Before I begin this story, I just wanna say that my friend TaiKetch'em has had his computer get scorched and all his data is lost. I just want you guys to go to his channel and give him some support and even something that will cheer him up. So if you're reading this right now, go check out his channel and support him, cause he really needs some right about now.
And anyway, this took some time to come up with. My mind was fighting between having Pokemon in WitchBlade or not having Pokemon in WitchBlade and all these other things, but in the end I decided to go down this route.
Also, I got some inspiration and motivation from the fanfic KingBlade of the Uchiha by Shadow Joestar with this idea. Go check out his fanfic cause he is a great writer and check out his other stories as they're great as well. I should shut up, so enjoy the fanfic.
"*ACHOO*!" A boy passing an alleyway sneezed before wiping his nose. "Man…" He sighed.
Guess I should back some things up. This is Tokyo Japan where usually the streets were once dry, however an incident known as the great quake occurred and most of it is now flooded and there are more buildings in the water than ever. A lot of people were lost during such a tragedy and no one could figure out the cause for it.
Over the years, people have been working on getting it back into shape and eventually, people have been able to live in the city despite its condition. One of these few people was a currently seventeen-year old boy named Ash Ketchum. Wearing a red cap, light blue vest with black sweat-tee, blue jeans, black gloves with red cuffs and red shoes.
He was one of the few along with his cousins to recently move back into Tokyo. They were in for a few days and it was not bad so far and they believed that the repairs were coming along nicely. Though, he had heard about there being recent incidents about people going missing and stuff happening, to which he felt a little worried, but was thankful that he and his cousins weren't victims.
Why was he living with his cousins? Well, during the quake, Ash happened in the middle of the events and his parents were killed because of it. When found, he was brought in and eventually adopted by his aunt and uncle who along with his cousins were like family to him for the next few years of his life.
"Woah…" The boy says as he came across a scene that was covered up entirely. "Man, another one? How many of these incidents can a city have in a week?" He says as he walks around it.
"Give me a break detective, I was up late drinking." He heard a familiar voice from the other side of the covers. "Looks like the same MO."
"Disgusting's what it is." He heard someone else say from the other side.
"I just don't see how someone could be so psychotic to do this to another human." He then hears before hearing the sound of a camera go off. "Tozawa! Why am I not surprised?!" He stopped when hearing a familiar name. "Get down from there before I shoot your ass!"
"Calm down, I got what I need." Another familiar voice was heard as he saw a brown-haired man jump down and head for his car.
The guy got inside and closed his car door as the boy headed over to him. He saw him pull out his camera and print the pictures he took. He tapped on the window which startled the man a bit before he rolled the window down.
"So, what brings you here Ketchum?" The man asked with a smile.
"Tozawa… Just passing through, when I see the crime scene over there." Ash responded, referring to the covered up alley.
"So it seems." He says back to him.
"So, got anything for your story?"
"More than enough, actually."
The man then showed him some pictures. "WOAH! Holy shit!" The boy yelled while covering his eyes.
"Crazy right? Pulverizer murder number four. National science and welfare badges were found at each scene. Course NSWF runs the child welfare industry." Tozawa told him which gave the boy a look of disgust at the mentions in the last sentence. "Oh, sorry."
"It's cool. What are you thinking of doing now?" Ash asked him.
"Maybe pay'em a visit. Might as well if I'm gonna find something that'll make my story more interesting." The man says while putting a gumball in his mouth. "Sorry to cut this short. Would love to catch up on some things, but I'm pretty held up on my schedule. See ya later, kid." He says while rolling his window back up.
"Yeah, see ya." Then he drove off, leaving dust behind as the boy coughed. "Jeez, maybe tone it down with the engine? Wondering if he got a ticket yet." He then says before adjusting his backpack and cap before leaving.
Ash doesn't know too much about Yusuke Tozawa, but over the week he was in Tokyo, he had gotten to know a bit about him. The man would sometimes show pictures of some cases, albeit gruesome, and talk about how he wants to make a story that would become famous. It was his dream to spread a story that would peek everyone's interest and amazement.
The boy admired how he was dreaming to make it big in the world and to have his work become famous. They didn't become best friends, but they were good acquaintances with each other.
