you everything twice!" Everett growled.
"But that's not doing anything productive to help my Draco."
Snape rolled his eyes and Narcissa glared at the offending man, "your Draco?" Everett asked pointedly, "I wasn't aware that he was 'owned' by anybody. Who exactly are you?"
"I'm Kyle Wooden–"
"Obviously." Everett said glaring.
"—And Draco is my fiancé, so yes Draco is mine." Kyle looked smug and he folded his arms across his chest.
Everetts mind screamed, but his exterior remained looking irritated. "Indeed." he said through clenched teeth. "In that case nothing has changed, stay with the Headmaster or get out."
Kyles face fell, and he opened his mouth to retort, when with a wave of Everetts hand once again Kyle was silenced. People resumed their retreat and soon Everett was alone with only Severus, Minerva, Luna, Leroy, and Moody. "We'll be traveling with muggles so proper business attire will be necessary." Everett spoke in a clipped tone, his mind still reeling from the news he had just received. Clapping his hands once everybody was changed into muggle clothing. They looked classy and dangerous, Everett nodded in approval, "Our first stop shall be at the Manor, from––previous happenings—at the Manor we will have to all be touching to apperate directly." Everett moved to grab hold of Leroy, but he was stopped.
"We can't all apperate from here Everett." Leroy informed Everett.
Everett, however, paid no attention and continued to take hold of Leroys hand. Thankfully this time when Everett touched someone, nothing happened. "Also from before they rounded up all of the member of the Family, and that means two of our people should be—." Everett paused, he looked to Leroy, "Why isn't Joey at the Manor?"
Leroy shrugged, "he refused to be there unless you told him that he wasn't safe. I figured that he could take care of himself."
A sharp remark was on the tip of his tongue, but Everett held it back. "I have to speak with the Boss quickly then we'll retrieve Shine and Jason, then Alfred and Leo. Lastly I'll send each of you back with someone and whomever left will come with me to get Charlie." He scanned the group touching each other, "Ready then, now."
Everett closed his eyes and when he opened them again they were all standing in the front Hall of the Manor. Nosie was all around them, yet they stood alone in the foyer. Everett looked sharply at the group, "I'll be back shortly, I want the rest of you to stay here until I return." Turning on his heel Everett left the group at a quick pace.
The halls were surprisingly empty as he walked through them, and he mentally jumped when a ball rolled out in front of him. He stopped for a moment when a young girl with curly blonde hair came running out of the room and scooped up the ball. She was about to return when she spotted Everett standing there.
A grin spread across her face and she rant to him, "Ev! Ev! UP!" her arms were stretched up towards him and the ball bounced away forgotten.
Everett picked the girl up and let her hug him tightly around his neck. He walked into the room that the girl and the ball came from. Several of its occupants were watching a large TV, others were playing chess or talking on cellular phones. One woman sitting on the couch took in a sharp breath and a shaky hand covered her mouth when she saw Everett bringing in her daughter. Everett crossed the room to meet her, "Elise," he said quietly and set down the girl. As soon one girl left his arms another was in them.
"I can't believe its you." Elise whispered.
Everett didn't reply, she pulled back and hastily wiped her eyes. She looked into Everetts eyes, "Why are you here?"
"Business." Everett said simply.
"I thought you had left." Confusion was written across her face, "Sally–"Elise took a breath, "Sally said that you left."
"Something came up. It's good seeing you, but really I must see the Boss."
"That's it? You're just going to leave again? Everett, you just got here, don't you want to talk, they said that you were there when Sally–when he died. You can't leave so soon." Elise looked desperate and he know tears were just beyond the surface.
"I must. There isn't time to waste for this project, but it really was great to see you." Everett turned to leave, if he stayed any longer his emotions might get the better of him. He was already halfway down the hall when Elise came running after him.
"Everett wait!" He continued, "I'm pregnant!"
Everett turned around, "What?"
"I found out only a week after he died."
Everett looked to her stomached and back to her face, "you'll be taken care of here Elise." His voiced was controlled and taking a faster pace resumed his trek towards the Boss.
Finally he reached the Bosses office, giving two warning knocks Everett entered. The Boss was half raised from her chair, but quickly sat down. "Everett?"
