Health Class quickly became the most popular course in the entire school. Anybody who was lucky enough to have gotten in were pestered by their fellow students to offer up their seats. No one ended up giving away their spot, seeing Harry Potter naked was the show of a lifetime. Every week, Tonks would demonstrate new positions with Harry, and then the students would be able to try them out with Harry themselves. While not spoken aloud, everyone knew Tonks was basically running a prostitution service with only the one escort. Even so, Harry always made time for any girl looking for a chance to come into her own as a woman, or get a repeat visit.

Within the classroom, Tonks was already on her knees and blowing Harry before the first student had even arrived. Placing his hand on her head, Harry shoved his cock down Tonks' throat, looking for release. The other students who once found this behavior in an academic setting abhorrent now looked forward to it. Even Ginny, the girl who fainted at the sight of Harry's wang, was able to properly compose herself. All the girls filled their desks and watched Harry deposit his load into her stomach, making her gag.

The raw male power on display made some of the girls fan themselves off. There were still a number of students who hadn't had the courage to schedule an appointment with him yet, but there was plenty of the time in the school year to go. He would get to all of them eventually. Gulping down his nut, Tonks playfully honked his sack and stood up. "Girls," she said, "You know the drill, I want to write at least 15 adjectives you would use to describe Harry's cock by the time he's finished inside me." Backing her ass up, she lined his dick with her vagina, prompting Harry to grab her tiny little waist in anticipation.

"Aaaannnnnd BEGIN!", Tonks cheered as Harry slammed her sex into his. Quills were flying, every student was focused on their parchment, writing down the first things that came to mind. Most wrote phrases like "Long" and "Hot," while others were more thorough with "Pulsating" and "Girthy." Their ever-excited professor spread her legs and weakly reached out for something to brace herself on. Getting impatient, she apparated a wand in her hand and flicked it at the desks of Hermione Granger and Daphne Greengrass. Suddenly, the desks, along with the two girls occupying them, rocketed towards Tonks and stopped in front of her. She slammed her hands down and gripped as hard as she could.

"Sorry girls," whined Tonks, "Sometimes you don't have time to ask for help." Hermione looked over and saw that Daphne was growing beat-red. The uptight girl always had a tendency in class to look away whenever Harry discarded his clothing, but there was no ignoring it here. Daphne was getting a front-row seat of Harry in all his splendor. She could see the sweat dripping off his pecs, the bulging biceps that could lift a python, the swollen shaft that could be compared to a python. If there wasn't so much noise in the classroom already, you could faintly here the "drip, drip" coming from under her stool.

Her attempt to avert her eyes and save face caught a glimpse of Hermione's smug smirk for a brief second. The red on her face shifted from fluster to rage, no way was she going to let her academic rival get one over on her like that. As for Hermione, she had finished her assignment long ago and was now simply enjoying the show. 'Harry was so handsome,' she thought, seeing him plow his huge cock into another woman made her think back to all the times they'd done it themselves. She daydreamed about Harry forcing himself into her tight pussy, his cock filling her love cavity. Hermione could practically feel his veins brush her insides right now.

Wait a minute, she did feel them. It wasn't just her imagination, she really felt like his cock was ramming inside her right now in the middle of class. She looked down at her skirt and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Hermione was going to check underneath her garments until she realized that maybe it wasn't the best idea to flip her skirt up. Instead, she stealthily snuck a hand underneath and went to inspect with her fingers. She didn't exactly know what she was going to feel when she got there, but the last thing she expected was a breeze. In rhythm with Harry's thrusting, Hermione felt small gusts of air puffing out of her vagina like a pair of bellows.

It didn't take long for Hermione to connect the dots between her and Tonks' vaginas. She was feeling what Tonks felt, as if she was the one being fucked and not her. No, it was more than that, Harry's cock was somehow inside her vagina AND Tonks' at the same time, creating some kind of vacuum whenever he filled her void. Not to mention, the magic cock must've been deep enough inside as to not disturb her labia or indicate to the class that anything was penetrating her, pounding away at her cervix with eagerness. She would have to keep calm and pretend she wasn't having an orgasm in order to not embarrass herself in front of everybody.