He had arrived at a crosswalk and pressed the button before stretching. While waiting, a car stopped at the light. He looked and scowled at the woman inside. She saw him and gave him a disapproving stare as the light for the crosswalk changed and he flipped her off while walking away.
She was Sakurai Satoko and she worked for Child Welfare and he had heard tales about said company with how they force families to be separated from each other and he had a certain encounter with them when he was younger.
His aunt and uncle had trouble with adopting him into their family because of them and he always held most hate towards that one woman out of all of them. As of now though, Ash had to go out and collect groceries and he didn't want to think about what happened, so he focused on his grocery run. It didn't take long and he got it done quick before heading back to the apartment he and his cousins lived in.
Two kids, about 13 years old, a boy with black hair and a girl with brown hair were playing Smash Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, both making a lot of noise with one playing as Duck Hunt Dog and the other playing as Samus. Unfortunately, Samus was eventually knocked off the stage and exploded as the game text appeared.
"YES! I did it!" The boy cheered.
"NOOO!" The little girl wined before the front door opened.
"Oh, hi Ash!"
"Hello, Ash!"
The two of them say at the same time. "Hey, Red, Leaf." He says to them as he took the groceries to the kitchen.
"So, anything happen while you were out?" A girl with black hair in a ponytail who was about 16 years old asked as she came down stairs.
"Nothing really, Kira. Although, I did have a run in with Tozawa earlier." The boy says as he puts the groceries on the counter.
The girl sighed from his response. Red, Leaf and Kira were Ash's younger cousins and as said, were like siblings to him. His aunt and uncle had left him in charge since he was the oldest out of the four and he wanted to go there because since it's where his parents were lost, he wanted to visit out of respect and he did have friends that came to that city as well.
"Really? How is he?" Kira asked with interest.
"Just being himself like always." He says which made her giggle a bit.
"Well, you know him. Did he get any speed tickets, yet?"
"Heck, do I know? I didn't see him for very long before he blasted off."
"He is wild sometimes."
"Take this!" Red yelled from the living room.
"So anything else happen while you were out?" Kira asked.
"Yep, just so happened to see 'Dolores Umbridge' on my way to the grocery store." Ash says while saying the name in a mocking tone.
"Oh, you saw her again?" She asked as she got a disgusted look on her face.
"You didn't say anything to her, did you?"
"No, she was thankfully in her car. Thankfully…"
"Aw, WHAAAT?!" Red's voice could be heard from the other room.
"YEAH! I did it!" Leaf's voice was the next to be heard.
"Good to know they didn't have to deal with that shit, right?" Ash says to Kira.
"You're not wrong." She responded back.
"I just don't get the point of that stupid place is. They have done almost nothing to help with children and have just been nothing but horrible ever since it's been formed."
"It's not that bad. They care for children and help those who don't have parents. But yeah, they are over the top and ridiculous."
"Yeah, well if they come anywhere close to my family again, they might regret it-GH!" Ash suddenly grasped his right arm in pain. "What the hell?"
"That's bothering you again?" Kira asked. "What is up? Your arm's been like that ever since we got here." She then asked with a hint of worry.
"I don't know. I can't figure out why my arm is acting up like this." He said as he rolled his glove up to see a scar on his wrist. "Hasn't given me problems before, I don't know why it is now."
"Did you go to the doctor's about it?"
"Course I did, but they weren't much help."
"So, what are you gonna do?"
Ash just looked at his scar and covered it. "I'll just leave it for now. It's probably not gonna last."
"You sure?"
"Well, it's not really a big deal. So, I don't think I need to worry."
"YES!/NO!" Red and Leaf yelled while they were still playing.
"I'm just saying, it's been bothering you a lot lately. It's kinda worrying." Kira tells her cousin.
"Kira, it's fine. It's not that bad, it's just annoying is all." Ash tells her in order to reassure her.
"Well, if you say so."
(Later That Night)
Ash was sitting in a restaurant sitting at one of the stools, in the middle of eating curry. "So, how has it been since you got here?" He heard as he looked up to see a man with squinty eyes walk over to him.