"I need quick permission to assemble Scout, Shine and Joey, for a mission. That's the basics." Everett stood firmly and looked down at Julia.
"I"m taken aback. All that has happened and now you want to do a mission, we've been confined in here because of the threat that another one of us might be taken." Julia looked into Everetts eyes. "I don't know, from what Maurice has told me about you, I don't know."
"Say 'yes' Julia, if you say no, you know that I'm going to do it anyway. I want your permission."
"I hardly know what you're doing."
"Yes or no Julia." Everett said in a harsh voice.
Julia narrowed her eyes, "Why I do these things for you Everett, I don't know. Yes, but I want everyone back in one piece. Including you."
Everett nodded and turned away. He heard Julia muttering to herself but ignored it. He now needed to get Shine and Scout. Apperating to their locations in the Manor he retrieved them and went back to where his team was waiting for him.
Not worrying about his group he turned to Scout and Shine, "now, here is the deal. One of ours has been taken captive. I need the both of you to be apart of the team. They are holding him in a Casino and I'll need both of your skills critically, are you in?"
"Did you even need to ask Ev?" Scout said looking a little wary of the other people, "you say come, we say when."
"Good, I knew that you'd come along, I expect the both of you know Leroy Montua." Shine and Scout nodded, "good he'll be taking you back to Hogwarts and answering all of your questions if he can."
Everett motioned to Leroy and he placed his hand on Leroy and Shine. "Scout touch them." He did and they disappeared, he turned to the rest of the group. "Leo Durocher is closest, so well be visiting him next. You know what to do." Everyone moved to touch one another but a voice interrupted them.
"One moment please." A cold voice said from behind Everett.
"Godfather Maurice." Everett nodded to him.
"What exactly are you doing with men from this family? As I last knew you withdrew yourself from our care."
"Rescue." Everett said simply.
"Julia informed us of that much, however that does not quell my curiosity. What is the Famous H–."
Everett cut him off with a sharp movement, "Draco Malfoy had been captured by Voldemort." Flinch, "I suspect you know of the Malfoys don't you?"
"Of course, but what has caused you to gather such a team, surely you have enough people there to do this mission."
"Not too many that I trust with a task of this magnitude. You're wasting time." Everett touched Severus' arm and they were gone.
Once they arrived in a car factory severus Spoke up, "Do you really need all of these people for this. They are criminals if they–"
"If my memory serves correct Severus, you once were a criminal." Severus proceeded into the company. "Wait here." they all watched as Everett calmly walked up to the man they recognized as Leo. They shook hands and immediately started talking. Leos face grew more serious and he glanced at the group waiting. A couple minuets later Leo nodded and he spoke to another man. Then Everett lead him back to the group.
"Leo. This is Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Luna Weasley, and Alstor Moody. Luna will take you back and get you more filed in."
Leo nodded to hem all and smiled at Luna, "Well don't I get the prettiest escort."
"Don't' bother," Luna said grabbing hold of Leos elbow, she nodded at Everett and they were gone.
"Everett," Minerva spoke, "this all sounds good, and all of your people are coming along, but this seems like its going to take quite a long time to accomplish."
"Don't worry, my team will work fast." He placed a hand on her should and they were gone. They reappeared in a church where a man was standing behind a pedestal reading something. "Al" Everett said bringing the man out of his work.
"Everett T.?" Al walked around his pedestal, "holy shit don't sneak up on a man like that." He smiled at the group, "what brings you here?"
"Business, we're going to need your help."
"What sort of thing are we dealing with here?"
"Our friend has been taken hostage and we're going to take him back. One catch though, you'll be working with something entirely new that you might not like."
"Try me?"
"Magic? Man E.T. I didn't think you believed in such things. The Devil–"
"No devil worship here Al, magic is real, good and bad." Everett waved his hand and all the candles lit themselves. Al looked around in shock for a moment then shook himself and made the sign of the cross.
"This better be one hell of a job then. I expect I'll be getting paid a hefty amount."
"Of course."
"Count me in then." Everett nodded.
"Moody will be taking you to our 'headquarters' and explain more to you until we return."
Moodys magical eye went over Everetts body and he placed a hand on Als' shoulder, "one funny move and I'll–"
"Enough alstor, Al wont do anything." Everett nodded and they were gone. "We only have two more to get Joey and Charlie."