Taking all that into account, it became fairly obvious that this was the work of some kind of teleportation/replication spell. It's machinations were so laser focused on embarrassing her alone that there could've only been one culprit. Sure enough, she looked back over to see Daphne Greengrass had her wand concealed. That witch had placed a spell on her that used today's demonstration to her advantage. Hermione cursed herself, it was bad enough that she was exhausted today, but now she had to deal with the threat of her reputation being destroying on top of that.

Defiant, she took this as a challenge and hardened her resolve; she would take Harry's dick without a soul catching on. The poor girl's panties were practically soaked, already the challenge was proving to be too much for her to handle. She'd underestimated the power of Harry's penis, big mistake. Hermione couldn't have been in a more compromising position. She started wishing that Harry would just hurry up and spare her the humiliation any longer. The congregating couple were completely oblivious to the whole affair, rutting away like senseless rabbits. Meanwhile, Greengrass was grinning fiercely to herself, it was about time someone took that fact-correcting know-it-all down a peg.

Hermione tried her hardest to clamp her jaw down and avoid moaning, but a few squeaks managed to escape here and there. Thankfully, she could feel the tell-tale twitch that told her Harry was almost done; the girl just needed to last a few more seconds. Stewing in her frustration, Hermione began to concoct a revenge of her own on that blue-blooded bitch. When Greengrass glanced away, she took the opportunity to flick her wand and cast a spell to be used later. Tonks finally exploded and wrung Harry's cock for his release. The hung wizard obliged and came hard inside of Tonks, making her scream with pleasure. Hermione felt herself being filled by Harry's salty load as well, a scorching mass that spread throughout her insides.

In the afterglow, Tonks leaned on Harry's body and gave him a kiss for such a good job. Walking on wobbly legs, Tonks positioned herself behind the desk and bent over on top. Hermione got excited; having naturally read ahead, she knew what was coming next. "Now I've been saving this next technique for some time now," she warned, "I didn't want any of you trying it out without the proper training." Harry joined Tonks behind the desk, hot dogging her ass-crack as she explained. "This is a very dangerous position if you're unprepared," she said, cueing Harry.

The boy grabbed his wand and pointed it at her anus, "Frictus Negato!", he commanded. Tonks could feel her rectum getting soggier, more squishy and malleable.

"I repeat," she said, "Do NOT try this without lubrication first, you're gonna hate yourself if you do it raw." The students saw Harry line his cock up his Tonks' asshole and slowly ease it in. The professor breathed calmly, taking a dick that size in her ass required intense mental fortitude. Fortitude that Greengrass did not have as she began feeling something poke her sphincter at the same time. Grabbing hold of the desk, her unlubed anus experienced a pain unlike any she'd known before. "That's right Harry, balls deep," Tonks insisted, "You have to go balls deep." Daphne Greengrass could tell she was in for a ride.

She looked over, furious that Hermione would use the same trick against her. Hermione briefly glanced in her direction, pretending like she had no idea what was going on. Internally though, Hermione was judge, jury, and executioner; gleefully exacting vengeance tenfold on her hated rival. Greengrass was not prepared for this kind of assault on her butthole today. She began to sweat, trying to withstand the girth slowly crawling up her rectum. Harry eased in and of Tonks, and while the professor was experiencing mass amounts of pleasure, Greengrass felt like she was going to scream.

Hermione wished she would've thought of this years ago. Over the years, Daphne had regularly flaunted her "genetic perfections" everywhere she went. Her straight black hair was to die for, her luxurious legs sent the boys howling in droves, but most of all, she easily had the hugest tits in the entire school. She boasted they were a physical manifestation of how superior she was to all the half-breeds and mudboods that surrounded her. An heir to the Greengrass family, she was just like all the other inbred purebloods obsessed with their precious purity. Unfortunately, it was this perceived superiority that opened her up to the surprise attack in the first place.