"It's been good so far. Aside from the few incidents, it's actually pretty nice here." He responded. "And aside from… other exceptions." He then says as he looked away with a scowl while still eating.
"Yeah, don't blame ya." The man says to him. "This city is still a fixer upper though, and these cases are not helping. God knows what's going on out there."
"I hear ya. I just don't get what someone would get out of causing something like this."
"Well people have a lot of reasons for what they do. It could be possible that someone could do something like this for no reason or just to have a laugh out of it."
"Now that sounds way too messed up."
"Detectives are on the case, so all we can do is hope they find out."
"Hope so."
Ash then suddenly grips his right arm again. "Woah, you okay?" The man asked.
"Y-yeah… this thing has just been such a pain lately." The boy said as he uncovered his arm. "I don't get it."
"Maybe you should get it checked if it's bothering ya. That's not exactly a good sign."
"Ya don't say. I think I'm gonna get going. See ya later Brock!" Ash says as he left his pay on the counter while leaving.
"Bye Ash, have a good night." The man says as he counts the amount. "And he left more than the meal cost again." He muttered to himself. "Oh well, his choice." He says while putting the change in the tip jar.
"Excuse me!" He heard as he turned and saw a female his age not too far.
"Yes! *AHEM!*" He says as he rushed over before clearing his throat. "Yes, how may I help you?" He then says with a customer service tone while blushing.
Brock was someone Ash had known since childhood and has been a great friend since. They were pretty close and knew each other more than his other friends. The man had many siblings and which at first made it hard for him to go anywhere but thanks to his parents it was more easy for him to go to his work and such.
With Ash he was walking down the street while patting his stomach. "Man, Brock's cooking really hits the spot. He's the be-AGH! Come on." He says as he held his wrist which was in pain once more. "This is getting ridiculous."
He then moved his hand, only to find a blue glow in his glove. He lifted the glove and saw that the scar on his wrist was glowing, and was still sort of painful. He was shocked, but once he winced a bit, and the glow disappeared.
He looked closer and it wasn't in pain anymore. "Okay, I think I need to get some rest." He said before looking around. "Wait a second…" He then realized that the street he was on didn't seem familiar at all. "Oh, YOU ARE KIDDING ME!" He yelled out.
He was lost… lost and annoyed. The day was going so well and now he was in the middle of a random place in Tokyo where he didn't know where to go or anything. He looked around, tried to find something like a map somewhere or a sign to say what street he was on, but he wasn't having any luck. He sighed and rubbed his head.
"Just my luck. Where am I supposed to go now?" Ash says before feeling pain in his wrist. "Again?" He says before moving his glove and seeing the glow once more. "Okay, what is going on? It's not like I'm sleep deprived or an-" He was saying before he started grunting while hunching over. "What? What's goi-AGH!"
He grabbed his wrist as the pain was starting to become worse. Losing his footing, he suddenly fell to the ground while gripping his wrist as the pain was starting to flow through his body and he screamed in agony. The glow was becoming brighter as his screams echoed into the night. His eyes were widened in fear and pain and he tried to move but only spasmed as when trying to do anything.
Then something bursted out of his wrist and started to envelop his entire body. He watched helplessly as he was being consumed and all he saw before being fully enveloped was the moon one last time.
In the dead of night, Ash began to groan as his vision began to come to. The pain was gone and he found himself atop of a building in the area. Strangely though, he was standing when the last thing he remembered was being on the ground spasming out.
"Wh-what? What the hell happened?" He says before realizing that his voice sounded deeper than before. "What the-what is wrong with my-" He was about to say before he saw his hand…
His hand didn't look normal. It looked more light blue and inhuman with big white claws and a weird dark blue gem on the back. He stepped back in disbelief while hearing a clank. Looking down he saw that his feet appeared to be covered in some kind of light blue boot with metal along the toes, bottom and back.
"The hell-what is this?!" He said aloud before looking around.
He jumped down from the building, surprising himself as he didn't receive any injury from doing so. He looked around and found a window nearby. Looking into, he saw a reflection… but not one of himself. What he saw was way more different.