Everett took hold of Severus and Minerva and they were gone. They reappeared in a hallway that had several doors along the walls. Everett walked to the third door on the left and knocked once. Shuffling behind the door was heard and finally the door opened.
"Everett!" A pleasant voice greeted them. When Everett moved to the side revealing Charlie to them Snape and Charlie both sneered.
"Severus Snape."
"Magdelena Malfoy." Snape narrowed his eyes.
"Malfoy?" Everett asked shocked, he eyed Charlie for a moment, she had dark skin and red hair, not the usual characteristics of what a Malfoy looked like.
"I changed my name," Charlie said smiling at Everett, "so what brings the three of you to my office?"
"Well since it seems that you know Severus and– Minerva" Charlie nodded, "this makes it that much easier. Also the fact that you're a Malfoy is indeed– surprising. We're here because Draco Malfoy has been taken hostage by Voldemort, we are going to get him back again. I need your help."
"Draco..." Charlie frowned slightly, "that's Lucius's son correct."
"Then, I'm sorry to say I must decline. I can't help you this time." Charlie stepped back and went to close her door. Everett however interfered and pushed the door back open.
"You are essential Charlie, why wont you help?" Everett really needed Charlie to just agree and get on with it. His nerves were already testy because of this whole situation.
"Because I hate Lucius."
"Don't be so petty Charlie," Everett said harshly.
"Draco is different from his father," McGonagall added.
"I'm sorry, but no."
"We're better off without her Everett," Snape said sniffing, "she is too weak minded anyway."
Charlie glared at Severus, "Indeed, I hope this works out for you Everett."Charlie once again moved to shut the door.
Everett harshly pushed the door back open, "Want do you want?"
Charlie gave Everett a thoughtful look.
"Everett, really forget about her." Snape growled.
"No– I'll do it, but Everett as payment you'll have to give me something."
Everett only nodded stiffly.
"I want your clubs... all of them."
"Done" Everett said without hesitation. "Severus." he nodded sharply towards Charlie and placed his hand on her shoulder. Severus lightly touched her other shoulder, while Charlie looked slightly confused, in a moment they were gone.
A little more gently Everett touched Minerva's shoulder and they were gone. They reappeared in front of a club that had the sign, "Checkers" written above the door. There was a line of people standing along the side of the building, but no one noticed the sudden appearance of two new people. Everett led Minerva to the front of the line and up to a ver large man. The man only glanced at Everett then let in a couple of people.
"Back of the line Sir, no cutting."
"Not even for the owner?" Well ex-owner now. The man looked back at Everett with wide eyes.
"Ev? Sorry, come in, come in." he moved a red rope out of their way and let them step through. Everett looked seriously at Joey. "We have business to discuss Joey, get someone to fill your place."
Joey nodded and picked up a walkie talkie, he called for someone to come to the front, then followed Everett and Minerva into the club. They walked to the back of the club and into a private room.
"Joey, I've already gathered Shine and Scout, along with a few others. We're doing a mission for one of my friends. Draco Malfoy has been taken hostage and we're going to get him back. Your help would be much appreciated."
"Anything boss." Joey said looking serious.
"Good, we'll be going to a place in Europe, called Hogwarts, you're going to find a few surprises but everything will be explained to you later." Joey nodded. "This is Minerva McGonagall, she, along with others, will be helping you for the missions. Are you ready to leave?"
"Right now? I'll have to gather equipment."
"There's no need, everything can be gathered over there." Everett touched Joey, then Minerva, "we'll be leaving now." And they disappeared leaving behind an empty room in the club Checkers.
They landed in the room where Everett first met with the group.
"What the fuck was that?" Joey asked staring in shock at their new surroundings.
"Magic." Harry answered, "I'm a wizard and almost everyone else here can do magic."
"Magic?" Joey asked disbelieving.
"Yes." Everett walked over to where everyone else was sitting. "And all of you will be working with it." Everett addressed everyone now. "This mission as you all have briefly touched bases on, is one of a very special nature. I am a wizard, I can do magic, all of you will be working closely with a team of witches and wizards and will have to get used to it. You shall be compensated for your tie here, yet we have a maximum of a week to work with." Everett surveyed the group. All of them had serious expressions on their faces. "Our working speed must be doubled in order for this to be successful. All your skills and all your talents will be put to the test, there is no room for error."