"Faster Harry," commanded Tonks, "Faster." Harry was at factory speed, working like a piston and devastating Tonks' anal cavity. Greengrass hated every second of it, the idea that a half-blood was having his way with her. Despicable, disgraceful, disgusting. And yet, having endured this for a few minutes, Daphne was surprised to find it actually started to feel pretty good. Her anus had gotten used to being destroyed. The girl was starting to understand the appeal of butt sex. Sure, there was a giant pain threshold, but that proved to be a minor trial to such a pureblood like herself. She faced the ass-disaster with dignity, accepting Harry's cock with class like a graceful debutante.

'So this was what everyone had been talking about for weeks now,' she thought. Daphne Greengrass had not seen to partake in Harry herself, feeling it was beneath her to engage in the same depraved activities as her lower peers. That and the cum in her face might have had something to do with it.

At the same time, Tonks could feel Harry twitching in her asshole. "That's right. Blow, blow in all inside me," she excitedly gritted through her teeth. Harry wiped the sweat off his forehead and slammed into her behind, releasing globs of cum right into her ass. Greengrass' sphincter got a gooey load courtesy of one Harry Potter, making her reel and shiver in disgust. She knew that she would be feeling this gunk inside her for the rest of the day, absolutely repulsive. Daphne was so distracted by the goop pouring into her creases that she failed to notice Harry Potter going in for one final slam in Tonks' anus.

Leaving her sensitive butthole vulnerable, Daphne didn't have time to prepare for the surprise attack. Feeling the anal invasion return without warning, a loud, "KeeYaaaaaaaa," escaped her lips. She covered her mouth but it was already too late, all the girls snapped their attention to her. Her face burned red, utterly mortified and embarrassed. Daphne wanted to be anywhere but there right now. She could already tell what the rumors were going to be: Daphne Greengrass was so turned on that she came in her britches right in class. Her classmates started giggling and her friends were turning their noses up, there was no way she was going to be able to live this down.

The giggling grew louder in volume, and pretty soon, everyone was joining in to laugh at Greengrass' misfortune. All Daphne wanted to do was curl up in a ball and die. She braced herself for what Tonks had to say. If it was anything like the first class, it was going to be humiliating. Her teacher opened her mouth, "Morphum!", and flicked her wand, causing everyone surrounding Daphne to instantly fall asleep. Harry's unconscious body slumped on top of Tonks, leaving them the only two woman awake. "Is there something you'd like to tell me now that we're alone?", Tonks asked patiently.

Daphne was stunned, "W-Why did you-?"

"Trust me, dear," se said, "I've had my fair share of embarrassing moments in my youth. Sometimes the best thing about being a teacher is doing all the things who'd wished your professor did for you." Strange enough, Daphne did feel a bizarre wave of relief wash over her, another second or two of that train-wreck and she might've actually started shedding tears. "I'm going to assume it wasn't just a coincidence that you had a shattering orgasm on the same stroke as Harry," Tonks continued.

Picking herself up off the desk, Daphne regained her composure and pointed like a juvenile child, "Hermione put Harry's dick in my butt."

"Did she know?", Tonks gleamed towards Hermione. Flicking her wand again, Hermione shot up, regaining consciousness. "Daphne claims that you did something to her butt in the middle of class Miss Granger," scolded Tonks, "I'm all one for a practical joke, but this seemed to be in rather poor taste."

Hermione stood out of her desk, "I only did it because she put a portal in my pussy."

Tonks turned back to Daphne, "Is this true as well?"

Greengrass' eyes glanced away, "Maybe."

"Maybe, my ass," shouted Hermione, "That pompous, bloated bitch has been screwing with me for years."

"Well, If you were as smart as you claim you are, you wouldn't be so easy to screw with," she fired back, "You're completely incompetent, Granger. The only reason you suck up to all the teachers is so they'll fix all your problems for you."

The insults went back and forth, "I do not suck up to my professors."

"Yes you do," Daphne snapped.

Hermione turned, "Miss Tonks, who do you trust more, me or her?"

"Oh my god," yelled Daphne, "You're doing it right now."