He had what appeared to be blue inhuman skin around his body, covering his arms, legs, neck, however seemingly leaving his face, chest and stomach with normal human skin and a six pack that he didn't have before. His hair changed to a different style of spikey, his birthmarks on his face were now replaced with some red lines going from his cheeks to his jaw and his teeth now being sharp like a wolf.
He also had the collar from his vest around his neck as though it fused with him, and the white linings stayed as well. His eyes were no longer brown nor did they have the white normal humans would have. Instead, the white in his eyes was replaced with black and his once brown eyes now glowed that of a blood red. Seeing this, his eyes widened and he stepped back, looking at his hands.
"W-wha… wha-what the fuck is going on? Why… why do I look like this?" He couldn't believe what he was seeing and was believing it to be a dream. "This… this can't be real… heh… nah, nah, it's all fake…"
He was laughing to himself a bit before he punched himself, hard in the gut which was enough to make him cough up some blood. His eyes squinted in pain as he now knew that he wasn't in a dream at all. The pain was far too real to be fake.
'No… no this can't be real. There's no wa-' His thoughts were interrupted when he saw his blood. It wasn't blood at all, but rather some kind of white liquid. 'The fuck?... What is this?' Worries only rose higher and higher.
Then suddenly the gem on his right wrist started flashing as he hunched over. He gripped the arm, but he didn't feel pain. His attention then started to wander over and he looked behind one of the buildings. He seemed confused.
"Over there…?" He says to himself. "W-what's over… there?" He says in more confusion.
The gem continued to flash as he grunted. He didn't understand, but whatever was in the direction he was looking, it sure wanted him to go there. Not knowing what to do but was hoping to find answers as to what was happening to him, he followed its lead and headed to where it was telling him to go.
Along the way, he suddenly started jumping across building to building which shocked him as he didn't remember being able to do that before. All it did was leave him in more and more confusion, shock and wanting answers as to what was going on. When arriving at the scene he looked around as the gem was glowing brightly.
"I don't understand… What do you want?! Why did you want me to come here?!" Ash started to get irritated as it started flashing. "Damnit, enough with this light shit! What do you want me to do here?!" He yelled in anger as all it did was continue to flash.
He stared at the gem as it kept flashing and flashing and he was getting more and more annoyed. He reached for the gem and pulled, attempting to rip it out of his arm, painfully. Something came out and whipped his hand. Before he even had time to react, he heard a crash and looked in the direction. There was some kind of robot with a drill covered in blood coming out of a destroyed wall.
"I can feel it… where is it?!" He heard it shout out.
"Ya gotta be kidding me. What else is gonna happen tonight?" The boy says before he felt something. 'What now?' The gem on his wrist was flashing as he felt as though it was telling him to go down and attack the robot. 'But, why would I…?' He started to think before looking down at the machine that was slowly turning, pointing the drill in his direction.
"You… Get down from there right now!" It yelled at him.
Ash stayed in place for a second before the gem flashed again. He gave up on trying to think rationally and gave into the demands in his head as he groaned before leaping from the building he was on, performing a flip in the air before landing on the ground with dust flying up. As the dust cleared, he stared down at the machine blankly.
The machine turned and looked in his direction. "That smell… it's not coming from you… but this feeling… it's amazing!" It shouted out as the drill in it began to spin. "You're with the NSWF aren't you? No others could give of such a strong aura!" It then spun at high speed. "I must hear you SCREAM IN PAIN!" It shouted as it charged forward.
But as it reached the boy, he held his hand out and stopped it with just about no effort. He stared it down as he held it in place, seeing something from below the drill, only for some needles to come out of his hair and slice it off before the all stabbed into the robot sending it back as white liquid burst out of it.
"You…" Despite being in pain it still managed to laugh. "You're better than the rest I've had before." It started to get up, despite its damages, not noticing the four blades coming out of the boy's right knuckles. "I can't wait to rip you to bi-AGH!" It was saying before shouting in pain as he was stabbed.
"You talk too much." Ash then says as he rips his blades across the machine causing more white liquid to ooze out.