"So who exactly are we going to be retrieving?" Leo asked.
"His name is Draco Malfoy, he is a fellow Professor at this school."
"Draco–Draco Malfoy?" Jason started to ask but realization came upon his face and another question arose. However it didn't touch his lips before Everett gave his sharpest look.
"Yes, his name is indeed different." Everett replied yet the unease hung in the air.
Everett pressed on, "Introductions I believe wont be necessary for you shall only need to know your group and everyone else already knows who each of you are."
Everett checked his watch, it was 8:45, "the rest of us should be arriving at 9, some have chosen a new Headquarters and we'll be relocating there. Afterwards we shall head out to the Black Swan to get all your alcohol out. All of you know my policy so this shouldn't surprise you." he paced around the table. "Tomorrow we start early and we won't be stopping but briefly." the others nodded in assessment. "Alstor, I need to speak with you privately." Moody got up and followed, the others whispered to those they knew and contemplated their new situation.
Everett shut the door behind Moody and he slowly turned around. He was silent for a moment just looking into Moodys eyes, and Moodys into his own. "Alstor."
"Dark Lord indeed." Moody replied in his gruff voice, a half smile cracked his mutilated face. "How did you get into that room like that?"
Everett shrugged, "what exactly were you doing in that room?" he asked more sharply than needed, "why did you join this 'rebel' group and not stick by Albus?"
"Should I have Potter, did you kill your family?" came his gruff response.
"Then why are you questioning me? Constant Vigilance Potter!" I saw that Albus didn't believe you and it shocked me, he out of everyone should have came to your defense." Everett nodded solemnly.
"I am then going to trust you with this secret Alstor. No one is to know what you see behind the glamour, not until I must reveal myself and hopefully that wont happen. Do I have your word?" Everett didn't' speak as a trusting friends or a confident, but a business man in clipped tones.
"Of course, my word, not a soul."
"Good." Everett moved pass Moody and back into the room. A few of the others had arrived including Albus and his team. They were all talking quietly together when he appeared.
He walked up to Dumbledore, "Headmaster, have you found a suitable place?"
Albus turned towards Everett, his blue eyes glowing slightly, "Yes indeed, a short distance from the Royal Crown I found an apartment that was abandoned by wizards years ago. I believe it will suffice."
Everett nodded, "No problems I hope."
Dumbledore eyes twinkled, he glanced at Kyle, "I am a patient man Everett, but I believe I could handle only so much." Everett looked at Kyle, he had a silencing spell on him and his face was red with anger.
"Do whatever you want to that rat. He is of no importance to me."
"Yes," Albus said quietly then in a hinting voice, "but I believe he means something to Draco."
Everett gave the Headmaster a sharp glance then moved away from him. "The Headmaster has found a suitable location that will be our residence for the rest of the week." Everett glanced at his watch 9:10, not everyone had arrived yet, "as a warning to the rest of you, tardiness shall not be tolerated."
The weasley twins were the last to arrive, "Messrs. Weasley, next time you're late the consequences shall not be short lived." He glared at them briefly then turned in a circle looking at the rest of the group." The headmaster will give us our new location and we will apperate immediately there. I warn you now that no new spells will be added to the building as I suspect that Voldemort will be monitoring that activity, however we will be safe and secret. Once we arrive there we will waste not time in going to the Black Swan, if you so choose to go, and get out all of your alcoholic urges. Sleep then wake up early and potions will be provided, our work shall already be started and we shall not stop.
"If it's the last thing we do, we will get draco Malfoy back." Silent agreement went though the room and Everett motioned for the headmaster to approach.
"Precisely four blocks from the Royal Crown, we found an abandoned apartment building that was once inhabited by wizards. This is the street address." Dumbledore flicked his wand and a small piece of paper appeared in front of everyone.
"Good," Everett replied, "now if everyone would touch please." After a moment of sharp glanced the group was fully touching. "Severus step away please.' Snape complied warily. And in a blink of an eye everyone was gone except for snape and Everett.
"I wanted to gather some ingredients for tonight from your labs." Everett said already walking towards the door.