Disappointed at how these young adults were acting, Tonks took a deep sigh, "Okay, here's what I'm going to do." The pink-haired professor cast a spell that swirled in the air, split in two, and shot up the arguing pair's cunts. "Each of you know in your heart who the guilty party is, so I'll let your own guilt decide the innocent one," she explained, "From here on out, the only ones responsible for embarrassing you will be yourselves." Raising her wand, she cast a minor memory charm on everyone else asleep in class. Even Harry who was leaning on Tonks' back, still inside her whilst comatose. Afterward, she magically arose everyone from their slumber, completely unaware that they were asleep at all.

Hermione and Daphne stood on baited breath, fearing what might happen to the two of them next. Popping off of Harry's cock, Tonks walked back in front of the desk. "I was going to save this technique for a future class," she spoke, "But I feel it's poignant now as ever." Harry was confused about where she was going with this and whispered for his next direction. After receiving instruction, he got on his knees while Tonks sat on her desk, legs crossed. "Pay attention ladies. This is the greatest weapon a man can have in his arsenal," she decreed. The lad uncrossed her legs and opened her thighs before leaning his face into her quaffed crotch.

Sticking his tongue out, he began to lick along her vulva. Tonks purred with delight while the two warring witches felt both their nethers being snacked on at the same time. The professor wasn't truly sure who the guilty party was, so she'd linked the portal to their malicious intent, dispensing justice only on those with a sinful heart. It seemed that both girls were in need of some just deserts. Now the two were trapped in a game of "Don't cum your brains out in front of the whole class." Daphne and Hermione gave each other glares, blaming the other for their current predicament. While Hermione had better composure due to her frequent previous meetings with Harry, the touch of a man was completely unknown to Daphne.

Her family had strict policies about the pleasures of the flesh, being told that it was a filthy mudblood activity. Masturbation was a sign of weakness, unbefitting of purebloods such as themselves. Arousal was a fleeting temptation that was not to be indulged or pursued. Intercourse was a means to an end, only done for the sake of continuing the family line. The pureblood caste of wizard society had similar hypocritical customs and counter-productive practices all throughout their station. Thing is though, puberty happens to everybody, and the pureblooded Daphne Greengrass was just as overcome with burning hormones as any other girl.

Cute boys and handsome wizards flooded her adolescent mind. Whenever she felt the urge to reach for her tingling slit, she took a cold shower, never knowing what a true orgasm felt like. Daphne couldn't bare to bring shame to her household, so she spurned the affection of every young boy brave enough to ask her out. She had fooled herself into thinking they simply weren't worthy of her, that there was truly a purpose to all this segregation. Marriage was sacred, and she would swell with pride knowing that she kept the Greengrass name strong.

Why then did Harry feel so good inside her? What insane god would put him on this earth if he didn't want them to fuck? For 18 long years, she'd remained pure and unsullied. And within one class, her entire worldview had shattered completely. Harry's tongue felt wonderful on her clitoris, making her lower regions spring leak after leak. She knew this was supposed to be a punishment, but Daphne couldn't help but feel Tonks had done her a favor. Her tightening anus squeezed dollops of cum out of her ass, making soggy wet spots on her pantie bottoms. Filth was good, filth made her feel free.

Despite the added experience, Hermione was having trouble keeping her cool. Even after all her additional research, she'd never dared try cunnilingus with Harry. She wanted to save that for a special occasion, but Greengrass just had to ruin everything. That being said, she could hardly complain with his technique; Hermione would've loved to try this again in a more intimate location. Both girls fidgeted in their seats, trying desperately to keep their whimpers to a low volume. It was only a matter of time before one of them slipped up, and with the way Harry was going, it would be sooner rather than later.

Harry, muff muncher extraordinaire, put two fingers in Tonk's pussy while still using his tongue. Daphne briefly thought about blowing the whole thing and just letting Harry know what he was doing to her, but her pride wouldn't allow her to admit defeat when in direct competition with Hermione. God, she hated that girl. Daphne gripped her table harder and gritted her teeth down harder, huffing and puffing to keep from giving up the goat. The strain was getting to Hermione, she felt like she could burst at any time. Feeling closed in with nowhere to go, a spark of inspiration suddenly hit her.

