SPOILERS: All seasons in general, inc 6 and the beginning of 7
RATING: PG just in case…
SUMMARY: When it's discovered that a new talent pop singer has glowing eyes SG-1 must track him down at his nearby concert to find out exactly what he is and what he's trying to do.
DISCLAIMER: These characters and stuff don't belong to me apparently – but I could've sworn they're mine! J
A/N: REVIEW!! *points to button at the bottom of the page* Or I won't write more!! J Blackmail isn't it? I'm gonna dedicate this to…umm…how about the cast and crew of Stargate to be original!! Even though they'll never read it – but hey I can dream right?
Colonel Jack O'Neill sat in front of his TV watching some man playing a guitar and singing some boring song about saving the world. He got up and walked over to his fridge, pulling the door open and getting out another beer. He was heading back to his TV when the phone rang. He groaned and turned around to pick it up.
"O'Neill," he said.
"Hi Jack, it's me," came Dr Daniel Jackson's familiar voice.
"Hi Daniel," Jack said.
"You doing anything interesting?" Daniel asked.
"No…why?" Jack replied.
"Ah, me and Teal'c just driving back from watching a movie and we're about to pass your house…mind if we drop by?" Daniel asked.
"That's fine…" Jack said. "See ya Daniel."
The minute he hung up the doorbell rang. Jack walked over and opened it, to find Daniel and Teal'c standing on his doorstep.
"Gee, you gave me a hell of a lot of warning," Jack said. "What movie did you see?"
"Star Wars," Teal'c said.
"Which one?" Jack asked.
"Attack of the Clones," Teal'c replied, smiling slightly. "It was my fourth time."
Jack raised an eyebrow at him. "You need a new obsession."
"Uh Jack, you gonna let us in?" Daniel asked.
"Oh, yeah, right," Jack said, stepping aside to let Daniel and Teal'c inside.
"You ever heard of a light switch?" Daniel asked, flicking the lights on inside.
Jack shielded his eyes. "Ow."
"What're you watching?" Teal'c asked, walking down the stairs to where his TV stood.
Teal'c stood there for a few moments staring at the singer, who was now a women singing in another language. Jack made his way to his fridge to get them both a beer.
"DanielJackson," Teal'c said.
Daniel looked up at him. "Yes Teal'c?"
"You should observe this…" Teal'c said.
Daniel walked over to Teal'c and stood next to him. The singer had changed again and was now a 20-something-year-old man was singing.
"What am I looking at?" Daniel asked.
"Keep watching," Teal'c said.
Daniel kept watching the man, who was surrounded by a bunch of back-up singing girls in skimpy outfits, walk around the stage singing. When he came to the chorus he stopped in the centre and Daniel froze.
"Jack!" he said.
"What?" Jack asked, handing Daniel a beer.
"Watch his eyes…" Daniel said, pointing at the singer.
Before Jack knew what he was looking for the singer's eyes glowed. A look of surprise spread across Jack's face, mimicking the expressions already plastered on Teal'c and Daniel's faces.
"He's a Goa'uld," Daniel stated the obvious.
Jack looked at him. "Ya think?"
A/N: Yes I know it's short…but this is the part where you pretend the opening credits roll J! And you know you want more…*nudges and winks in the direction of the review button*