"For what potion?"
"A hangover cure," Everett said calmly, "some are going to need it in the morning."
"I see," Everett and Severus both took long strides down to the Dungeons. It was silent as they entered and Everett waited until Severus cam out of his storeroom to speak again. "Of course all of your supplies will be replaced fully." Snape only nodded as they disappeared.
Everett paced the front foyer of their new Headquarters, he had just gotten everyone settled and introduced to the people the were going to be working with. He also had each of them write down a list of the equipment they needed. All he was waiting for now was for them to contact their better halves and have them meet them at the Black Swan. The couples would be apart until this was over and Everett was not entirely cruel enough for them to see each other once again. Lives might be lost in this, hopefully all would survive.
Although he could do without one person, Kyle, they had taken off the silencing charm and he had been grumbling the entire time. What Draco had seen in him was entirely off to Everett. Draco. Everett wondered if he had told Draco who he was, then maybe things would have been different. They could have just left then and there and gone away from Voldemort. To think that everyone had still been fighting Voldemort since he left gave Everett a guilty pang in his heart. He left them all to defend themselves, but they pushed him away. It was their fault. Partially.
Everett ceased his pacing as Neville approached him. "We're all ready to leave Everett." His voice was quite reminding Everett of back when they were in school.
A strange expression crossed his face as he looked at Neville, "Alright." Neville nodded and returned to the kitchen where Everett had told them earlier to wait. However something wasn't right with Everett, a feeling crept into his body that he couldn't place and couldn't shake off. Something Neville had done, though he couldn't place what, had evoked an emotion inside of Everett that made him shiver. He quietly stepped into the kitchen, and motioned for them to touch. He took a deep breath and they all disappeared. The large group reappeared behind a building across from the Black Swan. The partners of their group were told to meet them there and quiet greetings were made as they found each other. Everett lead the group around the building and across the street, a line already formed along the side of the Black Swan, but again Everett walked up to the front of the line.
The large group caught the attention of the bouncer and he crossed his arms as they approached. Everett didn't know this man, as he had not had the time to get close to all of his employees. Still he approached with confidence. The bouncer narrowed his eyes and spoke. "You'll have to go to the back of the line, and have a reservation."
He looked back around Everett and the large group, "and I know for sure there isn't any reservations this large."
Everett tightly smiled, "we do not have a reservation..." Everett looked at the bouncers name tag and read the name. "Brice, but I assure you we don't need one I'm..."
"I don't care who you are Mister, if you don't have a reservation you're not getting in. Sod off."
Everett raised his eye brows, and gave Brice a fowl look, "Some advice for you next job, be more pleasant to the customers. I own this club, Brice, and I'm in no mood to be hassled by the likes of you."
"The owner of the club eh? Like I don't get that every day, I've never met the owner, sir, so beat it!"
Everetts pent up nerves finally gave way, he grabbed the bouncer by the neck and spoke harshly into the mans face, "Call your manager immediately, and start looking for a new job." With a final squeeze he let the man go. The people waiting in line looked scared and watched wide eyed. Wheezing into the mans walkie talkie he called for the manager to come right away.
A couple of tense minuets later the club door opened letting the noise float out and it died away as it shut again. A short man with thick red hair and a large belly walked out and looked at Brice, "What's the problem here?" Brice reported the problem with extreme exaggeration of the truth. The manager finally looked to Everett, "I"m sorry sir but if you don't have a reservation, especially with a group this large..."
"Bentley I don't have time to deal with this." Everett growled lightly. The manager leaned closer to Everett and looked closely at his face.
He jumped back in surprise. "Everett! I didn't recognize you there, quite sorry about the problem please come right in, why didn't you say who you were?"
"I did." Everett watched the man grow red with embarrassment, "Next time choose your people more wisely, for this man doesn't work here anymore." Everett gave a sharp look to Brice and followed everyone inside his club. Before the door closed he heard Bentley yelling at Brice.
Inside was a sea of dancing people and bright lights. Tables lined the walls in cozy corners and softer lights. Music pounded though the rooms but as Everett showed his group to a special VIP room on the floor above the dancing crowed the music grew much quieter. There was a special bar just for the VIP floor and tables with very comfortable cushions surrounding them. The tables were soon filled and drinks ordered, Everett lingered along the balcony railing, he admired the smooth black marble of the rail and ran his hand along the cool surface. That feeling from Neville still lingered but was considerably less after he had exploded at the bouncer.