She shuffled out of her desk and politely asked, "May I go to the bathroom?"

"Of course you can," replied Tonks. Hermione diligently stepped out of the classroom and made her way to the restroom.

'You've got to be kidding me!', thought Daphne, 'You can just DO THAT! What the hell?! That's so stupid, why didn't I think of that?' Greengrass also stood up to leech off Hermione's idea and was excused just as easily. Daphne raced out of the room, down the hall, and into the abandoned toilets, trying to avoid leaving a trail in the halls while doing so.

The pureblood found Hermione already there, rubbing her clit like a coked-out stain remover. Daphne confronted her with a husky voice "That…wasn't…fair," she accused.

"There was nothing saying we had to stay in the classroom while enduring this," explained Hermione, "Besides, I'm about to lose it."

Daphne sat across from her, "A-ha, so you admit that you would've lost."

"Pipe down Greengrass and enjoy the carpet ride," she said while bunching her unmentionables to her ankles, "We might be here a while." Spreading her legs wide for Daphne to see, she got right back to work. "Oh, that's good. OoOoh yeah, that's the spot," she moaned to herself.

Daphne felt repulsed witnessing Granger like this, but without prying eyes, she felt the need to join her. Her hand slowly reached down to her pussy and began rubbing in tiny circles just as quick. Without thinking, Daphne accidentally lets out some involuntary whines. She looked around to see if the coast was clear, the only people in the room were her and the Gryffindork. Normally, she wouldn't embarrass herself like this in front of her nemesis, but they seemed to have a mutual agreement. If one blew the whistle, the other would follow suit to tattle just as fast; mutually assured destruction makes for the best of allies.

It felt somewhat liberating to finally let loose a little, no one to judge her or call her a disgrace. Their voices echoed in the empty chamber, creating a salvation of sin. Hermione needed the release so badly, she leaned back and let Harry do the rest. Her legs spasmed and quaked before splatting her love juices all over the floor. Daphne forgot she still had panties on and came all over her silken garments. They were in the thrall of afterglow for a brief few moments before realizing that Harry was still going, unaware that either of them were already spent.

"No, stop," cried Daphne, "It's too sensitive."

"My poor clit can't take much more of this," replied Hermione. The enraptured girls fell right back into the arms of arousal, squealing to high heaven. Daphne felt her nipples poke the inside of her shirt, uncomfortably rubbing against the cloth. She ripped off her blouse and let the puppies loose, buttons flying everywhere. Her bra was torn to shreds as she desperately tried to get her girls some air. The magnificent rank of Daphne Greengrass was admittedly a sight to behold for Hermione. Her nipples were as big as thumbs and as hard as diamonds. Hermione missed messing around with her own boobs, but they'd gotten too sensitive lately for casual playtime.

Daphne's massive breasts heaved and swelled, finally allowing her to breath. With room to spare, she let out some nice, loud, "HOOOOOooo"s and "AWWWwwwww"'s. She sounded near-close to a husky bovine, even if it was a little insulting to compare her to a cow. Hermione decided to join in, letting her shrill wails partner with Daphne's exasperated moans. In no time, the two were on the verge of another climax. However, right before they could peak, the licking ceased. Harry had finished Tonks to completion back in the classroom, leaving the pair deeply unsatisfied.

"No, no, not yet, I was so close," whined Greengrass, "He can't leave me like this." She looked up to see an equally agitated Hermione looming over her. Without warning, Hermione took her fist and shoved it right up Daphne's hoo-ha, fitting her entire forearm in there. Greengrass was too frozen stiff to question what the hell Hermione was thinking, and it was best she didn't because the real action was happening back in Tonks' classroom. Having just made the professor cum, Harry had leaned back, only for an arm to suddenly shot out of her vagina and latched onto Harry's jaw.

