"Dad, you said you didn't have a quirk," Izuku eyed his father suspiciously. Tsunayoshi rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"No, Izu, I don't have one," replied Tsuna, and something told Izuku that it was the truth, but logic told him it was bullshit.

"So...why is there a flame on your forehead?" Because if that wasn't a quirk, he didn't know what it was.

Tsunayoshi grimaced. He'd hoped Izuku wouldn't learn of his heritage until he was old enough to understand the bloodshed, but he and Inko were prepared for this eventuality.

"C'mere. Let this old man tell you a time long since passed," Tsuna smiled wryly to himself, patting the seat of the couch as he sat down on it. The flame on his head still hadn't abated. It likely wouldn't go out quite soon, not with how high strung Tsuna was at the moment. But he had time.

He always had time for his family.

Warily, Izuku did as he was told.

"Now, back in the late 14th century, there was this man named Giotto..."

an hour later…

...his dad was a fucking criminal.

Izuku was the son of a criminal.

Oh, and the weird magic fire was there too, he guessed.

But his dad was a goddamn mafia boss of one of the biggest crime syndicates in history!

His dad! Sweet old dad who still shrieked at the top of his lungs watching scary movies!

His! Dad!

It was hard to compute a picture of his sweet loving clumsy father with the image of a cold, closed-off, and imposing mafia boss like he'd seen in the Godfather, old classic that it was.

He told his dad as much, and had to reel back in shock as his dad rolled his eyes derisively and scoffed.

"That movie was an affront to every self-respecting mafioso out there, myself included," said his dad. "It was good, story wise, but they really didn't capture the essence of mafia at all."

Morbidly curious, Izuku asked what actual mafia life was like.

"Paperwork," was the prompt answer. "Paperwork, destroyed property, making sure my men didn't cause any collateral damage to any of our property listings, etc."

This delved into a heavy discussion about underworld politics and economy.

(Inko stepped inside the room, about to greet her husband and son from a long day of work, and found the two in a heated discussion about the ethics of smuggling illegal cargo over privately owned lands.

She slowly backed out of the living room and called up Mitsuki Bakugou to a short coffee trip.)

"So basically, mafia famiglia are like tiny kingdoms?"

"Exactly….you're taking this better that I thought you would."

"Oh, no, as soon as this is over I'm going to crawl up to my room and cry," replied Izuku blithely. "But this is really interesting, Dad, so go on."

Tsuna shook his head. "I guess you did take after me, huh? Anyway, yes, we were essentially tiny Kingdoms. Italy in particular was under the control of my family, as well as over half of Japan at this point."

Izuku's eyes bugged out. "Did you say half of Japan?"

His father raised a brow. "Yeah. How else did you think I was able to stay here unbothered by the local authorities?"

"Fake ID's are a thing!"

"Paper trails are dangerous, Izu. I'm the boss of an internationally infamous criminal syndicate, what good would fake identities bring me?"

Izuku didn't really get that part. His Dad was centuries old. Why wouldn't he benefit from a few fake identities?

"So you took over half of Japan to stay here?"

"Nah. I only did this because one of my old subordinates, Kyoya, had a thing for Namimori."



"Half of Japan is Namimori. It is one of two states in Japan."

"...I did say Vongola owns half of Japan, yes?"

"We covered this in history lessons. They say the cause for two states in Japan was because of a civil war!"

(This lesson covered in Japan History was a very memorable one for Izuku. Out of the blue Japan suddenly got separated into two major states. Namimori, and Osaka. Statistics show that major Japanese villains tended to come from Osaka, while successful overseas workers came from Namimori.)

"...I mean, half my subordinates at the time were Japanese natives. They weren't wrong?"

"You mean to tell me that of all things I theorized, a gang yakuza war, which was the most ludicrous thing I thought up, was the right one?"

"Er...I suppose?"

Izuku needed a nap. Maybe several.

Tsunayoshi had to stifle his chuckles when his son burrowed further into his embrace, ignoring the world outside. Izuku was his son alright.