Someone bumped his shoulder and held out a glass for Everett. He turned to see the face of Jason standing next to him. Everett smiled slightly and took the offered glass. He sipped gingerly looking back out over the crowd.
"What's going on Ev?" Jason asked. Surprisingly enough he could hear Jason perfectly over the music. "Draco Malfoy?"
"Yes." Everett took another sip from his drink, "the very same."
"Fuck Ev, the Draco Malfoy?" Jason asked incredulously.
"You know all about him Jason, I suspect you know how important this is to me then." Everett didn't look towards his friend but kept scanning the crowd. He saw Hermione and Seamus go onto the dance floor closely followed by Neville and Ginny, and Ron and Luna.
"The question is Everett, does everyone else know?" Jason followed Everetts line of site, "No one said anything about you two being romantically involved, not a single person."
Everett laughed shortly and took another sip of his drink, "because they wouldn't know would they? Only you and Sally knew from the 'family' and back here... back here they don't even know my name. If they knew who I really was, well then Jason still only a couple people would know. It is ironic, if things had been different, from the very beginning, everyone would know everything."
"You know that Sally would have been here with you as well. He wouldn't have missed the chance to save THE Draco Malfoy with you."
Everett smiled a sad smile, "He would have already been out there fighting."
"Of course." Jason said solemnly, and he moved away from his friend and leader.
Over where the Hogwarts Professors were sitting McGonagall, Snape, Lupin, and Dumbledore were all watching and discussing their current 'in charge'.
"He does seem to have a violent temper." McGonagall said.
"I believe that it must be the stress that he is going through, I have not seem he in such a temper before now." Dumbledore reasoned with his calm voice.
"He is pron to outbursts though, I have seen a fare few myself whilst he has been here." Snape said lowly, "My question is why he is putting himself in such a state over Draco, they do not know each other well."
"Voldemort did take the life of his friend," Lupin added, "it could be a personal vendetta against the Dark Lord, not to let another persons life be taken because of him."
"Remus!" McGonagall proclaimed, "do you really think that Everett thinks this is his fault! He barely knows Draco himself, if you-know-who took him for any reason it wouldn't be because they we're close."
"We don't know much about our dear Defense Professor, whomever he is he might have been close to Draco before, when they were at school perhaps." Dumbledore added.
Lupin looked thoughtful for a moment, "you know, when we were in the meeting, he called me Professor Lupin, and if he was friends with Draco then, he would have been in his year."
"You know how many different people Everett could be, he could be any Slytherin, and that doesn't just rule for his year. Draco was friends with many different years." Snape put in.
"Why rule out the other houses then?" McGonagall added.
Snape looked at her, "how many houses can you say were friends with Draco Malfoy."
"Maybe they weren't even friends." Lupin put in.
"Then we are back to why Voldemort took Draco in the first place." Dumbledore said quietly. Each person had different ideas of Everett that they were not sharing with the others. They just all simply watched as Everett stood at the balcony and conversed with Scout. They watched as Scout walked away and joined his other friends, and they watched as Everett ordered another drink and returned to his place at the rail.
They had been at the Black Swan for well over four hours. Some people had gone back to the Headquarters to sleep and others had ordered food and more drinks. Trying to spend the most amount of time they could with their loved ones. Everett had eventually moved from the railing and sat a the bar alone and just drank water. He didn't want to be incapacitated especially since as soon as he got home he was going to start making those hangover potions. As the time dwindled down the couples sat off together whispering to each other. Everett could imagine Draco and himself doing the same time, yet they might never have the chance to do it. He was confident of getting Draco out, but Kyle stood in their way. He wasn't going to split them up if Draco really loved him.
One table had the majority of the people left sitting at it, most of them were completely drunk, and others were getting there. It seemed his group had more of a taste for alcohol than he that though. Taking a deep breath he slowly wandered over to the table and sent a shiver over it that gave its occupants a bit more awareness.