The students screamed in horror, witnessing this waking nightmare. Struggling like a bass on a fishline, Harry tried to wrestle away but Hermione's grip was too powerful. He couldn't even move his mouth to scream as the arm began reeling him in towards Tonks' gaping maw. His head was magically consumed by her vagina, soon followed by the rest of his entire body slipping inside her. There was an awkward silence as the students stood there mortified, having just seen their teacher's vagina eat Harry Potter. "Um," said a bewildered Tonks, "Class dismissed?"

Ginny fainted.

From Harry's point of view, it looked like he was being eaten by a giant Venus Fly Trap. Expecting death, Harry was taken by surprise when he was suddenly shunted onto the girls' bathroom floor. His mind raced with thoughts like, 'Why is there a bathroom inside Tonks' vagina?', "Has her vagina always been a portkey?', and 'Holy Shit! This floor is cold.' Daphne was still in shell-shock, having seen Hermione produce a full-grown man out of her pussy.

Harry was lifted to his feet by Hermione and straightened up. "You made the two of us horny, and now you're going to do something about it," she commanded.

Still confused, Harry said, "What?"

"Look at our vaginas," ordered Hermione, "They're sobbing wet. Be a man and take responsibility for what you've done."

Daphne felt inspired and joined in, "Y-yeah! This is all your fault, so you have to take care of us."

Harry's eyes darted all over the room, "I still don't know what you're talking about."

"Ugh," Hermione groaned, "Do I have to spell it out, Harry? Use. That. Cock. and Make. Us. Cum."

"Yeah, to hell with my hymen," cried Daphne, "I wanna get laid."

"Would you girls slow down for one second?", he yelped.

Hermione had lost her patience, "Daphne, hold him down."

Daphne grabbed his legs and held him in place while Hermione got Harry in a full nelson. Working together, the girls gently lowered him to the floor on his back. "Sorry Harry," she said, "But we only have so little time before that fleeting high wears off. We need to restart immediately."

"So all you girls want is a little pick-me-up?", asked Harry.

"Now he gets it," said an exasperated Hermione as she sat on his face.

"Mfff," Harry muffled, "Ok, I jus wish u too werant so forsfol."

"Hush up," she instructed, "You have a lot of ground to cover." With no other way out, Harry did as she said and began lapping her pussy. It felt just as good as the first time. Daphne was busy jerking Harry back to a full erection, finally ready to give herself into the lust. If she was going to hell, she was going to ride the devil she sold her soul to all the way down. Greengrass pressed her stomach against his rock-hard cock, lined it up with lips and…

"AAAHHhhh," she shrieked, a piercing split resonated in Daphne's core. It was way worse than the dick up her bum minutes ago, at least that time she didn't feel like she was being stabbed. Her eyes teared up, feeling the blood of her lost virginity trickle out of her sex. This was it, this was God's punishment for giving into temptation, just like her mother said.

Suddenly, she felt a hand clasp her's and squeeze tight. Hermione, of all people, was giving her support, "You will get used to it, but you just have to be strong." Daphne's first thought was to slap her hand away, but something else deep inside told her that it was okay to trust her.

The girl simply nodded her head and started easing on his cock, gripping Hermione's hand the whole time. "Now," said Hermione, spurring Harry like a horse, "Hop to it." Daphne was being slow and methodical with her thrusts, not wanting to break her sore pussy so quickly. She'd never had a real cock inside her pussy, but she could approximate how it was suppose to feel based on everyone's descriptions. The girth spread her tunnel wide and the length stretched to places she never knew existed inside her. After a while, Daphne let go of Hermione's hand and decided to brave the pain on her own.

Hermione continued to rock back and forth on Harry's face, her little bean getting ripe. Juices flowed from her chasm and slathered the man beneath; Harry was drowning in snatch. Cute little moans and whines erupted from the back of her throat, she was finally back on the road to climax. Daphne was also making progress, having gotten past the growing pains and ready to start doing some real damage to her insides. She felt her walls clamp on his dick, memorizing it's shape for years to come. Her boobs bounced as she squatted on his cock and made load flopping sounds.

Greengrass unintentionally found herself panting in rhythm with Hermione, gasping in the spaces between each others' moans.