"S-so… much… p-power…" It says and was laughing even while possibly on death's door which didn't seem to faze the boy at all. "I… I honestly don't care about dying…" He raised his blades back up. "A-at least at the hands of someone as powerful… as yo-"
A shing was heard before he could even finish, which made the boy's eyebrow raise. Before suddenly the machine was split in two for a few seconds before exploding. The white liquid seemed to have covered his body as he didn't seem too focused on it. However, as the dust settled he saw a figure standing right before him.
She looked almost like him, only her body had a more human-like appearance and was wearing what appeared to be extremely revealing/sexual wear.
She had purple lines from her cheeks to her jaw, bright red hair, glowing yellow eyes, more boot like legs showing off more thighs, red gem in her right hand with a blade and looked more like high-heels and a beautiful well endowed body with an H sized bust… well that last one could be the inhuman one, he figured.
"I was hoping he would last longer, but I guess I turned up late to the party. That's what I get for being sloppy." She says as her blade retracts.
Ash, seeing no reason to see her as a threat, retracted his own blades and put his arm down. "So, what brings you here?" He asked her, hoping for some answers.
She stares at him for a second before smirking. "Well, I was gonna ask you the same thing. However, I believe we both have the same reason for being here." She moved her right hand a bit as if to gesture something.
The boy sighed mentally. 'Great… she was brought here because of one of those things as well. So much for getting answers.' He thought to himself before grunting as his hand glowed.
The woman also grunted a bit as the gem on her hand glowed red while she gripped it. They stared at each other with a noticeable tint of red on both of their faces.
'What the hell? What's going on now?' He thought to himself as the glows on their gems got brighter.
At that point, the both of them had a similar feeling inside of their bodies that was hard to resist. The blushes on their faces were as bright as day. The woman started to make her way over to him as he froze up, not knowing what to do. He didn't know why, but he felt the urge to hold his hand out and she seemed to do the same.
Their hands intertwined with each other as their gems glowed brightly. Ash looked at the woman, seeing that their heights were similar. They stared into each other's eyes without moving in the slightest. Then the woman smiled as she let go of his hand and held his shoulder.
"I don't understand this feeling but…" She says as she put her other hand on the back of his head. "Whatever it is…" She then says as she leaned against him, pressing her bust against his chest. "I like it… a lot… ~" She then says in a seductive voice.
He felt her breath against his face and a million questions were being asked in this mind. 'W-who is she? Why is she doing this? Why is this happening?' He was thinking to himself as another glow came from his arm as she inched closer to his face. "Who… who are you?" He asked.
She stopped and looked into his eyes, as if about to answer. "Hey! Who's back there!?" A voice was heard as a light was shined on them. The woman scoffed as she let go of him and took off. "Hey stop! Don't move!" He yelled.
The boy just looked back at him before following her lead and taking off in a different direction. While he was running from building to building, he was still contemplating just what the hell was happening to him. All he did was get more questions rather than answers and that never helped him in the slightest.
Being so, Ash was without a doubt convinced that what was happening might not be happening at all. He ran and ran, not knowing where he was going but didn't care. He never stopped running, wanted to believe that none of what was happening was real, and hoped that it would end, and that he wouldn't have to think about it anymore.
"The retrieval unit should handle the X-con debacle. Have you seen the video?"
"I'm watching it right now." A man was sitting at his desk holding a tablet before starting a video and seeing Ash with the woman. "She has it alright. No doubt about it."
"We got her, but the boy managed to escape."
"Don't worry about it for now. At least we got one."
"Of course sir. Do you believe he has the other?"
"I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it. Though, if we managed to get her, we'll need to find him before they do."
"Understood sir."
"... Of all chances, they let alone both of them had to show up at the worst of times."
To be continued…
Okay, I've rewritten the chapter a bit and I've tried to give it a bit more attention and include some time before certain events. Also, I made Ash and Tozawa acquainted with each other before the events of episode one happened. But still, I do hope that I do better than this one in the future so that I don't have to go back and rewrite some things.
Like I said, this idea was inspired by KingBlade of the Uchiha by Shadow Joestar. Again, check out his page and his stories as he is a great writer.
Tell me what you guys think. Do you think I could do better? Any suggestions for future chapters? Let me know. And yes, this is gonna be Ash x Masane, not a harem fanfic… unless…
Thank you for reading, and I'm done here… PEACE OUT, dudes!