"I am leaving, and I hope you do not stay much more than an hour longer." Everetts voice was strong and clear. Everyone nodded and smiled jovially at him. He nodded curtly and went to tell the endearing couples the same thing. Each said they would be coming along soon and so Everett departed from the Black Swan.
He entered their apartment to find a dark and quiet hallway. He made his way to the kitchen where Snape put his potions ingredients and put on the light. Sitting silently at the table was Narcissa Malfoy, she looked up at Everett the moment he turned the lights on. Mentally he noted that she did not join them when they went to the club.
He moved to sit in front of her, "Mrs Malfoy, what are you doing in here?" Everett flicked his wand and three cauldrons started to fill themselves up with water and put themselves over a flame.
Her eyes darted to the moving cauldrons then back to his face. She didn't answer just kept her face that neutral dignified look she usually wore. Everett looked into her grey eyes, the same as Dracos, and Lucius. She didn't move, and kept her eyes locked with Everetts. "Narcissa?" Everett asked again. During his time with Draco, they had once met with Mrs. Malfoy during a Hogsmead weekend and discussed their relationship with her. Then she had been quite throughout the entire thing. However a couple weeks later Harry received a letter from her which basically said that she would approve of their relationship and that she was truly happy for her son. This was the same face she had on then as she did now.
Everett closed his eyes for a moment then got up from the table and started to prepare the ingredients for his potion. He knew that Narcissa was watching him, but he didn't head her any attention. After he was finished with the potions and set them to simmer he made some tea, which he found in one of the stuffed cupboards that Mrs. Weasley had prepared. Everett made a cup for himself and a cup for Mrs. Malfoy. He set it down in front of her then resumed his seat across from her.
"Why are you helping my son?" Narcissa finally asked in her quite formal voice.
"He is a fellow colleague, I would do the same for anyone else." LIES! Everetts mind shouted to him, but he ignored it.
"I'm not quite sure that I believe you Mr. Trattativa."
Everett took a languid sip from his tea, "I don't believe you have to."
Silence reigned between them for a couple moments then she spoke again in her delicate voice, "I never approved of Draco and Kyle." Everett looked at her blankly, "if you two were... going behind Kyles back in some kind of relationship. I cannot say that I would be entirely disapproving."
Everett almost choked on his tea laughing, he smile genially at Narcissa, "I assure you that Draco and myself were not involved recently." Narcissas face fell a little and she looked away.
Everett however was berating himself for saying 'recently' he was grateful however that she did not notice his slip and catch on.
A loud crash broke their silence and loud talking floated to their ears. People were stomping along the hallway and up to the stairs. Soon they were above them and doors closed. Everett went to ask Narcissa something but was interrupted when something heavy fell to the floor just outside the kitchen. Everett opened the door to see Kyle laying passed out in the hallway. He sneered in disgust and floated the body to the opposite room, paying no heed on how gentle he was.
He shut the kitchen door again and went to his now done potions and started to bottle them. Narcissa voice carried over to him. "As apart of my help in this.... mission... I would hope that you were not expecting me to—do the same job as Mrs. Weasley." Everett turned and looked at her. She looked back at him, "I'm not saying that Mrs. Weasley is not... respected I just don't–"
Everett motioned for her to stop, "of course you and Mrs Weasley will have different expectations, I know exactly what you are trying to say and I'm sure there is no offense taken. However your task shall be a little more... shall we say exciting?" Everett set the bottles to fill themselves and leaned against the counter.
Mrs. Malfoy raised her elegant eyebrow at him and took hold of her tea cup. "What did you have in mind."
"That will be discussed tomorrow with your team, as for now I suggest that you try and get some sleep. Your part tomorrow will be greatly needed." He banished the cauldrons and lined up the bottles. He went behind Narcissa and helped her out of her chair, then offered her his arm. "Shall I escort you back to your room?" Narcissa declined but let Everett open the door for her.
She looked over at the still figure of Kyle on the floor and then looked at Everett, "I do hope you wont give him one of your potions."
Everett gave her a small smirk and whispered to her, "I believe a strong sleeping potion would suffice." Narcissa nodded her head and went up the stairs.
AN!!!!! Wow this took a long time to get out, I'm sorry I have a big writers block and I decided to give you this chapter now and have it my beta read it later!
Read and review! Cheers Sidda BJR