It was adorable. The symphony of sex was music to Harry's ears, easing him alarmingly close to the edge one too many times. "Are you…getting cold, Harry?", asked Daphne, refusing to stop bouncing.

Harry briefly escaped Hermione's thighs to answer, "No. Why?", before being pushed back into place.

"Because you're shivering," she said.

Hermione added to the conversation, "What are you talking about? I don't..feel him shivering."

Daphne replied, "Are you sure, he's been..trembling inside me..for a while now. If that's not him..being cold then-?"

As if on cue, Harry blew his load inside Daphne, spewing cum out of his throbbing member. That orgasm set off a chain reaction in Daphne and made her climax at the same time as him. Hearing her explode, Hermione couldn't hold on any longer and came all over Harry's face as well. All three of them slowly winded down and slumped to the floor, curling up next to each other, one witch for each arm. Daphne stuck Harry's left arm in the crevice of her enormous bosom and cuddled up to the cutie. Hermione draped Harry's right arm over her like a towel and pawed at his chest.

They were all enjoying the afterglow when pieces of paper started falling on top of them. Looking around, they quickly saw the source of the scraps. The ghost of the girls' bathroom, Moaning Myrtle, was making it rain on their collapsed bodies. Ghost dollars descended down on the trio in appreciation of their hard work. "Knock it off," Hermione exclaimed.

"I gotta tell ya, I've been seeing people sucking and fucking in this bathroom for decades. So when I say, 'Holy Shit!', please take that as a compliment," remarked Myrtle.

Daphne instinctively tried covering her naked body with her limbs. Myrtle turned to Hermione, "Hey, are those Harry's cum stains in your hair?"

"Would you get out of here?!", Hermione chastised.

"Jeez, fiiiiiiine," she groaned, "It's not like it's anything I haven't seen before."

Myrtle stepped into a toilet and flushed herself away. Finally, the setting was calm again-until Myrtle dripped her head out on the sink behind them, spooking them a second time. "Oh and, uh…don't sweat it, rich girl," she continued, "I've seen your mom come here all the time with muggle-born boys when she was your age."

"What did I just say," Hermione threw a shoe at her, phasing right through her head.

"Spoiler: it's cause purebloods have really tiny dicks," Myrtle shared. Hermione flicked her wand at the pipes and made them cycle, sucking Myrtle up into the plumbing. "WHICH INCLUDED TOM RIDDDDDDDLLLLEEEEE," she wailed as she was washed away.

"I knew it!", cried Harry.

"If you're all done over there, would you mind coming back," a voice rang from Daphne's vagina. Tonks was waiting on the other end for the three to finish their three-way for some time now.

Hermione stood at attention, "Miss Tonks, we'll come right over as soon as we get dressed."

"Eh, don't bother," she said, extending her hand through the vagina and grabbing Harry's arm, pulling him through. A second later, Tonks gave her hand again, taking Hermione and dragging her in as well. Daphne was feeling right used by this point, people coming and going through her holes.

Tonks' arm came through a third time, "You too, Daphne." She looked around the room, wondering if she heard her right. "Yes yes, hurry along," she insisted. Daphne cautiously took the hand that was sprouting out of her crotch and was pulled, Ouroboros-style into her own vagina before blinking out of existence. Being turned inside out and right-side up again, she exited Tonks' vulva and found herself back in the empty classroom with Hermione and Harry. Crossing her legs, Tonks asked, "Now, have the two of you learned your lesson?"

Looked at each other and Hermione responded, "To be honest, I kinda forgot what we were fighting over."

The professor stroked her chin, amused, "Hmm, I guess it worked better than I thought."

Hermione turned back to Daphne and spoke, "So we cool?"

Daphne took a second to respond, contemplating what she'd gained today. She murmured, "Maybe…for a little bit anyway…You're still kind of a Teacher's Pet."

"And you're still pretty pompous," remarked Hermione.

"Can you blame me?", she said, grabbing her breasts, "There are dragon eggs smaller than my girls."

"Hey," warned Tonks, "We'd just gone through this, don't you start back-peddling now. I want you two to shake hands and make up." Their arms remained at their sides, too embarrassed to shake like an after-school special. "Fine, I'll make it easier," she said, fisting her entire arm into her pussy and making two grow out of their respective vaginas. The wacky professor then made the two limbs shake each other at crotch level. Somehow this did not improve their relationship. "He he, imagine all the things you can carry," Tonks joked. "Hey, watch this," she said before making the appendices arm-wrestle, "This is what philosophers are talking about when they say the unstoppable force meets the immovable object."

At this point, Tonks was just messing around, "Hey Harry, can you come here for a second? I wanna make the girls hermaphrodites."

"No no no," they both objected, but it was too late. She'd already shoved Harry's entire scrotum and ballsack inside, planting two matching penises on Hermione and Daphne.

Neither of them could bare to look, "Oh, come on. Blow each other, be pals," offered Tonks.

Daphne exclaimed, "I've made many compromises today, but sucking Hermione's dick is a bridge too far."

"At least let me get in a little make-out session before you go," said Tonks as she pushed Harry out and diving inside her own puss. Two equally gorgeous Tonks torsos burst forth from their uteruses, causing the girls to jump back in shock.

"It's all right, ladies," one of the Tonkses said, "It's called 'self-cest."

The other Tonks spoke, "And I've been wanting to get inside my mouth for years." Reaching their arms out and pulling, the two Tonks forced Hermione and Daphne closer together so they could properly taste the others' tongue.

Harry was getting hard all over again seeing the pink-haired vixens lovingly kiss and caress each other. Their arms moved down along their backs, feeling their own flawless flesh. It was masturbatory in every sense of the word.

The moment was interrupted by Hermione, "Hey, how are you two able to speak independently?"

"You're overthinking this, Miss Granger," said Tonks 1, "It's just like an embryo splitting apart into twins and becoming separate entities."

"Of course, if we were to exit out the portal here, we'd be permanently disconnected," explained Tonks 2, "Complete with the same baby in our own bellies."

"Actually, that's how the Patil sisters were conceived," added Tonks 1.

"WHAT?!", shouted all three onlookers.

"Oh yeah," said a Tonks, "They're not twins, they're just the same person twice. Long story, but basically there was a portal accident one day, and that resulted in Mr. Patil unexpectedly having two daughters to care for."

"And two wives to please," affirmed the other.

"Lucky guy," said the first.

"Regardless," said the second, "I'm not quite ready to be a pair of mamas just yet, so it's about time we wrapped things up."

The pair of Tonkses slipped back from whence they came and merging into one, "Woof, two sets of memories only get worse the longer you stay separated. That's enough of that." With a flick of her wand, the portals shattered, leaving everyone with normal genitals once more. "I gotta say though, you really surprised me with that stunt," she commended Hermione, "Had to explain to everyone how I wasn't carrying a monster fetus and that it didn'tjust eat Harry. Don't get me wrong, it was hilarious, well worth the hassle. You should've seen the nurses wheel out Ginny."

Hermione giggled to herself before suddenly getting a massive headache and needing to sit down. "Oh yeah, those'll happen sometimes, part of the reason why I can't wait for this guy to find a new home," Tonks said as she rubbed her stomach.

"I guess portals are like any other Port Key, and'll make you just as sick," said Harry.

"Are you seriously that dull?", Daphne huffed, "She's obviously-"

Hermione suddenly cleared her throat to shut Daphne up. "Ixnay on Abybay," she communicated, "Have not oldtay I'm keeping Itway, kay?"

"We're having a baby?!", cried Harry.

"Oh, thank god," said Daphne, "I was afraid for a second."

Tonks got shot a glare from Hermione for spoiling the whole thing before turning back to Harry. The professor glanced away, hoping to deflect the blame. "Yes," she said. "Look, I know you might be upset-"

Harry lunged forward and bear hugged Hermione. "We're gonna be parents!", he laughed.

"Well," Hermione shrugged, "I wasn't expecting that reaction. You are a big doof, aren't you?"

"Glad you said it so I didn't have to," snarked Daphne. Hermione was too happy to snap back, she would kill Daphne another day.